DC archbishop criticizes long-planned Trump visit to Catholic shrine as ‘reprehensible’



https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/dc-archbishop-criticizes-long-planned-trump-visit-to-catholic-shrine-as-reprehensible?utm_content=bufferb5553&utm_medium=LSN%2Bbuffer&utm_source=facebook&utm_      campaign=LSN&fbclid=IwAR0dQXuhibrKEaEjCtqVOVFHWiUBWWSd8ENUDf2DlmVZUHphzaLwzjHLzAA

Archbishop Wilton Gregory was a toady, an Uncle Tom, a weak and spineless Priest whose main desire in Atlanta was to “go along to get along.” He led no demonstration against Planned Parenthood, sat down on the curb of no Abortion Clinic, denied the sacraments to no abortionist or Roman Catholic parishioner who supported the murder of Innocents . Further, he encouraged no growth, reform or tuition relief of the Parochial Schools in the urban core, or elsewhere. Perhaps he quietly encouraged a review of the Death Penalty, behind the scenes, but there is little evidence that if he did so, it had any effect. His Blackness was his chief quality, that and the fact that he generally “shut up” and did absolutely nothing to encourage the involvement of the Roman Catholic Church in offering alternatives to the overtly sexual and violent ethos of the African America entertainment industry centered in Atlanta, Georgia, and to a growing majority of African American Catholics who sought moral leadership and guidance.

His appointment to the Bishopric in Atlanta, and later in Washington DC, both centers of African American Culture, reflects the cynicism and manipulative nature of the Roman Church and the Papacy, “Give the Negroes what they want, a Black face in a Bishop’s Robe.”

As President of the US Conference of Bishops his efforts to “control” the deviancy of celibate mature men; to contain the damage and harm to the institutional “Mother Church,” and, of course, to minimize financial damage to Roman Catholic Dioceses through-out American were notable, and laughable! May God forgive his inept and vapid leadership; he is, as are so many Roman clerics, at best a dutiful eunuch and at worse a croziered suborner of moral depravity.

In his latest escapade, the Archbishop seeks to ingratiate himself with the rich and powerful African American coterie who “rule” Washington D.C. and to inflate his own image as being “like” his Ordinary, John Paul II, who was, in the Archbishops words: “Saint Pope John Paul II was an ardent defender of the rights and dignity of human beings…” Just like I wish I was…. What sinful pride could compel a man, let alone a cleric, to conflate growing up ‘Black” in Chicago, being groomed as a apologist for a corrupt institution, and doing very little to stem the rampant moral and physical corruption of his Church and Flock as a Priest, Bishop, and Archbishop, with the life of a man who embodies courage and moral fortitude, John Paul II, who endured the tyranny of NAZI socialism, the vacuity of Soviet communism, and the impotency of Papal policy only to lead his people to freedom and righteousness.

Perhaps Archbishop Gregory has privately denied the Eucharist to Catholic members of the House and Senate who support not only the murder of innocents but a compendium of humanist and paternalist activities, all of which are counter to Catholic Magisterium and Biblical teaching. Surely, if the Archbishop has withheld the Eucharist from the tongue of former Vice President Biden, I have not hear of it.

What’s a little “Rape” of schoolchildren, or a little “Murder” of the conceived, if the coffers of the Church remain the primary purpose of the Catholic Church in America? After all, Rome depends on American money to further its desire for power and influence.

Archbishop, you attempted to focus on and belittle the President of the United States, as he, and his Roman Catholic wife, paid homage to a saintly and courageous man, a man of virtue and strength. Instead, you bring the light of truth upon yourself, and we see you are you are: Petty, venal, an obsequious sycophant seeking to curry favor and benefit in a time of trial and tragedy. From one sinner to another, Confess and Repent.

THE Almighty and merciful Lord grant you Absolution and Remission of all your sins, true repentance; amendment of life, and the grace and consolation of his Holy Spirit. Amen.



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