Why “They” Kill the “Intellectuals” First

Image may contain: possible text that says 'It is absurd to allow politicians to vote on term limits! Put it on the ballot and let the voters decide. It will pass the first election cycle! We're tired of being ruled by corrupt bureaucrats!! made with mematic'


Why “They” Kill the “Intellectuals” First…


If you think changing the tail that wiggles the ass will redirect the head, you know nothing about the strength of the Federal Bureaucracy, about the Unions and “GS” ranks and the Fear of the elected that they will talk! A week after a Federal Election they know a gal’s bra size, and the bra size that turns a man’s head. They know who’s corrupt, who’s perverted, who’s powerful and who’s a wuss, they know what school your kids attend, and how close you and your nanny are, they even know your favorite food and sex act, and you are theirs forever if you ever conflated the two. And you may be holy, but your spouse, your kids, your dad or your mother-in-law, the postman, the cop on the beat, your CPA, someone saw something, someone knows something, so shut up and pass all the bills you want, Federal Employees, GS-1 to 15, ES-1 to 5, you can’t really touch them, without giving up your political career.

Ever wonder why we have Roe v Wade? DC was the abortion capital of the US before that decision, and 1/2 the women working in DC had aborted, and most of the men in DC had knocked someone up, including Senators, Representatives, many Staffers, Judges and Justices! And if not the Jurists themselves then their wives, children, clerks or girlfriends! Dear God, without the Pill and Abortion, morality might have had a chance, once did have a chance, because there was a price to pay to play… but now, no consequences, AOC can dance suggestively on a bar… where she worked, and no one cares… and the Congressmen who don’t live to get a little, they don’t out of fear, not of God, but of losing campaign donations; they don’t need the soft bosoms of young women, they are nursing the big teats of Corporate PAC’s and generous billionaires. Look at the wealth they spread around, look at the Biden Family, the Clinton’s, even the Bush Brothers. Look at retired Congressmen “Double Dipping,” and the increased family wealth of any politically connected person. In Georgia, ask how wealthy is Andrew Young’s brother, or how is John Lewis a millionaire? Ask: What is Nathan Deal’s net worth?

Good men, and women, don’t run for public office… they may be good first time out, but they will kill to run and win the second time!

So go out and find 535 virgins and elect every one of them. In two years most will be whores, or they will be righteous souls keeping their mouths shut and gonads hidden, appalled to know what they know, constrained to say what they should, afraid to meet a friend of Hillary’s in a dark alley one night.

Am I a cynic? A Hypocrite? I never ate so well, drank such good whiskey and toyed with such pretty emotions as I did in DC! But then I am a sinner and I know it!

One other thought to leave you with… American is not now, nor ever was a “Christian Nation” It was for a fairly long time, at least by the standards of men, a “Nation of Christians.” But then that peaked 60 or so years ago… there are “No Atheists in Foxholes”… but those saintly men and women, called the Greatest Generation, couldn’t live forever, and their children, God help us all, just wanted to “Tune In, Turn On and Drop Out,” you know, us Boomers, we “Just Wanted to Have Fun.”

Well, are you? Having Fun? Read Gibbon, the last fifty years of the Roman Republic mirrors the times in which we live. We don’t really think of Pagan Rome as more moral, more righteous than we are now, but they were. Family, religion, honor, that’s why our Founding Father’s called their most auspicious and sacred society “the Society of Cincinnatus,” that’s why they emulated the Roman Republic and created an American Republic, with an Eagle to clinch the Tri-Colors and the Fasces, and, as an aside, that’s why abortion was originally illegal in both Republics.

It was only when the mob ruled, only when the uneducated could demand free bread, and constant “entertainment,” and threaten chaos and public order; only when the Priests seduced the Virgins; only when the Senate found the wealth of the oligarchs laid at their door, only when licentiousness replaced piety; only when the singular “I” replaced the plural “We”; only when we and them made heroes of Gladiators and Game Players; only when laughter replaced empathy, and only when the mob got “high” watching others suffer and die, it was only then that it was too late.

Yes, it is absurd to replace a mob of 535 Congressmen and women voting on term limits with a mob of 154 million citizens. It’s merely spitting in the winds of corruption, but hey! If it feels good…

‘Nuff Said!

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