Atlanta Memories… Does time heal all wounds, or expose them?

Bull Sullivan

I see old the “Ivy Street Marist” campus, and next to it, the gravel lot where we learned to march in formation, and practiced mediocre 5-AAA high school football. Behind that, Sacred Heart Gym, where some fine championship basketball was played. On the north side, Sacred Heart Basilica, offering little hope for the damned, and beyond that, the Domino Lounge in the Imperial Hotel, featuring that prissy old schoolmarm, Patti White. Now that was a place of great education… see earlier reference to “the damned.” March, marching Marist Cadets, what a great urban neighborhood: Peachtree, West Peachtree, Piedmont, Spring, trolleys to go, grand houses with Technicolor movies to see with not one damn CGI special effect. Haberdasheries and Haute Couture, Rich’s, Davison-Paxton, Muses, Regenstein’s, the list was endless, but it did end, as thousands of Yankees moved South, and filled the farms around the city with suburbs, and subdivisions, and their fear of Negroes, and hundreds of Atlanta institutions, like Marist, fled in “White Flight” from an imagined “boogie man” and well, the greatness of a City Too Busy to Hate fled out with them.

G. A.

Just the fact that you said “Negroes” tells me everything I need to know that that wasn’t a great time in history…

Bull Sullivan

Thank you, that’s precisely my point. I grew up in Atlanta, and never thought to describe a friend by color of skin, nor to discriminate therefrom. I am not saying that there wasn’t an understanding of cultural differences, nor that racial tensions did not exist, but rather that tensions were exacerbated by Northern migration, primarily corporate driven, and concomitant “white flight” to the suburbs. The abandonment of entire neighborhoods, the relocation of many small businesses and light manufacturing facilities and the out movement of entire sectors of our city’s economy, such as hospitals, automobile plants and railroad yards were both a cause and a result of economic distress among many Atlantans, and led to a decline in individual income and family wealth.

T. Z.

The heavy manufacturing changed and much was sent overseas. The newer GM plant in Doraville replaced a smaller multistory facility close in on the south side. The post war increase in auto ownership and highway development made the suburbs feasible. At the Fulton mill in Cabbagetown most workers lived in site of the mill and walked there. As for white flight it had a silver lining is that it created an inexpensive enclave for a variety of young counter culture types. Many stayed here and created and changed the city. If you bought a house it really paid off.

Bull Sullivan

All of your well considered points seem to confirm my hypothesis. The flight of heavy manufacturing and the GM plant relocation were effected by distant management, up “North,” without consent and often notification of the denizens of Atlanta. Noticeably, suburban sprawl can later to the South and Atlanta, than it did up “North.” In the 40’s and 50’s, and well into the 60’s, the “Suburbs” were such remote areas as Buckhead, Bankhead, Campbellton, East Point, College Park, Clarkston, and Chamblee, to name but a few communities which had existed for decades with their own identity, clustered about “city centers and town squares.” Atlanta had an excellent transit system, and trains moved people to many of these “exurbs.” it was still unusual into the late 60’s for families to have more than one “newer” automobile. As I recall, one of the first major subdivisions, that is the first of what was later called “PUDs,” Planned Urban Developments, was “Long Acres,” off PID in Chamblee and its Shopping Center, developed Circa 1955-1962, Interestingly enough, it was developed by the same company that built both the Darlington and the Howell House, circa late 1940’s, multistoried apartment buildings for a growing white urban middle class. I might add that Georgia’s suburban and rural highway network were far less developed than those up “North.” While many national and multinational corporations began trickling mid-level management employees into Atlanta after WWII and the Korean War, the greatest influx of “Yankees” began after it was clear that primarily Birmingham AL and other Southern cities such as Memphis TN and Charlotte, NC had and still faced serious racial divisions and uncertain futures as employment and housing centers. in all the South, only one city enjoyed broad racial harmony, and that was Atlanta. Progressive, with both prominent White middle and upper classes, and an expanding Black middle class of educated and successful entrepreneurs, the urban core was ready to thrive. That did not occur, as it should have, primarily because the influx of bigoted northern corporate transplants almost immediately sought refuge in new homes built primary in northern exurbs, creating a ring of new homes and communities around the northern tier of metro Atlanta. These new subdivisions, coupled with troubled national racial harmony and the fear of declining property values, as well as corporate and financial speculation, spurred many to flee the urban neighborhoods. Without investment in the “inner city,” without renewal of facilities and infrastructure, and with declining tax revenues, Atlanta began a forty year decline. The romantic notion of workers trundling off to work on foot, lunch boxes in hand, to the textile mills of the 4th Ward ignores the rest of the city and its citizens, to the East, South and West, many of whom lived in preferenced racially segregated but contiguous neighborhoods. “White Flight” was a major contributing factor to Atlanta’s economic decline, it weakened if not obviated the opportunities afforded both the Black and White “lower middle class,” it stripped the urban communities of financial resources and educational k-12 funding, and contributed to the growth of White supremacy and Black antagonism. Atlanta went from a “City to Busy to Hate” to a “City to Busy to Care.” and so it remains today. Geographically segregated, compassionately alienated. Not at all the City I grew up in, nor the City I hoped to grow old in.


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Representative Greene Does Not Need To Resign

January 28, 2021 

HomePolitics Rep. Greene Needs to Resign

By Lawton Sack Politics
We covered the remarks back in June of last year that CNN has recently re-discovered by going through Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Facebook page. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called out House GOP leaders for not doing more to rebuke Rep. Greene. Rep. Jimmy Gomez of California announced yesterday a resolution to expel her from Congress. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy stated through a spokesperson that he would have a conversation with her.

Reps. Austin Scott, Buddy Carter, Karen Handel, and Drew Ferguson endorsed her runoff opponent, Dr. John Cowan, in June due to her remarks. Rep. Handel was an outspoken critic of Rep. Greene since Greene announced her candidacy for Congress.

While numerous GAGOP elected officials and leaders called out Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger for actually following the law and doing his job, there has been silence from current officials and leaders on Rep. Greene since CNN issued their recent report. Since they will not speak out, I will say that she needs to resign immediately from Congress. Her antics, including removing a reporter from her town hall, and words have demonstrated that she is not fit to hold the position of being a member of Congress.


Lawton is a graduate of Georgia Southern University (the GSU) with a degree in Information Technology. He has held numerous positions within the Georgia Republican Party throughout the years.

Sack, Lawton.  “Representative Greene Needs to Resign.” GeorgiaPol. January28, 2021. Digital:
Bull Sullivan

In response to GeorgiaPol article, 01/28/2021,  “Representative Greene Needs to Resign” cited above:

Representative Greene Does Not Need To Resign

What so many folks have missed is the message her election by a competent, involved and concerned citizenry sends. Congresswoman Greene represents a majority of her constituents; they were aware of her positions, her policies, and her deeply held beliefs. She was elected by the people of her district, and if removed from office, she will be elected again! The people of this district have as much right to elect her as the people of Atlanta had to elect Congressman Lewis, who by any account did nothing for his district, nothing to contain crime, poverty, or urban decay, and certainly nothing to improve the competency or efficacy of the Atlanta Public School System or the effectiveness of Atlanta’s Police in controlling or deterring street crime, domestic abuse, or the horror of child sexual exploitation. Further, Congressman Lewis failed to note or comment on widespread corruption of other local elected officials, and so far as I can determine, did absolutely nothing to provide meaningful employment for tens of thousands of young Negro youths. and yet, he was elected over and over again.

There is deep schism opening in Georgia polity, one which if left unmentioned and ignored will lead to more tragic consequences than are imaginable. I had nothing but contempt for Congressman Lewis, not for his demonstrated courage as a Civil Rights icon, but for his sheer incompetence and partisanship as a Congressman. I can imagine no one whose actions are further removed from the promises of the Civil Rights Era, and the hope of true visceral change that Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King championed.

That said, the citizens of the Fifth District repeated re-elected this demigod, as was their lawful right under the Voting Rights Act of 1965. So also have the people of the 14th District spoken. She is no more of an embarrassment to us than Congressman Lewis was to his constituents.

And what embarrassment, to each of you who would deny the will of a District’s people, is the incredible absence of jobs, opportunity and educational achievement for the Negro denizens of Atlanta that you have perpetuated by your empty rhetoric in support of politics as usual, and your cowardly deferral of any meaningful action to reform Atlanta politics to reflect the economic and social needs of several million impoverished Atlantans of all races and creeds?

The streets are pot-holed, the sidewalks rutted and cracked, the houses are in disrepair and the the neighborhoods reflect the real reason for Black anger and despair, the fact that middleclass Whites and Blacks have sought to enrich themselves through the exploitation of labor and the limitation of employment. Too bad that John Lewis, and most of you white progressives, don’t see that you are carrying water for Alinsky, Marcuse, Neumann, Krichheimer, Lenin, Marx and oh, Soros.

I did not vote for Congresswoman Greene, but your churlish disdain for her may well lead me and others to support her right to believe as she deems right. Her right of center pronouncements are frankly far less controversial and far more conventional to me than what I kindly refer to as y’all’s Fabian delusions. Kafka got your tongue?

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A Toast for a Christmas Eve Past

AS we sit before our Christmas Dinner today, let us remember a Christmas past. Let us read the words of a man drawn to a cause by love of and loyalty for his State: a man now called “Traitor” and otherwise insulted by trenchant Euroamericans and the dissolute descendants of field hands and house servants.

That man, a soldier of the rank of Surgeon, a husband and father, a man of honor, a man of duty, a man who understood, as did so many other brave men, his obligation to a righteous, noble and just cause, choose to defend the ideals and stirring words of the nascent Republic, words burned into his heart and soul by the very men who wrote them:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes DESTRUCTIVE of these ends, it is the Right of the People to ALTER OR TO ABOLISH IT, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Read here the words of that man, Dr. William McPheeters, Army of the Confederate States of America and Surgeon to Sterling Price, Major General, Trans-Mississippi Department, CSA:

On December 24, 1863 Christmas Eve, McPheeters sat down to write an entry into his diary,

“…the return of this anniversary brings sad reflections.” Earlier that year, he and his wife Sallie had lost their oldest son George. Additionally, in his role as a surgeon, McPheeters witnessed firsthand the destruction and devastation of warfare, particularly in caring for the wounded and sick and for the health of General Price. He went on to write, “May [my family] be happy though we are separated and I a wanderer and a refugee living in a tent, but I repine not – our cause is just and I have no regrets for my course though it may cost me the loss of all my earthly possessions.”

The next day, Christmas Day, McPheeters took time to celebrate with his comrades. He wrote, “commenced the morning by making a big bucket of egg nog of which the General and most of his staff and other partook and seemed to enjoy hugely for it was good and good cheer prevailed.” That evening, after enjoying “a good Christmas dinner,” the surgeon wrote to his family: “A merry Christmas to my dear wife and children – God bless them … how I long to be with them, but know not when that happy day will arrive – not until this cruel war is over. God speed its end and grant us an honorable peace and our independence with all the blessings of home and peace.” Courtesy of the Library of Congress

Is it so different now? On this Christmas Eve, 157 years hence, are we not faced with the same struggle, to live as Free Men, to choose our destiny, to live without subjugation to a National Government that suborns graft, corruption and the murder of innocents? A Government that would rip asunder the veil of the Republic and expose its purpose to the will of an uneducated mass of partisans whose allegiance is not to the Constitution, but to Political Parties which promulgate ideologies not only alien to our Constitution but foreign to our Founding Father’s blood oaths to the Declaration of Independence.

Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, not a whit of difference exists between them. The Rights of all are only protected when the Rights of Individuals, the Unalienable Rights… among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness … are extended to and guaranteed for every citizen… every man, woman and child living legally within our borders.

WE the people, and our respective States must stand up to the Federal Union, and reclaim our rights as specified in the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, ARE RESERVED TO THE STATES RESPECTIVELY OR TO THE PEOPLE.

I honor William McPheeters, and all others who were willing to die for their Rights. I pray a Christmas Eve will come when our descendants will raise their glasses to toast us, to honor us, to thank us for our courage, perseverance and victory.


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Why “They” Kill the “Intellectuals” First

Image may contain: possible text that says 'It is absurd to allow politicians to vote on term limits! Put it on the ballot and let the voters decide. It will pass the first election cycle! We're tired of being ruled by corrupt bureaucrats!! made with mematic'


Why “They” Kill the “Intellectuals” First…


If you think changing the tail that wiggles the ass will redirect the head, you know nothing about the strength of the Federal Bureaucracy, about the Unions and “GS” ranks and the Fear of the elected that they will talk! A week after a Federal Election they know a gal’s bra size, and the bra size that turns a man’s head. They know who’s corrupt, who’s perverted, who’s powerful and who’s a wuss, they know what school your kids attend, and how close you and your nanny are, they even know your favorite food and sex act, and you are theirs forever if you ever conflated the two. And you may be holy, but your spouse, your kids, your dad or your mother-in-law, the postman, the cop on the beat, your CPA, someone saw something, someone knows something, so shut up and pass all the bills you want, Federal Employees, GS-1 to 15, ES-1 to 5, you can’t really touch them, without giving up your political career.

Ever wonder why we have Roe v Wade? DC was the abortion capital of the US before that decision, and 1/2 the women working in DC had aborted, and most of the men in DC had knocked someone up, including Senators, Representatives, many Staffers, Judges and Justices! And if not the Jurists themselves then their wives, children, clerks or girlfriends! Dear God, without the Pill and Abortion, morality might have had a chance, once did have a chance, because there was a price to pay to play… but now, no consequences, AOC can dance suggestively on a bar… where she worked, and no one cares… and the Congressmen who don’t live to get a little, they don’t out of fear, not of God, but of losing campaign donations; they don’t need the soft bosoms of young women, they are nursing the big teats of Corporate PAC’s and generous billionaires. Look at the wealth they spread around, look at the Biden Family, the Clinton’s, even the Bush Brothers. Look at retired Congressmen “Double Dipping,” and the increased family wealth of any politically connected person. In Georgia, ask how wealthy is Andrew Young’s brother, or how is John Lewis a millionaire? Ask: What is Nathan Deal’s net worth?

Good men, and women, don’t run for public office… they may be good first time out, but they will kill to run and win the second time!

So go out and find 535 virgins and elect every one of them. In two years most will be whores, or they will be righteous souls keeping their mouths shut and gonads hidden, appalled to know what they know, constrained to say what they should, afraid to meet a friend of Hillary’s in a dark alley one night.

Am I a cynic? A Hypocrite? I never ate so well, drank such good whiskey and toyed with such pretty emotions as I did in DC! But then I am a sinner and I know it!

One other thought to leave you with… American is not now, nor ever was a “Christian Nation” It was for a fairly long time, at least by the standards of men, a “Nation of Christians.” But then that peaked 60 or so years ago… there are “No Atheists in Foxholes”… but those saintly men and women, called the Greatest Generation, couldn’t live forever, and their children, God help us all, just wanted to “Tune In, Turn On and Drop Out,” you know, us Boomers, we “Just Wanted to Have Fun.”

Well, are you? Having Fun? Read Gibbon, the last fifty years of the Roman Republic mirrors the times in which we live. We don’t really think of Pagan Rome as more moral, more righteous than we are now, but they were. Family, religion, honor, that’s why our Founding Father’s called their most auspicious and sacred society “the Society of Cincinnatus,” that’s why they emulated the Roman Republic and created an American Republic, with an Eagle to clinch the Tri-Colors and the Fasces, and, as an aside, that’s why abortion was originally illegal in both Republics.

It was only when the mob ruled, only when the uneducated could demand free bread, and constant “entertainment,” and threaten chaos and public order; only when the Priests seduced the Virgins; only when the Senate found the wealth of the oligarchs laid at their door, only when licentiousness replaced piety; only when the singular “I” replaced the plural “We”; only when we and them made heroes of Gladiators and Game Players; only when laughter replaced empathy, and only when the mob got “high” watching others suffer and die, it was only then that it was too late.

Yes, it is absurd to replace a mob of 535 Congressmen and women voting on term limits with a mob of 154 million citizens. It’s merely spitting in the winds of corruption, but hey! If it feels good…

‘Nuff Said!

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Jesuit America magazine offers ‘Catholic case for communism’

Jesuit America magazine offers ‘Catholic case for communism’  July 24, 2019


It would seem that a time of prayer and purging may be at hand. The Roman Church in America is corrupt from Pope to Pro-choice Roman Catholic Politicians. The Universities spout the tired rhetoric and discredited polity of European agnosticism, and even the Jesuits have abandoned obedience to God’s commandments.

Where is the Bishop or Lay Leader that will speak up and demand a restoration of the piety and sacrifice demanded by Holy Scripture? Who will lead the schism and anoint a Thousand Parishes with the Chrism of reform, rebirth and fidelity to the Scriptures? Who will lead a second reformation and with God’ Grace and Guidance leave the rotten corpse of European decadence and equivocation behind, and who will shout Carpe Diem for God and the American Way. Come Eternal Father, lead us into the Sacred City on the Hill, lead us to the homes of the First Christians standing beside each other, in love and obedience to the Will of God. Lead us to a vision of piety and teach us to reject the absent morality and spiritual debasement of relativism and a social “gospel” based upon the musing of men and inspired by Lucifer, your fallen angel and despoiler of humankind.

Let us be astonished by God’ s creation, by our human primacy within it, and let us be led by our desire to thank and praise God for the Sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, and for the opportunity for eternal life through His Incarnation and through obedience to His teaching and the Commandments given by God to the Children of Abraham.

American Catholics owe deference but not fealty to the Roman Pontiff. God has raised us up a great people, with the power, capacity and willingness to do great and Godly things for mankind and to the Glory of our Creator!

The Church, the Pope are the apostates of our time, and we will find no peace, no increase of compassion, no good thing to be done through the wretched hands of perverted, modern man and the vile callous pollution of his thought: socialism, communism and humanism.

Only in obedience to the Will of God, through Discernment of that Will through the Grace given by absolute belief and Faith in the Words of Scripture will America and humanity avoid the looming tragedy of once again believing that we made ourselves and not He made us and the World in which we live.

Leave Rome to Europe, to Sixteen Centuries of discord, war, poverty, heinous privation and despoilment of the Christian Soul. It is time for revival, for reformation, for return to the Holy Bible as our moral guide, and it is time for Bishops and Priests to believe in the Word of God, and to commitment and teaching of a Magisterium free of Roman hypocrisy and European prevarication.

In obedience to the Will of God, as revealed to us in His Book, the Bible, we will find guidance and Grace to seek to the Way of Jesus Christ and in Obedience to His teaching we will find the strength to conform, obey and flourish in HIs Truth!

What life can be better lived than to cherish, praise and worship God in all the things we do in our daily lives. If only we would consciously seek to glorify God in every thought, breath, and act, how much better would all life, human, animal, plant on earth be?

Rise up, speak from the pulpit and from the pew, we need Moses, but a Mr. Smith will do. Come Lord, lead us, return your Brightness to America, restore our Promise, our Hope, our Faith. Come Lord, send now forth a messenger and free us from the chains of slavery, materialism, narcissism, solipsism and all the other false hopes of mere mortals, and inspire true Christianity in our souls, hearts, families, communities and governments.

Psalm 51:7 “Purge us with hyssop, and we shall be clean: wash us, and we shall be whiter than snow.”


The Jubilate of the Community of the Glorious Incarnation:

Alleluia, Alleluia!

This is the day the Lord has made.
Let us give thanks and praise to the Lord our God,
For the Lord our God is Just and Merciful,
and His creation is Beauteous, Boundless and Eternal!

Alleluia, Alleluia! Blessed be the Name of God, Blessed be His Holy Name! Alleluia, Alleluia, Amen!

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Jewish women and children upon arrival in Auschwitz

Jewish women and children deported from Hungary, separated from the men, line up for selection. Auschwitz camp, Poland, May 1944. Yad Vashem Photo Archives

Photograph and caption courtesy of Fighters For Zion

One of the deeply moving experiences of my childhood was seeing such pictures as these. There were not widely published in the mid-fifties as Ike and Adenauer were busy rebuilding the German Republic, and frankly we were rebuilding much of Western Europe and England as well.

I was 12 years old when I first saw such pictures, fairly innocent pictures of stacks of suitcases, then shoes, then eyeglass frames, then metal scrapes described as “gold fillings.” How curious were these photographs, why ever were people interested in trash and junk, heaped in piles as these were?

Now, no doubt I was an extremely curious child, said to be very bright, well-read for my age, college level on reading exams, and as both my parents had been soldiers, one a naval aviator, the other an air evacuation nurse in CBI, I had a natural proclivity to read about the last World War. I knew what a “Gold Star” mother was, one Grandmother still hung that banner in her front window. I knew that many brave men and women had given their lives to defeat National Socialism and fascism, and that many of those who fought and came home bore the scars of battle.

Mother was working on some Public Health Program for Veterans Administration, and had researched the Nuremberg Trials in the course of her work, and had a good amount of research material in her study. Much of what she received was printed text, testimony, pretty dull stuff for a kid, but still I read some of it, and looked through similar pages of dry boring translated testimony of the German War Criminals. And then I found a folder, stamped Confidential, with a Government seal embossed, and there I found those photos, print after print of mounds of materials as I described above, from full warehouses through-out Germany, followed by pages of photographs of clothing, watches and jewelry, paintings and prints, upholstered furniture and lamp shades, statues and porcelains and other objects d’art and then, turning a page…

…Most curious of all, why, piles of mannequins stacked like cord wood, page after page of these bizarre displays. Now I had never seen a human naked, so I really did not realize, at first, what I was seeing. Then I flipped to a page that quite clearly had little mannequins, shaped like the children in my class, but unclothed, naked, piled on each other, nude. My eyes were drawn to the details of their bodies: gaunt, drawn, their genitals exposed, their hair tussled, their eyelids closed or their eyes opened and staring blankly into, into what? Oh God! I realized they were children, little ones, “kinders” thrown on a heap, legs and limbs akimbo, heads and torso twisted; older children, my age, the girl’s bodies exposed, legs parted, breast’s flattened stacked among the lithe bodies of boys with wisps of genital hair, all piled up, heaped one upon another, discarded as trash. Even as I felt my body revolting, even as I felt my throat tightening and my breath drawing deep, I could not look away. I began to look at their faces, their chins and noses and lips and ears, faces like my friends faces, my classmates faces. I cried out and wept, praying for those bodies. I wanted to stop, but I could not. I was a witness to such a horror, to page after page of dead human beings mothers, fathers, children, men, women, boys and girls. Dead, thousands dead, who could have done such a thing?

The Germans! The people of Luther, Goethe, Kant, Hegel, of Beethoven, Bach, Handel of Gauss, Hertz, Planck, Heisenberg; a people and culture considered the most literate, educated and accomplished Western Europeans. The people who had waged the first Great War and lost, who had then been ignobly punished for that loss, who had overthrown a monarchy and formed a democracy and then elected, yes, elected Adolph Hitler. A people who had stood by silently as depraved demonic men made Juda the boogeyman, who sat on their hands while Kristallnacht terrorized their neighbors, their shopkeepers, their doctors and their lawyers. An “enlightened” culture who did nothing while their Christian Churches, Reformed, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, tolerated this pogrom against God’s Chosen People, at times even tacitly cooperating with the National Socialist Party in power.

And these German people, so “Christian” on Sunday, so treacherous every other day of the week, these “good” people turned their backs on friends and neighbors, Jews and gentiles alike, even often informing on them to the secret police, and being rewarded with the possessions of those they named. How was this possible?

I write all this some sixty years after I first looked into the souls, not onto the bodies, of that first page of “kinders,” of children, of children just like me, just like you once.

It was not “Nazis” who murdered them, it was not the Schutzstaffel the “SS” who beat, shot, or gassed those children out of life, No, it was Christians! Steepled churches in every German town, looming cathedrals scattered about the German countryside, and often the highest spire, topped with a Cross-, soaring skyward in German cities. The Holy Bible, taught each Sunday, read in lessons throughout the week. Men and women making the Sign of the Cross, as they passed the trucks carrying away humans who would soon be “trash,” soon be bodies piled in heaps, awaiting an oven’s flame or a layer of soil covering a tractor’s trench.

“Would you die for Him?” Would you stop the death of other’s for Him? I later learned that thousands would, among the millions who did nothing. They joined the Jews in those trucks, in those cattle cars following the rails; they lifted up their voices and their cries for justice were drown out by the silence of millions.

Everyone needs to see these pictures to know where Materialism and Socialism lead. Everyone needs to know that a voice unspoken is justice stilled. Every human needs to fear a world in which once you have no more usefulness, no more value to the State, they will find a way to discard you onto a trash heap. Most of all, every human must fear silence above all other vices, for in the presence of evil the absence of outrage spurs the apathy of all. We all die, our bodies all will lay as still as those piled motionless before the judgment of history, we will all be judged.

What will your empty eyes behold? Those Innocent Children murdered then, aborted fetuses murdered now… those innocents see the light of Heaven, the arms of a welcoming God. When the last breath of the passive, compliant and pitiable German Christians, those adults who lived from 1933 to 1945, who allowed these murders, and then tolerated the death of tens of millions of humans for German’s hegemony over the property, power and people of dozens of countries and cultures, when that last breath of those silent participants in genocide was exhaled, what did their vacant eyes behold?

God have mercy upon their souls, and upon our souls, as we witness the slaughter of innocents on an unimaginable scale, defying both the God of Abraham and the teaching of Jesus Christ.

Those photographs I saw so long ago remain burned into my memory and my heart. I will support the Jewish State as long as its actions comport with God’s Laws, and I will support the Government of the United States as long as its elected men and women seek to turn us back to God, Family and Country… American Values… but we are on the edge of History’s precipice and we will soon topple over into oblivion or stand firm in defiance of evil and in the promulgation of the dignity, beauty and value of all mankind. God have mercy on us.

This is the Day the Lord has made.
Let us give thanks and praise to the Lord our God,
For the Lord our God is Just and Merciful,
and His creation is Beauteous, Boundless and Eternal!
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Blessed be the name of God, Blessed be His Holy Name!
Alleluia, Alleluia, Amen!

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Good works are not Salvation, not from God nor for Man

Carefully read the proposed rule cited above in the Federal Register, and then carefully read Mr. Berry’s comment.


There is little doubt but that Mr. Berry and I read an entirely different document, for he hastens to paltering in the second sentence of his comment: “… to increase SNAP work requirements which severely limit the flexibility of States to adapt to the needs of low-income and working families.” Again, the text of the proposed rule specifically attaches itself to “able-bodied Adults without dependents:

The rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) focuses on work-related program requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs). The rule would apply to non-disabled people, between the ages of 18 and 49, with no dependents. The rule would not apply to the elderly, the disabled or pregnant women.

While it has been over Fifty years since my study of Sociology as a minor to a major of Psychology, I cannot believe that a single able-bodied Adult, without dependents, is by any definition, a “Family.” No spouse, no children, no one who relies on the Adult for sustenance, support, direct provision of food, clothing or shelter. Moreover, the proposed USDA regulations continue to allow such ABAWDs the opportunity to seek job oriented training and placement, Employment Programs.

Employment programs as described below, with the sole intent of the new regulations to more closely monitor the application of Waivers to extend, to eligible recipients, those conditions which meet the needs of the subject population.

“Under current SNAP requirements, ABAWDs must work or participate in an employment program for at least 20 hours a week to continue to receive benefits for more than three months over a 36-month period. States may request to waive the time limit in areas with an unemployment rate above 10 percent or where there are ‘not sufficient jobs,’ which current regulations primarily define as an unemployment rate 20 percent above the national average. With today’s strong economy, that could include areas with unemployment rates of under 5 percent – a rate normally considered to be full employment. In 2016 there were 3.8 million individual ABAWDs on the SNAP rolls, with 2.8 million (or almost 74 percent) of them not working.”

Mr. Berry’s equivocation further abuses the statistic he cites, as he presents suppositions as facts. Had he stated that potentially or possibly 755,000 individuals (better and more correctly stated as 755,000 ABAWDs) could lose benefits, he would have admitted the possibility that 0 individuals might lose benefits. In point of fact, as with all statistical ranges, the number who actually will lose benefits will be between 0 and 755,000, likely more than none and less than 755,000, and actually, statistically the distribution will be normalized.

It is obvious that the disparity of outcomes reflects Mr. Berry’s sentimentality and the Secretary’s pragmatism, but only Mr. Berry resorts to hyperbole. In fact neither will have a significant result if the effectuation of current SNAP policy continues, factually and functionally ignoring the nutritional value of eligible store sourced food items and caring not at all as to the competency and skills of those who prepare meals for SNAP recipients, especially children, working adults and the elderly.

I have personally shopped with and observed the purchase of eligible food items with dozens of SNAP recipients, and observed and participated in the preparation of meals with multiple adult SNAP recipients. The choice and selection of prepared food products is abominable, the choice and preparation of healthy fresh food items is non-existent and the skill and education of a majority of observed preparers is minimal. Many of the single mothers I have observed did not know “how to boil water,” did not read or seem concerned about nutritional labeling, protein or calorie counts or even sanitary food preparation. One fact was brutally apparent, without a microwave, most food items would never have been heated, let alone “cooked.” Repeatedly SNAP recipients, both women and men, purchased “frozen foods to throw in the microwave.” soft drinks, sweets and snack size juices to feed their children. I am willing to wager there is not a Snap eligible child in North Georgia who has not eaten dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets swallowed with a Mtn. Dew.

I commend Mr. Berry for his involvement in the SVdP, and his concern over the effects of the proposed SNAP rule changes. And I feel that food pantries such as SVdP and other well-meaning NGO eleemosynary groups have achieved a reduction in hunger among SNAP and other disadvantaged recipients; the proof is the rotund bellied obese children who are seen every day attending public schools. In truth, SNAP grew out of the USDA excess Commodities programs, which provided more nutritious food stocks to a population that still was exposed to Home Eco, Cooking, Household Management and Tasks, Finance and Banking and yes, even Shop!

A final comment, purely anecdotal. The average young male who I met, and who was in fact an ABAWD, was not at all interested in anything but leisure and entertainment. All had phones, care of the Federal Government, all have transportation of one form or another, all did recreational drugs, such as ETOH, pot, and occasional hard drugs. Many were products of broken homes, many were fathers, some of multiple children, many were depressed and at times despaired of life.

Thankfully, these men, these women and their children are not in the majority, not the primary demographic of citizens in North Georgia. What they are is ignored, damaged and marginalized. But don’t believe what I write , read the best contemporary portrayal of the denizens of SNAP and other Federal “Relief” and “Assistance”  programs :

“Let Us Now Praise Famous Men,” Agee and Evans… The costumes change, the settings, the cars but the conditions of life remain the same. Mr. Barry must surely agree, after all The Saint Vincent dePaul Society in America was 96 years old when Agee and Evan’s book was published, in 1941! Same old rhetoric, same old “charity,” palliative, never curative. Always willing to stretch the truth for another “dime” to handout.

“Hey Buddy, can you spare a dime? Bless you, my son, of course we can!”

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Ingles, Starbucks and CMBC

Could it be that Ingles, once a fine Southern Company, is now driven by envy and greed? What other reason can there be for “selling out” to Starbucks? That company is truly an “American” success story, but without American values. Howard Schultz, long time President, CEO and Chairman of Starbucks personally and corporately supports liberal, progressive social and political beliefs that belie any understanding of our traditional American culture, and promote egalitarian and anti-religious bigotry. Founded in the most liberal and agnostic, make that Godless,  city and state in America, Seattle, Washington, Schultz and Starbucks promote left leaning and socially destructive corporate policies such as supporting “Gay Marriage” and “Diversity Training” while ignoring the negative effects of sexual perversion and spiritual ignorance on the commonweal, and while tolerating savage attacks on the very heart of those values which made us the best of all humanity in our treatment of each other and in the influence and guidance we offer the world.

It is particularly distressing to see our neighbors, especially those we join together with in Church on Sunday, buying coffee and other goods from Starbucks, whose immense profitability is churned into Political and Social Movements which attack the sanctity of Family Values, Lawful Immigration and even the righteous content of many Christian Preacher’s Sunday Sermons.

Maybe it is time for American Christians to Make Better Choices, not only to consider WWJD, but to be a CMBC, a Christian Making Better Choices. I no longer shop at Kroger; soon I will be leaving my money elsewhere than at Ingles. For me, both these grocery chains exemplify that which is morally wrong in America, the attempt to pander to the weakness of our culture, to the loving and forgiving nature of our people. We do not wish to condemn, to judge others; we strive to leave them to their own devices, as we hope also to be left alone. But now, in supporting Starbucks, in buying that $2.50 coffee, one dollar of which is net profit, we speed the growth of an amoral, perverse and even global culture seeking to destroy national borders, encourage deviant relationships, incite generational discourse, promote global governance and its hegemony over National Governments, such as the USA. Ingles has chosen to join the race to building a New Babel, to the one planet, one nation tyranny of the new Nimrod, of the prophesied and awakened Anti-Christ.

Even today, we see in our small community the results of this trend toward a “New Modern America,” filled with stores so large and powerful that no small business, no mom ‘n pop retailer, no small grocery store, no lunch counter or burger joint, no coffee shop, no individual entrepreneur can exist without crushing financial and marketing pressure from national chains, banks, restaurants, and yes, from Kroger, Ingles and Starbucks. When Ingle’s put $11.00 lb. Boer’s Head Ham in their Deli, and Kroger stuck a green sty, a Starbucks, in our eye as we entered the store, no one noticed Blue Star and Piggy Wiggy saying goodbye.

Where do you spend your money? Whose beliefs do you support? Think about it, pray on it, become a CMBC, a Christian Making Better Choices, and put your money where your heart is and where soul should be! I am not calling on you to boycott, to shun, to criticize, but rather to consider how to use the blessings of God in a better, more positive way, seeking always to support institutions, stores and people, who proclaim Gospel truths and support moral, ethical and Righteous choices.


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Silent Sam, Silent Southerions

Carol Folt is a Carpetbagger, a Yankee, a pointed headed intellectual of immigrant heritage. Southern Universities, whether Private or State are suffused with such, and they are primarily elevated to positions of high trust and responsibility by fellow travelers, Carpetbaggers and Scalawags, those Southern born apologists,who perpetuate a continual state of Reconstruction and cultural cleansing. 

If you doubt this, I would simply suggest that you gather the names and C.V.’s of the Administrators and Deans of your favorite University, be it Chapel Hill or Charlottesville, be it Sweet Brian or Emory and Henry, or Georgia and Emory, Sewanee or Washington and Lee. Most are not Southern born or bred, most are educated in foreign (outside the Mason Dixon Line) colleges and universities, and most are politically progressive, sexuallly deviant, and spiritually agnostic.

Shock yourself even more: ask to purchase or even peruse a Faculty Directory. Many are unavailable, privacy is cited, many are abridged with salient undergraduate and biographical information omitted or expunged. Did that PhD really spend a year at Patrice Lumumba University? In Moscow? You’ll never know! Most are without a link to the “Scholar’s” Thesis and Dissertation and without reference to published works and papers.

Our cherished Southern Institutions, our Great Universities, the pride and joy of our culture, have been contaminated and desecrated by ruthless and impoverished Euroamerican academics of bourgeois descent and progressive social-democrat inculcation.

These educators are, by and large, at best the fetid ideologues of urban culture and at worst, they are godless idolaters and wonton libertines of permissive and exploitive narcissism and behavioral deviance. They manipulate and cull Southerions, and Southern sympathizers, they wield their power with a bloated tumescent truncheon of arrogance and the presumption of victorious invaders and conquerors. 

Of course, this just my opinion, but ask yourself, who on the faculty of UNC stood up in opposition to these bloviating brigands? Who spoke up for Silent Sam, or for my great great grandfather, Abram Manning, Pvt., Co. D, 3rd Infantry Regiment, North Carolina State Troops, dead at Culp’s Hill, Gettysburg, Penn., on the morning of July 3, 1863? Did none of these “Educators” have an ancestor who fought in the cause of his Sovereign State of North Carolina? If even one member of the UNC faculty had such an ancestor, then I know of one Scalawag Educator unworthy of his or her heritage.

Esse quam videri? If we are now what we seem, then are we no longer what we should be?

Ah, Virginia, Sic semper tyrannis? “Thus always” the spoils of war “to” the “Tyrants,” and death to the memory of honorable men.

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Albany Bishop rejects General Convention compromise

Albany bishop rejects General Convention compromise on gay marriage, refuses to allow rites

David Paulsen

Editor, Episcopal News Service


Your article on the Bishop of Albany’s actions regarding implementation of Resolution B012 is a thoughtful and just portrayal of the Bishop Love’s position, and the Presiding Bishop’s initial response. Well written, well-conceived, beautifully expressed, fine journalism,  I commend you for your presentation of the comments of those in agreement with the intent of Resolution B012, and the Bishop Love’s heartfelt disagreement with it.  My ordinate was also in disagreement with many of the precepts of the Episcopal Church in his time, and can be said to have been the first American Episcopal Bishop to have departed from the normal denominational practices regarding sexuality and gender. Bishop Pike stoked the fire and was, at his end, consumed by the flames of his apostasy. I realize that the concerns of those whose sexual orientation or gender identity differs from the statistical normalcy of the majority of humans are valid and obvious, and that they have experienced discrimination and even ridicule in pursuit of their happiness.

I only wish to posit one point: that the pursuit of happiness and indeed any state of human fulfillment and satisfaction is not the point of the Gospel, and is not the purview of the Christian Church. Because we failed, institutionally and individually, to share the love of Christ with those whose physical and personality traits diverged, quite naturally, from the majority, should not imply that the contemporary acceptance and even institutional legislation of means and methods to allow these congregants to express their sexual diversity canonically is a righteous act.

In my view the institutional Episcopal Church has merely joined them on an eternal merry-go-round, which will not lead either those desiring acceptance or those offering it, to Eternal Joy.  We should have changed, conformed to the Gospel, and accepted these children of God into our hearts and appropriately into our rites with the same zeal and joy as the Prodigal Father felt for his son. For those who say the Church has changed, has accepted them, I would only ask at what cost?  Bishop Love presents the “traditional” view of marriage, the General Convention, a progressive view. One view must be in error, and the result is the possible condemnation of the souls following one point of view and the potential salvation of the souls following the other.

Faithfully, I believe that Bishop Pike, suffering, lying broken and bloody, dying in the Negev, repented  his apostasy, his alcoholism and his marital indiscretions, and is redeemed. What Wadi’s do the apostates of the present Episcopal Church offer their congregants: where will each of these souls suffer enough pain to purge themselves of the human delusion that man, not God, rules every life?

Human happiness is not the purpose of the Gospel, righteous obedience by the children of creation to the Will and Laws of God is.

God Bless you,

Bull Sullivan


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Mr. Shiver’s Campaign – Part 2

Sir: You are a good and decent man, and have posited many arguments regarding limitations to the 2nd Amendment that are supportable by both demonstrable and anecdotal evidence. Your opinions are intellectually sound and obviously heartfelt, and more than a few are regarded by many conservatives, including myself, as reasonable and worthy of consideration.

But I can not support you because your reasoning, conceived with the best of intentions and expressed with a compassionate mien, is wrapped in the whole cloth of the ideology of Euro-American progressives, disciples of Marx and Engels, proselytizers of Scientific Socialism and its later incarnation in the strident, bitter voices of the progenitors of the Frankfurt School, a refuge of petty, agnostic and perverted academics who, like their contemporaries, the leadership of the current Democratic Party, have nothing in common with the plight of the disenfranchised, the impoverished, the marginal and the ignored.

I can not fathom what leads a man with your education and experience to remain in the Democratic Party, to seek office under its auspices and with its endorsement. No callouses on worn hands, no lines etched by hours in the sun, no unhealed illnesses, no untended hearts in this party’s leaders; most are millionaires, a few are billionaires, and all are wretched in their perceived slights and heavy laden in their superficial guilt. And each of these modern Democrat crusaders for the “common man” have nothing in common with their squires and pages and peons but contempt for those who hold power, whether they be righteous or craven in action, conciliatory or combative in demeanor.

I do not imagine you will win, and in fact, your opponent is also a good and decent man, and likely to be elected. He runs a good office, cares for his constituents and serves them well. I have worked to elect local, state and Federal office holders and view him as an honest and trustworthy man, as I assume you, in elected office, would be. I can not support him either, for he follows the Legacy of Lincoln, Grant, Harding, Coolidge, Nixon, Bush I and Bush 2, that is to say, he is a Republican. I am a Southerner, I am a Conservative, I will not forget.

I hope that you will continue to seek to influence the local electorate, and that you will come to terms with loss, at least, with the loss of this campaign’s election. One other point, in my world, being angry and hateful is a mental illness, for healthy humans seek peace and prosperity, it’s in their self-interest to do so. We live in world gone mad with violence, in games, cinema, videos, in the arts and in a good portion of science. Wouldn’t it be great if someone invented a game that blew things together, cannons aimed at empty lots that blew houses to piece, to wholeness, rifles that cured illnesses, and handguns that strew stitches on injured flesh.

Yes, MADD has made a difference, but what freedom or right would be violated if every vehicle had a Drug and Etoh interlock? If vehicle speed was electronically limited to the displayed speed limit? If people were tested on rules of the road, and if Driver’s Ed was “For Real?’ How about traffic law violators forgoing a fine, and rather, having their car impounded for weeks, or months? There is no Amendment protecting Drivers Rights, and technology exists to end 99% of all automobile deaths and injuries within a generation, but…

Just thoughts for you, and best wishes, and God’s Blessings on you and yours. I’ll be praying His will is done today, won’t you join me in that prayer?

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Mr. Shiver’s Campaign

From the Blog of Mr. Shiver, a Democrat State Representative Candidate, 2018

My commentary in response to his Blog:

Mr. Shiver states his opinion well, and many of his points, particularly about the bureaucratic regulation of teachers and infringement, by the State Department of Education, within their local classrooms ring true to the sensibilities of most conservatives. The issue is not money as much as it is the State Board of Education treating local school systems as vassals and demanding costly and time-consuming tracking and testing paradigms, none of which have been proven to improve academic success in Secondary and Post-Secondary Education.

And as much as many of us agree with Mr. Shiver on these issues, we must disagree with his conjectures as to the causes of the lack of academic progress and the continuing plateau of academic achievement in Georgia’s classrooms.

The fault, if indeed that is an appropriate term, lies solely with parents of school age children, K-16, who continue to support the same failed and unproductive systems enacted and applied by elected and non-elected government officials.

In doing so they deny the parent’s responsibility as the primary cause our State’s failure to properly and compassionately educate the children of Georgia. Discipline in the home, and the corresponding respect between parent and child, are at a modern low; a nadir of immaturity, concupiscence and consumerism of the part of parents, and boredom, unstructured activities, and a lack of ambition on the part of children.

Firearms, in and of themselves, have little to do with the occurrence of horrific acts terrorism on school property. They do provide a weapon of convenience to deranged and mentally unstable youth (and adults) who are seldom diagnosed and treated for common, if often exaggerated, childhood behaviors. Children need love and attention, as well as guidance and discipline to fulfill their potential. Parents must be the focus of fulfilling such needs; teachers, while occasionally aware of pathology through parent teacher conferences, private discussions and information disseminated by school administrators and support staff, cannot function properly as educators if they are required to act as the primary caregiver, therapist and chief influence in a child’s life.

It is the parent who has been ignored as a focus of failure in school homicides by firearms. It is the parents who are responsible for the health, both physical and mental, of each child attending school, and it is the parents of these mentally unstable and ill children who bear responsibility for the senseless deaths and wounds of school shooting victims.

It is not politically correct, in a society that constantly excuses the failure of adults to provide a safe, nourishing and affectionate homes for their children; that inevitably excuses the lack of good parenting on the part of absent fathers and often overwhelmed single mothers, for society to properly lay the cause of these tragedies at the feet of the very person or persons who most often have spent the most time and shared the most intimate details of life with those who commit these atrocities.

When did you last hear an interview with the parent of a “shooter,” when was the last time read or even heard of an in depth forensic interview conducted with the parents, and close friends and relatives of the parents, of these mass murderers? Too sensitive, too likely to find parental failure, especially if those parents were doing all that the law requires, and what “everyone else” was doing to raise their child? How many other mal-adjusted and potentially pathogenic children are there? Empirically, not politically, what are the tells of potentially anti-social behavior? What are the symptoms, what are the common predicates, what is missing in modern parenting?

Modern Parents are, in the majority, irresponsible as adults and ignorant of childhood needs and their obligation to raise a good child and a good citizen. Disagree? Just ask any Public School teacher, and even quite a few private school teachers now observe ennui, resentment and regression.

Mr. Shiver should step up, and stop blaming the instrument of mayhem, most often now a firearm. Rather he should acknowledge our society’s laxity and apathy in creating responsible, well-informed and educated parents. What can the Georgia Legislature do about parents, all of them, not just those from ethic, cultural or racial demographic subsets, but for every parent in Georgia?

And Mr. Shriver, if you are ‘worried’ concerned about firearms, consider this, in today’s media and information driven society, it is possible, even as you read this, for a child, a middle schooler, to read on the Internet and learn how to easily make horrible toxic and lethal compounds such a Sarin or VX, with chemicals readily available on store shelves. See for instance:

Are you aware that even toxic Chlorine Gas (the same Gas used extensively by the Vierbund against the forces Triple Entente and the USA in WWI)  may be made in volumes sufficient to effect mass killings with products found under many kitchen sinks? When will the morally neglected and materially pampered juvenile and adult miscreants figure out what real weapons they possess?

I hope Mr. Shiver; with electoral success or absent victory, will consider the need to create methods to teach young adults parenting as a positive and compassionate lifelong experience boarding on a sacred obligation… Nothing could do more to insure all children’s safety and security and metal and physical wellness.

Carpe Diem!



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On Addiction…

On Addiction…

We are constantly bombarded by Mainstream Media, by government spokesmen, by public service announcement and even by the Local News, and our pastors, with words and images of Addicts and their pain, and the grief   their addiction brings others. What a terrible tragedy for a parent, a sibling, a friend. But it is no tragedy for the addict, and its does no good to feel sorry for them anymore than it does to feel sorry for an alcoholic. Both are inflicted with a terrible disease, no, not addition, but Narcissism and despair. The terrible truth is that they brought addiction on themselves; they made a choice to abuse themselves, to deny their intrinsic value, to deny love of others and accept a state of self-gratification. Addicts render themselves incapable of higher order human emotion and reason, they strip away all family and friendships, they deny their own humanity, and they literally cease to function with what we describe as “normal” human behavior and in any form of positive personal relationships. While there exists what clinicians describe as “high-functioning” addicts, even they are in truth, and were before their addiction, what is best described as a “sociopathic personality” with a narcissistic complex. Their behavior before and after chemical addiction is essentially the same, self-centered, self-loving and completely egocentric. They live to satisfy themselves with the next “high,” which is in truth no more than an extremely immature form of orgasm, a childish and pre-pubescent state of self-gratification, a delusion of self-importance and denial of the need and want of others.

When an addict is found dead, it should be remembered that death by overdose is not a suicide, and normally is in no way intentional. Addicts do not kill themselves; to the contrary, they seek a state of perpetual pleasure and escape from reality, leading not to an end, but to a fugue, a permanent dissociative state of self-indulgence. Addicts show little or no concern for their interactions with other humans unlike Suicides who most often act because of the troubled state of their relationship with other humans. Self-destruction by addicts is inevitable, self-destruction by distressed, depressed humans need not be, and is truly far more lamentable and tragic act.

As with the alcoholic, there is no cure for Opioid Drug Addiction, only prolonged abstinence can restore normal human behavior and functioning. If drug abuse is detected early, while the super ego holds some sway, and particularly during adolescence, Operant Behavioral Modification may delay and ultimately postpone the onset of sociopathic and narcissistic behavior, but the underlying psychosomatic proclivities will remain throughout life. Post Adolescent Operant Conditioning Therapy is least efficacious with highly intelligent individuals who are often able to rationalize any objectionable behavior, but is most effective with individuals of normal intellect. In other words it may work miracles on the addicted Waffle House waitress but will fail to alter the behavior of a Medical Doctor who is gleefully prescribing Opioids, raking in profits from Pharma, and who is also a drug abuser.

There is no reason for society to show sympathy or restraint in treating the addict. What we would describe as a character “flaw” is actually is actually an integral and essential and irreplaceable personality trait or predisposition in the addict’s personality inventory. It is essential that such traits, discernible in pre-adolescents, be treated before they literally tear the lid off “Pandora’s Box.” Naturally, our promiscuous and licentious cadre of psychotherapists and drug counselors care little to treat children and adolescents as money is best made treating the “incurable” and monthly, or weekly returnable adult.

Just how many Naloxone treatments must an addict endure until they finally find permanent relief? While I would without doubt administer Narcan to an addict in respiratory distress, it is not lost on me that such intervention is rather like stopping the pouring water, for a few minutes, when waterboarding a human and then turning on the tap full again. Addicts are drowning in our compassion, our pity, our rapid response, only to be revived to drown again and again.

Now lest you find no reason for hope other than chemical ablation of the addiction and not incidentally, a large portion of the addict’s personality, let me introduce Faith into my comment. Faith is the sole immutable answer to Addiction of any kind. Faith is a gift of Almighty God, one that can be sought, but not deserved or earned. The greatest tragedy of Addiction is the loss of Eternal Life, and when addicts deny the Grace of God, they deprive themselves of the Gift of Faith.

I can, with clarity of purpose and presence of fact, describe much contemporary human behavior. I cannot define Faith, God, or explain human healing or why God is merciful, or even explain why I, you and all the living addicts I know have been given life and sustained it to this date. I do believe that we live within God’s Will, and I believe that the prayers of others, and our own prayers spoken often in response to fear, can heal, can comfort, can bring down the Grace of God on others and on ourselves. If you know an addict, pray for them. Praise God.

Heroin is not the demon, we are, each of us has unlimited free will. Saint or Sinner is our choice. I need not share my opinion of Pharma, of Medical Practitioners, of Street Dealers and Cartels, of Therapists and Counselors, of Parents who leave their stash in unlocked cabinets (and their loaded pistols under pillows), of Politicians who play with the money and the bodies of citizens in a game we call “Reelection.” I will tell you that not everyone can be saved from themselves, and that only those who try to overcome their weaknesses and depravities are salvageable. Finally, I believe that a theory Darwin called “Natural Selection” finds itself proven daily in the children of so many miscreants, so many incredibly poor parents, whose progeny are “evolving” in reverse, and promoting a culture that seeks the Lowest Common Denominator. For this reason alone, I am inclined to say: “Let them eat Hydrocodone! Let them snort cocaine! Let them drop LSD! Just don’t let them vote or drive!


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As spoken aloud by The Community of the Glorious Incarnation in Worship and Praise of Almighty God and with the Hope of Forgiveness and Mercy through Our Lord, Jesus Christ and the sustaining Grace and Comfort of the Holy Ghost.  A minimally revised and expanded version of The Penitential Office for Ash Wednesday in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, meant for prayerful contemplation and to inspire Divine conversation. 

On the First Day of Lent, the Office ensuing may be  used with Morning Prayer, or Evening Prayer, or as a separate Office. The same Office may be read at other times, at the discretion of the Minister. The Minister and the People kneeling, then shall be said by them this Psalm following:

The Psalm

Miserere mei, Deus. Psalm li (Coverdale 51).

HAVE mercy upon me, O God, after thy great goodness; * according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences.

Wash me throughly from my wickedness, * and cleanse me from my sin.

For I acknowledge my faults, * and my sin is ever before me.

Against thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight; * that thou mightest be justified in thy saying, and clear when thou shalt judge.

Behold, I was shapen in wickedness, * and in sin hath my mother conceived me.

But lo, thou requirest truth in the inward parts, * and shalt make me to understand wisdom secretly.

Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; * thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness, * that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.

Turn thy face from my sins, * and put out all my misdeeds.

Make me a clean heart, O God, * and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from thy presence, * and take not thy holy Spirit from me.

O give me the comfort of thy help again, * and stablish me with thy free Spirit.

Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked, * and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, thou that art the God of my health; * and my tongue shall sing of thy righteousness.

Thou shalt open my lips, O Lord, * and my mouth shall show thy praise.

For thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I give it thee; * but thou delightest not in burnt-offerings.

The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit: * a broken and contrite heart, O God, shalt thou not despise.

O be favourable and gracious unto Sion; * build thou the walls of Jerusalem.

Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, with the burnt-offerings and oblations; * then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine altar.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Deliver us from every evil, O Lord, and give us grateful hearts through Christ Jesus, for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever, Amen. 

O Lord, save thy servants,* that put their trust in thee.
Send unto them help from above,*
and evermore mightily defend them.
Help us, O God our Saviour,*
and for the glory of thy Name deliver us;  be merciful to us sinners, for thy Name’s sake.
O Lord, hear our prayer,*
and let our cry come unto thee. 

Let us pray.

O LORD, we beseech thee, mercifully hear our prayers, and spare all those who confess their sins unto thee; that they, whose consciences by sin are accused, by thy merciful pardon may be absolved; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O MOST mighty God, and merciful Father, who hast compassion upon all men, and who wouldest not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn from his sin, and be saved; Mercifully forgive us our trespasses; receive and comfort us, who are grieved and wearied with the burden of our sins. Thy property is always to have mercy; to thee only it appertaineth to forgive sins. Spare us therefore, good Lord, spare thy people, whom thou hast redeemed; enter not into judgment with thy servants; but so turn thine anger from us, who meekly acknowledge our transgressions, and truly repent us of our faults, and so make haste to help us in this world, that we may ever live with thee in the world to come; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then shall the People say this that followeth, after the Minister.

TURN thou us, O good Lord, and so shall we be turned. Be favourable, O Lord, Be favourable to thy people, Who turn to thee in weeping, fasting, and praying. For thou art a merciful God, Full of compassion, Long-suffering, and of great pity. Thou sparest when we deserve punishment, And in thy wrath thinkest upon mercy. Spare thy people, good Lord, spare them, And let not thine heritage be brought to confusion. Hear us, O Lord, for thy mercy is great, And after the multitude of thy mercies look upon us; Through the merits and mediation of thy blessed Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then the Minister shall say,

O GOD, whose nature and property is ever to have mercy and to forgive; Receive our humble petitions; and though we be tied and bound with the chain of our sins, yet let the pitifulness of thy great mercy loose us; for the honour of Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Advocate. Amen.

The Collect 

Ash Wednesday

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent; Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Epistle

I John 2:15

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life. These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him. Amen

 The Epistle

1 John 4 

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.We love him, because he first loved us. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also. Amen

The Blessing of Aaron:

THE LORD bless us, and keep us. The LORD make his face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us. The LORD lift up his countenance upon us, and give us peace, both now and evermore. Amen

The Peace and Blessing of God Almighty:

The Peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, And the Blessing of God Almighty,  +The Father, +The Son, and +The Holy Ghost be amongst us, and remain with us through this night. Amen

The Jubilate of the Community of the Glorious Incarnation:

 Let us give Thanks and Praise unto the Lord, our God!

For the Lord, our God, is just and merciful,

And His creation is beauteous, boundless and eternal!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Blessed be the Name of God,

Blessed be His Holy Name!

Revised  February 18, 2018 

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Impeach the Bishop of Rome!

The names of the 14 Catholic US Senators who voted against the 20-week abortion ban are:

Maria Cantwell – Washington
Susan Collins -Maine
Dick Durbin – Illinois
Kirsten Gillibrand – New York
Heidi Heitkamp – North Dakota
Tim Kaine – Virginia
Patrick Leahy – Vermont
Ed Markey – Massachusetts
Catherine Cortez Masto – Nevada
Claire McCaskill – Missouri
Bob Menendez – New Jersey
Lisa Murkowski – Alaska
Patty Murray – Washington
Jack Reed – Rhode Island

I, for years, vociferously asserted to the Roman Catholic hierarchy in America the need to act “Ex Cathedra” and excommunicate any and all communicants who would not repudiate their public support of Abortion Rights. Some few have done so, but the majority of American Bishops either choose to deny the Eucharist to these heretics, or do nothing at all for fear of Papal intervention. While I greatly respect the personal moral integrity of so many American Roman Catholic Bishops I am saddened by the lack of institutional fortitude they demonstrate en masse on this issue.

Denying Holy Communion is no punishment, after all, children are denied before their First Communion, and all non-confirmed, non-Catholic adults are also denied, as are, theoretically, all divorcees and all who fail to examine their conscience and make a sincere, complete confession prior to receiving the Body of Christ. Only through a Published Writ of Excommunication Vitandi may the sinner be reproved and dismissed from the congregation, and only then may the cost of eternal damnation be made apparent to the sinner, to their family and to the Church community in whole.

When the spouses of these flagrant Senatorial reprobates are informed that their intercourse with the same is sinful and prohibited, that their children may no longer attend Parochial Schools paying RC tuition, and that they are in a state of mortal sin and are risking eternal damnation in supporting and promulgating the murder of innocents, then we shall see true spiritual conversion, and a sea change of sentiment among all Roman Catholic communicants.

James Cardinal McIntyre acted to effect my excommunication, and although I never received a formal Writ… which I might add I would have framed and proudly displayed… he did succeed in hastening my ordination as an Anglican Cleric. For this I am ever thankful, if totally unworthy and ill conformed even to that denomination.

The question I would ask of all Roman Catholic Communicants is this: Where in the Bible, even in the eminent and often beautiful Douay Rheims Translation, is the Bishop of Rome given authority over all other Bishops? The folly of that belief is proven in the present election of the Bishop of Rome as Pontiff, Pope Francis, a progressive socialist liberationist theologian of dubious and cowardly character… where was he when the government of his country murdered of thousands of students and activists who shared his beliefs?… and who now promotes liberal and sinful and degrading human behavior as preferred and even encouraged Magisterium?

In the sixth grade I asked Sister Superior why the Bishop of Rome held sway over American Catholics, who at that time provided the majority of funds for the activity of the Holy See, and whose Bishops, many of whom were immigrants, all of whom were unmarried, did nothing to end the insidious discrimination of racism and blatant anti-Semitic palaver of Catholic Lay organizations, and the obvious misogyny of the Baltimore Catechism. I was slapped and counseled and punished by her, God Bless Her, (I thought myself a martyr) but surely you can see that in the near six decades hence, little appears to have changed.

A favorite Novel and later Movie of mine, “The Cardinal” ( just a little better than “The Robe”), dealt with the issues I address in this comment, Abortion among them, and that  Novel was written in 1959, and the Movie released in 1963. Fifty Five  years later nothing of fact or fiction has changed!

Abortion and infanticide was a major concern of First and Early Christians, and either act was a heinous act against charity and the very fact that we humans, all humans, are, from conception, created in the image and likeness of God!

American Catholics would do well to cast off the Imperial mien of the Roman Church and reform the Church in America after the manner of the First Evangelists and with the inspiration, as then, of the Holy Ghost. For as much as it may seem an “Obama” could be the Anti-Christ, how much easier would it be for Lucifer to sit his minion on the throne of the Bishop of Rome? Could the Pontiff’s worldwide influence and a nascent loosening of moral Magisterium,  increasing moral laxity among the Laity, the practice of Catholic Universities, here and elsewhere, allowing heresy and moral ambiguity and sexual perversity to be discussed, debated and taught on campus, all be signs of a growing demonic influence within the Papacy?

Do we not have ears to listen, and yet are we deaf… eyes to see and yet are we blind? I am not going to quote the many Chapter and Verses in the Bible, OT and NT which inform us of our ignorance and arrogance of the Word of God; I would be too “Protestant” sounding for a majority of American Roman Catholics. But consider the schism that could result from following the truth: an autonomous American Catholic Church!  Think, as we American materialists are wont to do, of the incredible power and influence of such a Denomination.  Consider the sheer monetary size and social value of that Church’s Annual Communicant’s Tithe… Why every catholic child could attend a parochial school, tuition free! Just as St. Elizabeth Anne Seaton would have it! And wouldn’t Catholic Hospitals and Charities again blossom eliminating absurd hospital charges and medical fees and outrageous overhead and excess revenue, and providing health care and healing for all, including  the weak and needy? Just as Sister Irene Fitzgibbon and Dorothy Day would have it!

American Catholic thought has always been the “soul” of Charity and the “lamp” of Piety. Rome has always had little to do with either, and what Papal Encyclicals of merit issued were you ever required by your Bishop to read,  consider and confess? What moral demand has the Bishop of Rome, or your local Bishop ever made of you? Heed the call, demand your Bishop Excommunicate Vitande any communicant who supports Abortion Rights! I mean you, reading this comment, or your mom, cousin, neighbor, your priest; this is a real and eternal litmus test, for if you believe it is right to take the life of an innocent, only God’s mercy will spare you from eternal damnation, and no Christian minister may preach otherwise!

These Roman Catholic Senators who deny the inchoate human beings protection from indiscriminate Abortion are in a state of Mortal Sin and in imminent danger of eternal damnation. And those Bishops and Priests who fail to inform and guide these Senator’s moral deliberations and fail to hold them accountable before the Law of God are just as culpable, and just as damned.

Impeach Obama, Impeach Trump? Child’s play! Impeach Pope Francis! Now that’s the work of Serious Christians!

God Bless all + + +


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A Prayer for the 114th Congress of the United States of America

Once, in “another” Georgia, in a time well before the Age of Millennials, there existed a righteous culture whose people lived under the Rule of Laws, first, God’s Law, and then under those Laws of their own making; who expected that the neighbors they sent to Congress would abide always and absolutely by His Laws, and would work diligently to craft their Laws so to reflect and apply His Laws in the general cause of Justice, Equality and Liberty for all. They spoke not of Freedom from Religion, but Freedom of Religion; not of Separation of Church and State, but of Separate Church and State; not of removing God from Schools, but of seeking His protection for Schools, to allow teachers, parents, administrators and students to seek wisdom in peace and harmony with each other. Men and women educated in such schools volunteered to seek office not for personal gain, or to promote Party ideology, but to seek to “form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

Such were the obedient and righteous people of Protestant and Catholic America, as yet untarnished by rapacious materialism, egregious consumerism and the spawn of social engineering, and its companion, unfettered sexual narcissism. These men and women would fall upon knees calloused in prayerful pose to give thanks to their Creator, and praise to their Savior, and to entreat Grace from the Holy Ghost.

These Americans believed in God, read His word, sought His counsel, and lived, albeit imperfectly, in obedience to His will, and in all things just and moral sought moderation, understanding and holiness.

Can you imagine telling your neighbors today that you seek holiness? That you seek to live a godly life, that you desire to discern God’s Will, and obey it? Would you even dare tell them that you believe in God, and can you, for no particular reason at all, confess to them that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Son of God?

Once, in that other Georgia, people gathered on Sunday to do just that, to proclaim His glory and promote a just and lasting Nation, led by men and women of Faith. No not everybody voted, but everybody had a voice, and on Sundays those voices, man and woman and child, rose in joyful harmony to Heaven, where prayers are heard and answered, where all men and women are equal, where innocent children await their parents, where husbands cherish their wives and mothers smile at their child’s delights.

This prayer below, in some like form, is as old as this Nation. Such was said by our first President, George Washington, in whose church pew I have sat, and whose Anglican denomination I share. This text dates from the early 19th Century, but remains in use today for worship in the 1928 Prayer Book of the Protestant Episcopal Church and many Contemporary American Anglican and Anglo-Catholic Congregations.

I would call to your attention that the Prayer for Congress implies a Judeo-Christian constituted Congress, and implores God to “direct and prosper” members of Congress, acting in concert with their Faith and respective denominations, so to benefit themselves and all of us in actions and ways peculiarly absent from a majority of those who currently serve us in the Congress of these United States of America.

You may conclude, as I have, that we have broken trust with those who came before us, with those who sought to form a more perfect Union, with those whose blood consecrated that Union and with those whose sacrifices continue to be offered in the name of all humanity; and further, that we have broken Faith with God and abandoned the very source of strength that enlightened and animated our Founding Fathers and propelled us to our place in history. Finally, let me plead with you to pray for our Congress and our President, if not with these words, then with your own. For only God can Bless America, indeed, only God can Save America, and only God can make America “Great Again.”   + + +

A Prayer for Congress.
To be used during their Session.

MOST gracious God, we humbly beseech thee, as for the people of these United States in general, so especially for their Senate and Representatives in Congress assembled; that thou would be pleased to direct and prosper all their consultations, to the advancement of thy glory, the good of thy Church, the safety, honour, and welfare of thy people; that all things may be so ordered and settled by their endeavours, upon the best and surest foundations, that peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety, may be established among us for all generations. These and all other necessaries, for them, for us, and thy whole Church, we humbly beg in the Name and mediation of Jesus Christ, our most blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer, Page 35, The Seabury Press, New York A.D. MDCCCCLIII

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Did we just vote to abstain from Christmas?

My Sermon for Christmas Eve, December 24, 2016

What is unclean can not be Righteous, nor can a Nation whose people serve Lucifer…

Today, in the Security Council of the United Nations we voted to abstain in the matter of Israel’s hegemony over all of Canaan, an act which mocks the spoken Word of God and glorifies the Anti-Christ, whose way we prepare, whose world order we appear to desire.

Jeremiah 23:5-8

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that they shall no more say, The Lord liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, The Lord liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.

And each of us, who brought the Serpent to rule us, Repent as well, for his mark is upon us.

Revelation 13:16-18
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a MARK in their right hand, or in their foreheads…

Revelation 14:11
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the MARK of his name.

Revelation 19:20
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the MARK of the beast, and them that worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Now, I don’t want to alarm you, most especially as we celebrate the Birth of the Son of God, but the timing of this blasphemy, this treachery is not mine, but my President’s, Barrack Hussein Obama.

You may declaim, I did not vote for him, It is not me to blame.. but it is you, and me, it is all of us. Somewhere along the way, we lost sight of what our father’s treasured, we forgot why patriots fell, we ignored the precious blood, the stream of which ran from pools at the foot of His Cross, and coursed through lands and time and history. We washed innocent blood from our hands, as did Pilate, we threw out the crimson water, and blinded ourselves to the stain. We took life not to save our own, or our wives and children’s lives, but to enrich ourselves, to raise ourselves up as all-knowing demigods, to dominate and dictate world order. We played right into the deceiver’s hands, and then, even when we could stop, we turned on our own innocent and sanctioned the murder of the inconvenient, the unwanted, the accidents and mistakes of our own foolish acts, gifts of God ripped from the womb and poured down the sewers of our great cities.

And with every drop of innocent blood, and every vengeful death of every criminal adjudged not fit to live among civilized people, we glorified ourselves as gods, and called to Lucifer, Come! We all did this, every one of us who voted for any politician since 1964, every one of us who have read the Bible, and yet not understood a word.

It is I, Lord, I would not die for you, so you let other’s die for me, beginning with your own Son. I know all to well the end is near for me, Judgment awaits, and I pray, mercy on my soul. It may be that I will miss the end of the battle between good and evil, but let me say that I know that the battle is joined for the soul of humanity. The Bible: God’s revelation, and the teachings of Jesus Christ, His Son, must struggle against the influence of the Koran, the teachings of a false prophet and its insidious and satanic verses.

We are no longer confronted with the mere choice of Evil, that is, the absence of obedience to God’s will, we now face the presence of Evil Incarnate, the Beast, present among us, in the flesh of all those who choose to follow and worship him.

We will overcome the minions of Lucifer, those who preach violence and seek to despoil the innocent,  only by following the teaching of Jesus; first by attaining righteousness in our own lives, through loving God and living in obedience to His Will, and then by loving others with the same sense of righteousness and reverence for life that we feel for ourselves.

I am certain the End is near, but not necessarily in that Apocalypse we read of in Revelation, but rather the “end” of the Age of National Self-Delusion. We have not become that new “Shining City on the Hill” that our Founding Fathers thought possible, we are not a New Jerusalem; rather we have come perilously close to being that ancient City on the Plain, Sodom.

The Anti-Christ is an inevitability, but shouldn’t we be that last to fall? Can we not delay, can we not raise up an army of Christians spreading the “Good News” around America and the Globe? Can we not feed, cloth, shelter and convert the weak, the downtrodden, the least of God’s Children?  At the least, can not each of us pray for a true change of heart, a change of National purpose, and  certainly pray for the soul of our President, Barrack Obama and for the God’s strengthening grace upon the soul, mind and heart of our President Elect, Donald Trump?

The Son of God, the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, will judge us all. Let us be sure that we are judged for seeking perfection of the soul and failing, rather than seeking perfection of the flesh and succeeding. When the righteous soul rules, flesh becomes the servant, and the world will then be truly full of Joy, not just in this Holiday Season, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, but through-out the year in each and every one of us.

Praise God, Merry Christmas, Amen + + +

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Quo Vadis?

Senator Sasse (R-Neb.) Advocates Single-Term Third Choice to Clean Up ‘This Messy Moment’


Young evangelical mom:
“I want to cry. I disagree with Hillary Clinton on almost every single thing – but I will vote for her before Trump. I could never tell my kids later that I voted for that man.”

The excerpt above is from Senator Sasse’s Facebook Blog, dated 4 May, 2016. I have the greatest respect for this young man, he truly is a leader, a conservative, but is he a follower of Christ? Is anyone a Christian who would allow Secretary Clinton to be elected by failing to support the opposition candidate?

I must comment on this. I sincerely believe that if it were possible for Senator Sasse’s plan to succeed, for a conservative third-party candidate to be elected, then many citizens of both parties, in fact of all parties, would vote for such a candidate.

But no such thing can possibly happen this election cycle. And no Christian with a conscience can possibly allow Secretary Clinton to be elected.

I have prayed nightly since 1971 that we would do God’s Will, and place the value of human life above any political consideration. I experienced the tragedy of abortion personally, my first wife chose to abort our second child, without informing me of her pregnancy, so she could continue her studies without interruption. Nothing I have ever experienced has left me as disquieted and as profoundly disturbed as her “choice” and the death of our child.

Sacred Scripture and Magisterium is unequivocal on the matter of the sanctity of life. The SCOTUS decision in Roe v Wade, permitting the taking of a human life without criminal penalty has resulted in 5 times more killing of humans than the NAZIs killed in the Holocaust.

Quite frankly because of Sin, there are over 40,000,000 children who never cried, who never felt a loving embrace, who never learned to crawl, walk, tie their shoe, who never held a parent’s hand on the first day of school, or saw their artwork posted on a refrigerator door.

And what I can’t fathom is that there are at least 80,000,000 parents who care so little about life, and care so little about the precious gifts that God gives us to love and protect. How sad for us who live in a land abundantly blessed by God, a people who have no excuse that “we were just following orders,” or that “our leaders were madmen,” or even that we choose to do evil for a “good” reason, as we say when we kill in War to achieve Peace.

If Secretary Clinton is elected, if she appoints progressive Associate Justices to the Supreme Court because Republicans “didn’t like” or “didn’t agree” with their party’s nominee, then judgement will fall on those who could have prevented it, the blood of innocents will be on the hands of everyone who failed to prevent the election of Secretary Clinton.

And it will brighten the stain of innocent blood already streaking the soul of every Christian who has silently tolerated “Freedom of Choice” and now whose churlish anger and juvenile spite dooms God’s innocent to murder at the hands of those who are inconvenienced by the result of most often purposeful sexual intercourse. 99% of the time, it’s not rape… but every planned abortion procedure is murder.

Abortion not only killed our child, it destroyed our family, it ended our marriage, and separated me for months at a time from a daughter who moved with her mother a thousand miles away. A daughter I love, a child I cherished, because of her brother’s abortion, I missed so much of her life, so many of her hugs. And as for my former wife, she still has a problem looking me in the eyes.

Abortion is not a medical procedure, it is the medical termination of life. If you stand by without trying to defeat Sec. Clinton, Republican or Democrat, you will be just another thug, another SS guard, another hooded Klansman, another face in the lynching mob. God have mercy on your soul, God forgive me my anger that you stood by and did nothing to help end this horror!



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To Kill a Watchman

To Kill a Watchman…

Good lord, is it so impossible to believe that a Southern Gentleman, born and bred in a post reconstruction culture, could still seek justice for a man he felt was innocent of the crimes he was accused? Do people actually believe that justice was absent from our Southern States for some 70 years after the War Between the States ended? Do they fail to realize that much of the antipathy between Negroes and Caucasians in Southern was occasioned by the legislative acts and actions of the Republican North, by the vindictive abolitionists and lying industrialists whose behavior was beyond the pale, and whose paid carpetbagging Yankees and draft dodging scalawags inflamed racial tensions in order to secure cheap foreclosed tax sale property and even cheaper labor for their mills and factories? I might add doing so then in much the same fashion as their descendants, Tri-Lateral Republicans and Globalist do now with NAFTA, the proposed TPP, and their patently deceptive “free” trade rhetoric.

Atticus Finch finally finds his voice, a survivor, a cynic, a man of his times, and yet a man who understands that “Justice” is the sine qua non of the Rule of Law, not some miss-perceived notion of “equality” and “fairness,” but Justice before the Bar and before God. Of course, Atticus didn’t have to pander to race, or tolerate incompetency; he didn’t have to break bread or mouth faint words of praise to appease a liberal press, or placate a politician. He simply had to hold true to the vision of Justice that Jefferson described and Madison codified, and that true American Patriots, not left wing Euroamerican partisans, espoused and died for in two revolutions, both of which were thought and fought primarily by Southerions, by gentleman just like Atticus Finch.

I believe Harper Lee hid away,for so many years, from the public eye not because she was ashamed of Southern culture or mores, but because she was ashamed she bent to the will of a progressive publisher who convinced her to prostitute her values and create a character who could never have existed, neither in Alabama, nor even in liberal New York. But like Harriet Beecher Stowe’s fanciful fiction, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, “To Kill a Mocking Bird” made for Lee, for Lippincott, a ton of, as the Apostle Peter called it in I Peter 5:2, “filthy lucre” for all. Worse, it failed to honestly portray her father, an honorable man as he was; it shamed him before a literary conceit, an idealized fable of manhood, her character Atticus Finch.

I thought “To Kill a Mockingbird” was simplistic and insulting when I read it in Fourth Grade, I rejoice that Ms. Lee belatedly gave her father the same feet of clay in her “fiction” that he had in life. Throughout modern literature, the novelty of Idealism runs strongly through the writing of the defeated and depressed, ordinary people are often dressed up as heroes, with the hope of the author absolution for some cultural sin. The shame is that the ordinary people, people like Ms. Harper’s father, or her mentally ill mother, perhaps portrayed in her writing as “Boo Radley,” are far more interesting in life than any glorified, embellished ideal of fiction.

Give me Zelda and Scott over “Jay Gatz” and “Daisy Fay” any day, and Thank the Lord that Ms. Lee finally let “Scout” admit the real Atticus, like her father, Amasa Coleman Lee, had feet of very ordinary, very human clay.


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Trump as Kingmaker?

Trump as Kingmaker?

For a man who didn’t take seriously his chances to be elected President, is Donald Trump now realizing his opportunity to be the power behind the Oval Office, even if he’s not seated there?  At the close of the Fifth Republican Debate, Trump’s demeanor, in my opinion, is subtly changed.  His lead in the Republican Primary polls, his continued invincibility to challenges focused on his comments, and his astute judgment as to the possibility of his election to the Presidency, have all confirmed his original assessment, to act and react to the progress of this campaign in a manner essentially  the same as in any of his previous  negotiations. This is Donald Trump as the central character of the “Art of the Deal.”

Consider that no one, certainly not even Mr. Trump, imagined, when he declared his candidacy, the success he has so far enjoyed. His entrance into the Republican Party Primary race campaign was in no way naïve, nor the product of wishful thinking, rather it was a calculated act of self-promotion, which is the essential and salient trait of every great negotiator.  To win on any level, in any endeavor, requires a fulsome investment of self, an unflinching desire to prevail and an unwavering belief that the outcome will be favorable.  It is my opinion that Mr. Trump’s original goal in undertaking the campaign was not a belief that he would be the Party’s nominee, but actually would achieve greater recognition of his brand, which would increase the value and position of Trump Incorporated;  further his political influence and personal prestige, and not incidentally,  provide a forum in which he could criticize inept government policies  and castigate political personalities which he considered, perhaps rightly, to be weak, ineffective, and whose actions in elected office and government service certainly were damaging  to both the political prestige and economic vitality of the United States.

It must be understood that Mr. Trump is highly regarded, both by himself and the US and International business communities as an intelligent, dynamic and highly successful business leader, whose integrity and dedication to success are unquestionably recognized, if not always admired. In my opinion, regardless of his private motivation, his success in the art of the deal, in closing the deal, and in winning the deal is a reflection of a driven personality, an Alpha male, who will succeed, when necessary, through bluster and bullying when even when faced with negative results, and certainly after a preponderance of facts supporting his position are rejected by the opposing party.  This force of will, this unshakable belief that he is correct in his assumptions, this seemingly pathological bravado comes as a result, not of a character deficiency, but from the presence of an abundance of character. He simply believes his position, most often a result of meticulous planning and analysis, is not only right, but righteous. With apologies to GM, he believes that what is “Good for Donald Trump is “Good” for his Family, for his Company, and for America.”

In this Fifth Debate, I sensed, for the first time, a quiet confidence and humility that comes to great leaders when they internalize the unimagined result of absolute success. Such men become “Gracious Winners,” they admit to themselves, that once again by the force of their personality, and the Will of God, they have prevailed.  Here again, I opine that the goal of His entering the campaign was not his nomination, but the achievement of notoriety and respect for his brand, which is of course, received through him. Nominated or not, Trump Inc. will reap the benefits of his campaign, his negotiating skill will be enhanced; his family’s prestige, his children’s standing in society, and within their business worlds increased.  Donald Trump has become, now and in History, the Last Puritan. That reference to history is apt, as Puritans were outspoken, righteous and eminently successful, politically and financially in the inchoate American Republic. I often think of Ford, Rockefeller and Jack Welch as Puritans, They were plain spoken and eminently successful.

So “Trump as Kingmaker?”  First let me offer my belief that Donald Trump now sees a path to the White House, and will exert every effort to win the Republican Nomination, but let me caution that his campaign lacks organization and is grossly deficient in the structure that previously successful primary winners have needed to secure the nomination. It is my opinion that Mr. Trump will make no effort to change from what is now a “winning” strategy, which essentially distills as him being himself, and will rely instead on the cannibalization of “losing” candidate’s staffs, and their endorsements and funding.

Regardless of the outcome of the primaries, Mr. Trump’s base, which he honestly attracts though his heart felt disgust of the corrupt political ruling class, and his sincere expression the diminution of international American influence, will remain his to command at the Republican National Convention. There he will either be nominated, or, quite frankly choose who will be the nominee.

My belief is that the former role will best fit him and the Party, for three reasons. First, as the “Kingmaker” he will have far more opportunity to influence the path of American Public Policy, both privately and publically, than as the President. Second, he will relish his markedly increased power and position within the American and International Business Community, his direct influence and participation in business negotiations will vastly increase the size and wealth of Trump Incorporated. He really could become a multi-billionaire, in cash, not  “just” on a balance sheet, to the great benefit of his family. Third, he holds Senator Ted Cruz, the most likely nominee if Trump does not run in the General Election, in great respect and through his support of “Cruz for President” could insure Republican Party Unity and Electoral Success.

Will he be “The Last Puritan” and the next Cincinnatus, President of the United States, or just become the most powerful man in the World?

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On the words and wisdom of Lt. Col. Ralph Peters:

…About Barack Hussein Obama.

On the words and wisdom of Lt. Col. Ralph Peters:

…About Barack Hussein Obama.

Why is it inappropriate to call “a spade a spade,” oops, I mean to call “The Wiz” a “Pussy?” I know The President has fathered two children, so I assume he’s not “too gay” but hey, I wouldn’t want him in my locker room, and I sure as… I as sure as hell wouldn’t leave my children with him overnight… I mean when a man acts as if he is a cross between Michael, and here’s his really delusional notion, between Michael Jordan and Abe Lincoln when in fact he is a cross between Michael “Moondancing” Jackson and Vladimir Lenin… well, what can be said about his masculinity? (Lenin was known to dislike women, which is probably why one shot him.)

Follow Obama to Hell and Back? Follow Obama up a Hill? I wouldn’t follow him into a Rest Stop men’s room. I have more respect for the Kingfish, no, not the Louisiana populist Huey Long, I am referring to the Kingfish character on the “Amos and Andy Show,” than I have for President Obama.

So are we just supposed to call “The Wiz” a wuss? While I respect the Office of the President, I have no respect for this pointy headed half-bred who has sold out both halves of his racial identity for eight years of his “fifteen minutes of fame.”

Of course, he has been phenomenally successful in performing his part in the destruction of the Republic. The Euroamerican Left, unsuccessful in electing any left leaning Caucasian to the Presidency, cleverly deduced that the malaise of the Caucasian Middle Class and the disenchantment of Negro and Latino Lower Class would present an opportunity for elective success, if only they could “produce” a not “too black,” not “too known” candidate, and herein fate (or the wrath of God) stepped in, and the child of an African Negro Anarchist father and a confused, neurotic Caucasian Communist indoctrinated mother appeared, one Barack Obama, neighborhood organizer,  Illinois State Legislator and US Senator with unimpugnable if somewhat sketchy credentials, and Voila! The Press fondles him, 99% of all Negroes vote for him, a majority of Latinos love him, and the opposition party runs a stick figure as its candidate, and suddenly a light skinned, mixed race virtually unknown and certainly unvetted  social democratic ideologue is elected President.   Eureka! The left has finally found the formula for the beginning of the end of The Republic!

And aside from the policy and perception havoc The President has raised with friends and allies over the past seven years, what he has done domestically, under the mentoring of Valarie Jarrett and George Soros, et al, is worthy of commendation and the First Class Order of Lenin. You see, successful revolutions need social turmoil, economic distress and, most of all, an underclass without hope; a large number of dissatisfied young men, and woman, who see no way to achieve the wealth and prosperity of their “BOSSES” without taking it by force, or even better, if possible, by political legerdemain. And what better to insure that the disturbing “Black Lives Matter” street movement becomes a radical militant movement than to allow thousands of  Arab “agents provocateurs” into the country, salted strategically through-out it as students or workers or refugees. And the electoral hope of Negro Americans?  Who better to fill the ranks of the oppressed and disadvantaged than  the millions of Negroes who have seen their middle class struggle and shrink, their poorest’s  poverty increase, their children suffer from sub-standard schools and teaching, and even fewer jobs and opportunities present themselves.

The Left, pretty smart, n’est pas? Gosh, I wish I was a delusional conspiracy theorist, I’d write a book or two about what’s going on, sotto voce, under the noses of elected officials and the electorate as a whole, but then I’d just be another “angry” virile white male making money off the masses; in this case, mostly  conservative crackers and fearful white Republicans;  and while busy traveling, speaking and managing  my money I wouldn’t have time to pray, as much as we, I and you, need to pray every day.

Oh yes, that would be “REAL” prayer, addressed to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Joseph, and His Son, Jesus Christ. No prayers to phony half-assed human demigods, none to incorporeal natural spirits, none to misappropriated deities defiled by a violent, puerile and tumescent Arab prophet, no prayers to cow loving meditators of the sublime, or to back rubbing spiritualists communing with “haints,” or to deities oozing from swamps, springs or tree sap. No prayers to Pagan idols, none to dead and buried ancestors. Nope, just praying to the One True, Eternal and Holy and really “pissed off” God, and we’ve read in the Book, and already know, what He will do, if we don’t change our ways to His way, and damn soon.

NO liberals were harmed in the preparation of this politically incorrect rant, which is possibly perfectly true.


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Fourteen September Elevenths have passed…

As with many, I have had thoughts of regret and sadness today, and anger against Islamist’s and have seen numerous images of these towers, from towering icons to smoking rubble, but I have missed again today what I first missed 14 years ago, and on every anniversary since… profound disgust at a Federal Government that allowed this to happen, that failed to keep innocent citizens safe, that made excuses, denied guilt, shifted blame, and finally made war to distract from its negligence, incompetence, and perfidy.

That bumbling, laughable Saudi schemer and terrorist, Bin Laden, was not responsible for the death of these three thousand Americans; yes, he was the immediate cause of their deaths, but the responsibility for each of these dead Americans lays strictly with the bloated, dysfunctional and unrepentant Federal Government, swollen with debt, languishing in bureaucracy, paralyzed with partisanship and blinded by the ambition of manipulative amoral men, venal egotists seeking only to consolidate and perpetuate personal power and political influence.

There can be no excuse for failing to exercise the most important responsibility of the State, the protection of its citizens for foes foreign and domestic, and on September 11, 2001, the Federal Government failed on both accounts.

In my judgment, the last three American Presidents have individually been the most inept, vacuous and malingering sociopaths to ever hold the Office, and have, all three, consistently acted in the most inimical, pernicious and seditious manner, each with the sole objective of personal aggrandizement, without regard as to the consequences of their personal behavior, their poorly constructed political, economic, and social policies, their lack of moral suasion or the influence of the same on the body politic, and in fact on the world as a whole.

Sacrificing our nation’s blood and treasure, killing tens of thousands of Arabs and Muslims, pandering to the lowest common electoral denominators, race and wealth, and suborning Congress and the judicial to violate the Constitution tolerating the murder of millions of humans and creating constitutional “rights” out of whole cloth and removing God from governance, all these acts are cowardly, seditious and traitorous.

Clinton was brought to trial under a bill of impeachment, for moral depravity, Bush should have been impeached for sheer stupidity, and Obama must be impeached for betraying the Constitution and subverting the Commonweal and abusing the powers of Executive Branch of the Federal Government.

The American People got it wrong in the aftermath of 9-11-01; they turned their anger outward toward a foreign foe, they blamed a backward nation of goat herders for the murdered Americans, they blamed a delinquent despot, a maniacal tyranny, a petty piss ant and bully… Afghanistan and Iraq… yet 18 of the 19 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, whose absolute monarch controlled OPEC and whose “Royal” family, thousands strong, owns billions of dollars of stock in American Corporations, and who heavily influences Big Banks and Wall Street.

And the fat, lazy denizens of the Capitol, your Congressmen and Senators, on whose watch the villainous act of terror, the death of thousands of innocents and destruction of the twin towers occurred, not one was turned out of office for such cause as surely existed, and all were enriched by the trillions of dollars appropriated to defense contractors, here and abroad, to defeat the terrorist and make the world safe again.

That didn’t happen either… and no one in Congress has paid the price of failure, paid down as it were by the men, women, and children in the towers on 9-11-01, and paid still, daily, in fresh blood and perpetual sacrifice of limbs, of body and mind, of normal lives by those whose struggle with the wounds of an unwinnable war, as futile a sacred sacrifice of honor and duty as was the war in Vietnam.

Three thousand people died horrifically before our eyes on 9-11-2001, yet everyday another blow against liberty and freedom of 300 Million American citizens finds it target. We are slowly being murdered by extra-judicial review by the Federal Courts, by laws and taxes passed by Congress, by extra-legal regulations allowed by Congress and confusingly written and gleefully promulgated by the Federal bureaucracy, by the unconstitutional intrusions and abuses of “Homeland” Security and the militarization of public safety and police departments across America, and by unfunded mandates and the burgeoning entitlements of permissive and amoral social and political policies of government functionaries and progressive Euro-American intellectuals and campaign donors and lobbyists.

Crying for those who died that bleak day in September, 2001 is sentimental and satisfying…

…Failing to cry-out in protest against and demanding the change of a government led by unscrupulous political hacks and well-heeled wealthy monetarists is the true tragedy of our time, for your silence will lead to the death of liberty and the impossibility of the pursuit of happiness. It has already cost the life of uncounted millions of unborn human beings, and soon, the state will ask for your life, trust me on this, and the forfeiture of your wealth to support “those less fortunate” who always vote the party line.


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“I’m doing the best I can… Are you?”

The article that follows is an introductory summary of my “Motivation Management, the Eesy Way Seminar,” presented in house at an aerospace company of which I was the Director of Commercial Products, and in other venues, circa 1977- 1993. And yes, I still believe that everyone does the best they can everyday, but we can always do better!

How many times have we heard someone say: “I’m doing the best I can!” How many times have we faced them in disappointment or even disgust and replied: “No, you’re not!” or “If that’s so, that’s pathetic!” or “You could have do a lot better!” or any other number of retorts that come to mind in anger or frustration. Whether we are speaking to our child, a co-worker or subordinate, I’m here to say we are wrong:  “They were doing the best they  could do”

Let me explain. The litany of responses I listed above, the endless number and  manner of criticisms we feel compelled to direct to that person who has disappointed us, failed to live up to our expectations or failed to accomplish a task we’ve assigned; they not only do no good, they are absolutely not true.

Listen to wisdom: “Everybody does the best they can every time.” I am going to repeat that, emphatically: “Everybody, child adult, man, woman, young or old, does the best they can every time.”

Your co-worker, the one you call a slacker, the one who never finishes what they start, the one whose work you often complete, they are doing the best they can.

Your child, the one whose room is a mess, whose grades are poor, who talks back and never pays attention, they are doing the best they can.

Your employee, the often tardy, sometimes surly hourly worker who always seems to “be in trouble” with you, co-workers, and customers, they are doing the best they can.

Your team member, the brilliant but unpleasant, the dumb but ingratiating, the callous and irritating, the “one with so much potential,” the one merely putting in their time until five PM, the one watching the clock, they are all doing the best they can.

If, as wisdom asserts, they are doing the best they can, could the solution to their lack of achievement, their lack of progress, their failure lie somewhere else?  Could it be that… you need to change, you need to understand human behavior just a little better than you do now, because frankly, you’re doing the best you can, and it’s not working.

Perception and expectation color if not create all our relationships. It is the nature of us to perceive each newly met human being first as ” Friend Or Foe (FOF).”  There is only one exception to this instinctive behavior, “Motherhood,” and I am not about to claim any understanding or expertise of this remarkable exception, other than to be thankful for it. I am one of  those about which it was often said “Only a mother could love….” For all other circumstances, believe me, just below the veneer of civilization, there lies a being who has evolved in fear of life or limb for eons, whose sense of smell and sensory acuity has been replaced by an acute discriminatory event, the seldom ignored, seldom changed “first impression.”  We respond viscerally to what we see and hear, overtly or subliminally to what we smell, to the first touch, be it handshake or hug, we instinctively decide which side of the FOF line the new acquaintance will fall, or if they will straddle the line until we know more about them.

The FOF line, the friend or foe line, is a powerful ever-present sensory demarcation line that exists in every initial experience we have with any other human, or for that matter, with any other animal we encounter.  This essay is not about that primal phenomenon, I mention it here to explain how we first develop expectations of behavior.

And do we ever develop expectations!   From the first sight of any human, we begin, subconsciously at first, and then with intent, to assign characteristics to that person. Even mothers do this with their babies! You or I do it with every new person we meet, and in fact, with every old acquaintance we see, every day. Assuming that we perceive them as a friend, we may expect friendship, “Will they like me” or if they are a new peer, “Will they work as hard as I do” or if they are a subordinate, “Will they do the job; will they fit into my team?”

Expectations are an inextinguishable part of human behavior. We form them based on our perceptions.  And they are often the most damaging element to forming and maintaining relationships.

Briefly, I want to examine that particular relationship that forms between employer and employee. It is critical on so many levels, and impacts so many events. Understanding how expectations undermine the nature of the relationship and how to avoid forming them, or at avoid acting on them, is the key to productivity and profitability. More importantly, you must come to the realization that “every employee has done the best they can!”

“That’s ridiculous!” you retort at that statement.  You can list 15 things the employee who popped into your mind, when you read that statement, could have done better. Answer me this, can you in any way alter the work which was done today, or yesterday, or last week or last month, by that employee? Can you make one more widget yesterday? Can you make one more sales call yesterday? Can they type one more letter yesterday? Can they undo that incredibly stupid accounting mistake…yesterday?

Of course, the answer is no, not you, or your company, or the Uncle Sam or even the Good Lord can, or in the Lord’s case will, change what happened yesterday.

If you want an employee to improve, the soonest they will start improving is tomorrow, and most importantly, that employee’s improvement must start with you!

The easiest and most cynical method of improvement is for you to lower expectations. I am not suggesting this, although this is society’s most common solution. Programs for improvement in social welfare, education, even entitlements like Medicaid and Social security all rely on this method of demonstrating “improvement,” and all are, by any objective, absolute standard, failures.

In fact, I believe that this is the usual and now ordinary way we deal with our children’s failures, our marriage failures, our personal lack of “success,” we lower our standards, we lower our expectations. Personal relationships share many of the characteristics of commercial relationships and are in many ways similar.  Here, however, we deal with you and your employee. Importantly, unlike our parents, we can choose who we hire. Here again, we often didn’t choose or hire the particular employee we brought to mind when I stated “every employee has done the best they could.” Suppose, in a small business, we had. This is a topic for another paper, another time, but obviously choosing the right employee, making the right hire is critical to your company achieving the goals it demands of itself.

Engagement, evaluation, education, encouragement, this is the EEEE process channel to employee achievement, or as I call it, “Eesy.” It’s eesy to build a  winning “team,” to be a championship “coach,” to be the leader you must become to achieve the results you know are possible.

Engagement is the method by which we select candidates and by which we hire them. Success in this initial and critical phase is the least costly to achieve. If done correctly, the candidate selected for hiring will be the best fit for the tasks required. Notice, I did not say the job required, but rather the task or tasks required for your company’s success.

Get over job descriptions, get into task descriptions. Job descriptions define what has taken place; task descriptions define what will need to occur, on an individual level, to achieve the goals that define success.

In a successful business, everything changes constantly but the employees. The job descriptions remain static, but the tasks required for success change, evolve, while those tasked with changing to meet the times, the new demands, are usually the same people. Engagement requires that we optimize our understanding of the value of adaptability, and recruit employees who don’t just “fill the bill” but appear to have the ability to improve the processes that define “filling the bill.”

Evaluation is the next phase of creating achievement.  You may or may not have had a hand in the engagement of the employee, but you are responsible for evaluating how to best use that new employee. If you have been sent a new hire by Human Resources to fill a “Job Description,” this is much harder, but still possible to achieve. In the bureaucracy of a government or union job, it may be impossible.  This is because of “job descriptions” and “work rules” that exist to benefit special interests. If you are an Eesy manager , you have already described your path to achievement of goals as a series of tasks requiring accomplishment, not as a collection of jobs. As an simplified example, to achieve a goal, it is necessary to accomplish 50 tasks. You have 10 employees, so each could be responsible for 5 tasks each. But which task to which employee, can one do eight easy tasks and another only one difficult task? Should some tasks be shared and others not?  Who is best at doing what? If you do not know who does what best, you could fail to achieve your goal, or fail to achieve it most efficiently. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of your employees. Learn what they do best, and what they do poorly. And always seek to have the right employee doing what they do best. It’s called leadership!

Education is the third phase of creating achievement. In the business world we call it training, but we really should use the terms often heard in elementary school. Mastering tasks, or task mastering. He has mastered fractions, she has mastered parsing sentences, and they have mastered choral. You can not go on to long division if you haven’t mastered the concept of fractions, you can not understand grammar if you can’t diagram a sentence, you can’t sing Mozart’s Requiem if you’ve never sung in a chorus. Whatever tasks you need to accomplish, analyze them, define the path, create hallmarks, and state clearly what is necessary for completion, for achievement.

Encouragement is the fourth step to achievement; motivation is created by continuous positive reinforcement of accomplishment. Your employee must share your knowledge of the tasks assigned, your vision of the goal and most importantly, clearly appreciate the value of their contribution. Your positive attitude and unquestioned willingness to help all employees be better at what task they necessarily must accomplish will assure achievement and success.

Always be positive; always seek to lift your team to its highest level of achievement. If you end your day firm in the belief that everyone has done the best they could today, you’ll find that tomorrow, they will do even better.

Let me close this paper with two observations: it’s team work that accomplishes great goals, “Just do It” is absurd, narcissistic crap. They just want you to do it, to buy the shoe! “Let’s do It” is a more honest and far superior motivational anthem, and will yield far greater results to a much greater purpose than a shoe line’s simplistic pitch.

The truth is that if you truly believe that your team could do better, that in the day that just passed, not every one did their best, look in the mirror. HR may not have “engaged” the right person, interviewing and testing may not have “evaluated” and identified that person’s strengths,  orientation, class work and OJT, may not have fully educated that person, but you have failed to manage, motivate, coach up, encourage that person to be the best they could be.

In business, the “whole” is greater than the sum of the parts, the collective experience is more memorable than individual experience, and the work of all together brings to each the highest personal achievement.

You are responsible for making sure you are correct in saying “ Everyone did the best they could today.” Your team will be responsible for that being said of you.









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Why are so many Republican’s attacking Trump over his characterization of Mexican immigrants? Why are any conservatives defending the “honor” of the Mexican State? Mexico is an oligarchy run by in-bred native born elites, the privileged descendants of the “Spanish Criollos” who number less than 10% of the population and control 90% of the wealth, and what’s worse, this Mexican aristocratic caste didn’t work for their fortunes and their great wealth, they inherited it from ancestors who were granted land and rights by the King of Spain. Many of these Upper Class Mexicans are direct descendants of the Spanish Conquistadors who in the 16th Century conquered, pillaged and decimated the Native American populations, all in the name of the Spanish King, the ruling Viceroy and the Roman Catholic Church.

Ask yourself, seriously, why do Mexicans illegally enter America? The obvious answer touted by Democrats, Progressives and the Mass Media is they come for jobs, for a better quality of life for themselves and their families, for economic opportunity and education and the prized US Citizenship for children born in the USA, which often provides a free pass to participate in the “American Dream.

But wait, is that the only answer, or is it more true that they don’t cross the border, legally or illegally, for what we offer but that they do so because staying in Mexico doesn’t offer any hope of achieving the life they may enjoy in America.

South of the Border, there is no opportunity for economic advancement, as all the wealth is sucked up by Entitled Rich; the Mexican notion of middle class is a peasant with two burros.

South of the Border, every night rocks with gunfire, drug gangs, murder, kidnapping, extortion and the denigration of woman and rape. It is fair to say that Mexico is only slightly worse than Chicago.

South of the Border, the notion of excellent and free public schools, offering educational opportunities to all of Mexico’s citizens, exists for very few children. Their public schools are actually worse than Mississippi’s!

South of the Border, medical care, unless you are wealthy, consists of poorly educated doctors and nurses, underpaid and out manned, and hospital staffs and facilities that are substandard, with poor morale and with no efficient Federal system to support them, kind of like Obama Care will be in the 2020’s…

South of the Border, police are corrupt, poorly trained, on the take from vice lords and drug dealers, conspiring with known criminals and more often than not, even when honest, they choose to ignore the terrible violence and drug fueled miscreant culture that permeates Mexican Police and Courts and Prisons.

Do you understand yet why they come? Do you realize that these illegal immigrants, these alien invaders, these human beings, often hardworking, often willing to take on any work, are almost always supporting a family back home in Mexico. They come here not for freedom, but from fear…the fear of being murdered, the fear of seeing their children’s lives wasted, or worse, seeing their child, or children, tortured, mutilated and buried anonymously in an mass grave, or raped, defaced, butchered by either drug fueled criminals, or corrupt and despotic civil and police officials.

Mexico is a Country rich in petrochemicals and minerals; a nation capable of providing sufficient food stores to feed its 122 Million citizens, a nation that should offer its citizens a robust Social Security System and safety net, modern medical treatment and cradle to grave aid and assistance; a nation that should be able to offer Grade 1-12 education to all its citizens, a nation that could… if only its government wanted to do so… control crime and eliminate drug lords, their paramilitary gangs, and the constant threat they pose to life and liberty .

But why should the Government do so? The ambitious poor, those seeking a better life, are North of the border, sending back US cash, increasing foreign reserves, taxing the resources of the several states and providing life changing benefits to Mexican Citizens at no cost to the Mexican Government. And those bright, young and motivated citizens, those who should be marching in the streets of Mexico City demanding change and a truly democratic government, why they are instead walking across the US Border unimpeded and often aided by government policies and agents, “a safety valve” assuring that the poor’s desperation will never boil over into the paved and pleasantly landscaped and well illuminated streets of the upper class neighborhoods of the Capital.

And who is complicit in this vile policy? Why no other than millions of God fearing Republicans who benefit from this cheap, yet intelligent and motivated, illegal labor class , relying on them to do tasks as needed and necessary as picking fruit and vegetables, washing dishes and waiting tables, landscaping private and public spaces, “nannying” children, building roads and walls, erecting steel, painting old houses, framing new houses, and all work completed by them always paid for at less than prevailing “Free Market” or Federally mandated labor rates. Even when tasks are done in Mexico, by the Maquiladoras, under the auspices of NAFTA, they are done for wages much less that those that would be paid in the US. And the factories, when not owned by American controlled corporations, are often privately held and controlled by the well-connected, wealthy Mexican elite

And the Democrats, why all they want is grateful and obedient block voters to assure that their Euroamerican version of a Progressive Social Democracy will soon replace the old, out dated, shopworn and repugnant Republic devised by White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, a majority of which were slave-owners, who saw Liberty as a gift of God, and cherished the creation and maintenance of individual freedom as the ultimate accomplishment of humanity.

Now, tell me again why Trump is wrong headed? He poses the fool, but he speaks the truth. We can’t blame the illegal Mexican immigrant for seeking a better life across the border in America, or for doing whatever the Governments of Mexico and the United States permit in crossing that border. You or I would do the same for ourselves, our children, for our families.

We shouldn’t even blame the Government of Mexico, for the fear those governing Mexico have of their people is palpable, and real. They have, as all tyrants have, ruled by fear and retribution. No sane person wants to be murdered in their sleep, or butchered on the streets of Mexico City as we have seen similarly in world history, in the bloody excesses of the French Revolution, in the decades long pogroms of the Bolshevik Revolution, in the times of the Long March and Cultural revolution in China under Mao-Tse-Tung or more recently in the Peoples Republic of Vietnam, or under the rule of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, in the aftermath of Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan by the Taliban, even currently in the demonic massacres by ISIL in Syria and Iraq. The Mexican elite fears change above all, and fears violent change with good reason, as they are responsible for the miserable social and economic conditions of the Mexican people.

I believe the blame falls on the American People, who allow successive Presidential Administrations, with the complicity of the US Congress, to plot policies of the Federal Government which ignore the abuse of the Mexican People by their Government, and who allow puppet rulers and fascist parties to manipulate Mexican Elections and dictate their corrupt rule upon the People of Mexico, enslaving them in feudal suzerainty to the wealthy oligarchs, the Catholic Hierarchy, and the professional class which serves, protects and defends the Mexican Government and suppresses any and all variations of critically necessary “Land Reform” and absolutely required “Redistribution of Wealth” based not on inheritance or long held power, but on achievement and merit.

Our National Government, which in 1776 rose from the will of the people, not a land grant or declaration from a King, is so far removed from our democratic past, so corrupted by power and wealth as to not only ignore the Framing Father’s intentions for all men, but the very Commandments of the God of Abraham whose revelation and teachings form the backbone of Judeo-Christian beliefs which are, in fact, the foundation of this American Republic

We should forget, for the moment, “Nation Building” in the Middle East, in Asia and in Africa. We should effect policies that bring about structural changes in the governance of The Republic of Mexico, we should cause a “Regime Change” and reawaken in a proud people the reason they actually celebrate “Cinco de Mayo” and remind them once again of their struggle for independence and of the words and actions of their Founding Father: Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo-Costilla y Gallaga Mandarte Villasenor or more simply, Hidalgo! Surely the good Father weeps from heaven to see the disaster that has befallen his people, those who died then and perhaps must die now to free their nation from an entrenched and insufferable oligarchy. It’s time to finish Hidalgo’s work.


It is my intention to add to each Commentary references for the convenience of those who foolishly doubt my facts. Please contest my opinions if you will, but do not offend reason by acting a fool. Remember a little knowledge is dangerous! Beginning Thinker’s Citation’s presented here, see for example these references below. Do not be afraid of bibliographies.

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Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy? Whither goest thou?

President Jimmy Carter @CarterCenter (New York, NY)39th President of the United States; Author, ‘A Full Life: Reflections At Ninety’  Huffington Post Interview, 7 July 2015


I know, for a fact, that Jesus did not vote for James Earl Carter for President, and could not approve the use of the sophomoric diminutive, “Jimmy.” It is rumored hereabouts that Jesus still can not understand why “Jimmy,” while Governor of Georgia, turned out thousands of inpatients from state mental health care hospitals and day care treatment centers, where they were at least clothed and fed and medically treated, to fend for themselves on city streets as the homeless and helpless victims of crime and Jimmy’s public policy; or worse, to turn to drug addition, prostitution, and violence to “make it through the night.”


“Up, LORD, and let not man have the upper hand; * let the heathen be judged in thy sight.
Put them in fear, O LORD, * that the heathen may know themselves to be but men.” Psalm 9:19-20


Jimmy Carter was an arrogant Governor, an arrogant President, and now is an arrogant Elder, who willingly substitutes his word for the Word, worse, he leads others to the left or to the right, sure in his heart he walks the narrow path. Jimmy, if it’s not in the Sacred Scriptures, it’s not the word of God, but the hubris of man. We are so easily mislead by popular culture, we are so sure that God is love, we hear so many say: “If there is a God, we are forgiven…” Conditional and relative and situational are all words of man, not found in the original texts, not taught by the original teacher.

For me, it is easy, I know that Jesus loves me, I know that He died for my sins, which shamefully I admit continue committed daily. As a Christian, I know what my sins are, for the Bible tells me so, and that Holy Book tells me that Jesus blessed the marriage of one man and one woman, for in the consummation of that union, children may be conceived, and a Family is created, and that man and that woman, blessed by the Holy Spirit, are joined eternally to God by that act of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual union, sharing the love of God with each other, bound to each other, as Ordained Sacramentally in the first public miracle of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, at the Marriage Feast of Cana.

In the Old Testament, in Genesis, Human Life begins with a man, and a woman, Adam and Eve; and in the New Testament, the first public revelation that the Son of Man is the Son of God begins with the marriage of a man and a woman. The cycle of creation is renewed and now sanctified Holy by the presence of God, the union of man and woman is given grace, blessed by the very presence of Jesus Christ.

Twice God has directly joined man and woman together, first in the Garden of Eden, in the midst of Paradise, and He left them alone to celebrate their creation. Now at Cana, He joins with the man and woman in the celebration of their marriage, in the sanctification of their union, and by His miracle of changing water into wine, God actually becomes part of the celebration, essential to the joy, the fulfillment of the feast. In John, we learn not only of the nature of Christ’s first miracle, but of the context, the presence of Jesus, the presence of His mother, Mary, and the family of her and Joseph, her sons, and certainly the daughters and daughters-in laws, all celebrating the marriage, the vows exchanged, the promise of consummation, the sheer joy of living in His image and likeness, the wedded couple brought together to conceive new life to glorify and worship our Father in Heaven.

And Jimmy, how can abortion ever glorify God? As the lady wrote, what Bible are you reading? The most profound and unbelievable miracles restored life to the dead. How can sucking the very veins and bones and bodies of weeks old children be righteous, regardless of how the child was conceived. How can flushing out of the womb of a fertilized egg be anything but murder? Show me a human that began without conception, there is none. Even Jesus was conceived in the womb, for as Gabriel told Mary:


“The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” Luk 1:35


God did not become incarnate full born, or at 25 weeks or 20 or 12 or even 2 or 1, God became incarnate with the fertilization of Mary’s egg by the seed, the sperm of God! A hard saying, but a profound truth. Jesus is the Son of Man, and the Son of God, and if you are unwilling to accept as fact, as true, the first lesson of Human Biology 101, if you are unwilling to believe that Jesus began life as a perfectly formed zygote, formed by the union of two haploid gametes, one human, one divine, there is little point in your reading what for you must be the only novel ever written, or was at one time (in my youth,) that outsold Gone with the Wind, the Bible! You might as well read Marcus Aurelius or Sun Tzu or Machiavelli or Hobbs or Nietzsche, or a biography of Margaret Sanger.

I have read them all, and believe me, were it not for the grace of God and the teachings of the Holy Bible, Mr. President, you’d be toting gold bars up the steps of my palace, or I yours. + + +

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What Lincoln said…

What Lincoln said…

“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side,  My greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for god is always right”

What Scripture said…

“But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.”  Acts 4:19

It is impossible to consider than any man whose earthly beliefs lead him to cause the deaths of 800,000 humans, almost all of whom were US Citizens at birth, was on the side of God. This man is a mass murderer, the end never justifies the means, unless the end is peace and the means is prayer.

Regardless of his imputed intentions, the only lasting result of the War between the States was the death of these United States of America and the birth of the “Union”… a godless commercial, materialist oligarchy built on the notion that capitalism is a political rather than an economic system, seeking to exploit the natural resources and labor of all nations for the benefit of the privileged few.

Lincoln may, as all of Lucifer’s minions do,  invoke the name of God and assert his support for a cause, but the result, as it always is, is that people, common people, salt of the earth people, die, so that others may become rich.

His expansion of Presidential powers, his abuse of the Constitution, cannot be justified by the fact that “freed” the slaves, or that he “maintained” the Union. Nothing in the New Testament, not one word out of the mouth of Jesus Christ supports his actions, not one word justifies his acts of mass murder, for that, good Christian friends, is what War is, the murder of some “other” children of God to accomplish some necessary “National” need.

Since the death of Lincoln, this Union of States, United I think not, has participated in the death of nearly 100 million lives, whether or not those deaths were justified by the needs of man. We are all the children of God, every one of those lives was sacred, and many those deaths could well have been prevented had we, the people of America, stood up and asserted the very words written by our Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution:


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”


Curiously, I find that our government seldom acts as if all men are created equal, or are even endowed with certain unalienable rights, just ask Negroes, Indians, Immigrants among others, and now I find, as did Alice down the Rabbit Hole, that “ certain unalienable rights” includes a strange menagerie of protected insanities and dubious proclivities. Moreover,  I find little evidence of domestic tranquility or the securing of the Blessings of Liberty, which devolve only from God, as in the motto of our Founding Fathers, “In deo speramus.”  If the truth be told, at no time in the history of this Nation, save the attempt at Lawful Secession, have our people been so discordant, so troubled, so close to rupture.

And now, the minions of Lucifer cry out, as did Lincoln against the South, against Islam, against Israel, against the Chinese, against Latinos, and against a Flag that honored the intentions of the Founding Fathers;  that individual rights, that personal responsibility, and that a limited Federal Government were the absolute requirements of a free and just society.

Believe it or not, the same documents that guaranteed all men freedom from a totalitarian government also allowed and legalized slavery, and severely restricted the rights of the illiterate, un-educated, uninformed and incompetent to vote. States were given sovereignty, and the Federal Government denied the notion, the power or even the capacity of suzerainty… look it up… over the States. Wise men were to govern, and wealthy men were to create industry and maintain commerce.

Now, Satan lives in mouths and hearts not just of the wealthy governing class, but in the hearts of all citizens who support military incursions, unbridled jingoism, domestic poverty, fraudulent profits, consumerism and materialism, abortion and euthanasia, and the normalization and legalization of abnormal and perverted behavior. .

Ave Caesar Obama, ave John Boehner, Lucifer est partris tui!  Lincoln will see you, and your followers in hell, Why? Why you ask? Why would we be condemned? Maybe those two weeks you spend on vacation, the times spent in Orlando, at Disney World, or at Universal Studios, maybe that is your little bit of heaven… maybe you are, in fact, enjoying your heaven on earth… think not?

How many hungry children could that vacation money have fed? Not kids in faraway Africa, but in America, In your home town! Does the thrill of that death-defying ride, the excitement of your fulfilled fantasy give you more pleasure than the smile of a feeding child, the thanks of the less fortunate for your hand-up? How about the computers and I phones you bought and carry, those devices that constantly broadcast evil, death, destruction and even graphic pornography, while silently desensitizing you, your children and grandchildren from their content’s filth and corruption? How about the lyrics of the music you buy, the violence of the movies you watch?

That multi-national company for whom you work, do they do God’s work as well? And frankly, do you really think there is a difference between what you do as you work for them, and what God commands you to do for Him? And do you stand with the progressives who maintain that free will is a myth, that people have no control over their actions, and that big government, global government, single government is inevitable? Are you powerless to stop this celebration of the flesh, or even willing to participate in it? Who, my fellow Americans, is your master, who is your god?

Eternity began for you at the moment of your conception, and if you are not living in accordance to the will of the God of Abraham, you better hope, as atheists and humanists do, that your eternity ends with your death.

So, really, How judge ye?

+ + +



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We hear this term, domestic terrorism, over and over from the mouth of newscasters, talking heads, radio hosts, and call in guests. We read the term, domestic terrorism, in news articles, commentaries, blogs and op-ed pieces hundreds of times every day.

We are told that domestic terrorists are “ISIL sympathizers,” or “racist confederate flag wavers,” or even “police officers,” and some even call “republicans like the Koch Brothers” or “progressives, like President Obama”, real domestic terrorists who seek to destroy America.

And while all those listed are to one or another of us the very definition of the term “domestic terrorists,” they are not the real ones, the worst ones. They are not the terrorists who are presently destroying America.

No, none of them even come close to the damage to this Republic that one group of domestic terrorists are effecting year by year.

Today, for many of us, our worst fears were confirmed. Today we can be certain who are the actual authentic “domestic terrorists” who would tear down the institutions of our Federal system and eviscerate the rights of the sovereign states.

Who are these domestic terrorists, who are they, indeed?

Why, they are known to us all as the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

Today, five of them suborned, “legalized,” acts contrary to the intent and text of the United States Constitution, and in doing so, they defied and defiled the very God whose covenant with our Founders was so strong as to sustain this nation through two hundred years of prosperity.

The inane assertion, on the part of these five justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, that citizen dyads who are biologically unable to reproduce are entitled to the same benefits and protections afforded by State laws regulating marriage as those citizen dyads who can reproduce is an affront to justice and it is an act of moral turpitude rising to the level of a treasonable offense.

The total disregard by these Justices for the Constitution, for their act of nullification, not just of State law, but of the Tenth Amendment; for their assumption that they have the power to assert that a scant minority of citizens may impose their immoral and perverted sexual behavior under power of Federal Law on a majority of a State’s citizens, is an act that of itself is egregious enough to warrant impeachment.

If Congress lacks the moral and political courage to impeach the President, surely it has no fear of Kennedy, Kagan, Sotomayor, Ginsberg and Breyer.

I personally am opposed to removing from the Sovereign States rights delegated to them by the Constitution. If the citizens of any State want to provide certain rights to dyads of any gender, they have the power to create and regulate “Civil Unions.”

That these foul and socially debased Justices would raise the behavior of same-sex dyads, sodomy, oral and anal sexual behaviors lacking any possibility to conceive or create human life, to the level of pious and moral marriage, to enjoy not only the same benefits, but share the same sacramental name, “Marriage” is not only a miscarriage of Constitutional Law and Authority, but a bludgeoning of our spiritual heritage and moral authority.

Kennedy, Kagan, Sotomayor, Ginsberg and Breyer must be impeached and removed from the Supreme Court, through indictment by the House and trial in the Senate, as provide for in the Constitution.

Kennedy, Kagan, Sotomayor, Ginsberg and Breyer are the new face of Domestic Terrorism and they must be stopped. Call your Congressman; call your Senator, Impeach these Justices for the threat to our freedom they present, Impeach them now!

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The Deathly Silence

Boston, liberal bastion of the Northeast United States, home to major liberal arts universities, Harvard and Boston University, center of study of the human genome, MIT, city of a million Roman Catholics, and tens of thousands of Episcopalians, a community proudly steeped in a century or more of post modern progressive Judeo-Christian theology; Boston,  the Apostolic Prelates of Boston City are silent tonight.

That’s not to say the press of Christians crowded into to Irish pubs, trendy bars and back street dives are silent, no, not silent at all!  Through-out the neighborhoods of the city built by Puritans and straight laced Yankees, the mobbish followers of Jesus in hearty unison cheer: Death to Tsarnaev!

They will have their revenge of the heinous, cowardly act of bombing the Boston Marathon, they will have blood for blood!  “Vengeance is ours…” proclaim the Irish Lords of Southy, and the WASP swells of Beacon Hill, “Vengeance need not delay and wait upon the Lord, we deserve it now and we will have it.”

I am opposed to the Death Penalty, as I am to any homicide, and I aver to you that any form of human activity that results in the taking of human life by another human is so far out of the Will of God as to be clearly, and cleanly, the act of a human animal, not the act of a human being, sentient and conscious of God’s Will.

It is our understanding of that Will, that makes the very act of Tsarnaev and his brother so reprehensible, so horrifying, and so pathetic. They are like human creatures that have not evolved since the First Century AD, like those human animals whose religious creeds reflect the absence of God’s presence since their prophet first mislead them fifteen centuries ago. Human animals not yet elevated by the suffusion of the Holy Spirit to the nature of  empathetic beings, not yet evolved culturally to the point of recognizing the beauty of life, its precious nature, its Divine chord of Justice, and the singular transforming nature of God’s love for His children, when such awareness leads to acceptance, to transformation, to the very character of the Divine accomplished in human beings through His revelation to us, that being the absolute and quintessential  spiritual nature of unconditional forgiveness.

No one, not Tsarnaev, not the State acting under its own self delegated “police powers,” not the Congress of the United States, nor even, with War Powers Delegated to the Office, the President of the United States, has the right to take a single human life.  Not even I, sitting at my desk as I write this with handgun in full view, and with a pistol gripped pump action 12 gauge shotgun only a few feet away, awaiting what danger the night might bring.

You may say inflicting the ultimate punishment of death is “Legal” and I will not disagree. We have not all evolved, we human animals, we are not all bathed, baptized, suffused with God’s grace. We attack with depravity or concupiscence other humans, we take life to protect life, to protect liberty, but we may never take life in the pursuit of happiness, for no one marked as Cain was, can ever be completely happy. We do what is necessary to survive personally and as a nation; too often our foe is unwilling to surrender ideology, false theology or even their property or personalty to us, too often we seemingly have no choice but to kill or be killed. God forgive us our sins.

But this Verdict of Death is not that case, the killings by the Tsarnaev brothers is ended, over and done with. The murder has been done. Now, the mob of Boston will have its lynching, and murder fresh, murder most fowl, will be result of laws which allow civilized men to act as barbarians.

Were there no God, no Justice, no Jesus Christ hung upon a cross, I would have long ago approved of murder as just another tool in controlling those who beliefs threatened mine. I would have applauded ISIL for their boldness and depravity in controlling territory they conquered, and then I would have seen them exterminated to the last male infant. Nothing new there,  that was the way of Herod the Great, the way of Augustus Caesar, the way of all Emperors and Kings and Chiefs at the time of the birth of Jesus, at the time of His incarnation, and that way remains in our collective consciousness.

And without His birth, without the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth, regardless of your willingness to accept the belief of His divinity, without the existence of His “gospels” as texts teaching our fellow human animals a more just, decent, and compassionate way of experiencing life, without His words left to us as a guide to a better temporal, material existence, we would be experiencing life exactly as our ancestors did two thousand years ago.

I call upon the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker,  to demand President Obama commute the sentence of Tsarnaev to that of Life in Prison without Possibility of Parole, and further call upon the Congress of the United States to provide funds to build a facility that will contain his body, denying it communication with any other person, other than his guards, until God has mercy on his being and allows his death. This is punishment far worse than “death” because as I imply, life under these conditions should only be “mercifully” ended when his natural course of life terminates.

Absent such commutation of the Court’s Sentence,  I demand that the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap. speak publicly in opposition to the imposition of the death sentence in the Tsarnaev adjudication, and in its very occurrence in the Criminal Code of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and deny Holy Eucharist to any public or private person who supports any method of taking human life, from conception to natural death. There will always be those who sin against God’s Sixth Commandment, the Roman Catholic Fifth Commandment, that is, the Command of Exodus 20:13,  and there will always be forgiveness through the grace of God for those who do such sin, but only if they repent of their sin. And how will they know they must do that, must repent,  how will a soldier know, a policeman know, someone defending his family know; how will they know if their worldly ministers do not tell them of the sin and of the fear of God’s Judgment, if they do not repent. Murder is the only sin for which there can be no equal earthly restitution, only forgiveness, and that only for them who seek to follow the Will of God and the Way of Jesus.

And lest I slight my own mother church, I demand that The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates, Bishop Diocesan, Episcopal Diocese Of Massachusetts, ECUSA, speak forthwith and plainly on the nature of sin against the commandments of God, specifically the Sixth Commandment,  Exodus 20:13, as passionately as he and his church brothers, and sisters, speak out against the presence of sin against the Second of the Great Commandments in the Law, Matthew 22:39,  “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” After all, none of us, I surmise, would willingly kill ourselves to satisfy the sin of our murder of another. If we would not willingly inflict this punishment on ourselves, should we inflict it upon others? Another long night for an Episcopal prelate.

Christians must not just dislike sin, they must abhor it! The taking of a human life, by any action other than natural causes, is sinful. It is sinful to sell deadly drugs to others, it is sinful to accidentally cause the death of another, as in a traffic accident, or to kill an enemy soldier in a firefight, or cause death dropping a bomb, or to shoot and kill a home invader, or acting with police powers, to kill a perpetrator or a suspect. It is sinful to abort a fetus, or be the abortionist, it is sinful to kill your child or spouse, it is sinful for any human to take, accede to or participate in the death of another, no matter what the cause or motive may be.

What’s difficult about that statement? It is what is written in the Scriptures. The same texts that tell of forgiveness and love tell us to fear God. Obey his Commands, admit our transgressions, repent and resolve, and by each act admitted and atoned, human life will become more divine, more exemplary of our being created in God’s image and likeness. “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord…” Deut 32: 35, Romans 12:19.

Leave the Death Penalty to God, Punishment is what we should be about, if not rehabilitation, but that’s another topic for another day. + + +

Comments of Relevance to my commentary, The Deathly Silence:

Graham writes:

And speaking of deathly silence, how ’bout the responses to this post?! Cue Sounds of Silence. I think when a man goes to all the trouble to write something like this, others should reply, if for no other reason than to honor the effort.

I think this post is worthy of reply based on subject matter, biblical doctrine, and the passion of the author. I will never be as eloquent as Bull, but I do have a few thoughts on this post.

As a personal admission, when Obama was reelected, I bought my first gun. I have prayed I’ll never, ever want to use it.

The commandement in question does not include an asterisk or a footnote. Thou shalt not kill. That’s what God said/says (since He is the Alpha and Omega, what He says is present tense, too). I have long felt that this commandment included no exceptions.

Confessionally, my first thought hearing this sentence was “good, he deserves it”. Perhaps that is my sinful, this world is too much with me, response.

Before I go on too long, I simply want to say something I have said many times: If we truly believe what we profess to believe, then this life is unimportant, even to the extend of allowing some one else to kill us or our loved ones. To live is Christ and to die is gain.

It is fear and our sinful nature that convinces us that killing to protect ourselves or others is not a sin, isn’t it?

“Thou shalt not kill, except for the situations listed in subparagraphs A thru D, below, and except for the other situations otherwise described elsewhere in this contract, or where this contract is in conflict with local or federal statue or case law” the Bible does not say even once, does it?

Thanks Bull for reminding us. I for one appreciate it.

PS, for years I have supported the death penalty as a just deterrent.

Bull Sullivan Responds:

Graham, I might find ways around my conscience (which is to Christians the voice of God) as I have in my disobedience to other Commandments (Remember, I have been and aide and confidant to several members of the US Congress) if I had ever seen the application of the death penalty act as a deterrent to the commission of capital crimes.

The truth of the matter is murder occurs as a result of three circumstances, the first of which is manifested in and is the result of sociopathic personality traits: premeditation for personal gain, and/or premeditation for ideological gain. These murderers are not dissuaded by the threat of their own death, in fact, that consideration on their part may heighten the enjoyment of the act.

The second circumstance is death, murder, caused by the abandonment of reason and logic, what is often called an act of passion, an unconsidered response to a perceived threat or to a loss of respect, almost always caused by uncontrolled anger or fear.

The third circumstance is death, killing, murder as a result of an accident, an unintentional and often negligent taking of life without any discernible purpose.

While these three circumstances do not account for every instance of murder, such as in self-defense or as a result of acts of war, they alone, or in combination, are present in the vast majority of homicides occurring in our society.

Can you honestly say that reading in the paper of an execution of a condemned criminal can in any way deter murder, or even seeing a report of an execution, with its tear streamed testimony and candle light vigil, can in any way effect the conditions, the circumstances described above?

I grant you the fact that some humans don’t deserve to live, that some behave outside the pale of human experience, but still, that does not permit us, personally or as a society, to ignore the Commandments of God.

We are imperfect, sinful, but not because we must be, not because of the lingering effects of “Original Sin” (And in this I am certain, no such “Original Sin” any longer exists for God became man, Jesus was born a man, not a superman, but the Son of Man, perfect in his humanness, ending for eternity the alienation from the Father that occurred in the Garden of Eden, and His death as a man on the cross a perfect sacrifice, oblation and satisfaction for all the sins of Mankind for all eternity) but because we choose to sin, we choose to disobey the Will of God. Volition and Grace are the consummate gifts of the Father to each of us, and we must be aware, awakened by the Spirit through the Gospels, of the need to constantly seek to do God’s Will, to worship and glorify our Father in Heaven.

On a lighter note, all we must do to “perfectly” worship God is to acknowledge our sins, confess our sins and repent our sins, and at that moment we are in perfect communion with our Father, even if that moment is for as short a time period as to our next thought!

I note that it is not Sunday, so I’ll stop my homily, but I express my thanks to you Graham, for reminding me constantly of our human condition. I think of you, who I know to be a child of God, and I rejoice in your testimony of God’s love in your life. What each of us needs to understand and believe is that written Divine Revelation ended with the Scriptures, but that a special unique Divine Revelation constantly occurs to each of us personally, if we only seek His guidance in our lives. The Holy Ghost will always tell us what is good and what is sinful, we only need to listen, but with you, Graham, I am preaching to the choir! God Bless you. + + +

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In view of comments on Sweet Briar College

I attempted in an earlier commentary ( to put a human, personal face to the “scourge” of being different, of being artistic, of being intellectual, but obviously I failed to inspire an understanding of  those who need, and I stress need, the experience of a liberal arts education.

I respect the opinions of those who selflessly and earnestly toil in the eternal struggle between the needs of the mind, and the needs of the masses. Intelligence is a gift, we are fated by our parent’s genes and by the circumstances of our early lives to fall on one side or the other of a permanent barrier, a line which streaks across cultures and times and a line which can not be crossed by study, effort or emulation. Unlike any other impediment we may face, absent the miracle drugs of the Twenty Third Century, we are unable to increase the number of neurons or re-lay the webs of connection that may up our intellect, which is the sum of our sensory experiences, our emotion responses, our spiritual perception.

The very accidents of existence, the incidents of adaptive evolution fate us from birth to our place in the scales of human intelligence. Where you are born is where you will, with very little variation, remain for the span of your years. The liberal arts exist because there exists a small sample of humans who live not to survive, but to exist. These few, whose names are etched in clay tablets, or scratched on various papers, or printed in books, or sealed by magnetic media, these few give rise to all human aspirations which exceed mere survival, which embellish daily life, which inspire aspiration and achievement. In our culture there appears a widening gulf between an appreciation of the Arts and the sufficiency of daily need. That is to say, between existence and survival. It is not so, that widening gulf, or perhaps it is better said that it has always been so.

The “either-or” notion of higher education has perpetuated a fraud, a specious idea so much a fabric of post secondary education, that it is regarded as a truism, as a fact, not a thesis to be challenged, but a theorem which governs academic policy and procedure. It is as great a myth as is the notion of intellectual equality among all people.

There is no parity intellectually between Academia and Commerce, between the Liberal Arts and Business, or the Liberal Arts and Science, neither the practitioners of business business nor the researchers of science could exist as they now do without language and communication, the forte of liberal arts. Arts and Sciences do not compete, only the smaller minds of those relegated to the banality of business and the conformity of laboratory think of competition. For poets, novelists, painters, print-makers, dancers, musicians, actors, directors, for designers and architects, for artist and artisan alike, ignorance of what is common is the sole rule of creation.

I have found in my lifetime it easy to make money and easy to spend it, but hard to write a line and harder to let go of it. It is not the nature of the attended institution, nor the curriculum undertaken, that creates art, but the perception in the artist’s mind of the minute variations noticed in sight, sound and touch of the artist’s environment, and the depth of the need to explore those sensations, and express the experience of them, often solely to themselves, and far less frequently to others who share some small part of the artist’s experience.

The nature of higher education has rightfully returned to what our democratic vision of it must be, training citizens to do tasks which protect and enrich the commonweal. The very notion of “Land Grant Universities,” of state sponsored and tax supported Teacher’s and Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges was to provide an educated work force to sustain and increase economic growth. The emphasis of state supported higher education before the Second World War was on English Grammar and Composition, and rote Arithmetic and Analytical Mathematics, and so then as now, Private Liberal Arts Universities and Colleges were the proper home of those gifted by fate and genes to not only appreciate, but more importantly, to create art.

The survival of  Sweet Briar College, or rather its demise, reflects not an aesthetic judgment, but a reasoned “business” decision, made, of course, by men talented in creating wealth, not art.  The pity is, there is no quantitative value  assigned by our culture to those who create art, who enliven our lives, who ennoble our souls. For the truth is , we are made in the image and likeness of God, the very attributes of Art, and He, monetized as His religion has become, He is no capitalist!

How are nascent artists to learn, to develop, to be nurtured and tempered? Where will they find a place to quicken their hearts and souls and satisfy their longing for the company of fellow pilgrims?

My experience at the University of Georgia, fifty years ago, is exactly the same experience that tens of thousands of young men and women continue to experience today. Where do we fit in? Who listens to our voice? Why is it that money, employment, status, the material world is so important to others, but seems so irritating, so vapid to us.

I read the comments of Elizabeth, Andy, Jim and Bill, and in each I sensed the soul of a poet, a bibliophile, a scholar, and artist, and yet in each I heard the shame of compromise, and the frustration of defeatism. As I related in my severe criticism of the President and Board of Sweet Briar College, it is apparent that many in Academia have given up on the notion of providing a superior residential Liberal Arts experience, and frankly have surrendered to their lower selves, to the fear of failure, to the threat of community ridicule. Even the commentators cited seem uncertain of the future of such institutions as they now exist, and others, read the broad press of higher learning institutions, deny such schools can survive and doubt they will even be missed.

How did they possibly read Don Quixote, how did they take Cervantes’ message to heart and now fear windmills? For the belief that liberal arts education is, in the vernacular, a non-starter, is the very soul of defeatism, and is, in point of fact, a reflection of the weakness of their character.  These men are the “Cliff’s Notes” version of intellectuals, they have, like most middle class intellectuals, spent their life worrying far more about paying bills than if bills should exist at all.

So many of you, patrons of the arts, supporters of liberal education, do so not as incarnate philosophers, embodied so through reading the words of the great books. Nor are many compelled by their passion to know the true nature of humanity, or to know one’s self through the wisdom of others, but rather do so as members of  a befuddled bourgeoisie, a legion of “Maurice Allington’s,” seeking to join their decaying middle aged flesh with incorporeal phantasms, the  “Green Men” (or women) of the world as Kingsley Amis so well wrote. Somewhere, once, there must have been a better part within each of these souls needing bringing to life, but they just couldn’t control the demons within themselves, yet alone demons from others realms.

Is nothing obvious? Did they not, as I did, spend past decades reading articles and research papers, daily reading the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, dutifully reading as often as published the Harvard Business Review, the Journal of Higher Education, even Education Week, and so many other publications, journals and papers and magazines, and did they not over and over mouth the words, “That’s so obvious?” “That’s so ridiculous!”

The death of small, private Liberal Arts Institutions is an obituary written long over the past 70 years, and given eulogy’s of praise and the passing of an age through-out several “ages” and yet, they live, they live! If such suffer now, it is not for want of need of them, but for the failure to passionately promote them, to venerate not aerate them, to codify and ossify them, frankly to quit on the idea of them.

“Being in a rural environment is a huge turn off for most 18-22 year olds today, and I think that was the major reason why Sweet Briar decided to close-“

Really? How many of the approximately 40 million Americans between the ages of 15 and 24 do you know? How many of the young women, about half of all are women, do you know? Is yours an anecdotal view? Where are the polls, the surveys, the focus groups that support your thesis? (

“- in addition to not having the resources to go co-ed.”

This is a contemptible comment, venal not venial, it is a proclamation of the worst “reverse” feminism; must woman always solicit the “comfort” and presence of men, even to be educated?  Does it all hinge on pheromones, and not poetically crafted phonemes? Would not it be better, at least for a brief period of a few years, to be joined to the mind of great men, not co-joined to the hips of average men?

“…it’s not the only school closing and it won’t be the last. The numbers for a lot of law schools show declining applications. None of this is a surprise if you have been reading Professor Glen Reynolds at He outlined this scenario years ago. Search his site for “higher education bubble update” The most recent being The End of Tennessee Temple University.”

A red herring if ‘ere there was.  TTU closed because… well, it was God’s will. And its administration made every major branding and marketing mistake possible, it is as if they hired Lucifer as an educational marketing consultant, and Nike as the University’s AD, fully one half of the University’s now minuscule enrollment was on athletic scholarships.

But a point well made, in that there seems enormous pressure to downsize, even close some  struggling campuses, most often out of fear of financial concerns, but often out of greed as well, as certain institution’s property can be worth a fortune. And then we are informed, there is coming a revolution in higher education, just ask experts like Ken Carey:

“In his new book, The End of College: Creating the Future of Learning and the University of Everywhere, Carey envisions a future in which “the idea of ‘admission’ to college will become an anachronism, because the University of Everywhere will be open to everyone” and “educational resources that have been scarce and expensive for centuries will be abundant and free.”  ( NPR, Fresh Air, 3/3/15)

Imagine tweeting comments about Romeo and Juliet while attending a virtual lecture with classmates, supine and reclined in bed, others erect at their cash registers and wait stations, others still bucket-seated in cars traveling roads miles from a professor’s podium… actually the professor will be in a Key West bar, or perhaps in Somerville Mass’s first and only authentic Southern Bar-b-Que Restaurant,  Redbones!  (As an aside, bless their little ‘ole heart, but I must mention the place, its the only “good” thing about being anywhere near Harvard.)

“Turn-key” education, will the Liberal Arts survive it? Will poets still write verse, will our hearts be stirred by Longfellow? Will our sentimental tears inform a transcendent mind with Miss Dickinson, will we read of Flanders’s Field’s, of Chicago’s Stockyards, of Path’s not Taken in the Woods? Will we read of Seven lakes… and wild geese swooping to the sandbar; of Lowell’s Dolphin, or Plath’s worms?

I think not, for what schools demand the study of prose and poetry each semester, or for that matter, what school even maintains semesters when quarters so improve revenue and faculty retention.  Mercifully I must soon end, as my study of moral philosophy demands my mien before Athena’s bar, but…

Hear now my fellow commentators, a Liberal Arts Education begins with the soul and the body of a willing submissive, one willing to drown in the wisdom of other wiser souls, and willing to emerge remade and open to receive all the senses with which we feed on our world. If Liberal Arts are to survive and thrive, no new policy is necessary, no revolution, evolution or devolution, no deconstruction is required.  Sweet Briar College did not need to re-invent itself; it needed only to have faith in the one single intellectual contribution of America to the world in the twentieth century, the mastery of sales and marketing, the manipulation of the masses!

There are mountains rising around the Sweet Briar Campus, and trees lush green in Spring and splashed with crimson orange colors in the Autumn. There are quiet nooks in among the stacks, and outside ancient bricks to lay against, and all around are heard the voices of sisters present and past, their quiet sobs and exuberant laughter, and over all this, in the darkened night sky, thirteen times a year, hangs the full moon.

And what young woman, peering out from a dorm room below, would not want to lie awake at night, gazing out her window up at that silvery orb, and not think of romance and love here below? Or better still, imagine the day she, a sister to the women of the world, will with her booted foot trespass upon that powdery grey face, and turn earthward Boudica’s maternal glare!

There are young girls who have such dreams, I know I have meet a few, my daughter among them,  and all those cowardly men at Sweet Briar had to do was identify, target and acquire them; no easy task, but nothing beyond modern marketing  science, and what we once called the art of consumer manipulation,  or in brief, Advertising on Madison Avenue. Such benign cynicism seems to have worked well, along with a blended curriculum and student body, for Oglethorpe University. Why not Sweet Briar, why not a woman’s college, why not the Great Books, why not Liberal Arts there?

Those who close the Sweet Briar  campus, those educators and administrators are quitters; those who would make all earlier student’s diplomas paper pariahs; those misogynist progressive revisionists, those fops and fairies, are all unworthy of calling themselves Homeric men. But then, I think, why are men’s the only voices heard?  Therein may lie, like a corpse, the suffocating truth. The ultimate domination of one people over another is to eradicate the differences, why not the same for gender? Even among the vast herds of males, even among we equals, there are always “Alphas.” When all of earth’s races and genders are the same, are equal, we will be food for the next predators, be they clever men, or wayward martians.


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Sweet Briar College to Close? Quit? Cowards!

Paul G. Rice, Board chair, said in an interview that he realized some would ask, “Why don’t you keep going until the lights go out?”

But he said that doing so would be wrong. “We have moral and legal obligations to our students and faculties and to our staff and to our alumnae. If you take up this decision too late, you won’t be able to meet those obligations,” he said. “People will carve up what’s left — it will not be orderly, nor fair.”

This tragedy is not a result of “trend lines” or changing cultural mores, it is a direct result of the lack of fortitude  all too often associated with “progressive” educators, too proud to ask for help, too guilt ridden to admit their failure; paralyzed by angst, they do exactly what all narcissists do, they quit.

President James F. Jones, Jr. can make all the excuses he feels justifies his and the Board’s decision, but only cowards quit. If it isn’t easy, quit. Why fight against the inevitable? If no one will come to our rescue, quit. If the government won’t help us, quit. If our student recruitment programs don’t work, quit. If the odds aren’t in our favor, quit. If it requires, energy, dedication, perseverance, the will to overcome all obstacles, quit. And for Goodness sakes, if the nearest Starbucks is 30 minutes away, quit. (Better yet, get thee a Starbucks franchise! A better man would!)

Thank God this progressive cowardliness did not exist in Eighteenth Century America. We’d all be very different.

Sweet Briar College has a wonderful reputation, an idyllic location, an enriching curriculum, and should “market” itself aggressively to the tens of thousands of bright minds seeking just a little more than a “bidness” degree, or learning to write “code,” or even study the human genome, as worthy an endeavor as that may be.

I grew up reading, as early as third grade, from Mortimer Adler’s list of “Great Books,” I attended a preparatory high school, and had a dalliance with several of America’s finest “liberal arts” schools, I even attended the University of Georgia when the “liberal arts” scene in Athens included classroom and course work, not the soon arriving wretched, wrenching, warbling of imitators of Bob Dylan’s funereal folk songs, or later, the beer soaked, pot toked, guitar stroked, guilt poked cacophonous cretinism of the Athens music scene.

The need of intellectuals is to contemplate, to review, to gather together disparate ideas and dissonance theories, and to think, think, think… I did so in the Quad at Georgia, lying out upon the sweet grasses, beneath towering fragrant Magnolias and orb shaped “American” Ilex Opaca, reclining in thought before the vestibules of the Antebellum and Victorian buildings which enclosed that sacred space. I wore my usual wheat hued khaki Levis and a grey sweat shirt decorated with a silk screened image of Beethoven ( yes ladies, that was I) and I refused to join ROTC, for good reason, and one damp day, early in the Fall Quarter, caught in a fierce rain shower under the spread of an ancient Oak which had been growing at the corner of S. Lumpkin Street and Baldwin Street for a century or more, I was joined in the protective shade of its many thick boughs, layered with rustling dying drying leaves, by a incipient Bulldog hero, Preston Ridlehuber.

Who can forget the victory in the Sun Bowl? Who can fail to remember our hero’s part in that tale, on a day when Erk Russell’s later to be named “Junk Yard Dog” defense stunted the attack of the vaunted All American running back Donnie Anderson, and Ridlehuber’s outstanding quarterback play led the novice Head Coach of Georgia, Vince Dooley, to his first bowl win!

There was I, standing in addled admiration of Ridlehuber, thinking of what I might say, when he, staring directly at me, addressed me:

“What kind of nut are you?”

His attitude, his profound misunderstanding of my motives, his profound shock when confronted by someone of a different culture, his athletic, he a frat boy; mine intellectual, a patron of the liberal arts,  provides the underpinning of my final comments:

I completely understood “from where he was coming,” and who he was; he, alas, had not a clue about who I was. He remains a hero of mine, perhaps a less glittery one, and I remain a Bulldog to this day, despite being asked to leave the University by the venerable and most honorable Dean Tate. This tale illustrates why every Liberal Arts College is sacrosanct, and why the loss of one is a “modern” tragedy. Where are bright minds to go, what academic garden exists where time slows, words are read and felt, and thoughts, original thoughts, evolve but in small Liberal Arts colleges and universities? Yes, you can forget Harvard and Yale, those bastions of EuroAmerican social philosophy haven’t produced an original thought since the 1930’s!

But to assume that a scholar, an academic, a progressive administrator can be, should be, entrusted with leadership of such a school as Sweet Briar College, well, in a word… or two… that’s just plain folly! While I treasure the liberal arts college concept, and trust it to produce “thinkers” far more often than universities many times their size, the flaw here is that thinkers are most often cowards, or lazy, or shy, or eccentric, or neurotic, and none of these attributes bode well for developing the marketing analysis and strategic recruitment planning necessary to attract and retain students who suffer from a need to read, a delight in gathering facts, assembling them into workable theories, and then, thinking deeply upon them.

Intellectual ideas, political ideas are all, in our culture, subservient to economic ideas, to competitive capitalism. Knowledge without a cost effective purpose is cheaply crafted, literacy is impoverished and fast thumbs, sound bites and glib comments decorate the surface of an entertained and ensnaring culture sphere. There is nothing below the surface, and few are left to ask why.

Clearly, Mr. Rice, you are common stuff, a small and little man, for when any being claiming to be sentient, uses in an argument, or even blurts out, in the muddled street jargon of “modern “America, the word “fair,” in any context other than a statement about a Street, Country or State “Fair,” it is obvious that the being so speaking is a dimwit, a nimrod, a neanderthal, certainly not an intellectual.  Which, in this case, actually explains your callous and cowardly behavior; consider this, wise men seek justice not “fairness,” seek always to become just, a quantifiable phenomena, not judging by the vacuous vulgarities and vagaries of “fairness,” but by reasoning and logic, and evaluating fact, or as I like to opine,  “I’d rather ride a horse than a unicorn, n’est pas?”


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Bernie Manning Sullivan July 12, 1920 – February 24, 2015


My mother, Bernie Manning Sullivan passed away yesterday afternoon, February 24, 2015. May God have mercy on her soul.

My Sermon and Eulogy:

She, Lt. Bernie Manning, 803 MAETS, USAAF, WWII CBI Theater, joins history along with millions of others who have been called America’s “Greatest Generation.” Their souls now soaring heaven-bound, their work of saving mankind from itself nearly finished, we’ll remember them well, with respect and pride. They defended the Four Freedoms and our Constitution on battlefields across the Globe, and having defeated tyrants and monsters, they gave hope and structure to a nascent world community, and went to work rebuilding not only their own lives, but those of millions left homeless and destitute in Europe and Asia.

They came home, with relief and happiness, to waiting mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors, their  joyous reunions tempered by the tears they wept as they saw tens of thousands of Gold Stars hung in windows through-out our great nation.

My mother lived ninety four years, and accomplished many personal achievements, but she should be best remembered as “just” one of millions who answered the call to save America, to save Democracy, to preserve a way of life that allowed her, and my father, and again millions of other men and woman, to reach higher peaks than their parents, to dream bigger dreams, to build homes and schools and a nourishing culture, to embrace children living, and bring into the world a decade of infants who now have lived longer and richer lives than any generation that came before.

My mother “kept the faith” and through-out her life inspired many young women to achieve what they feared was unattainable, to gain what seemed unreachable, even serving, in her last years, to help and encourage one bright young mother to do the work and achieve the dream of graduating with a degree in law, just as my mother had done some 50 years before.

As I read the Order of Evening Prayer with her Saturday, just hours before her final, fatal attack, after the passing of several weeks since she had major surgery, I held her hand as we prayed. Her speech was slurred, and her voice weak and hushed, but her lips moved and formed the faint words of response, and joined mine in the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, the Magnificat, the 23rd Psalm. I could not hear most of her speech, but then I was not meant to hear her words, they were spoken for the ears of Jesus Christ, and I know He heard them.

Sitting on the edge of my mother’s bed, I thought of the times as a child that our family knelt around my parent’s bed, and recited prayers and read aloud scripture, Roman and Protestant alike, and I thought of holding the gentle hand of my mother as she lead me into church on Sunday mornings, and the firm hand of my father leading me to those occasions when he told me, quite truthfully I later discovered, that his disciplinary actions would “hurt him more than I.”

Within hours of our sharing liturgy and prayer, my mother would die, her body resuscitated, intubated, ventilated, and maintained fresh for a day or two more, but her being, her self, her consciousness, her soul had already “left the building,” and she stood even then redeemed and joyous before God Almighty.

As these legions of magnificent warriors and peacemakers pass, I can reflect only that they are truly the “greatest” of us all, and I will ponder, until my death, why we, why I, have failed to leave my children a world better and safer place than my parents, in their prime, left us. The question my reflection inevitably poses is, are we, or are we not, a Christian nation?

My mother was troubled by the world in which she spent her last years. She readily admitted her failure and faults, and was more hopeful than I that we could change course, that prayer would alter our nation’s path, and that somehow, God would continue blessing these United States. I conclude that her faith and optimism was rooted in her personal success in achieving what she sought to achieve, and in the buoyancy of her generation’s victories over the Great Depression, World War, Social Injustice, and the Soviet Menace.

We, well, we have achieved some really good music, and our children have invented social media, really large screen television, and together we and our children have achieved a chaotic inchoate welfare state and bi-partisan political paralysis. Of course, we can find anything we need or want, for a easy payment price.

Mother, thank you for surviving the Great Depression, thank you for flying over “The Hump” seventy times, thank you for always giving all you had and always doing your best. Thank you for the life you gave me, and the world you created for me. And finally mom, thank you for the last six years, for allowing me the privilege of honoring you, just as God commands, and especially mother, thank you for never stopping hoping that we would someday, “Get back to God, and get it right.”

+ + +

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Robert E Lee January 18, 1807 – October 12, 1870

Robert E Lee,  President, Washington College 1869

A memorial to the epitome of Southern Gentlemen for all generations that followed the end of his life, Robert E Lee. Beloved by his soldiers, his fellow Virginians, his Countrymen, and admired and respected by those who could only defeat him by overwhelming numerical and material advantage and the economic prowess of unfettered capitalism and irresponsible xenophobia and perverted patriotism.

General Lee’s example gave us a lesson on how to live peacefully with the oppressor, how to live vanquished but unconquered, and how to live gracefully among scalawags and carpetbaggers. But above all, his life gave us the very model of a Christian waging war, moral only in defense of God and family, and fought only to preserve the very Liberties with which we are Blessed by the Creator and which were given voice by his fellow Virginians, Jefferson and Madison and made fact by the blood of Southern Colonists shed in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia, in the Campaign against Cornwallis, and brought to secular perfection in the Presidency of a the greatest of all Southern and American Patriots, George Washington.

Seven score and four years ago, this humble man, humbled not by loss of battle, or war, or estate or position, but humble before God and all men, as Christ commands us, this humble man fell ill and left us for the perfect judgment of God. May he “Rest in Peace.” May his life on earth give example to all Southerners as a just and righteous man who worshiped God, obeyed His commands and judgments, loved his fellow man, and sought a better, peaceful life for all Virginians, all Southerions, of all races, religions and creeds.

Someday, after our bellies are full, after we all have every Yankee toy, every foolish vanity; someday our progeny will look to Lee, and understand the corruption, bigotry and greed of the Northern Industrialists, of the cruelty of the rabid and hypocritical abolitionists, of the lies and deceit of the victorious Reconstructionists, and of the Apostasy before God and the Founding Fathers of Lincoln and his Party. They will again look for heroes, not in the teeming masses of immigrants whose lack of piety and lust for wealth perverted the Republic, not even in the cherished memories of our nation’s revolution, they will look, boy and girl, man and woman, in themselves to find honor, duty and obligation to God and man, and they will see in Robert E Lee those very traits they seek to find within themselves, and Lee will be a hero, and an inspiration to all Americans.

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Come Home To America, We Shall Overcome

From my Facebook posting, 28 August, 2014

“What’s on your mind?”

BULL Wrote:     What’s on my mind this morning?

…An American soldier, a Major, a physician, who gunned down his fellow soldiers, his patients, without remorse, In the Name of Allah.

The Gaza Strip, where Hamas murdered nearly two thousand women and children, using them as human shields, in the Name of Allah!

An American Journalist, kneeling in the sand, his head severed from his body, In the Name of Allah, as another journalist, was earlier beheaded in the same manner, In the Name of Allah!

Images of Christian children crucified, mothers tortured and raped in front of their husbands and children, young girls violated in unimaginable ways, fathers lined up and machine-gunned, their twisted bloody bodies falling into a trench, In the name of Allah!

Young American males, immigrants and home-grown, following the flag of ISIL into battle, and in death being acclaimed martyrs by Muslims proclaiming: We shall conquer the world, In the Name of Allah!

But that’s not what really sticks in my craw…

What about those American Icons whose “Street Creed” has influenced several generations of American youth, and who follow and preach the teachings of the Koran, in the Name of Allah!

I’m talking about you, Cassius Clay, draft dodging pacifist, convert to Islam, Muhammad Ali, what have you to say?

And you, Lew Alcindor, outspoken on so many topics, obviously intelligent, what is your opinion of your prophet’s disciples… after all, they are only doing exactly the same things that Mohammed did, and his extended family did for centuries, conquering in the Name of Allah! So Kareem Abdul Jabbar, cat got your tongue?

And who is leading the Nation of Islam now, Wallace Dodd Ford? Another race baiting Caucasian hating Negro with a made up Muslim name? Are your mosques tempting the “Kids in the Hood” with stories of conquest, pillage and rape? Are your Imams preaching blind obedience, manly patriarchal hegemony, jihad and its seventy virgins, and the eventual fall of “White” Western Civilization?

And all you African-American Christian preachers, you, Jesse Jackson; you, Al Sharpton; you, Andrew Young; all ordained in the Blood of Christ, but unwilling to condemn other African-Americans for their silence in this murderous jihad, unwilling to condemn our President for his false beliefs and seditious bloviations because his skin is vaguely the same color as yours.

And what is the story of the silenced mouths of Dr. King’s Children? Where is his namesake, Martin Junior’s voice, where is Martin’s brother Dexter’s opinion, he a Hollywood producer; and for God’s sake, can Bernice, an ordained Christian Minister, stand by the Cross mute?

Where are his disciples? John Lewis, are you afraid of betraying your “race?” How about sinning against the One True God, and ignoring the teaching of His Son, Jesus Christ. Surely you know far better than I that Dr. King would condemn this madness.

I have read so many quotes by Negro ministers of the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer… Did all of you miss his point? Your silence condemns you, your Witness fails the test before God; your courage has left you, you who stood up to dogs, hoses, bombs, brutality, vicious ill-bred white trash, and triumphed in the name of Jesus, overcoming in the Name of Christ and Peace. Do you not see the same Satan in Islam as Bonhoeffer saw in Nazi’s?

Come back to America, Lew and Cassius, we are a Christian people; you are the children of Christians. If we failed to offer equality to all persons, if we failed to be perfect, are we not Fourteen Hundred Years better than the butchery and hatred that hides behind the veil of a prophet’s teaching? Is our “truth” not better than the deceit that fills the pages of Mohammed’s novel, sweetly mixed with the sentiments and teaching of the Christian Bible, which nowhere teaches subjugation, holy war, and depravity. Our Holy Book, the Word of God, begins in Eden, and ends in Forgiveness, as Doctor King knew and believed, and John Lewis knows, and Andrew Young knows, and yes, even as the Reverend Al Sharpton knows…

Come Home to America, to an imperfect people, not a place called America, but to the American people, earnestly seeking God’s grace to lead us, and following the teaching of Jesus Christ to guide us, and anointed by the Gift of the Holy Spirit to enable us to be better, not perfect, but always better men, women and children. God Bless Americans, each and every one of us.

JAMES:      Your diatribe seems to conveniently overlook the fact that since the time of Constantine the worst atrocities in human history were committed by Caucasian Christians from Germany. Over 90 percent identified themselves as so-called Christians and either participated in or stood by as millions were loaded into gas chambers. So no one has exclusivity in this world on moral superiority-least of all white Christians. Anyone who has seriously read the bible, the Koran and the Gospel of Buddha knows that ” Thou Shalt Not Kill” is a sentiment frequently ignored by many who consider themselves Christians, Jews and Muslims even though it is a basic tenet of all three religions. Love your Brother as Yourself is the basic message of Jesus and I sincerely wish to hear more of that and less hate-speech all around – more peace, love and tolerance –  Recognize that there are many paths to the same goals of spiritual advancement and awareness.

BULL:      James, my diatribe? Surely you jest. If I am forceful, so be it, but bitter? My first five paragraphs related accurate and factual data regarding the behavior of radical Islamists in the world today.

I next listed the name of prominent American cultural icons who, in my opinion, have contributed to the alienation of young African-American men from acceptance of the socioeconomic and cultural mores of contemporary American Culture. No rational or patriotic American would willingly convert to Islam, only those so deluded by fanatic fantasies of salvation through false prophets and who are unwilling to accept the sacrifices necessary to achieve social and cultural parity. I do not recall any of the disciples of the Nation of Islam preaching brotherhood and equality, nor participating in any meaningful way in the struggle for Civil Rights, 1890 to 2014, either financially, or substantively through participation, plea, or preaching. I consider our fellow Buckhead Native Taylor Branch’s Trilogy on the life of our fellow Atlantan, Martin Luther King, as an important and accessible source of history on who was, and wasn’t, invested in the modern Civil Rights movement, I suggest that your reading start there.

Since the time of Constantine, the worst atrocities were committed by Caucasian Christians from Germany? It is hard to argue against your heartfelt emotion, and I in no way minimize the horror of the Final Solution, but your diatribe, see at last the definition of that word, your diatribe is inexact and hyperbolic to a fault. Do ninety percent of Germans consider themselves Christians? Perhaps in 1930, certainly not now. Is the myth of the Aryan Race or Culture, glorified by Nietzsche and Wagner (a fellow musician of yours, is he not), exploited by Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels, accepted by a majority of the German people, complicit in the crime against humanity called the Holocaust? Without doubt! I am perhaps more familiar than you about German atrocities in WWII, and I am more familiar than you with the repulsion that many Germans felt regarding the behavior of the German State. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Christian Reform Rite Minister was one of several hundred thousand Germans who paid with their blood for opposing the Nazi Government.

I would appreciate reading your opinion on the complicity of Churchill and Roosevelt, and Pope Pius XII, as well as thousands of other Allied War Planners who are revealed by historical documents to have been aware of the mass extermination of the Eastern European Jews by Nazi Germany. In fact, many Europeans predicted the coming horror even well before 1938’s “die Kristallnacht,” although no one considered that it would be as unremitting a horror as it came to be.

As to the weight of the number of deaths of the genocide of the Germans, how does one weigh lives against lives? Stalin had already murdered millions in his purges, millions had already been murdered by Japanese atrocities in Manchuria and China, and tens of millions more would die in WWII and its bloody aftermath in both Europe and Asia. And that ignores the millions upon millions of Indigenous Amerindians slain thoughtlessly killed by European-borne illnesses during the colonization of the Americas.

As to who is morally superior to all other humans, I would refer you to the Son of Man, a Jew, a Carpenter, a Tanakhic Scholar of the early first century, 3 BCE-30 CE, who I and other Christians believe is the Son of God. He was called Jesus. Others deny this fact, always at their own peril.

I always find it somewhat pathetic that the Koran, no less a Delusion of Grandeur than the Book of Mormon, and frankly less entertaining ( I like fiction,) is cited always along with Buddha as a source of inspiration and moral guidance. And I must correct you, the basic tenet, or Article of Faith of the Christian sect of Judaism is, from the mouth of Jesus, The First and Great Commandment: TO LOVE GOD with our whole heart, and with our whole soul, and with our whole mind. That’s what always must come first to a Christian, and should come first to a Jew. And here let me share a secret of our Sect with you, Love can not exist in the flesh, without obedience. Had the people of the ancient state of Israel, God’s chosen people, the twelve tribes of the Promised Land done so, loved God above all else, and obeyed the commands and laws and judgments of God, we would all live in a much better world.

As a Sinner, a Profligate and a Priest, I will agree there are many earthly paths to pleasure, to gratification, to power, to human peace and fulfillment. I have enjoyed the some of the pleasures of these paths, and it is good there is pleasure, such as we most often understand the term, in the many paths of which you write. For it is certain that at the end of all these many earthly paths, these earthly pleasures, there is only the yawning grave, the darkness of the pit, the forgettable nature of all your earthly accomplishments; the silent, sorrowful passing into oblivion of what once was, and is no more.

There are only two Eternal paths, one for God’s Chosen People, the Mosaic Law,
another for those who faithfully follow the Way of Jesus Christ. Our Christian Faith is enriched by the Law, by Judaism, but central to both paths is a clear understanding of God’s Will, and the true nature of “Goodness” in the world, that: “Only God is Good, when we do Good, we do God’s Good.” All else is human self-interest, spiritual folly!

Intolerance? Never! No, I have a profound sadness, sorrow, for those who will be eternally forgotten. I so desire to do God’s Will, to bring others to their Eternal Father’s love, but how can I do that by lying to them? If what I know to be the Truth offends others, should I not offend them in the hope of their redemption? I demand no less of others than I believe God demands of me, I must seek the Will of the Father, and obey it. Everything else is flesh, and corrupt. I have no concept of how God rewards or punishes those who are ignorant of His being. I have a much clearer understanding of how those who ignore Him are fated by their hubris.

JAMES:      Bull, I can appreciate your passion and your erudition, however your claim to follow the one and only correct path to salvation is the root of your problem and in a greater sense the true cause of most of the insanity in the world today motivated by religious fervor be it Christian , Jewish , Muslim, Hindi or Buddhist. When you are blinded by self-righteous religious fervor you can not or will not acknowledge that in every part of the world there has emerged great teachers and profound teachings regarding the nature of our universe. For me, raised in the Jewish tradition one great tragedy is the misunderstanding of one of the most profound Jewish Rabbis and teachers in history –  Yeshuah Ben Yusef – the one you call Jesus Christ. The King James version of the New Testament is full of willful distortions of the real Gospel. By the time Aramaic was translated into Hebrew,Greek,Latin and then English – many portions of his story were left out or so distorted that the message has been sadly misinterpreted by most so-called Christians since the Council of Nicaea. The Essene, Akashic and other contemporaneous writings are closer to the fact not the “fiction” of his life. For me, having just yesterday reread Matthew, Mark and Luke the saddest truth is the very Jewishness of Jesus and all his disciples is completely distorted while his profound teachings are ignored or dismissed by most modern Jews. He was , simply the most influential Jewish Rabbi in history –  and the real essence of his message is Love. One Love! One God! One People. God’s people. The most useful interpretations of spirituality, to me, are those that unite, not divide all people. Where some preaching is divisive such as yours Bull – others like Gandhi, MLK, Mandela, Hazrat Inayat Khan , Bob Marley are unifiers of all people all faiths and urging folks to do the RIGHT thing and LOVE one another. That’s all. The rest is rhetoric.

BULL:        I respect your opinion, James, but I profoundly disagree with it. The true cause of most of the insanity in the world is the failure to follow the one and only correct path to salvation: Obedience to The Law of Moses, and or obedience to the teaching of Yeshuah, Messiah and Son of God.

All else is folly, hubris, and foolishness. It is possible to live a life of peace in harmony with oneself and others without knowledge of He who calls himself “I AM THAT I AM” or the teaching of His Son, Jesus. It is not possible to gain eternal salvation.

While I agree with the desire to see the historical Jesus in context with his time and people, it is in no way necessary for salvation. As to your point of modern scholarship and the adherence of various translations of Holy Scripture to the Word of God, I believe that the Paraclete inspires all who will listen to the meaning and purpose of God’s Revelation, The Word of God, in their lives.

I find comfort in the language of the King James Version of the Holy Bible, for it is written in the language of my colonial ancestors, Jamestown 1607, just as I find pleasure in my readings from The Jewish Bible, an authoritative translation, from Hebrew to English by a contemporary Jewish scholar living in the Modern State of Israel. In fact, I have yet to read any translation of the Canon that was not in some way inspiring.

I know for a fact that God Almighty, The Father and the Son, spoke every word of the Canon, and moved the hands of the prophets and disciples who recorded those words across the paper, and that the Holy Ghost inspires our understanding of those words, our desire of their meaning and our need of God’s Word in our lives. God’s greatest non-divine gift to humanity, Volition, free will, determines our response to His Word, our acceptance of His Word, and ultimately, our Salvation derived from obedience to His Word.

Divisive? Perhaps, but then I don’t want to be like you, and think what you think, nor, I suppose, do you want to be like me. I find less Divine Inspiration in the works of the personalities you cited, save Dr. King, than I do in the documents which our Founding Fathers, many of the sinners and slaveholders, authored.

The legacy of those Colonial Christians is a system of governance much like the time of Judges, with equality and harmony under the Law, and a people firmly guided by obedience to God’s Law. It appears what you admire in those persons you cite is rather like the world before Noah, when men raised themselves a tower of conformity and sought equanimity in and of themselves.

Have you ever wondered why God chose Abram? Or is he just another myth to you? Did Abram become Abraham by deceit; is your God the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Did Moses spend forty days atop Mount Sinai, did Yahweh give him the Commandments, or did he fashion a fantasy so he might conquer Canaan? Did YWHW exist, does he now exist? Was David delusional, are the Psalms the raving of a psychotic if not musical mind? Did Shlomo rule from the Red Sea to the Euphrates? Was Yeshuah the Son of man and the Son of God? Or was Jesus just a really nice Jew who believed the teachings of the Tanakh, preached them, and then planned an elaborate “exit” deception to fool not only his persecutors but his disciples, later sailing to the New World with his wife, Mary Magdalene?

What do you believe, other than what seems obvious, “love is all there is…” I don’t mock you, tell me, are our Judeo-Christian beliefs either true or false? Or perhaps they are unnecessary? Is God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob real, or not?

I would like to understand how you think, and what you believe. Perhaps we might have coffee sometime…

JAMES:      As long as we can agree in The Truth and acting with Compassion towards all humans we essentially have no disagreement. When you willfully choose to distort the Truth and say things such the deaths of 2000 people in Gaza as solely caused by Hamas , we will continue to discuss the facts until we can agree on what is true. The Fact is the the deaths of over 2000 individuals in Gaza wad caused by the blatant disregard for human life by both the Israeli Defense Forces and Hamas. It was a massacre that also resulted in the deaths of over 60 Israeli soldier. Similar, IMHO to the massacre of Lakota Sioux at Wounded Knee by our U.S. Army. I am all for America when we are being righteous but have opposed our involvement in unnecessary bloody conflicts in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and other places in the world. I GET THAT YOU ARE A PROUD WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICAN. Now look in the mirror and ask yourself if you have done anything to give food, clothing or shelter to any other human beings on this planet. If the answer is affirmative then your thoughts, words and actions are truly Christian. If not , I hope to see you soon at the Atlanta Community Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity or the Salvation Army as a volunteer to actualize your beliefs. Then we have a basis for a real dialog.

JAMES:     There is no god of the Christians and the Jews, only the one living Creator of All and All Creation. The Truth!

JAMES:      Bull- you seem like a very intelligent and knowledgeable person –  I would love to sit down with anytime, anywhere and have a real face-to face conversation about ways we can improve the status quo!

JAMES:      Incidentally my Hebrew name AND the names of both of my grandfathers decorated lieutenants in the Austrian army in WWI, and victims of WWII, is Yaakov Ben Avram Yitzak. Like Jesus I am descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. The actual true translation of Yahweh or Jehovah is The Name that Should not Be Spoken – doing so trivializes and anthropomorphizes the visualization of the Creator of the Universe.

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27 July 1953-27 July 2014


Representatives of the United Nations, Korea, and China signed the Korean War armistice at Panmunjom, Korea, 27 July, 1953.

This was the “first” war whose events I remember first hand, mostly from the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station, Washington, Theater’s “Movietone News” narrated by Lowell Thomas.

I remember my father being absent for “long” periods of time, as his squadron was “overseas,” and I remember asking, upon awakening one cold morning, my mother “Whose that man in your bed?” Of course it was my father, who had come home to our Quonset “hut” after my brother and I had been put to bed, the night before. In the interest of propriety, and my mother’s reputation, let me assure you that was the only time I remember a strange man being in her bed.

I have many memories of NAS Whidbey, the urgency of the times, the frustration with “another war,” though it was called a “Police Action;” the ineptness of the UN, formed to prevent such wars, and of course, hearing the voices of so many mothers and wives, on station stateside, cheering for their men, while living in fear they might never see them again.

Unfinished business:

The notion of “War” as a limited action, a partial victory, a moral affair… War is immoral, and by all reason, it should be unnecessary, but by God, if men’s lives and a nation’s treasure are to be committed to such folly, then such a price must only be paid for total victory, for the destruction of the enemy, for the perpetuation of our way of life.

War is not effort at state craft, it is not an extension of diplomacy; it is the absolute failure of both. When our elected leaders and politicians fail to use all methods at their disposal, when they lack the will to succeed peacefully, it is inevitable that they will lack the will to win militarily.

This is the history of my generation, of the “Boomer” generation. We sought to wage “rational” war, to fight “limited” war, almost preferring to avoid war at any cost, and then to use a “tailored” and proscribed “just the right amount of force” to accomplish what we failed to achieve through other halfhearted efforts, a delay of resolution, an avoidance of conflict.

Our parents, the “Greatest Generation of Americans,” war weary after four years of a brutal World War, after three years of a UN police action, walked away from a resolution of an aggressor’s act against an ally, and set a course of compromise and deferral that we follow even to this day.

Psychobabble, free association, free thought, free love have corrupted our national character and guided us into moral decay. Sentimental humanism, Euroamerican rationalization, and craven consumerism have so weakened our resolve, our self determination, that we are adrift on a sea of platitudes, of commercials, of material quests and childish impulses; there is no adult in the room. We are swamped with vivid colorful stimuli, over-awed with surround sound and the bass four beats to the bar, our heads bob in conformity to the latest twerky rhythm, we are a nation of consumers, not of citizens.

They, our parents, those who came earlier had cause to avoid War, it had become so much a part of their life. The horrors of Nazi Germany began in 1933, for twenty years the inevitability of War had hung over their heads, a noose awaiting a neck. They walked away from that rope on July 27, 1953, hoping, probably against hope, that War would be at an end.

We have had no such threat, we have had the greatest freedom from fear of War of any American generation; in fact, had not our fathers drawn out their unfinished business of Eastern Europe and the Asian Coasts, we might never have become the cannon fodder whose names see etched upon that great Memorial Wall resting in the shadow of Lincoln’s Memorial.

A cadre of Neo-cons, World-War born, and Boomers, sought to use military power surgically, to excise the demons and free the masses, and all, after Thirty years, proven to have been of no avail; the world is more dangerous to America today than it was in 1988, when Bush the First ascended the Capitol steps and took the Oath of Office as President.

History, it is said, teaches us lessons. Perhaps we have failed to go back enough, for we failed to understand that zealots and jingoists are a near immortal strain of humanity, that we are born animals who are easily bred and lead into brutality, viciousness, rapine and rape, conquest and dominance. True, we have a thin veneer of “civilization” about us, but that is most often expressed in our Culture, in the “Arts, in Dance, In Music, and in the fantasy we call “Literature” no more than the blatant attempt to escape some horror we know lurks within ourselves. And in government and politics, we manifest our civilized self in our pursuit of egalitarianism and pacifism.

Take a deep breath for a minute, then go back in time to another Republic that sought accommodation with an avowed enemy, a sworn enemy that sought to promote itself not as first among equals, as did the Republic, but as “First above all.” A bitter, elongated War ended in triumph for the Republic, and brought a dearly longed for respite from war and chaos, from privation and sacrifice. A peace was reached, not an unconditional surrender, but a negotiated peace, which while favoring the Republic, left open the opportunity for future instability, strife and conflict. In the interim, small wars through-out the Republic’s area of influence gave time for the enemy to regroup, strengthen itself economically and militarily, and once again wage war.

Now, while there are not direct parallels between the Punic Wars and our modern history, the lesson that must be understood, is that War, if it is to end, must end in the total destruction of an opposing culture, notice, I did not say an opposing army, but the culture which supports the army must be destroyed.

America, under the influence of both Neo-com and Progressive ideologies and leaders has failed to grasp this lesson. Military force should not be used to chastise oe weaken an opponent, it should be used, and only used, to utterly defeat an opponent, an to destroy the culture that promoted the opponent.

The outcome of three successive Punic Wars was ultimately the total destruction of Carthage by the Roman Republic, Only after this festering canker was excised from its world, was Peace restored in Rome, and for nearly seven centuries no threat appeared at the Gates of Rome.

It is time to understand that world peace will only occur when no culture is allowed to threaten the governance, religion, or body politic of another; it is time to quench the blood lust of Jihad with Jihadist blood. Actually, there shouldn’t be much blood, as it should be vaporized. No need for a World War, just the resolve to extinguish immediate and ancestral threats to our culture, with the full force of the nuclear weapons we should have used on the Korean Peninsula some 70 years ago, along the Yalu River, and above Soviet and Chinese Nuclear research facilities as well.

It is not too late, though the clock be ticking, the nuclear devices are much cleaner, anti radiation drugs and therapies are much more advanced, and whether you want to face it or not, only if all but one Nation is disarmed, will there ever be world peace.

Finish the business, or be finished. It is an existential and very personal decision, and if not faced now, who will you attack when a warhead kills twenty million Americans in the New York or Los Angles metropolis, or both? Who will your grandchildren wage war against when generations of immigrant infiltrators arise to enforce Sharia? Who, who, who?


  • Lou wrote: You have been reading Sherman. Man is an unfinished business, as you well know most wars have unsatisfactory conclusions. We are not going to eliminate entire cultures but we will eliminate known threats and can do so with intelligent use of necessary force. Hopefully some day we will be logically and emotionally as advanced as our tech/weapons and can cease these “police actions” which while frustrating, produce less carnage than even a Pickett’s type charge.


    Bull SullivanLou, who would have thought you were so…compassionate. Sherman is a late comer, Cato the Elder wrote inflammatory prose proposing a solution to the Punic problem, and before that Homer cites the intemperate speech of Menelaus, and then we read of the speeches of Nebuchadnezzar, Artaxerxes, and oh yes, Joshua, in our Sacred Text, the Bible, acting on the command of our God to slay every inhabitant, man, woman, and child, of every city the Jews took by force And it should be noted that God got quite angry when they failed, for various reasons, to do so..

    You may think technology will lessen man’s dependence on violence, you may posit a future where all men will live in copacetic harmony, you may envision homo sapiens boarding Star Ships, beginning journey’s to colonize New Worlds, perhaps there is more truth in that vision then I can acknowledge, but the rest of humankind will wallow in dystopian misery, poverty and violence, just as they do now.

    A fatal error was made when Truman failed to stop the Chinese at the Yalu, a gross treachery was committed when the Rosenberg’s gave the bomb to the Soviets, both acts committed out of compassion for people who are not at all like us, who are aliens in our midst. Had we disarmed the East in 1951, there would have been no Vietnam, no memorials to dead Americans on the mall, and little likelihood of muslim jihadists waging war against us.

    Of course my speculation of a possible past future is no less unlikely than yours of a present future, but then that is what is unique about our culture, we can appreciate and respect different points of view, or, can we, anymore?

    A few random thoughts, for what I recall is “your little red wagon…”:

    Carnage? I have always believed it is more difficult to live well, than to die well, or as Patton said, “No…(one) ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb…(one) die for his country. The woman and children who support jihad are not innocent, they are merely there, just as the women and children of Jericho were merely there. War is sinful, war is murder, there is no moral high ground on which to stand. You survive, or you perish. and if you survive, you pray to God to be forgiven.

    I believe that government of the people, by the people and for the people should not perish from this earth, and it galls me to quote such lofty sentiment spoken by such a despicable man, but to do nothing while all or even a plurality of mankind evolves into sentient beings is to do nothing at all, but perish.

    Having exhorted man to mass murder in the name of preserving liberty, I will now pray for forgiveness, and a more rapid second coming, as I surely will be one “left behind …”





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The Forty Days of Lent

Ash Wednesday is not my favorite day. Lent is certainly not my favorite Liturgical season. I don’t especially like the color purple. I never liked wearing purple vestments. The color purple was the color of the Caesars, of Imperial Rome. Jesus never wore purple, not that I know that personally, but purple dye was used only by those in the Antipater family, and was quite expense. Jesus would never have spent money on such a luxury. And Liturgical Purple is so dreary and boring!

And I don’t like that Lent lasts Forty Days, and that G-d sent Rain for Forty Days to cover the earth with water (Gen: 7:12) and that Moses spent Forty days and Forty Nights on top of a mountain, without food and water, and I hate that Jesus went Forty days fasting (Mat: 4:2), and rose from the dead and was with them in Sion for Forty Days. I mean, what is with Forty Days? A moon month is usually Twenty Eight Days, why not that? What period of time does the Forty days refer to, what is the meaning, numerologically? No, I don’t hold with the study of numbers as codes in the Bible, perhaps there is truth to be found there, but I simply seek the meaning of God’s Word in my life, and I find no symbolism in the period of Forty Days. If any of you have a grasp of its meaning, please, see me after this service.

And I really get tired having to think of something to give up for Lent; I mean, what does it mean to give up something today? Hey, back in the day, when bread, porridge, a root or two and water were the usual menu selections, giving “up” something was kind of special. Now, if I give up chocolate, does that mean Nestles, Hershey’s, Godiva? If I give up coca-cola, can I have a Pepsi? If I give up something that I find hard to do, like working-out, or enjoyable, like reading the NY Times on Sunday mornings, does that mean I can’t watch David Gregory on Meet the Press or Chris Wallace on Fox news Sunday?

And the Liturgy, “A Penitential Office for Ash Wednesday” right there on page 60 of my pew copy of the 1928 “Book of Common Prayer,” what a downer, starts with “Have mercy on me.” Do I really want to read it aloud before Morning and Evening Prayer for Forty Days, that is depressing! And I so much love offering Holy Communion; it lifts up my spirit and fills me with joy, and reading that Penitential Office, kneeling, before the Collect, is a real buzz killer.

It’s easy to see why so many shepherds fail to lead their flock in saying the Penitential Office aloud; Lent can drive people out of Church!  Of course, they will all be back for Easter! I once wanted to place those large straw baskets, the one’s like in the fishes and loaves verses, before the Altar, and then have all the parishioners bring in the things they had given up and fill those baskets through-out Lent; but the Rector said, and I had to agree, doing so would block the Processional, and really, it was said: “Giving things up for Lent, that’s like New Year’s resolutions, who keeps them?”

“Still,” I said, “it’s only Forty Days…there’s that “Forty” again… It’s not like a whole year.”  The Rector may have been right, most people give up something…not “some things” and the baskets would look foolish empty. “People give up watching their favorite show on TV, or only play nine holes, every other week-end, or give-up fried foods, say, fried chicken or french fries. How would those things fill the baskets?”

Of course, the Rector, a future Bishop, was right. Yet another reason why I don’t like Lent.  It’s stupid to give up something that you can do without, or that is, at worst, a minor inconvenience. Jesus, the Son of Man, gave up food and water for Forty Days, and Moses, just a man, did the same for Forty Days! How is giving up “Gilligan’s Island” five or six times a sacrifice?

Nope, Lent is a loser. It’s an anachronism; a vestige of the piety of the “Dark Ages;” no one really “gives up” anything of value, not in this day and age. Most Christians don’t even regularly  give their tithe, “giving up” ten percent of their income, and G-d commands us to do that. Funny, they will tip a waitress ten percent for good service, but tip G-d the same ten percent for absolutely everything, including their existence, their very life? No way, Jose!

I think it’s pretty clear why I don’t “get” Lent. What’s the point of it? Have you really ever thought about it, about the “Why” of Lent? Like most of the “Flock” I run around with, I broke my “crook” long ago and joined the crowd. I am not sure I really need Lent, or that it serves any good purpose. After all, so many fellow sheaves tell me:  “G-d is Love, G-d…is…Love, see it says so right here in the Bible, and right there. We are all going to Heaven when we die …”Jesus loves us, this I know”… ”  What could be better than that, and we do such good works, with our food pantries, and food stamps, and clothing drives, and Diversity… we even have lesbian women priests, and gay men priests, and gay Bishops, …and soon a lesbian Bishop… we just need to be good to each other, and it will all be okay… Oh, oh, and work for fairness and justice, that’s what the Church should do, and G-d loves us all.”

Who needs Lent anymore?

True, during Lent we do get to wear fancy purple vestments, trimmed in gold, almost every day.  Maybe that’s not such a bad thing, and the chanting is soothing, and the wafting incense and flickering candlelight make us all fell closer to the Divine.  Still, I just can’t get in the spirit of it.

Nope, truth is, I really don’t like Lent at all, but not really for the reasons I have mentioned, though I admit I often, especially today, think about such things.

Actually, I don’t dislike Lent at all, I Hate it!!!


Jesus died for me! He died because of me, He died for my sins.

Every day of Lent, I am reminded so.

No way am I worth His sacrifice that longest of all days, from the Mount of Olives to the three hours hanging from a tree! How can He love us so?

Forgive me Father, forgive me for His sake, have mercy, have mercy on me,

Have mercy on us all…  + + +

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Get Ready for It! “A Nation of Immigrants”

Stop drinking the Euro-American Koolaid. We are not a “Nation of Immigrants.”

We are a Nation that allowed and encouraged immigration, primarily to fill the vast empty areas of territory ceded us by France and Spain for a fee, and taken by us in war from Mexico.  When my direct ancestors, 20 or so generations ago, arrived on the North Atlantic seashore of the New World, there were no “nations” to immigrate to… No governments, no borders, no customs offices, no infrastructure, no police, no armies, no semblance of ordered habitation other than the presence of earlier “migrants” whose Paleolithic culture had, for at least 13 Millennium, failed to develop anything beyond the most rudimentary and primitive societal structure. The clans inhabiting portions of what became the English Colonies were not, even by anthropological standards, accurately called “tribes;”  certainly not in the sense that the various “tribal” cultures of Africa were then and are still distinctly identified as  homogenous societies. The “romantic” term applied “Indian Tribes” was and is inaccurate on two counts; they were neither inhabitants of India nor were they highly hierarchically organized “Tribes” of people. Rather they were small groups of loosely organized, matriarchal, and blood related “Clans” just as were our ancestors, prehistoric European inhabitants.

The notion that the population of the New World exceeded one-hundred million inhabitants, as is often posited in the work of dewy eyed Euro-American academics, is preposterous. Without agriculture, societies are limited to a hunter-gatherer culture, and restricted, by food supplies, to sustenance existence.  It is unlikely that in the entire Continent of North America, an enormous area, at the time of European settlement, more than several million natives could be found

My ancestors, on my mother’s side “Migrated” from England, in fact, it is estimated that ninety percent of all migrants to the newly established colonies were from the British Isles, and ninety-nine percent of them were Protestants. Migrants and immigrants are terms which define two very different movements by populations. Migrants colonize essentially uninhabited territory, such movements are most often the result of population pressures, scarcity of opportunity for increased food production, and in the case of the English migration to the New World, as a means of enjoying greater religious and political freedom and acknowledgement of individual accomplishment and self-worth.

I point this out to ensure that all present Americans understand that the very Founding Fathers and the Documents of Independence and Governance so often quoted and generally revered, even by Euro-Americans, were thought of and written by subjects of the English crown, Colonists whose cultural and political expression, over 160 years, reflected the heritage of “free men” and a unique culture of “individual accomplishment as well as the evolution of the “Rule of Law” from the time of the Magna Carta to the imposition of the Stamp Act to the U. S. Constitution.


My colonial ancestors did not “invade” or “overthrow” or even, in rawest terms, “seize” territory from any nation- state; rather, they, by force of their will, and their sweat and sacrifice, and by the Blessing of God Almighty, created a “Nation” out of the vast continental wilderness. They had in large part, I might add, no desire or intention of doing harm to the indigenous clans who thousands of years earlier migrated across a land bridge from Asia, and by degrees, and over eons, slowly crossed the North American Continent, and, for what ever reason, never advanced culturally beyond their initial Paleolithic, “stone age” state of human development. It should be noted that the original armed conflicts, in the North, in Plymouth Colony, originated from the Wampanoag clans, and in the South, in Virginia, by massacres of English settlers and townspeople by the Powhatan clans. They struck first, and often, and inflicted up to Eighty Percent Casualties on the men, women and children of early colonial settlements. It might well be noted that had “nations” or “organized native militias” or any other form of organized, unified resistance, other than the savage marauding bands of clansmen intent on the annihilation of the settlers existed,  if any local, regional or even, dare I say, tribal government existed, anywhere in the territory organized as the 13 Original English Colonies, our ancestors would have been pushed back into the Atlantic Ocean. These Asiatic clans may have been first to migrate to North America, but they were easily supplanted as the dominant culture by the migration of a more intelligent, adaptive and diligent culture, our English ancestors.

At the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, given the vast tracts of unsettled and unpopulated land, (even Georgia stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River), and given the deep desire by the erstwhile colonists to share God’s bounty as well as populate and provision the vast area beyond the Appalachians, to prevent French and Spanish Papist as well as English Crown intrusion, our National Government encouraged the “immigration” of non English Europeans as well as allowing the “importation” of Africans. Today, those Americans who are descended from post-colonial immigrants may proudly claim that they are fully American in citizenship and opportunity, just as was the case with their first European “immigrant” ancestors. This, unfortunately, was not the case with the Africans imported as property.

It is unfortunate, however, that so many of the European immigrants brought with them the patterns of European Culturalization and theories of economic policy and socialist polity which so dominate their Euro-American descendents. Add to that the African influenced tribal culture and behavioral primitivism which dominates Afro-American culture and it is easy to understand the impending demise of the culture and polity of the Founding Fathers.

Socialism, communism, consumerism, communalism, egregious materialism, atheism, agnosticism, the intense need of societal approval and the criticism and condemnation of individual initiative and responsibility, all these societal corruptions are the manifest result of European “Immigration” and immigrants. None of these words were or are held dear by those hold, as divinely inspired,  the great achievements of the English adventurers and settlers, Colonists, “migrants” to the New World, and the great documents their progeny wrote and then by sacrifice brought to life, which have sustained the freedom and liberty not only of their descendents, but the freedom of the successive waves of immigrants, even those who now work so assiduously to destroy those very rights for which so much blood and treasure has been shed, and replace our Federal Republic with a “Modern European Socialist Democracy.”





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The Anglican Advent Collect


“ALMIGHTY God, give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness, and put upon us the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the quick and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal, through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, now and ever.” Amen.


The Collect quoted above is the Collect for the First Sunday in Advent. It may well be the work of the Blessed Thomas Cranmer, Christian Martyr, Protestant, Archbishop of Canterbury and author of the first and second publication of the Anglican Rite’s Book of Common Prayer. I consider Thomas Cranmer a Reformation Saint, whose coerced recantations of the Protestant Church in England during the reign of Mary Tudor, Queen of England, fully inform us of his humanity, his weakness and sinfulness. Who then cannot but be moved at the words of his Confession and declaration from a temporary “pulpit” in the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin Church, Oxford, on the day of his execution.

Finally released from all pretense, from all vanity, from oaths of service and loyalty to the “Bloody” Roman Catholic Usurper and her cowering Court, finally discharged from all vows of fealty and discipline to the corrupt and fallen Roman Catholic Pope, Julius III,  finally clothed in simple, unadorned robes such as Christ’s disciples might have worn, finally facing his death and the certain judgment of God Almighty, finally with no hope of earthly breath left, he choose to proclaim the righteousness of the Reformation, the fallacy of the Roman Catholic Church, the apostasy of the Pope.

He condemned his right hand for the recantations he had previously written, and vowed it should burn first in his fiery burning at the stake that was to follow. He died proclaiming his love of Christ, “Lord Jesus receive my spirit,” and saw heaven open before him. This was the death of a Martyr, a Saint, a Protestant, and an Englishman.

It is not surprising, therefore, that the Advent Collect celebrates the final “Glorious Last Day,” not the First Day, the Day of Conception, as God and Woman conceive life, and quicken within Mary’s womb the humanity of the Son of God, Jesus. Nor does it even mention the coming Day of Birth of the Son of Man, when the Miracle of the Virgin Birth brings forth into the world the Son of God, the Christ, Jesus.

Understand, I love the Book of Common Prayer, and worship with it daily; it is the font of my sacramental grace, the guide to my life of worship. But it is, as is almost all Christian literature of the past two millennia, focused on end times, on eschatology, not on incarnality, not on the Incorporeal Manifestation of Flesh, the Divine Act of God becoming Man.


The four weeks of Advent seem such a short time to focus on the Incarnation and Nativity of Jesus. Should not Advent be the longest season, the most joyful event, and the holiest, most worshipful time of a Christian’s life? Unlike Lent, a time of somber reflection on our sins and the “full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction” of Jesus Christ necessary for Divine Forgiveness, Advent should celebrate New Life given by God, renewing the Old Covenant, creating a New Covenant, broadening, deepening, entwining the historical and scripturally revealed ADONAI with all mankind. The birth symbolizes not only the incomprehensible act of God becoming Man, but of humanity realizing what it is to become, in the most profound fashion, like God. Faith, Hope and Charity, Unconditional Love, all these gifts come to us through the Incarnation, through Christ’s birth, not through His crucifixion and death.

I preach this because I find the act of humility much more difficult than the act of sacrifice; that God should become Man is far more inspiring to me than that Jesus should sacrifice himself for mankind. I thank God for His gift of everlasting life, but I can not touch nor experience the ethereal realm. I live in the world of flesh and bones, of imperfection and weakness, but I know that this world of the flesh was inexorably changed at the very moment described in Luke 1:35 ” The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God”

At that very instant, the promise of Adam and Eve was realized, the state of “original” sin which their act created was dissolved. Man, born evil in sin was transformed into man born innocent, free of sin. The Little Child of the Nativity was born guileless and guiltless, an innocent. Who will argue that an infant today is born in sin? Who would ascribe evil to the children the Lord Jesus gathered to himself, and held up as models of God’s children, models of how we should approach our Father in Heaven?

In the Holy Nativity, we see man returned to innocence. No longer is man compelled to choose Good from Evil, now, sinless at conception and birth, man may choose good or evil, the very same choice God gave to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

In this Advent Season, I ask all Christians that I meet: What if there was no promise of Eternal Life, what if all the time you are allowed was just your life as you live it today? Would not the day of Christ’s Birth still be the greatest day in the history of humanity? Would you love God less if his only gift was the Grace that has enriched your life, the Goodness and Loving-Kindness that He drew out of the hardened hearts of all mankind, the charity, the wisdom, the love that has enriched all our lives since the moment of His conception?

The Incarnation of God becoming Man, not appearing as a man, not manifested in human form for a day, not perceived as a vision, but in the flesh, in the days and nights, weeks and months of thirty three years; in every way, every limb, every organ, every cell, human. This is our lesson that Jesus as a human, as a Man, with free will, could live in obedience to his Father, could live in love and worship of his Father, every day of his life.

For me, the Incarnation is a most profoundly personal experience. It is the sine qua non of all Christian experience, and the sanctification of this Advent Season, commemorating the conception and birth of Jesus is sadly overlooked in emphasis in both Liturgy and Life.

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He is coming!

It is the First Sunday in the Liturgical Season of Advent. It is the First Day of the  Anglican Christian Liturgical Year. Light the first Purple Candle of your Advent wreath, Hallelujah! His Incarnation is the hope of mankind! Hallelujah!

Isaiah 11: 6-8

The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice’ den.

“…and a little child shall lead them” Holy Christ’s Birth! Holy Christ’s Mass! Merry Christmas to All in this, His, season!

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Really, Senator Paul? An Amendment to do… what?

Good Golly! Would any Republican care to comment on Senator Rand Paul’s campaign to pass a:

Constitutional Amendment that would preclude senators and representatives from passing laws that don’t apply equally to U.S. citizens and Congress, the executive branch and the Supreme Court.

Really…that’s the most important Constitutional issue that Senator Paul can imagine?

Consider these Amendments, more important than:

A Balanced Budget Amendment? Four year required and submitted budgets concurrent with the second, third, fourth and first years of Presidential Terms.

A Term Limit Amendment? … say Two President, Three Senate and Nine House consecutive terms…

An Amendment to Repeal The Seventeenth Amendment? … its passage would return to the Sovereign States the political wherewithal to enforce the intent of the Tenth Amendment.

A Federal Election and Campaign Contribution Amendment? … limiting Federally Regulated Media (Cable, Radio, Airwaves) candidate campaign advertising to 90 days prior to election day, and limiting the amount that can be spent, not contributed, to a fixed amount for each separate Presidential, Senate and House campaign. It would allow the balance of contributed funds to be remitted to the General Funds of the Separate Sovereign States…

A Free Speech Amendment? … clearly defining the Founder’s purpose of the First Amendment, to allow and protect all “Non Commercial” Public and Political Speech, and allowing the prosecution of those who promulgate Obscene material and Pander to Perverse, Degenerate and Malignant Behavior for commercial purposes…

A Freedom of Religion Amendment?… to allow any citizen, individually, corporately and while in any government employment, to state their beliefs, act lawfully upon those beliefs, and refuse coercion of any nature to violate those beliefs. Essentially a “Conscientious Objector,” it would also allow public displays of a “religious nature” in and on all public lands, or the absence thereof, and public prayer of a “religious nature” in and on all public lands, including schools, and allow the absence thereof, by any individual, corporation or government entity…

A Right of Association Amendment?... prohibiting any Governmental entity from outlawing discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin in hotels, motels, restaurants, theaters, and all other public and private accommodations whether engaged in interstate commerce, or not…

An Interstate Commerce Amendment?… clearly defining the term, and its applications, limits and remedies under Federal Law…

An Amendment to Repeal the 16th Amendment? … and allow Congress to proportionally by population levy annually against each Sovereign State an amount necessary to fund the Federal Government. Each State would then decide the proper and preferred method of taxation of its citizens to raise the amount required by the levy, with full enforcement powers necessary there to…

An Ex Post Facto Remediation Amendment?… an Amendment which would prevent any remedy at law to be applied to a present citizen population based on the malfeasance of a past citizen population. If the cause of action occurred prior to time in which remedy is sought, and there is no preponderance of evidence to suggest the malfeasance continues, then no remedy may be adjudicated.

An Amendment to repeal the Nineteenth Amendment?… Equality under the law, yes; the right to vote, no! Men can’t have babies, women can’t have votes. After all, the Suffrage Movement promulgated propaganda informing mankind that allowing woman the vote would improve the conditions of mankind, and create a more civil and harmonious body politic. Hah! More humans and particularly more Americans have died from the causes of war, poverty, disease and crime since the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment than in all our previous American History and indeed, in mankind’s previous history since Creation!  This amendment might be difficult to pass, but is severely needed.

I submit that Senator Paul is posturing for votes, or electioneering, and is competing for the national press attention given some other Republican Senators.

If Republicans Senators had any character they would stand up and demand the Nation be allowed to vote, up or down, on a Balanced Budget Amendment. Apparently the only “Boxer” in the Senate doesn’t wear them, and also has no character, and, worse, is a Democrat from the Left Coast.

So my friends from Lincoln’s party, What think you of Senator Paul’s proposal?

Note: This article will be published in an essay on with amended notes and expanded commentary as soon as I set the table, prepare and cook a three course meal, seat and serve my mother, carry on pleasant conversation with her and attend to her dining needs, finish our supper, clean off the table, do the dishes and pans, clean and straighten out the kitchen and turn off the lights. All tasks of which are traditionally feminine gender roles, but my mother is Ninety Three, so I willingly do, I might add, very well, what so many women complain of doing, do poorly, or do not at all. “Let’s get the kids a Happy Meal from McDonald’s or we can microwave some chicken nuggets for dinner…”

A Republican Responds:

Bull, maybe there are a lot of things under that umbrella of his amendment.. seems those in Congress have a whole lot of privilege. You should ask him.

You miss my point. Passing a Constitutional Amendment is at best a difficult process, and at worst, impossible. Two thirds in both Houses of Congress, Thirty Eight States, a time limit… Why would anyone distract fellow American’s from the absolutely necessary Amendment to Balance the Budget, and limit debt? Nothing else proposed by anyone over the past fifty years would have the same salubrious effect, and the National Government will never be limited in size, scope of influence and power until the spendthrifts in DC are curbed! The purse is absolute power!

Senator Rand Paul is yet another hubristic wonder, thinking that he can change the system from within, and not risking his position, his election, by speaking out plainly against waste, fraud and a total lack of budgetary control by the Congress. He rationalizes, as so many do, “I have to be re-elected to do any good…I am more valuable to the conservative cause here than if I say what needs to be said and lose an election…” What a load of crock…

Senator Cruz put his money where his mouth is, and no one in the Republican Party rallied to his aid. Now, I don’t think he is the brightest lamp in the room, but until these boys begin to act like men, and do what has to be done, well, the slide toward the tipping point of hedonism and fascism will continue.

As a Christian Minister, I firmly believe that it is G-d’s Will being done, just as was done by “good Jews” nice men, priests high and low, and wealthy nobles, in Isaiah and Jeremiah, when they just couldn’t give up the ostensible rewards of Idolatry, to accept the discipline of G-d.

JER 2:8 The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.

Quoting the Holy Scriptures is not politically correct, and even when using more modern textual translations, we don’t hear the Lord’s voice in any of these Congressmen who serve mammon, not G-d. We are a nation corrupted by idols and false gods, and we will fall. Only prayer will save us, and then only if the Lord anoints one man to stand up righteous in G-d and speak the truth…and an Amendment like Senator Paul proposes is a waste of time and political capital. Believe me, it is not WWJD, but what would He have me do, and few, if any, are asking that question.

A second response from the same Republican:

Well, when you put it that way… . I do agree. I like Cruz very much as you might have noticed, mostly because he, although just a man, seems willing to stand for his principals.

One final note, they are not Senator Cruz’s principles, they are G-d’s, revealed to man in the Holy Scriptures. Stewardship, caring for the gifts of G-d to the people of G-d, for every thing we have is from the Father… I do believe that Senator Cruz also believes this; good men must rally around him and encourage others to speak as he does…as he says he does for the 27 million Texans, and as I hope, for the one true Almighty G-d! There are no compromises between Heaven and Hell, it is one way or the other, no one can serve two masters, and yet so many in Congress attempt to serve hundreds…

Another Republican Response:

Bull Sullivan is a Christian Minister? Holy …

Not to worry, I am a terrible minister, and do very little harm to the Gospel. On top of that, I am an unchurched Anglican, my ordinate passed away years ago, and as such am a member of the least “modern” protestant high church, what with our deep and abiding Anglican affection for the archaic 1928 Book of Common Prayer, and our love of the King James Version of The Holy Bible. I hope this reassures you that Christ’s Church is in good hands, that is, in someone else’s! I spend too much time marveling at G-d’s creation and reading His Word, oh yes, and praying to be a threat to get out and obsess over the “social gospel.” I strongly believe that:

G-d is Good, G-d does Good, we do His Good, or we do no Good at all.

The Republican responds:

Not too worried. I figure I can screw up until I reach my Death Bed. Convert to Catholicism at the last minute, and I’m clear.

Hey, that worked for Constantine, or so Roman Catholic Scholars say. My view on this is that I hope it turned out better for him that it did for the Roman Empire…Rome was sacked soon thereafter, and the Western Empire fell with a thud into the long lasting “Dark Ages”… and who really cares about the Eastern Empire, although it and its excesses lasted in various forms until the fall of Constantinople in 1453.

The first Republican responder comments:

Speaking of the Book of Common Prayer.. Bull, did I ever tell you about my husband’s family? …his 11th Great Grandfather is the Archdeacon Edmund Cranmer.. brother of Thomas Cranmer the Archbishop of Canterbury and author of said book? Long history in Husbands family of Preachers.. some you might have hear of… My side had some preachers too, just not famous ones.

All true preachers of the Gospel are famous… to G-d! You have mentioned your husband’s relationship with Saint Thomas Cranmer…take that Saint Thomas Moore!!! You are related to him as I am related to Rowland Taylor, by marriage. My son counts himself ( not really, he doesn’t seem to impressed) with being a direct descendant of Saint Rowland, martyred by Bloody Queen Mary in 1555, the year before Saint Thomas was martyred by the same Roman Catholic Queen. Thankfully, the Queen died in 1558, and we are spared the ignominy of speaking Spanish in the English Colonies, and worshiping the Pope, Long Live Elizabeth I, Long Live the Reformation!

Now, lets consider, in view of  the debate over the “religious” intent of the Founding Fathers, and the inclusion of religious belief in politics therefrom, the most important line of text that you, or any Political Scientist, or Christian Theologian, or Politician, progressive or conservative, will read in this article, and perhaps, in your entire study of the History and Systems of American Governance:

G-d is Good, G-d does Good, we do His Good, or we do no Good at all.

Think about this text.

Is it substantially contained in the Holy Scriptures?

Pray about it.

Is it commanded that we live according to the demand of this text?

Consider the Founding Fathers, consider George Washington?

Did he understand this text, and live a life of example and obedience to the demand, we do His good or we do no good at all.

+ + +

More coming, see my next comment this week:  On the role of Religion in Making Government Policy Decisions.



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Popular music is the new opiate of the masses, entropy its legacy, and inertia its result.

On the occasion of John Lennon’s Birthday,
A Facebook friend commented:

“I wish I didn’t like this tune so much. I have called this “The agnostic/atheistic anarchy anthem” for many decades.”

John Lennon – Imagine (official video) For Lyrics.


Bull Sullivan Commented:

I “Imagine” two Beatles down, two to go!

Bull Sullivan Commented:

I apologize, my comment above seems so un-Christian. I wish no harm to any man, but to the drug addled, licentious Pied Pipers whose music ushered in the “Me” and “Drug” revolutions, I wish them only the life that thousands of addicts lived before their deaths of overdoses, hepatitis, liver lung and kidney failure, and that’s leaving out those who died of drug induced violence, rape and murder, and of course, I don’t want to forget those brilliant young minds which fried on acid and mescaline, just so these pompous demi-musicians could amass billions to spend so freely on themselves. Hedonists, heretics, green globalist leaders of our groupie generation. I prefer to listen to John Newton, and let the Almighty, who is rumored to love music…see for instance, the Psalms…render His Final Judgment. Hell for the Beatles might be to spend eternity listening only to Miley Cyrus’ or Leslie Gore’s performances.

A different Facebook Friend Commented:

  • … beautiful music by John! His point is well taken that religion and religious differences are the basis for most wars. Happy 73rd birthday John!

Bull Sullivan Commented:

Wow, I didn’t know that John Lenin was the fist to hypothesize the relationship between religion and war, what an original thinker! Of course, he was incorrect, particularly if he held the same view as some of his disciples, one of whom alleged that religious differences “are the basis for most wars.”

Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. For instance WWI and WWII, in those wars we American White Anglo Saxon Protestants fought those damn Lutherans, and Reformed Church Zealots… didn’t we? I should note that more combatants died in those two World Wars than in all other wars fought by our species.

Then, of course, The was the War Between The Saints, 1861-1865, in which spirit filled Yankee abolitionists, a broad spectrum of crazed “lower” churchmen allied with Roman Catholic immigrants to defeat us High Church Episcopalians, even killing our spiritual leader, Lt. General Bishop Leonidas Polk. And let’s not forget The War for Religious Freedom, 1775-1782, fought by the Deists against the Church of England.

Look, if you think that John and Ono are great musicians, and listening to his psycho-babble guitar, and sitar strummed, wailing is great music, well, that’s a matter of your slightly puerile taste.

I stood bestride the Pentagon in October 1967, a credentialed Demonstration Marshall of the greatest anti-war protest in American History, and watched as the pathetic crowd of tens or hundreds of thousands of my peers held hands around that structure and chanted and played their guitars and sang and wished it and the Vietnam War would go away.

When the trance was ended by the rising sun, and dawn broke, the Pentagon was still standing before their pallid faces, and they squinted their bleary red eyes in disbelief, rolled up their bedrolls, and trudged off, disheartened, sucking their thumbs and going home to their middle class mommies and dads; their designer jeans and torn tie dyed shirts pitted with roach ash burns, and stained with cheap red wine, fetid acid sweat and semen.

That’s what John Lennon and the Beatles then stood for, and what his legacy remains: the music of a loser generation, who have despoiled the heritage of a generation that literally saved the World from Hell’s minions.

If you consider the adolescent gurgling and warbling and shouting and screaming of alcohol and drug infused rhymes and two chords picked on an electric guitar, if you associate that with the music of your youth… well, I feel empathy for your prolonged adolescence, but sorrow for you appreciation of music. The sounds of real instruments, the musical notation, the works composed for them by true geniuses and played on them by great artists has the power to inspire thought, hope and glory, worship and fear.

Like Tom Hayden, Hanoi Jane, Moby Grape, The Dead and The Airplane, Joan Baez and Peter Paul and Mary, Lennon was at the heart of it, an entertainer, an endearing con man who made money selling angst relief to children frightened by A-Bombs, “Cuber” and the outrageous expectations of what is often called “The Greatest Generation.”

Doubt it? That’s OUR Congress now paralyzed; Bill and Bush and even Barry are the fruit of our vine. Please won’t somebody love us? Being grown up is so hard, I think I’ll play the White Album again… Jim Jones had nothing on John Lennon’s Kool-Aid!!

In my vocation, it is necessary to feel anger occasionally. Even, especially, when we want so badly to be charitable. So I ask myself, is John Lennon in Heaven? Oh Lord, its possible, because every agnostic, every atheist can think, in the last moment of Life, what every “War Mongering” Christian should think: “What a sinner am I, forgive me Father.”

If so, he will not be judged for what his life’s work was, which I would describe as mental and musical masturbation, but rather he will be saved by the death of a Jewish carpenter long ago on a cross at Golgotha, just outside the gates of the City of David. The Death of Jesus Christ and the “religion” of He and His mother, and His teaching recorded in the Sacred Scriptures have nothing to do with war, death, pestilence, plague, violence, tragedy of any kind and pain and sorrow, all of which are the work of men, or nature.

It is impossible for me, as an observer, to deny my involvement, my duplicity and my rank insatiate lust for the fruits of our generation’s musical vine. I am no less guilty than that skinny delusional Brit. I ponder, what if our generation had fully embraced the ethos of our parent’s, what if we have worked as hard at solving the problems of the World as they had, what if we had the spirit, the grit that so many of them had, overcoming the Great Depression, poverty, want and hunger. What if we had improved, perfected human morality, not eschewed it. What if our art celebrated the human spirit, our music amplified our hopes, our theater and film glorified what is great in us, what if our science turned from war to life, healed more of the sick, preserved the quality of life, and venerated life from conception to death? What if schools taught more of the classics, of art, music, dance and theater? What if we had respected each other for our differences as well as our similarities? And what if we had taught love for one another?

Would we not now live a Christian society, not live “in” it, but live it!…?

What if we had built upon the Rock of Ages and truly followed the Way of Christ Jesus. What if we had sought to become the “Shining City on the Hill? A new “Zion?”

“Wow, that’s deep man; toke another hit, brother, let’s “Imagine” that world…it would be so cool…”

A different Facebook Friend Commented:

No claim he was first – just appreciation for the reminder, in such a beautiful vessel. Not going to count all the wars and post a percentage of religious ones. Perhaps “most” was an overstatement. As a musician, I appreciate John’s music for its beauty, intellect, cleverness, and soulfulness, including the early rock n roll. Some of my favorite music to play and sing are the 3 chord songs – 1-4-5 as we call it. Great music need not be complicated – think “Amazing Grace”. My contemporaries and I – in our 60’s – take great pleasure in jamming on the tunes of our youth, and still love the Beatles songbook. Our generation is far from a “loser” generation. Just because you couldn’t levitate the Pentagon doesn’t mean we were all impotent! lol! We launched the anti-war movement (with a lot of help from Dr. King), Women’s Liberation, Gay Liberation, and played a role in the Civil Rights struggle. We brought Rock n Roll into the mainstream and still love it dearly. We brought Folk Music, the Blues, and Rockabilly back in a big way. We invented Folk Rock and Country Rock. We invented the Rock Opera. Hair, Jesus Christ Superstar, and Tommy are three of the best. We DID improve human morality, and our art and music DID celebrate the human spirit, more than any previous generation.

Bull Sullivan Commented:

Friend, I am driven to distraction by your naivete! I was in Hashbury, the summer of love. I was in the SDS; I sold dope at Fillmore, all I might add, in the service of my Country. No, that’s not true; I did all in the service of seduction, of gratification. Peace, Love and Understanding? Oh, get real, Piece, as in piece of ass, Love, as in free, no charge, no remorse, no responsibility. Understanding, what does a child understand? You need to understand that placing this slip of paper under your tongue will make you free, you will fear nothing, and I will guide you to a higher power…What a pick-up line, what a gift from the gods to all the randy boys.

Civil Rights? Oh yes, thank God for the white middle class, Doctor King couldn’t have done it without y’all. And if you were in San Francisco, you know that that poor wetback, Caesar Chavez wouldn’t have ever formed that union of lettuce pickers without Whitey to help him.

Thank God for White People!

And while y’all are out in the suburbs of Seattle, did you ever get down to Sick’s Stadium, you know, down in Rainier Valley? Especially before Norm became Mayor? Say how many children of color go to O’Dea or Bush or Lakeside? You live, as most of my Bellevue neighbors did, in a fantasy world of wealth and privilege, on Land stolen from Chief Seattle and the Duwamish Tribe, very much like our stealing from Chief Tomochichi and the Yamacraw Tribe, here in Georgia.

I have never met such a confounded, contentious and pretentious population as those coffee swilling, code writing geeks who now own Seattle, unless it was those incredibly conceited bigots whose families settled there, who rose to the top of family owned corporations and once built fine boats and aircraft, and beautiful houses in Queen Anne and on Capitol Hill… and now build the 787 Dreamliner for a company headquartered in Chicago.

I love Washington State, and beneath the upper crust I found good moral people, but then there were some few of those in Sodom. Seattle is the least churched city in the West, more people fear going to hell in San Francisco, perhaps with good reason, than in Seattle. Even the presence of Jesuits has had little effect on the amoral mien of the city of grunge pits.

As for me, I will take Shostakovitch’s “Stabat Mater” for my dose of beauty, intellect, cleverness, and soulfulness, and anything Gershwin for charm and gaiety. And if I needed inspiration to wander through the galaxy, I enjoy Tangerine Dream and Miles Davis and Emmylou Harris. I love music, because I don’t need it. I will admit to wishing to have known, in the Biblical sense, Janis Joplin, who to me is the Tops, the Mona Lisa, the Tower of Pisa. And I have been known to amp up “The Wall” while contemplating just where and when is Schrödinger’s Cat. Pink Floyd is great music, and also The Who’s “Tommy”, but Hair and JC Superstar? Definitely, in the class of “Cats”…

I listened to Rubber Soul, The White Album, Sergeant Peppers et al, though probably not in that order, in the company of teen age boys and girls, getting stoned, having sex, hating their parents, spitting on home bound soldiers, I can quote the trial transcript of the Chicago Seven, Bobby Seale was the eighth, and the real deal, but the Seven, everyone sought fame, most achieved fortune, in business or the Academy, and all lived a distinctly “middle class” American Life. One scored big with a movie star. I am sure all share your affection for John Lennon, who, I am rather certain, was a billionaire.
Not Losers? Did Wars end? Did poverty vanish? Are schools safer and do they educate our children better?  Are people more satisfied with their lives? Do most people in Seattle know Hell is a real destination for those who disobey God? Yes, our generation is lost, and we are collectively, the Biggest Losers of any American generation.

Ain’t the Radical White of the 60’s something else!

Popular music is the opiate in the masses, entropy its legacy, and inertia its result.

You might also enjoy my comments on another of the Beatles:

“On the tenth anniversary of George Harrison’s Death.”

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Birthers, Identity, National Origin and President Obama

Again, on the fringes of the marginal media, we see an eruption of “Birther” controversies, fingering President Obama as an alien, as an interloper, and presenting copies of documents conclusively proving each disputational assertion.

I am less interested in documents, I am well aware that forgeries exist. What is of grave concern to me is that I am unaware of anyone who was a contemporary of the President at Columbia remembering him, relating stories and anecdotes about him as a student, and sharing those with the Press and Public.

I attended classes at multiple Universities for one or two semesters using credentials provided me by appropriate authorities. If our government was able to easily create identity documents and transcripts as needed for its purposes, does anyone doubt that the Soviets could not do the same?

Would such nefarious actions not be even more easily accomplished at the Eastern Universities that the President attended? It would not stretch the truth to assert that many administrators and professors of Columbia and Harvard share the sympathies of his parents and grandparents.

Understand, I am not accusing the President of being a Soviet Agent, I am simply stating that his agnostic and socialist tendencies are far more akin to Marx, Lenin, Fromm and Marcuse, and of course, Saul Alinsky whose book, “Rules for Radicals,” was and remains the bible of Community Organizing. Alinsky founded communist cells through America, abusing and betraying the very Constitution that allowed him to work so diligently and publicly to undermine the Republic. I believe the tracks of the Frankfort School are found deeply embedded in the President’s Ideology and contempt of individual rights. But what’s new there? Hillary Clinton famously mouthed the socialist mantra “It takes a village to raise a child, ” which may well be true when the mother is crack addict, or dependent on entitlements, or by choice a “single” mother of multiple paternal children, or a scholar on a full ride at Brown, Columbia, Harvard, the New School, or Smith, among other prominent EuroAmerican Universities.

No, the President is no dupe, no “Manchurian Candidate.” He is a willing participant in the global equalization of wealth and rights of all mankind, subject to the will of intellects of “superior quality.” The President’s heritage is not the American Revolution, but the Age of Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, and his preferred “revolutions” are those of France and Russia, and the anti-colonialist Revolutions of the last half of the Twentieth Century.

The real Dupes? The American Middle Class, whose earnest desire for material goods and pursuit of the “America Dream,” a coy marketing phrase and hackneyed political conduplicato, allows Americans, with five percent of the world’s population, to consume roughly twenty percent of its economic output and produce half of its solid waste.

The President may yet eclipse his role of Chief Executive Officer of this nation, and be appointed, by World acclimation, to a powerful new post, President, not just Secretary General, of the United Nations. At least I am certain that is what he dreams of, those are the real “Dreams of his Father.”

But then who wants to believe such melodramatic fantasies? Who would wish for one world government, for wealth distribution and equalization, and the value of the collective as superior to the individual. Well, Gene Roddenberry for one, and then there are the hundreds of college kids who sat or laid draped before or with me in swirls of psychedelic smoke, illuminated by black lights and bees wax candles, clutching their little “Red Books” of Chairman Mao, and spouting the amoral dictums of social hedonism and agnosticism with which their publicly paid Professors and T.A’s so joyfully filled their infantile minds.

It becomes clear then, the President may be a sociopath, or a socialist ideologue, but he certainly is not an idiot, but a genius, a grand actor, perhaps even a great imposter, but he got himself elected, and you or I didn’t. What a magnificent fraud he is, perhaps, even if not the Antichrist, then surely a precursor.

Who to blame? Adam and Eve? The builders of the tower of Babel? The Children of Jacob, who just couldn’t obey a few, ten, commands of God? The Citizens of the Democracy of Athens, who loved Wine, Wealth and a drink of Hemlock for those who disagreed. The Roman Senate, who feared the loss of wealth and position more than the loss of freedom? The Roman Catholic Church, who sold passes to heaven, and collected, and even still does, the wages of Sin? Christians in general? Who really haven’t been martyred in great numbers since the Third Century AD, not CE, preferring to embrace Islam, and Communism and Fascism, preferring to stand by and watch as millions are slaughtered over numerous and venal causes. Abraham Lincoln, who established firmly in the American Psyche the principle that the ends justify the means?

And then there is me, I who spurned responsibility, fearing the sword hanging above, and sought after perfection in men, seeking an honest man to follow. Double damned, Damocles and Diogenes. And now, as I suggest partition or even succession, I live in a culture where every man’s opinion is the equal of mine, or yours, and we, birthed as the new Jerusalem, have forgotten that we are all fallen. Sin has always been the cause of us, the justification of our Republic, and now we live in a world without sin, without judgment. A European or EuroAmerican world where monarchs and tyrants and popes have led mankind astray, where “life” begins at a point of convenience, and where a very intelligent mulatto is either a genius or a pawn, and it matters little which.

God help America, God help us all. + + +


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Texas: Beaumont congregation skips church to serve in the community.

The article:

By Luke Blount | October 3, 2013

ENS Episcopal News Service,

Episcopal Diocese of Texas

St. Stephen’s, Beaumont, Texas, left the pews on Sunday, Sept. 29, and took over the community, volunteering for non-profit organizations for their first “Service Sunday.” More than 165 parishioners split up into nine teams, tackling projects that ranged from tending a community garden to visiting the elderly.

“It was an incredible, incredible day,” said the Rev. Nancy DeForest, Rector. “There was just so much joy and a feeling of blessedness.”

St. Stephen’s opened its doors for the regular 8 a.m. Eucharist on Sept. 29, but canceled the 10 a.m. service, encouraging everyone to take part in Service Sunday. Though many non-profit organizations are closed on Sundays, organizers worked with the local organizations to make an exception for St. Stephen’s.

With the event organized by St. Stephen’s deacon, the Rev. Pat Ritchie, volunteers could choose between several projects including feeding the homeless in the local park, making home repairs, volunteering at the humane society, and helping with meals on wheels, among other opportunities.

“This was a real different thing to do, telling people not to come to church,” Ritchie said. “I wasn’t positive if everybody would be receptive to that, or if they would just use the occasion to go to the beach. But we had great participation from our church and a great response from the community.”

There were more Service Sunday participants than the average church attendance. According to Ritchie, many of the church members had never experienced volunteer work before and have asked to repeat the event again or learn about becoming at regular volunteer. The church holds service Saturdays during Lent, but this was the first time a church service was replaced by the volunteer experience.

“One of our goals was to give a taste of volunteering to the people in our church,” Ritchie said. “I feel like this is what Jesus called us to do – go out into the world and serve. This is really making a statement both to our congregation and the community that this is something extremely important to St. Stephen’s Church.”

Each team was given a commissioning to go out and serve the community as well as some scripture and prayers. An envelope was also passed for an offering to the church. With the success of the event, St. Stephen’s plans to replicate Service Sunday next year.

Bull Sullivan Comments:

How much more glorious it would have been had they given up a day of work, or of school, or of housekeeping. If your treasure is made Monday through Friday, and the week-end is your rest, what sacrifice have you really made: leisure time, a ball game, Sunday dinner at Longhorn’s? Is the absence of these activities really a sacrifice, an offering to G-d?

Such acts are commendable, but hardly rise to the level of Christian witness and testament. After all, I can think of few societies in which helping others was unusual, even in Soviet Russia, neighbors helped neighbors. In our own American History, from the time of building cabins, to raising barns, to the horror of September 11, 2001, people have given freely of their time and treasure simply to be good neighbors.

And so, I simply ask this question: while such acts surely are beneficial and vainglorious, after all I am reading about them, are they worshipful and sacrificial in nature? There is no doubt, in my mind, that they are well intentioned, but does a “good” act glorify G-d? Does merely being a kind and giving person justify salvation?

By all means, I hope this congregation will continue in its good works, for it gives a wonderful example of how to answer the call to social justice which we hear so loudly through the New Testament, but good works without sacrifice?… even atheists are known to perform them. I believe we are called to a higher standard. Our good works must always be sacrificial in nature, worshipful in intent, and holy in practice.

Perhaps rather than other organizations making an exception for St. Stephens,  St. Stephens should make an exception for them, or would that have been too great a sacrifice? After all, how could those volunteer organizations turn down St. Stephens’ offer of help, even if it meant their volunteers had to give up their leisure time. No doubt, good was done and the help appreciated, but to what purpose?

Call on your parishioners to join together in service to G-d and man on a week day, when it is a sacrifice, when something of value is given up and thus offered to G-d as an act of worship. Perhaps fewer would attend, but G-d, and those they served, would surely know what good comes forth from those parishioner’s hearts… Matthew 15:15-20

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Must all Theologians go to Hell?

There are no such persons in heaven as theologians. Nowhere in the Holy Scriptures is such a vocation mentioned. In both the Tanakh and Testaments of Jesus: ADONAI demands two things of those who are called to lead His children; in the Tanakh to teach His Commands and Laws to His chosen people and in the Testaments, to preach His Word.

No human, man or woman, can interpret or postulate upon the “meaning” of the Word of G-d. Each person, hearing the Law taught and the Word preached, will either accept the Law and the Word or reject it.

The notion of wise and enlightened men making clear to mankind what G-d “means” is fallacious and riddled with vanity. No one on earth is capable of understanding the Nature of G-d beyond that which is revealed to us through the Holy Scriptures. No one has “discovered” one fact, one new text, one new word, one new revelation since the time of the life and death of the Apostles and Disciples who lived with Jesus or the Risen Jesus. No One!

We are called to be Shepherds or Preachers, and rarely, both. We are not called to write endless tomes about the “Nature or “Person” of G-d.” We may willingly and hopefully effectively preach the word through exegesis, that is, through explaining how the Word should be obeyed in context with our life;  by sharing our experience of the Word in our life. But we can never “explain” the “meaning” of a text, simply because G-d intends each person to hear the Word in His voice in their heart and soul.

Free Will means not only choosing to follow the Will of G-d, but choosing not to follow His Will. Volition is not about making “choices” between things you want, or “options” you have, it is simply the act of your choosing to accept, or reject, G-d’s Will. And G-d’s Will is pointedly clearly revealed in the Word, in the Holy Scriptures. The exercise of Free Will exists only in a moral dimension. Every act of will that requires a moral decision is a gift to you from G-d, every act of Faith in choosing to accept His Will is our gift, our sacrifice of thanks and praise offered to G-d.

No Preacher, no Pope, no Bishop, no Priest, no Pastor, no Elder, and certainly no philosopher or psychologist or theologian should ever say, about even one word of the Holy Scriptures: “Let me tell you what that means.” That is the speech of Lucifer, of hubris, of vainglory, of pride.

What we, as shepherds, may say, and should say, is: “When you read the Bible, when you hear the Holy Scriptures quoted, what do the words you hear mean to you? What is G-d saying to you? How will you obey His Will, in the context of your life?

The Word never changes. It remains always and forever the immutable, infallible Word of G-d, our Creator. What always must change is our context, our behavior.

The Roman Catholic Pope Francis is quite correct in his recent assertion that we who are called to obey and serve, and guide and preach are shepherds. And he is equally correct in asserting that we must love sinners equally with saints, for as they are our neighbors,  we are commanded, “to love them as ourselves.” And since we are all sinners, we are commanded by G-d, through the mouth of Jesus Christ to love adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals, profligates, murders, thieves, blasphemers, and even theologians as we love ourselves. This love is why I will preach until my death that homosexuals are the children of G-d, and like the adulterer and fornicator I have been, they need only repent of their physical sin, they need only to pray for the strength to resist temptation, they need only to ask their Father in Heaven for forgiveness through the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ Jesus.

Make no mistake about what I am saying. Homosexual behavior, specifically acts of male homosexual behavior, are an abomination. This is the Judgment of G-d, not man. Yet it is not a judgment of the man, but of the specific behaviors, the specific acts, the specific sins. Whether your belief is that such behavior results from natural causes, genetic deviations, or is learned, and presumably taught, from and by homosexuals, is of little importance. While the road to hell may be paved by good intentions, it is paved equally by foolish actions. Trying to “accept” socially the sinful acts of men, and explain them away is as wrong as our judging men for their sinful acts and condemning them. Theologists that seek to reconcile sin with the will of G-d blaspheme, for it is not the Will of G-d that humans sin, but rather the will of man that chooses  sin.

Any person seeking the Grace of G-d, the Kingdom of Heaven, must repent of their sins, work diligently to change their behavior, and seek always to obey the Commands and Laws of G-d. This is no easy task for heterosexuals, and certainly no easy task for homosexuals.

Am I always comfortable in the presence of “effeminate” men? Do I understand why homosexuals are attracted to members of their own gender? Yes, biologically, genetically; but no, I do not emotionally. And yet, what is to fear? If G-d is on our side, nothing.

I urge you to open your hearts and minds to those who are different, unusual, strange. Our Church must be a refuge for all sinners, a place of hope and comfort. We are meant to join together to strengthen the weak, heal the sick, feed and clothe the poor, care for and love all of God’s children. We are meant to praise and worship God through this love, through this loving-kindness to all other humans. There is no place for hatred or condemnation of any sinner in G-d’s Church. Only G-d can judge, and only G-d can condemn. How can we save those who fear us, how can we offer the Word to those we hold at arm’s length, those we push away, those we will not love?

Perhaps Pope Francis intended that we re-focus on those seven deadly sins, vices thought to lead to all other sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride.

Thinking about it, not at all a bad idea.

G-d Bless Us All, Everyone.

+ + +

To answer the title question, they should, for it is vanity to think you can explain the word of God or comment on his nature beyond extant Divine revelation. But as the Blessed Martyr Cranmer wrote:

But thou art the same Lord, whose property is always to have mercy.

Always encompasses, with Love, any soul who seeks the Mercy of God, even shepherds who lead their flocks astray.

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Thoughts on US Foreign Policy.

Thoughts on US Foreign Policy.

First, wouldn’t it be nice if we had a cohesive, goal oriented Foreign Policy?

Second, wouldn’t it be nice if a true American Statesman, you know, like Hull, Marshall, Dulles, Kissinger, Schultz, or our last real Secretary of State, Baker, was our current SOS? Not to fault the self promoting, Yale educated, swift boat piloting, triple purple heart awarded, divorced and annulled Roman Catholic Altar Boy; the Bay State elected, wealthy-widow marrying, Beacon Hill mansed, distinguished appearing, former Massachusetts Senator who presently fills that role, or rather, that is to say, plays at the position of Secretary of State.

Third, and to my point, the US has, at this time, a golden opportunity to exploit ethnic and cultural differences that exist between the Egyptian people of the Nile and the towel headed desert dwellers of Arabia, who, it should never be forgotten, brought us the tragedy of September 11, 2001. Egypt, the Biblical Land of Ham is ancient, its civilization much older than the Land God promised to Abraham, and its non Semitic culture and religions are likely seven or eight times older than the Bedouin inspired blood feud abomination called the religion of Islam. Egyptians are not Semites, not descended from Ishmael, Abram’s bastard son, child of Hagar; they are African, unique, perhaps descended from Ancient Punt, certainly not Mesopotamian or Persian, and most assuredly, they are not Arab!

The current situation offers a unprecedented opportunity to start a process of alienation of the Egyptian State from the false identity of being an “Arab Republic.”  We should do every thing in our power to promote, positively, the historic and ancient culture of the Nile, supporting the military while securing economic incentives and guaranteeing US and European private equity investments which, frankly, are necessary to re-invigorate the Egyptian economy.

Here is the opportunity to drive a wedge into the heart of the so called “Arab Spring,” and begin the inevitable and necessary liberation of these captured people from the tyranny of the Mullahs, Imams, Ayatollahs and other terrorists who policies can only succeed through the subjugation of liberty, the destruction of individual identity, the humiliation of females, and the imposition of a culture, although nuclear armed, which only can be characterized as a return to the post Paleolithic Culture Europeans named, most appropriately, the Stone Age.

I might add, that while our current SOS would feel very uncomfortable in a culture such as Islam would impose, our present POTUS would be happy as Br’er Rabbit in the Briar Patch. ‘Nuff said…

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Walking on the Moon…

At 10:56 EST, an American Astronaut, Neil Armstrong, stepped off the Lunar Module of the Apollo 11 Spacecraft, and stepped onto the surface of the Moon. His words should be repeated by every school child in every classroom on earth. He said “That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.” Man had achieved the penultimate goal, one as ancient as the first human stargazers, man had “slipped the surly bonds of earth,” and journeyed upward to walk upon the face of Luna… Selene… Artemis… Diana. In that epic moment, all knowledge was validated, all science celebrated; man had now only to find, in the vast cosmos, the hiding place of the great god, of the Eternal Father, of the Creator. A lonely planet, separated for billions of years from its companion, was reunited by the loops and arcs of a man-made spacecraft, carrying within it the evolved collective intelligence and learning of its latest dominate species.

It was a night to celebrate the achievement, but more, it was the first and only simultaneous celebration of an event by all mankind, across all time zones, and all national borders; an event celebrated by all races, ethnicities, genders and nationalities. It should have been the first of many such events, the harbinger of a new understanding, a shared human accomplishment. It was not.

Well before the 20th of July, 1969, Congress had reduced funding for lunar missions, narrowed the scope of investigation, of scientific inquiry. Already war had reduced the flow of funding for intellectual pursuit and diminished the value of scientific achievement. Land wars, wars on social issues such as poverty, burgeoning entitlements, pork barrel politics and racial conflict narrowed the scope and ambition of science to fit quotas, progressive social goals, geopolitical entanglements and rank greed. The “space stations”, the lunar bases, the investigation of the Solar System, manned flight to Mars, all were dropped to rebuild Appalachia, and destroy SE Asian cities, hamlets, and pacify natives while concurrently quieting restless “inner city” America. The impressive body of knowledge, applied in so many areas of technology, and American life, was an unfortunate casualty in our zeal to win the hearts and minds of anti-communist fascist dictators and support, across the globe, friendly and non threatening client states.

I watched the Eagle’s Lunar Landing and Neil Armstrong’s epic leap…of eighteen inches… with my father and his friends, all aerospace engineers, all well aware that his lunar walk was the beginning of the end of what might have been. Apollo was followed by the most politicized, crony ridden, misappropriated and disappointing science project in man’s history, the Space Shuttle. At a cost of billions, an orbital vehicle was designed and built that never delivered on a single design requirement, a never met a single budget goal, yet over forty states, eighty Senators and three hundred representatives benefited with take home projects and pieces of pork pie. In the later parlance of the aeronautically literate it was known as the DC-9S, “S” for “Space” derived and designed from what was then twenty year old technology, and by the time of the last shuttle’s retirement, incorporating sixty year old technology.

But the German’s had to go. It just was unseemly that the “Father” of the American space program was a former Nazi party member who built his Germany’s WWII war rockets with white European and even Jewish slave labor, and who claimed in his autobiography to have “Aimed for the Stars” but who far too often hit London. Especially if it meant acknowledging that much of his work was inspired by and derived from the pioneering science of an American, Robert Goddard, who was treated with disdain by his fellow country men, and whose work was treasured by the young German aristocrat, Baron Wernher von Braun.

von Braun and almost all the Germans were exiled from or removed from positions of influence and research and development by the middle of the 1970’s.  von Braun himself retired in 1972, after several fruitless years as a NASA Management flunky, with no real responsibility and certainly no influence over the direction of the US Space Program. Rather than stepping on the surface of Mars in 1983, we were placing pathetically small payloads into earth orbit at astronomically high cartage costs, and the science projects were far more like “Mr. Wizard goes to Orbit” than bona fide science. We had success, primarily in placing earth-centric optical research vessels in orbit, we sent small observational payloads to nearby planets, and only much later began a program to land significant and cutting edge scientific packages on Mars, replicating the payloads and scientific programs that von Braun proposed in the later 1960’s.

There are two looming tragedies of the Lunar Landing event that frame my recollection of 20 July 1969. One is that the last good Democrat President, the inspiration of the “Mission to the Moon” program did not live to see men walk on the moon. The second, as discussed briefly above is, except for the four inept Presidents who followed him; men could have walked and lived on Mars by now.

Wars and Entitlements, none of which have increased our wealth or renown, have deprived America of her rightful place in history, as the Nation that led mankind to the stars, that conquered nearby planets as well as deep space and, through collateral research, on earth, the depths of the Oceans…

American’s have learned, these last 44 years, to be satisfied with mediocrity, with food stamps and free cell phones, with disrespectful young men, and greedy wealthy old men. Our National Wealth is squandered on the dreams of war of Neo-Cons, and the dreams of Babel by progressives.

In a world of Equality, all citizens are the equal of the most base and ignorant. Houston, we have achieved equality.

It took the drive and ambition of Americans and the intellect and vision, inspired by Robert Goddard, of our Germans to reach the moon. One man, John Kennedy saw a path to American hegemony in a flight to the moon; without his hand to guide us forward, the race to the moon was simply fool’s gold.

Pax Americana should have begun on July 20, 1969, men should be walking on Mars, the moon should be colonized, and cancer and a hundred other diseases should be cured or nearing so. And our science and technology, Science with a capital “S”, should be that of which we are most proud, our accomplishments spurred by a quest for truth and knowledge, driven by the best educated generation of Americans, the “Boomers” and shared with a thankful world.

The reality is that a hundred million American’s are on the dole, taking far more from society than they contribute to it, and that the Mormon was right, 47% of us really do pay no taxes, and even worse, more, perhaps the majority of us, worry about ourselves to the exclusion of all others. And no great stirring and Patriotic line ever written or said aloud rings as hollow, or even as absurd, as those that first called us to service and later drove us to walk on the moon:

“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”


John Kennedy did not live to see Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. But I remembered that inspiring inaugural speech and I recalled his speech at Rice the next year where he enthusiastically enjoined us to history, calling out to us, to every American: “Let’s go to the moon.”

And I remember that July night, the 20th day of July, 44 years ago tonight, in the year 1969. I remember it well. Amidst all the celebration and the thrill of human achievement, and the fulfillment of millions, no billions of dreams, we could not know that those steps on the moon’s surface were the first steps away from the aspirations of all dreamers, away from goals as yet unmet, steps into a lifetime of dreams of colonizing the Red Planet from which we are now just rousing ourselves. We did not appreciate what we had, and we did not realize that Sunday, July 20, 1969 was the day the music, the music of the spheres, stopped.

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Correspondence with Two Other Gentleman on the Eve of Closing Arguments, Florida v. Zimmerman

First Post: It is my hope that whatever the verdict in the Zimmerman case that all of us understand that we have not heard the case as the jury has and certainly not seen everything that is available through their eyes. Our judicial system is based on the rules of evidence that governs what can and cannot be entered as evidence. Juries do the best they can. I hope everyone will honor their verdict and any subsequent appeals that may or may not come. Our system has to be respected to work. Otherwise we lose much of what makes this the great country that it is.

Bull Sullivan’s Response:

A very good comment,  but perhaps the best lesson of this costly case is the growing awareness of the politicization of prosecutorial discretion. While the abuse of police power, on the part of law enforcement has been the subject of judicial restraint since Miranda v. Arizona, there has been little judicial review of abuse and misconduct by Prosecutors intent on using high profile criminal prosecutions to further social or political agendas. The highly touted notion: “Justice is Blind” exists only in fiction, the reality is that justice serves the demands of politically motivated, officials as with Attorney General Holder or publicly elected officials, as in the case of Seminole County’s 18th Judicial Circuit State Attorney, Phil Archer, first elected to office in 2012.

The Zimmerman Case clearly lacks substance or evidence to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt,  Zimmerman guilty of any offense greater than manslaughter; at the worst it demonstrates an inevitable result when a black “hoodie” semi-tough teenage gang banger wanna’ be with a “street” attitude meets an overly zealous armed and stupid Latino cop wanna’ be… the best conclusion would have been no confrontation, with each walking away from the other. Given the limitations of character each demonstrated, that couldn’t happen and did not. Both of these young men, and I use the term “men” loosely, are products of broken households, absent fathers, state sponsored public education, corrupt popular culture, and the absence of moral teaching, character development and discipline in our society. Culture, not race, brought about the result; frankly, neither of these young men should have been out of their home at that hour.

But if gain can be made from the misfortunes of life, you may rely on lawyers and politicians to take full advantage of the situation. The proper course would have been indictment on a lesser, though still felonious charge, and a public excoriation by a wise and equanimous Trial Judge of the “Mother” and “Father” of Trayvon Martin, whose behavior, whose “life” choices, led directly to their son’s death. Justice would be served by such a trial, and certainly, these parents whose intemperate and churlish behavior doomed their sons should be held up as an example of what is wrong with contemporary culture.

Life ain’t a cabaret, ole’ chum, it ain’t even a Rap melody; it is a gift of God, to whom Zimmerman, Trayvon’s  parents, the State’s Attorney Phillip Archer and others will answer one day, just as young Mister Martin has already discovered.


Second Post: The one Federal case I was on as a juror back in 1985 was an amazing experience, one that I haven’t forgotten, and I think helps me empathize with juries on cases like this. All that being said, I personally think this case should never have come to court, never should have come before a jury. The feds apparently applied major pressure on the local DA to move forward. The DA decided not to put this case in front of the local Grand Jury for fear that they may not indict.


First Post, first response: I don’t share your cynicism about our system and the jury will decide if the evidence for a successful prosecution is there.

Bull Sullivan’s Second Response:

Oops, did not realize Zimmerman had not been indicted. That is further proof that the State’s attorney caved into political pressure. He might have failed to be indicted. Thanks for the heads-up. I really haven’t followed the trial at all.

My friend, I have no cynicism about our system; obviously, having worked with US DOJ District Attorney’s, even some 35 years ago, I found that most non-elected judicial officials have every reason to be political, in fact I never met one who wasn’t. You don’t get promoted if you don’t “play ball,” and you must be promoted to:  A) be a Department lifer, or:  B) laterally move into even a junior partnership in a “good” law firm. The really good ones, the best politicos, play ball with either side, building up “credits”. Even a junior partner in regulatory law will earn three or more times what the Government pays.

I agree with you if you maintain that the jury is the least likely component to be corrupt, but, unpoliticized?  OJ got “off,” as did, in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s, literally hundreds of “white knights of the KKK.” No politics, no conspiracy, huh? Juries get it wrong often, but we accept the results because the alternatives to a jury of our “peers” are far worse. In Capital Cases, in which the prosecution is in and of itself morally bankrupt, more than one innocent man has been executed. In Georgia, we recently murdered Troy Davis, sentenced by a jury of his “peers” to death, without care or concern for the notion of “beyond a reasonable doubt,” he was black, the police officer was white.

The simple test for politics is this, who benefits from prosecution? If this had been Black on Black, no one would have cared, and you and I wouldn’t be commenting. If white on white, a minor potential for gun control advocates, a small plurality in the State of Florida,  maybe light national attention, but otherwise ho hum. But White on Black, “OMG,” every Harvard Law graduate infuriated, every Black Political Activist aswarm, every Yale degreed R.I.N.O. worried about the next mid term election, and most Florida Republicans perfectly willing to throw a mixed breed Latino under the bus, to maintain their thin electoral advantage.

You may know Phil Archer, you may like him, he certainly is your fellow Republican, but his actions are so patently political as to pass any walk, waddle or smell test.

Zimmerman should have been indicted for involuntary manslaughter at the most, and absent the Main Stream Media Circus would have plead out, been suspended and probated, and never noticed, not even by Fox News.

This trial is a National Disgrace, as are, as I have previously mentioned the public schools that taught Mr. Martin nothing about citizenship, and most importantly, as are his Parents a disgrace, their choices, their behavior, their apathy and enmity,  killed their son. This event was no accident, but an incident waiting to happen, in point of fact, Trayvon Martin was DOA at the maternity ward.




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Paula Dean and the “N-word”

Please Note: The Commentary which follows and the Article which follows the Commentary use the actual “N-word”

Blogger Denene Millner Says: “Paula Deen Can Kiss My Grits; She Built Million Dollar Empire on Backs of Black Folks”

(Ms. Millner’s Article Follows Bull Sullivan’s Commentary)

Dear Miss Millner:

I want to begin by agreeing with your inference that Paula Deen has been, in her public statements, nothing short of disingenuous, and certainly less than forthcoming. Her obvious desire is to avoid lasting damage to her brand, and culinary enterprises. And I agree with you that her use of the word nigger is usual and normal for persons of her, and my, generation. I will not defend her or anyone whose conversation includes tasteless racial, ethnic, religious, sexual or scatological humor, or who uses God’s holy name to damn an act or a person, as in having struck a thumb while nailing, or cursing a fellow child of God. I don’t care if the joke is told by Lenny Bruce or Richard Pryor; such humor is classless, tasteless and pathetic.

Paula Deen is a product of her environment, her culture, just as you are of yours. In a perverse way, your criticism of her culture, justified as it may be, is as intolerant as her criticism, even if she now denies it, of yours. For her, my generation, and many younger Americans, even today the use of the word nigger in conversation implies a lack of respect for the Negro. Your ad hominen criticism of Paula Deen’s disposition’s statement, her business and employment practices, and even her cooking implies a lack of respect for her. It is difficult to have sympathy for either Paula or you.

Now, I may be incorrect in assuming you immediate response to my last statement is “I don’t want your sympathy,” but I believe that both viscerally and intellectually, that is how you have responded. I further believe that, despite your attempt at ameliorative language, “With all due respect to the brothers and sisters making it bubble in the kitchens of her restaurants…” you have disdain, bordering on disgust, for those of your race who earn an honest living working for Paula Deen. How it must grieve you that the “…talented black chefs and waitstaff at her popular Georgia restaurants…” regularly deposit, as a result of their talent and ambition, paychecks signed by “…the Dumpy Dumpling of Dixie.”

I am certain that those black employees also appreciate your public support of a single white female plaintiff, who may well have reason, bringing suit against their employer, and further your assertion that the food those “talented chefs prepare and talented wait staff” serve is, how did you put it, “filling America’s veins with sugar and fat and all the crap that kills us dead.” This last statement is made all the more difficult for me to accept as a valid criticism by your comment that you were raised on a southern diet and have ‘…soul food all up in my fingertips and deep in my bones.” Yet, here you are.

And because you are here, in print before me, let me “Axe ewe a question.” I have for some time sought an answer to a persistent concern I have about Negro DNA.  I only feel free to make an inquiry of you because of your obvious understanding and knowledge of racial DNA. If I may quote you, “Racist behavior lingers—dances all up and through the DNA.” I assume you meant that assertion to apply to all races, not just yours, Negro and mine, Caucasian, but to all who seek or hold a racial identity.

Before I pose that question, let me state unequivocally, that we will heal the wounds that Slavery and the Civil War created only when we all stop seeing color in each other. I for one, having participated in the struggle for Civil Rights for all Americans, and being one who continues to recognize that color remains the primary source of discriminatory behavior for all colors of Americans, continue to believe that healing can only take place when we really are open and honest in our dialogue. As to my bona fides, I cite here an article from my Commentary on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness:

I note to you that this article received the second most views of my commentaries, and I further regretfully note that the issue, as I see it, mooted by Mr. Davis’ execution, has “disappeared” from the public and common discourse.

So Ms. Millner, I now respectfully ask you, “Why do you, and others of your race object to being called “Nigger”? Why do you care what you or your race is called? I am not being facetious and certainly I am not fatuous in my curiosity.

I would point out to you that you may call me anything, by any name or epithet, and I would not care, so long as I had not earned the scorn or derision that the use of any term toward me implied. Further, had I earned the dubious distinction of deserving the name or epithet I was called, I would seek to correct myself, to better understand my offense or shortcoming, and to improve myself.

It is obvious to me, that for many Negro Americans, the epithet is painful. Why? If I call you a Child of God, isn’t that all that can be said? Isn’t the fact that for so many Negro Americans, the identity of being Christian, was sufficient to both cause a belief that you would overcome, and to temper and finally change the heart of those white “folks” whose laws diminished your citizenship?

It was for me the Spirituality of the Negro church and culture that gave me leave to march for equality, and the words of Black Ministers and Preachers that gave me hope that our children would “…one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Are those not the words of a Baptist Preacher? A Christian? Didn’t he say, even before he spoke of his hopes for his children, didn’t our dear blessed Doctor say: “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.”

Ms. Millner, how many times did thugs and idiots and red necks and racists call Martin Luther King a “Nigger”? How many thousands of times? Dr. King constantly sought to engender respect, not of the white man for the Negro, but of each man for himself.  We are commanded, in Matt 22:39 and Mark 12:31 “…to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.”

Are you not my equal? Do you not love me? Do you not love Paula Deen? The most important question to be asked, Ms. Millner, is “Do you not love yourself?” Dr. King loved himself, and because he did, he could love me, and I could love him. And all of this because God Almighty loves us!

What is in your racial DNA? Why does the mere movement of a tongue and breath across vocal cords cause so many such discomfort? And why is it so common to hear the same term in contemporary musical lyrics?  Ms. Millner, it is just a word, yet your culture has ascribed to it the power of life and death and from that power the notion that human respect for each other is an external attribute, not an intrinsic gift of God. I await your answer, your explanation. I really need to know what drives such a response. I thank you in advance.

Until then let’s work together for Justice for Lisa Jackson and for Paula Deen, for justice for one is justice for both. Let’s work for understanding, compassion and love. And I don’t mean that glossy modern episcopal “God is love” type of love. I mean real true unconditional love of the sinner and the saint; not approval, but acceptance; not submission but obedience. When we achieve that, or even come near, then there will be only two “names” we call each other, Brother and Sister.

+ + +

Ms. Millner’s Article:

Denene Millner is a New York Times bestselling author of 21 books and the editor of
I’ve been to The Lady and Sons, the renowned Savannah, Ga., restaurant owned by America’s lard-loving Food Network star Paula Deen. Not gonna lie: we waited in line for an hour, easy, to eat there, and when we finally got in, we worked that buffet like a stripper does a pole on a hot summer Saturday night. Fried chicken and whiting, greens, candied yams, gooey macaroni and cheese, homemade biscuits and jelly—we swallowed it all down. And when we finally looked up from our plates and stopped licking our fingers, we came to what we were sure was a pretty logical conclusion: wasn’t nothing but black folks back there in that kitchen stirring those pots.

You can’t fool me. I was raised in the North but I’m the child of Black Southerners with soul food all up in my fingertips and deep in my bones. We created and mastered the cuisine. Paula Deen was simply smart enough to slap a picture of herself and her All-American sons on the door while a kitchen full of Negroes toil in the steam and sizzle of her restaurant, doing all the hard work while their jolly, finger-licking boss takes all the credit.

You know—that great Southern tradition.

But word on the streets and in court depositions suggests that the Dumpy Dumpling of Dixie has been acting more like the plantation mistress than benevolent employer of talented black chefs and waitstaff at her popular Georgia restaurants. Lisa Jackson claims in a $1.2 million lawsuit that Deen used the “N-word” on several occasions, and that the restaurateur’s brother, Bubby Heirs, sexually assaulted her during a five-year stint as the general manager of Deen’s Georgia restaurants.

While she’s claiming in public releases today that she just loves her some black folk, Deen admitted in a court deposition taken last month that she’s said “nigger” before.

“Yes, of course,” the 66-year-old chef said when Jackson’s attorney asked her if she’s ever said it.

Like, duh.

She went on to admit that she’s also been known to tell a few racists jokes, too, and struggled to answer when asked if she thought those kinds of jokes are “mean.”

“That’s kind of hard,” Deen said. “Most jokes are about Jewish people, rednecks, black folks … They usually target, though, a group. Gays or straights, black, redneck, you know, I just don’t know — I just don’t know what to say. I can’t, myself, determine what offends another person.”

*insert image of Denene making dead fish eyes here*

A teeny weeny spot on my buttery soul would just love to believe Paula’s statement today that she “does not condone or find the use of racial epithets acceptable.” But the rest of my dark brown bottom knows better.This is a 66-year-old woman from the South, born close enough to segregation to see the whites of Jim Crow’s eyes. I’ll bet she knows how rank he smells—that rancid, putrid bouquet that escapes when the word “nigger” curls off the tongue. I’m betting, too, that she knows how scary he looks on a dark country road on a hot Southern summer’s night. Or in an equally hot kitchen where Negroes toil.

I’m not saying this is the way of every 66-year-old white woman from the South. But I’ve been living in the South for almost a decade, and I’ve got enough honest good white friends down here who’ve told me in confidence that their grandfathers and daddies and uncles still have white sheets hanging in their closets—not the kind for beds, but the ones rocked with pride in front of burning crosses. Racist behavior lingers—dances all up and through the DNA.

More importantly, I’m the daughter of African American parents who are of Deen’s generation and who’ve made sure I know, for sure, how it felt to be called names and be denied a sound education and be relegated to menial jobs and live in fear of becoming that strange fruit, not because they were bad people but because of the color of their skin.

All that’s to say that there’s nothing surprising about this Paula Deen revelation, and really, she should know that no one is fooled by the waffling and her awkward word shimmies—Black Twitter and its #PaulaDeenRecipes included.

Frankly, her apparent comfort with the word notwithstanding, what we need to be mad about is that Paula is a peddler of Type 2 diabetes—that she’s all up and down our TV dial, filling America’s veins with sugar and fat and all the crap that kills us dead.

With all due respect to the brothers and sisters making it bubble in the kitchens of her restaurants, Paula Deen can take her racist jokes and her “N” words and stick them where the butter is sure to melt.





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Cowardice and Courage…

I have grown more certain, over the past months, that what I thought of myself, so many years ago, is true. I did not want to kill in Vietnam. I did not want to die in Vietnam.  Is the will to live and let live, which normally overshadows all other human behaviors, a proper excuse for “Draft Dodging?,” for claiming a “deferment?”  Was my moral objection an excuse for cowardice?

Don’t misunderstand me. I believe I have courage, I often say I fear nothing but God’s judgment. But as I reflect on the sacrifice of so many of my peers, even some I knew as closest friends, I can not help but wonder, why did they chose to go and fight in Vietnam? I in no way dishonor them,  a part of me yearns to have joined them, after all, I am no stranger to sin, nor to life and death.    As I reflect on the decade of the “Sixties,” a tumultuous time in the psyche of the American people, I am aware that it was a time of great anxiety for me, and a time of great sacrifice for many of my peers.

“To those to whom much has been given, much is expected.”

When President  John F. Kennedy paraphrased the Gospel of Luke, he moved a generation, what is now call the “Boomer” generation, to a new awareness of civic responsibility.   I heard his call, I followed his journey like a disciple following Jesus. We who had been given so much by the sacrifice of our parents, we who grew up knowing such little want; we, the aspiring middle class scholars of our generation, we heard a voice that stirred the echoes of our history in our thoughts, that deepened the love of liberty in our hearts, that moved our hands to willingly work for a kinder, more gentle and better America.

In those days, my love of history, the history of western civilization, which is the true history of America, was strengthened by every text I read, every debate I heard loudly in my head: Hamilton, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Jay, Marshall, Jackson, Polk. An endless list of men seeking their “manifest destiny” across the pages of history, and the soil of America.

I think no other time in American political history, since the Founding Fathers, met to create a nation from the 13 colonies, that held such promise as when JFK was President. This man would surely bring about “peace, justice, and the American way,”  a phrase from popular culture that we all knew so well.

And then John Kennedy was dead! Has any generation ever spiraled from hope to cynicism so rapidly? Has any generation lost its brightest light so suddenly?

Was President Kennedy’s death the cause of what became the most cynically rebellious, drug addled, self-absorbed generation of Americans yet born? Could that tragedy have provided me, and millions like me, with the emotional excuse that provided a cover for our lack of participation in the Vietnam War?   For our unwillingness to sacrifice life and limb for the geopolitical considerations of the Good Old USA?

We took deep breaths as we watched our nation plunge deep into the madness of a policy to prevent a “domino effect” loss of an Asian ally, and listened to the monotonous vacuous ramblings of a aging cold warrior President, Lyndon Johnson, elected because he seemed less scary than his opponent.  Still we hoped…

Then Dr. King was murdered, and Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, for no reason other than stupidity, hate and frustration. We were already bleeding out the red, white and blue blood of America’s underclass, drafted to preserve a corrupt and amoral ally’s status as a bulwark against Communism, regardless of the stench of their politics. Millions of us waited, sought out student deferments, our ministerial status,  suddenly married with a family, and still later played and won the draft lottery, or claimed a conscientious objection to all killing; for many, to be a pot smoking pacifist seemed a better choice than to be zipped into a black plastic body bag.

For me, all these “reasons” were excuses, they had the sound of sagacity and reason, but I knew they masked not a fear killing, but a fear of dying, a willingness to place breath before honor. I make no excuse now. As much as I could not justify killing an enemy defending his homeland, interfering in the internal affairs of a nation ( I am Southern, after all), as much as I believed that taking life in service of this Nation in this war, Vietnam, was sinful; as much as I sought to convince myself and others of the immoral nature of all war, I am not certain if I feared God’s judgment more than death itself.

I did not want to die for an insignificant little country in Southeast Asia, or for any foreign democracies, or for any overseas adventure that served no purpose, other than bullying the world with our big stick diplomacy.

I admit I cry before that Sacred Wall of the Vietnam Fallen in Washington, but not because those soldiers died for their Country, but because they died at all.  I am glad I am not counted in their number; in truth, I do not know if I am worthy to be counted at all.

I believe that in a moment of need of those near and dear to me, I would die to protect my family, and I know I would die for my God, and I hope that I would give my life for democracy’s sake, to preserve our American way of life, as did my father’s brother at Normandy, or my mother’s family members through 10 generations of American life.  But in my life, from birth to this day, there has not been one legitimate threat of invasion, of war on our continent; of anything resembling the death and destruction seen in Asia or Europe since 1914.

Knowing the massive destruction that nuclear war would bring, the alteration of the very genome of homo sapiens, our leaders acted wisely in the path they chose, significant militarization of resources  during the “cold” war, to stop the spread of Marxism. But in their zeal to prevail against an economic system doomed to fail, they nearly destroyed our political system which today resembles the very centralized state  “cradle to grave” planning of the arch enemy they sought to destroy.

In how many wars and police actions and humanitarian interventions has our Nation entangled itself? How much power have we allowed to be concentrated in a monolithic economic system that our politicians tell us is “too big to fail?”

I ask myself, was I a coward? I want to believe that had I been drafted, I would have gone; I would have done my time in the defense of “democracy.”  I want to believe that if death came, I would have given my life, if necessary, to save others. I want to believe that if captured I would have been as brave as Jeremiah Denton, or John McCain, both of whom I cite only because I met them soon after the Vietnam War . I want to believe that I would have died for a greater good, a better America, or even for a brother in ranks. I want to believe that, but I will never know.

I believe that war, fought for vainglory, fought for economics, is war wasted on history. I know that those names carved on that Sacred Wall were patriots all, I just wish that those who sent them  in harm’s way were patriots as well.

I will know someday whether or not I was a coward, on that day in Heaven or Hell when I meet those who fell in TET or at Khe Sanh, or a died in the rain, the mud, the shallow water of a thousand rice paddies, or riding the sky in Huey’s or Herc’s or Thunderchiefs; I will know by how they greet me,  if  they think I was a coward, or a man who thought dying for no good reason was the wrong thing to do.

We must stop this killing of our courageous and brave young men and women. We must realize that the world will be won by those who teach others how to feed, and clothe and shelter themselves and their families. We should be sending these patriots to farm, and field and factory, building up, not blowing up villages and towns, and if those lands don’t want us, we should stop sending them at all, and bring them home.

I believe that there are reasons to give up the gift of life willingly. I believe there can be justified, if not still sinful, wars; I believe defeating Japan and Germany in WWII was a just cause. But ask yourself, have we faced such evil since World War II, other than godless communism, that we should spill the blood of our youth? Is it not our great foolishness, our folly, to think we have the right to determine the fate of nations and peoples. Would we do so were we not the captive of an economy and culture now dependent on war?

We possess technology that can secure our safety, security and peace; we need both swords and plowshares, but only peace will ultimately win the hearts and minds of mankind.  We pray for peace every Sunday, we build for war the other six days of the week.

Ask yourself, my fellow conservative Christian Americans, what would Jesus do? I think you know the answer. If you have never answered the frequent call to arms   it is your task to wonder, “Am I a coward?” “Would  I die for America, would I die for a national political purpose?”

Even more importantly, we all, all of us, soldier and civilian, must ask ourselves, “Would I die for Jesus?”   Will I work to stop the madness of war to follow the biblical teaching of Jesus? What do you think Jesus would say to you? And before you state that war is “moral,” and cite the Old Testament,  let me inform you that every battle of every war that Israel and Judea fought and won was done so on the Command of God.  Every life taken, with few notable exceptions, was taken in obedience to the Will of God. Every other war was lost, and even now, the Israeli state exists solely because God has willed a Christian America to protect Israel, to preserve our Judeo-Christian heritage.

There is no greater sacrifice that a man can make than to die to preserve the lives of others. Such a death is honorable, and worthy of commendation, even when given in vain for an immoral cause. Whether such men, and now women, are heroes is left to the judgement of men, as is the determination of cowardice. But we must know as Christians that such deaths, indeed any such service as facilitates death in war, is not righteous before God Almighty, and forgiveness from God must be sought by those who serve and those who order such service. And the very Passion of Christ, inflicted by soldiers obeying orders,  provides the certainty that all sinners are forgiven, if only they repent and believe on Jesus Christ.

I am a Southern male, I can not escape the shame I feel when I look upon that wall. I think on the battle death of my great great grandfather at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Ordained Anglican, I think on the tragic death of  Bishop General Leonidas Polk on little Pine Mountain just miles from where I was raised for what was surely a great, noble lost cause. I hope I will have the courage to die for Christ should that time come in my life. I respect and honor those who died, even more than I respect and honor those who object to the dirty, senseless and stupid little wars our national leaders have engaged in over the past half century.  One final thought, while I may well be a coward, I am not a pacifist. Every war we have fought since the last World War could have been won before it was fought, won by policies that encourage and respect self determination and economic liberalization. Policies  that demonstrate faith in the goodness of man, trust in democratic practice and belief in the love of God and the need of obedience to his will. And pursuing such policies is not only the obligation of all Christians, it is commanded of us. + + +

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Falls Church Episcopal Liberated by Virginia Supreme Court Decision

Free at Last, Free at Last, Thank God Almighty, We  are Free at Last!

Falls Church Episcopal Liberated by Virginia Supreme Court Decision.

“It’s a compelling story of people who really believe in themselves as a faith community that is loyal to the Episcopal Church, loyal to the Gospel and wants to be good news to the community.” …The Rev. John Ohmer, Rector, Falls Church Episcopal

I am in perfect agreement that the church property rightfully belongs to ECUSA. We are, after all, a nation of laws, many of which, including the Founding Documents, were written by Anglicans, who were, after all, a substantial majority of signers of those documents. Those who now remain faithful to the heritage and doctrine of the Articles of Religion, the Lambeth Quadrilateral, and the 1928 BCP Catechism must surrender their attachment to these and other similar historic buildings, often constructed and maintained over generations by their family’s generous tithes.

In their place we must build and dedicate new Tabernacles for worship of our God, the Father Almighty, the Son, Jesus Christ, and the Spirit, The Holy Ghost, and within them we must preach the Holy Word Of God, teaching all of The Old and New Testaments, not just that which seems appropriate to our ideology, and going forth into the world in obedience to the commands of God.

And in that statement is my point. The Reverend Ohmer, in his elocution of hierarchy notably places the faith “community” and the “Episcopal Church” ahead of the Gospel, even equivocating “loyalty” with “belief and obedience” to God’s Holy Word.

In Reverend Ohmer’s theology, the Church exists as a kind of sectarian community center, a place where social justice is meted out in boxes of clothing, hot meals, job counseling, friendship and heart-felt advice, all dictated by the métier of “The Gospel of Jesus Christ as a Social Psychologist” and tinged about the edges with the more palatable tenets of Gutierrez’s and Boff’s Liberation Theology.

Hardy the stuff of our Anglican Founding Fathers; more like the plaintive wails of immigrant Euro-Americans, or the papist rants of late nineteenth century Roman Catholic social reformers. And I might add, all to the good, for we are commanded to care for the widow, the orphan, the prisoner, even to the oath we must affirm of loving our neighbor as we love ourselves.

As I read Reverend Ohmer’s words, however, I hear the vocabulary of a progressive reformer, the compassion of the neighborhood organizer, and the diction of the educated social scientist. Again, all to the good of worldly needs and all the words spoken are expected of worldly leaders. The Reverend’s words are meant to seem inspired by the Spirit, but sadly they are inspired by needs of the flesh.  I do not hear in this Priest’s voice the call to salvation, the truth told of human weakness and sin, the need to repent and most importantly the clear and unambiguous assertion that “We are accounted righteous before God, only for the merit of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ by Faith, and not by our own works or deservings.” These words, written by our Church’s Fathers, and rooted in Biblical Texts, suggest another world, a world above and beyond the physical universe, and beyond our physical needs; a spiritual world about which we rightly expect our shepherds, our priests , our Bishops, our Church, to teach us.

Good works will never save us, nor save the beneficiaries of such works, and while we may do such works to the glory of God; while we may feed, clothe, seek justice and equality, what is the point, if we do not teach, preach and pray for the salvation of all men, and what vanity and hubris would lead any man to think he can accomplish both tasks.

Water tastes the sweetest when there is greatest thirst.

In every society where material comfort has become the object of human aspiration,  there comes the least desire and greatest need of Divine Inspiration. When Priests become the self imagined objects of Divine Inspiration, not the conduit of it, they have truly lost their way, they can not help but lead their flock astray.

Falls Church Episcopal may now officially join the ranks of Toynbee Hall, Hull House and the thousands of other such institutions which have failed, and continue to fail to relieve, let alone eradicate, poverty, pain, depression and despair. These institutions, and now the Episcopal Church, have however made thousands of educated, progressive and “guilt ridden” middle class men and women volunteers feel good, needed and necessary, if not sufficient, and perpetuated the “Idol” doctrine of Humanism as a means to an end. And of the priests and ministers who promulgate such uses of the tabernacles of worship in the pursuit of good works? Let it be said, were there no God, they would be the heroes of us all.

But, as there is a God, only one God, our God, shouldn’t salvation be the Church’s goal? Do the humble, poor and meek need to feed, clothed and counseled to be saved? Don’t the scriptures suggest otherwise? Aren’t our Christian Churches, first and foremost, meant to be places of worship of God, of His Son Jesus Christ, of spiritual nourishment and strength through the Holy Spirit, of repentance for our sins, of thanks for our blessings?

Why is it necessary to abandon the Bible to comfort the afflicted? Why has the Church abandoned the message of salvation for the the sake of false compassion and sanctimony? Let the congregants establish and maintain such secular endeavors, let them establish organizations and institutions dedicated to the worldly physical needs of the impoverished, imprisoned or incompetent. Let then guide governments, let them adopt the unwanted, now often aborted, children of their friends and daughters, and of the unloved and abused.  The Church is not a social institution, not an alms house or group home, not a hotel or hospice . Nor is it a social welfare organization, athletic facility, or  rental hall.  All such good works are the byproducts of the Church’s teaching, all are often the creation of Christians, but none are the mission of the Christian Church. The singular purpose of the Church must be Salvation, sharing with each and every child of God the Good News of the Gospels, the Foundations of our Faith, the Love of Christ, the Comfort of the Holy Ghost  and the Fear of God Almighty.

Justice and the Law have been served. The way of the world triumphs. Get over it, American Anglicans. Find a place to pray, and do so now. You lost this tabernacle as the chosen people lost the Temple, you didn’t faithfully obey God.

You did not speak up when weak Bishops sought to ordain woman to the Priesthood, and with your silent consent, your Bishops didn’t prevent practicing homosexuals and philandering heterosexuals from ordination. You didn’t demand that the flood of “profligate postulants”  and “converts of convenience” learn the Articles, the Quadrilateral, the Catechism; your Bishops did not Exam those who who stood before them to be Confirmed in Faith or Received from another Communion, and they certainly demanded no doctrinal purity and orthodoxy of themselves.   Your Priests and Bishops didn’t deny communion to those who supported abortion, or excommunicate those who effected it. Your clergy were, frankly put, poor shepherds of their flocks. And you, faithful communicants, did not demand that the Gospel be preached, and obeyed.  And if penury and parsimony were the excuse for the “open door” policy of the Church’s hierarchy, no one, not clergy or congregants, demanded the discipline of Biblical tithes.

At least, you are not now led into apostasy, your soul is not torn from your flesh by wolves in priest’s clothing preaching a false doctrine. You are not counseled by queer men, and men who feel sorry for queer men, those whose love of the flesh and desire for worldly acceptance of their perverse practices compels them to mislead their flocks with the miasma of “social justice,” deviant sexuality, same sex marriage, and political correctness. You do not draw nourishment from the breast’s of twenty-first century temple whores in clerical collars, many of whom seek pleasure in the beds of other women.

Falls Church Anglicans, and others who have lost and will lose their parish homes, I bid you pray not for your ancestor’s buildings, not for the old brick and flecking mortar, not for the worn polished oak benches, not for illuminated antique stained glass windows or the bright bent daylight of wavy blown glass,  but pray earnestly for those who prevailed in the Supreme Court of Virginia, and other such Courts, pray for those lost souls, but especially for those heretics who now occupy The Falls Church Episcopal Tabernacle .  Absolom, oh Absolom!

+ + +

Referenced Article:

The Virginia Supreme Court Decision:  Falls Church v. The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, et al.





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Comments on Christian Love

A good man, a friend, a Christian posed this comment on a “Social Media” website, addressed to a group which shares common heritage, and to which I belong. Several of my commentaries reflect this format, and I think it offers a unique opportunity to consider Christian teachings. It is more informal than much of my commentary, but my responses are framed in the context of the seriousness and humor of those posting.


The Poster:

Ever since this happened on Sunday, I’ve been trying to think of where I could share it, then I remembered our Men’s Club.

My wife and I went to a Taqueria on Sunday for lunch. The waiter immediately set off my gay-dar. Even my wife, who is usually oblivious to such things, remarked that the waiter was “creepy and overly attentive”, making her uncomfortable.

First he set off my gay-dar, then he started touching my shoulder each time he passed by (EEEEEWWWWW!!!!). He touched me a total of three times before he received my subliminal messages. He also had projectile bad breath, which I discovered as he leaned in to read my menu with me as if he had never seen the menu item I had chosen (????). I was about ready to punch him out, but instead decided to refuse to even look at him. He managed to pick up on my behavior and backed off.

Here’s a TIP on TIPS: There is NOTHING that will eat away at a waiter’s tip faster than being gay and touching straight men.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it saves me money 😉 but I’d rather just enjoy the meal.


My Commentary:

Brother, you missed an opportunity to witness to the poor soul. My preferred technique is to motion the man closer to my face, and say gently, “Do you know about Jesus Christ?” I also do this when women seek to test me. The sin is the sexual act, whether fornication or sodomy. The sinner may be in a perfectly natural state, after all God made both the Homosexual and the Whore, they are both born of woman, and therefore we must conclude their sexual behavior is natural, but we know that such behavior is sinful, it offends God.

The effeminate male and the aggressive female seek satisfaction in sexual gratification. I can not see that this is different from the lust of an unmarried heterosexual male, or female for that matter. It certainly is not different from my adultery, my fornication, in the past, with consenting females. Sin is Sin, I can not judge which offense grieves my Lord more than any other. We are commanded to avoid adultery, we are commanded that marriage is purposed for procreation, and that any sex outside of marriage is a Sin.

I am a sinner, and my sins are no better or worse than those of a “gay man or woman” or a “whore,” or a fornicator of any gender. All sins offend God, turn us from His presence, and all temptations threaten our relationship with Christ. Unlike the profligates of the Old Testament, born with sin, struggling to obey a long list of laws, and social rules, copied word for word from the mouth of God through Prophets, we are born innocent and have the Grace of God, The Holy Ghost, with us always. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for all our sins, and he would rather have us seek the lost sheep, especially when they appear in front of us, than stay with those of the flock who follow him.

Christianity is not an intellectual pursuit; it is a life of service to God and our fellow-man. Saving souls in not the exclusive occupation of Priests, Preachers, Ministers, Parsons, Deacons, Elders, or Holy Men…It is what all followers are commanded to do, and it is accomplished by example, and by witness. I might add that I all too often turn from those who offend me, as others have turned away from me for my life’s choices. And all too often, those to whom I address the question asked above, “Do you know about Jesus Christ?” have turned away from me. I still love those who turn from the Word, and would pray that someone, no, that all Christians would ask them again, over and over, “Do you know about Jesus Christ?” And I pray that, and this rarely happens now, that the one asked will say, “No, tell me about him”

Since your story began in a taco stand, I’ll only say, I hope I have given you food for thought. + + +


Another Poster:

Brother, take it as a compliment, you good-looking devil. This would not have happened to me or most of us.


My Commentary:

1 Peter 4: 7-11, one of the scriptural contexts for my homily on the annoying “gay” waiter:

“But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. Use hospitality one to another without grudging. As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever.” Amen, can we say it again, Amen!


The Poster:

I don’t know which comment is worse. I was trying to share that “it really creeps me out for a gay man to touch me” feeling. I’ve never discriminated against a gay person, except that gay dentist I didn’t return to see on the off-chance of “sharing fluids” via dentistry.

I did once attend a party with my wife to be, where the men were gay (wife’s friend was dating one of them, both wife and her friend were in denial over his gaydom, he died of aids a few years later). Several guys were touching my shoulder and rubbing my back and I left the party under my fiance’s withering judgment (“He’s not gay, we went to High School together and he’s dating Marsha”). I didn’t care if he was dating Farrah Faucet, he and all the other men at the party were gay, and I didn’t enjoy being touched by them. As for sin, one’s as bad as another, Bull, I agree. Let’s do that suspended lunch and you can teach me about witnessing under those circumstances.


My Commentary:

I just read your last comment, brother, and I must confess another sin, Vainglory, for I have always been handsome and appealing to women, and to those sad men who never had a chance…I lived one summer in “Norleans,” in the heart of the Vieux Carre, at 865 Esplanade, and was put upon by deviants day and night! Men pinched my butt as frequently as women, which was horrible for the men, as I was only attracted to women. But I have never been offended that the Lord made others think me beautiful, and that others were attracted to me. Thankfully, the Lord sent me an angel in the form of a Sister of Lesbos, bright and witty, rather like the character of Zelda of Dobie Gillis fame. It was an enlightening summer! In the interest of humility, I must add that not everyone was enamored of me, some found my vanity distasteful, and others thought me way too proud for the gifts I possessed!

We will do lunch soon…Have your people call my people…Ciao!


My Commentary:

Gosh, brother, I at times am so full of myself, what seems humorous to me may offend others. My last line above was disrespectful, even if you knew me well, but as a stranger, it was quite out-of-place, and I apologize if it offended. I really would enjoy meeting you for lunch and fellowship. I manage through-out the day to make time for our Lord and Savior and it would be a blessing to hear your thoughts on Him and our service in His name.


The Poster:

I don’t know what you thought might be offensive. I took no offense


Yet Another Poster:

There is a song just waiting to be written from this thread.


The Poster:

Sing it Friend! Life has those awkward moments, some more awkward than others. I don’t bother gay men, I only ask the same in return. And the waiter’s creepiness wasn’t just that he was gay, he creeped out my wife who is OBLIVIOUS to gay men.


My Commentary:

Brother: I always find myself offensive when I am a “smart ass,” (the “…do lunch soon…” comment) I just assume others do also.

The real question I would ask you is how can you love someone who “creeps” you out? Now, I can confess that I “could” intensely dislike any number of people…Yankees, Old White Good ‘Ole Boys, Crackers, Uppity Negros, Anyone who seriously thinks Lincoln was a Great President, Shepherds who lead their flocks astray, Any woman Bishop, Priest, Deacon or Preacher… Well the list is much longer. But I am commanded By Jesus to love my neighbor…as myself… and Graham, for me that’s a whole lotta’ lovin’ going on…

What I must do is realize that I am a really, really special Child of God, He so loved me that He sent His only Son to die for me! Wow, I told you I am special, and, as hard as it may be for me to believe, so is Every Other human on the face of this earth! Everyone, even Lincoln! No favorites, God loves them all as much as He loves me, and He has commanded me to love all of them as much as I love myself!

Now here is the real lesson of this commentary. Some phrase that command as “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” but that not only misses the point, it fails to satisfy God. You must love your neighbor as you love yourself, and wouldn’t you do about anything to make yourself happy?

The fact is, we all are suffused with the Grace of God, by the spirit of God, who we call the Holy Ghost, and we are all special and unique and loved by our Creator, and so we all should love ourselves quite a bit, maybe not to the excess I love myself, but we should love ourselves and our neighbor with “a whole lotta’ lovin’ goin’ on.” And that is where our second “other poster” can hear the music. If we all just loved ourselves, because our Father loves us, and if our parents loved us and we them, and we really loved our children, really loved them, not just gave them toys, money and our “friendship,” why, wouldn’t that make all our lives better?

And if, when we meet that stranger, that illegal alien, that food stamp recipient, that Medicaid patient, that gay waiter, that criminal, that murderer, that sheik, that molester, or that Yankee who moved next door: If when we met those who are different, foreign, even disgusting to us, we saw them as a child of God, just like ourselves, then isn’t it natural and easy to ask them if they “know about Jesus Christ?”

This thread is a song of praise to God, we all have written it, we all live it, and thank God we don’t have to sing it!


My Final Commentary:

I’ll soon write more on this topic, but for now let me gently encourage all who read this commentary to consider how easy it is to ask “Do you know about Jesus Christ?” You just face someone odd, new, different, strange or offensive to you and ask the question. The key is not to defend but to share. That’s the point, share. And here’s what should be so easy for all of us Christians, you are not sharing your judgment or opinion about the human you are engaging, you are sharing Christ’s love! When you look into their face, do you not see the “image and likeness” of God? Are they not God’s creation? Look in their eyes, and see a person you know, a brother or sister, regardless of sexual orientation, race, gender, language, religion, another magnificent work of the Hand of God!

What a joy to live for Jesus Christ, what a joy to be a child of God the Father, Almighty!  + + +



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The Presiding Bishop on: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013.

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori issued the following statement on the U.S. Senate introduction of comprehensive immigration reform.


We affirm that human beings are made in the image of God, created with dignity and intrinsic value. Dignified and productive work is one way in which people give expression to that divine creativity, and people often migrate in search of it. This Church seeks to uphold the rights of people to seek dignified possibility in life – what this nation calls “the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” That includes the ability to seek work which will support and nurture individuals and their families, and the opportunity to contribute to building a just society – what the Church calls a reflection of the kingdom of God. Immigration reform is a proximate, this-worldly, way of moving toward that vision of a just society.

The Episcopal Church has long advocated for immigration reform, and we are encouraged by many of the changes proposed in the bipartisan Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013. We thank Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), John McCain (R-AZ), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Michael Bennet (D-CO) for their tireless work to reach consensus and compromise on this issue.

We are pleased to see a pathway to citizenship for those already living in the United States but caution against a pathway that involves unjust or overly onerous burdens. Unquantifiable expectations for border security are not likely to constitute a fair component of this process.

Family reunification long has been at the heart of our nation’s immigration system, and we are pleased to see that the Senate bill contains significant streamlining and expediting of the reunification process for citizens and green-card holders. We do not support further restrictions on the ability of residents to bring family members to join them. We are gravely disappointed, however, that even as many families will experience the joy of reunification, some families and family members have been excluded from the Senate bill. As the process moves forward, we will strongly urge the inclusion of same-sex partners and spouses in the legislation. Every family deserves to live in unity.

We are delighted at the proposals to expedite the regularizing of the status of children unknowingly brought to this country, and realizing the hopes initially raised in the DREAM Act. The bipartisan bill’s additional protections for vulnerable migrant children, asylum seekers and refugees, and – for the first time under U.S. law – the stateless, also will come as welcome news to Episcopal communities, many of whom work daily to help these populations rebuild their lives peacefully in the United States

Efforts to expand the creativity and productivity of United States society through a variety of guest worker visas that include access to a pathway to citizenship certainly accord with priorities of The Episcopal Church, particularly when they answer the hopes and dreams of those in other parts of the world seeking work. We applaud provisions within the bill to protect foreign workers brought to the U.S. through abuse and trafficking and will continue to advocate that all visas are provided in ways that are not exploitative.

As lawmakers prepare to debate this historic step toward comprehensive immigration reform, Episcopalians stand ready to advocate for policies that build a just and welcoming society for all God’s people.

The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori

Presiding Bishop and Primate

The Episcopal Church


My response to the Presiding Bishop’s comments:


While I admire the sense of compassion and expressed desire for social justice expressed by the Presiding Bishop, I would beg her indulgence to consider another entirely different point of view. American is truly a land of opportunity, and since the early part of the Nineteenth Century has seen its growth spurred by successive waves of immigrants seeking economic and political justice. It is nation that has overcome many adversities, often due to the hard work and diligence of the children and grandchildren of these immigrants. Many economic and social initiatives and institutions are clearly the result of their presence here in our nation. Social and economic motility expanded exponentially as those exposed to the attainment and fulfillment of the American dream entered our industrial, commercial and educational segments, many others labored on issues of civil rights and social justice, all to our betterment as a nation.

It can honestly and undeniable be asserted that those efforts brightly illuminated human dignity and value, and that had not those generations of immigrants reached our shore, we would be poorer for the experience, and obviously less capable as a nation to act as a beacon of liberty. It was necessary that many cultures came to America in order to spread through-out the world the fruits of our unique experiment in human freedom and democratic self governance. They came from a world largely in the dark, without means of communication; a world of monarchs, despots and oligarchs, who ruled rather than governed, who suppressed rather than inspired, and who sought to limit self expression rather than prize it.

That world still exists, but it is far smaller, and even in its darkest corners, electronic media brings truth and hope to those still too weak, too frightened, and often too hungry to demand change. Those millions are found far and near, and are manifest in every nation of this western hemisphere, even, sadly, in our own nation. There is one other attribute that these millions lack, and that is leadership. I am not referring to Presidents, whether defined by limited or life terms, nor to the wealthy, many of whom inherited their advantage; nor to the academic hierarchy, progressive or regressive; nor the clerical hierarchy, protestant, papal or pagan. I am referring to that class of people that has been the very incubator of the vast majority of our national leaders, the middle class.

And therein lies the rub, at least as I see The Presiding Bishop’s and so many others’ views on immigration. I would stipulate that the very population they would “nationalize” through amnesty and the Dream Act is the very population that has demonstrated initiative, courage and stewardship in both the act of migration and the desire to attain a better life for themselves, but more importantly, for their families, their children. In my opinion, they would be a wonderful element added to our great American stew, and so your effort, as those of others, to add them to the pot is noble. But in Mexico, in Honduras, in Nicaragua, they would be the yeast!


I need not remind you of the value of yeast, or of a mustard seed. It takes such a small number of patriots to influence a nation’s course of events, as was the case in our own American Revolution. It takes a mere handful of men and women to alter the fabric of a culture, inspire heaving social changes, destroy empires, and rend temple curtains. We have in America today the leaven needed to unalterably change the patriarchal, misogynistic and oligarchic nature of Central and South American cultures.

Your support of any theory that excludes consideration of the fact that this body of Hispanic speaking immigrants has the very attributes and character traits so sorely needed in their native lands is regrettable. It is my belief that we miss an incredible opportunity to encourage and more importantly enable the repatriation of these Americans to their native lands. By offering education, job skills, and economic assistance, wages and benefits, to each repatriated immigrant, and a limited period of overseas service, perhaps along with their parents or with their extended families, to all native born children of these immigrants, we could see develop a peaceful social revolution at a far more rapid pace than our national emphasis on trade and interdependency could ever realize.

Rather than encourage and supporting a program that seeks to make these people regular American Citizens, sitting nightly on a couch, sipping beer and watching the Simpson’s, and ignoring, as most of us do, the core teachings of Christ; we could be invigorating a movement through-out the Western Hemisphere that would surely be as important and iconic as our own Civil Rights Movement.

Jesus Christ did not speak in platitudes, but in parables, as a means of teaching what we now acknowledge to be universal truths. Surely His titular heads on earth can do better than quote progressive ideals and hew to the “party” line, “they do work other Americans will not do,” or “we need them in the fields.” Please, can we not do better than just providing jobs? Wouldn’t a commitment to social justice, economic reform and human rights in these despotic, fascist states south of our border be far more meaningful?

As my Fundamentalist and Southern Baptist friends say, “What would Jesus do?” Or better said, as I say, “What would Jesus have me do?” + + +



A note for those who follow my commentary. Many of you will observe that I find the Presiding Bishop’s statement a heart-felt, compassionate and compelling statement on the Episcopal Church’s understanding of and call to action for social justice.

And, you will no doubt question my sincerity as I am well known as an opponent of Holy Orders for women, and highly critical of the Church’s disregard for the literal Laws of God as recorded by Prophets and Apostles in the Holy Bible. To put a cap on it, it can be fairly said I think the Presiding Bishop exists in a perpetual state of sin, pride and vainglory, even hubris before the Almighty. That said about her, others may say that about me, and it may be well true of me. God often chooses sinners, and aren’t we all, to do His work on Earth.

Had the Church early-on followed the teaching of Bishop James Pike, regarding loving and accepting sexually active homosexuals into our Communion, and not segregating and chastising them as being unnatural, in essence and in fact understanding them as the sinners they are, and we are, and as we rightly view adulterers and all unmarried persons who engage in sexual relations, we might well have seen the Church promulgate a very different and far more Christian orthodoxy regarding all manner of sexual sin and abuse.

To those of you who would maintain the argument that homosexual behavior is an “abomination” before God, I will not disagree; but I would emphatically assert that Bestiality and Onanism are “abominations” as well, resulting during the Age of the Old Testament in harsh punishment and eternal damnation.

The message of the New Testament is that Our Father sent his only begotten Son “Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the Cross for our redemption; who made there (by his one oblation of himself once offered) a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction, for the sins of the whole world.” If God can in this Age forgive all sins, and love all His children, offering Eternal Life to those who will but obey His Laws, or at the least, “truly repent and unfeignedly believe his Holy Gospel” then surely the Church could have accepted the notion that any sex outside of its natural purpose, procreation, is sinful, indulgent of the most base emotions, and praise God, forgivable. It would then follow both logically and spiritually, that the Church should preach the beauty of sexual intimacy in marriage between a man and a woman.

No one can doubt that we all are sinners, nor that fornication, masturbation and sodomy are among our chief earthly pleasures. There is pain in life, and the temporal, fleeting satisfaction of sexual sin can not be denied. But the teachings of the Church today are exemplary in demonstrating the result of the failure of approving carnal behavior within a moral context: there can be no moral authority when the very hierarchy of a Christian Church, through its example and magisterium, encourages promiscuity and heresy.

It is from this perspective that I can both commend the Presiding Bishop for encouraging thought and action on issues of social justice, and condemn the Presiding Bishop for promulgating moral depravity and suborning heresy.



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Commentary 2013: Week Nine: Lincoln on Washington’s Birthday


I was invited to comment on the above article. In the main, I find little with which to disagree. I commend Professor Williams for publishing his thoughts. Weakened though I am, ( I have been ill) I accept the invitation…


Lincoln on Washington’s Birthday


The truth is out there! Actually, nothing Professor Williams writes is new, perhaps the cited references are newly published, but my poor opinion of Lincoln was formed 50 years ago, while a student at Marist, when a learned and kindly priest, wonderful teacher and Southern Gentleman, Father Pfab, first shared his opinions with me of the War Between the States. I was well aware of much of that history, even at such a tender age, as it was well told in my mother’s family of the loss of my great great grandfather, Abram Manning, dead on July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, at the hands of Yankees.


At this point, I must inject, solemnly but with great pride, that today is the birthday of the Father of Our Country, George Washington, Southern by Birth, Breeding, Demeanor, Character and Wisdom. To return to the narrative…


Father Pfab was somewhat the laughing stock of the supposed erudite and certainly supercilious Yankee born Marist Priests whose sophistic beliefs about the causes of the “Civil War” were no more than the idle prattle of the swaggering progeny of arrogant “victors” who had less won the War by bravery and heroic acts and more by the inexorable erosion of Southern war materials and victuals and the inevitable decimation of our cause’s greatest treasure, Southern Fathers, Sons, and Brothers.


The good Priest gave me a list of 100 books to read, to start my education, on the story of America. I have been privileged since then to read thousands of tomes, some written by blue bellied fabulists suckled on the diseased milk of Northern abolitionists; some written by rabid Southern slavery apologists and succession supporting jingoists, and many well written and well researched scholarly works of interpretive history, seen from both perspectives, North and South.


And while northern mores and academic peer pressure influenced the conclusions of many great writers and poets, such as Carl Sandburg, whose masterful work of historical fiction, “Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and The War Years” stands, along with Dr. Joseph Goebbels’ Nazi propaganda, and Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin’s Soviet newspaper “Pravda” as the most blatant examples of revisionist history since Gaivs Ivlivs Caesar’s “Commentarii de Bello Gallico,” I remain unfettered by such societal and corrosive restraints. As an aside, Sandburg is a poet of great power and introspection, whose poetry I enjoy reading and hearing said aloud.


Will history ever vindicate…Father Pfab? Will the true facts of reconstruction ever be exposed? Will the cowardice and calumny of Carpetbaggers and Scalawags ever be admitted by so many Native Atlantans, who, a majority white and wealthy, are the of descendants of one or the other or both? Will the great harm to the American body politic by the well intentioned but mentally deranged and physically misshapen Lincoln ever be acknowledged by Yankees? In answer to all, I quote one wiser than I, “When Pigs Fly!”


Happy Birthday, you sorry slave owning, planter, importer, agronomist, distiller and revolutionary war mongering scion of the South, George Washington! Look what those damn European dialectical materialist soon to be nouveau riche immigrants have done to your Country! Better you were King than see such chaos, avarice, fist bumping, booty shaking braggarts, pretenders and yes, even Presidents as have followed you in office since Lincoln!


Oh! I’m so sorry, you didn’t forget his birthday, you celebrated his birthday on President’s Day, a long week-end holiday dedicated to leisure and the pursuit of pleasure, and lower handicaps. A day when the current President, one Barack Obama, could make time for a round of golf with an abusive fornicating, adulterous narcissist, and boast of it.


I should state now, emphatically for the record, that I do not support slavery, animal husbandry, or housewifely as institutions. I own no slaves, animals or wives. And none have been harmed, except my Senatorial ambitions, in the preparation or presentation of this post. I am Bull Sullivan, and while I won’t say I approve of this post, I will say I approve of an intense dislike of one “Abe Lincoln, the Little Ol’ Rail Splitter Who Single-handedly Saved the Union”… soon to be available in Hell Fire Resistant Paperback.


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Commentary 2013: Week Eight: Public Service Announcement

This commentary was prepared for insertion on a Facebook page.

“Public Service Announcement”

We all took civics at our various high schools. I am sure at each school, public or private, the teachers stressed the need to educate ourselves and involve ourselves in public affairs. Many of us, when young, did so. Fewer of us, in our maturity, do so.

I have come to believe that most of us have become wiser with the passage of years, either intentionally, through diligent study, or experientially, through the vicissitudes of life, but I want to encourage all of Buckhead’s best to lend your wisdom to those often younger and less experienced than many of us.

I have copied below a email text I sent regarding issues of concern to many of us. It is not a “political” statement; I include it merely to show how easy it is to have a voice in public policy. I know that many of us are involved in party politics, as participants or contributors, but I urge all of us to be heard during the brief…Thank the Good Lord…session of the Georgia General Assembly. Literally hundreds of Bills are filed each session by each House of the General Assembly, far fewer are ultimately enacted. Each of them reflects a member’s interest and their constituents concerns, why not let your voice be heard?

A Great Read: The legislative page of the Georgia General Assembly:

My email for today, it is so easy to be a voice heard by your Representatives!

Bull Sullivan
PO Box 549, Jasper, GA 30143

February 16, 2013

TO: Honorable Chairman Alan Powell, Honorable Vice Chairman Darlene Taylor
House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee.
Georgia General Assembly

RE: HB 28, HB 29

The issue of Gun Control seems to have seized the interest of many Georgians. As a former member of a
U. S. Senator’s staff, I am aware of how enflamed and passionate opinions regarding the Second Amendment may become.

I would urge you to carefully consider the professional opinion of the law enforcement officers who protect the campuses and students of Georgia’s Colleges and Universities, both of those who are employees of the University System and those who are employed by private or religious educational institutions. It would seem to me that their opinions would be of paramount interest in your consideration of HB 29.

As an ordained minister, though I have never preached publicly or ministered to a flock, I feel that HB 28 is worthy of consideration. The issue of church-state separation looms large in my opinion that the State has little to commend its concern in the matter of who attends religious services, how they are dressed, and whether they are armed. I personally do not carry, but I am not threatened by nor do I feel safer in the presence of those who do carry; my armor is God, my faith comforts me.

While I believe the State should not interfere in the practice of Religion, I believe strongly that those in authority should give prayerful consideration to all matters before them, and act as their conscience directs them.

May God Bless all Members of the Georgia General Assembly.


Bull Sullivan

In reference to HB 28 & HB 29 cited above:

HB 28 would repeal the State Government’s restriction on carrying firearms in places of worship.

HB 29 would repeal the State Government’s prohibition on carrying on Georgia’s college and university campuses.



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Commentary 2013: Week Two: A Letter from Bull Sullivan to Georgia’s Congressional Delegation.

Having recently reached the wizened old age of 65, I found myself in need of supplemental coverage for the mandatory National Government provided Medicare insurance. I use the term mandatory because I was automatically enrolled in Medicare, Part A, which is described as “Hospitalization Coverage.” Interestingly enough, the “Medical Coverage,” or Medicare, Part B is optional, offered by the National Government for a fee of just over $100 monthly.

I was curious as to the “Medical Coverage” available to me through private insurers if I declined Medicare, Part B. After all, in a “Free Market” I should be able to compare the cost of private versus National “Medical Coverage” and make a reasoned decision to choose my personal coverage based on the cost versus benefits various plans offered.

I can’t tell you how surprised I was to find that no reasonable alternatives were offered, even after contacting numerous insurance brokers and insurance companies. It seems that all private companies expect, of course they don’t require you to have Medicare, Part B, but they expect that you will first have obtained “Part B” coverage from the National Government. Several independent insurance brokers said they would obtain a quote from their health lines for medical coverage only and call me, but as yet, none have!

Given that result, I “chose” to purchase Medicare, Part B, from the National Government.

That led to my purchase of “supplemental” insurance coverage, a rational choice considering the lapses and limitations that the National Medicare program had seemingly negotiated with Hospitals and Health Care providers. I chose Aetna, a reputable insurance company with a fine reputation, and enrolled in a PDP policy. As I have yet to need use of the policy, I can only express my hope that Aetna will provide the insurance coverages I might need, at the lowest possible out of pocket cost to me.

The reader will note that I used, in the paragraph above, the phrase “seemingly negotiated” regarding coverages provided by Hospitals and Health Care providers to insured citizens through Medicare, Parts A and B. My subsequent review of the legal relationship between the National Government and those entities providing service reveals that no real negotiations take place, rather, government bureaucrats, under direction from their respective Department Secretaries and the Executive Branch dictate the terms of service and financial remuneration by which all Hospitals and Health Care providers will be governed.

This fact is disappointing to me. Further study indicated that I might also need Medicare Part D, Prescription Drug Coverage, which I found was offered through many of the same Insurance companies who offered Medicare, Parts and B, and whose rates ranged from the high teens to several hundred dollars monthly. I selected a plan through Aetna, and just this week had opportunity to use it. Here, the tale becomes interesting. I visited the pharmacy that I had used in the past, offered the prescription to them, and, yes, asked for the monthly cost. The store, Kroger, placed the cost of a 30 day supply at $38.37. I considered the cost, and declined to have them fill the prescription. I then visited another store, Ingles, and asked the same of them, what will this prescription cost? What? $38.37? Exactly the same as Kroger’s? Isn’t that odd, after all, Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup was priced that very day at $1.00 a can at Kroger’s and $1.68 a can at Ingle’s; the two stores often compete for shoppers on price, they often exhibit characteristics common to a “Free Market.”

In fact, that day each of the five stores I visited offered to fill my prescription at the exact same cost! It would appear that they will charge me whatever the full amount of reimbursement that Aetna’s Medicare Part D coverage allows. Absolutely no competitive marketing paradigm, no free market channel pricing, no consumer competition drives the price of my prescription.

This brings me to my final point. In 2012, health care related cost will reach nearly 20% of GDP! One fifth of all commerce will thus be controlled by factors other than consumer choice. One fifth of all domestic spending will be excluded from “Free Market” economic competition. In point of fact, the health care related economic sector is regulated by government bureaucrats and powerful, government dominated health care cabals, near monopolies acting in concert with national regulators. It is a mixture of the worst possible manifestation of socialism and capitalism, a hybrid fascism that is paternalistic, mendacious, avaricious, and criminal. And, it is, in my opinion, patently unconstitutional and unconscionable, immoral and without Judeo-Christian construct or constraint.

We are all part of this problem, we are all well on our way to Babylon! Medicare, Medicaid, these programs can not be fixed. Government spending may well exceed 40% of GDP this year; this level of spending can not be sustained. We need a revolution, a change of heart, a return to the dark days of 1770, when faithful, godly men and women sought to overturn a corrupt monarch who sought to govern by edit, by coercion, and finally, by force. The American Revolution did not begin in 1776, it did not spring forth full-blown from the firmament, nor from the stirring words written by Thomas Jefferson; it arose from the Blood Spilled in Boston on the Fifth of March, 1770.

It came from the people, a tolerant people, law abiding, resourceful, peace loving, who chafed under taxes imposed by a far away parliament, enacted to raise funds for profligate spending on war and social excess. Theirs was not an absolute monarch, but one whose sway over the legislature was compelling, and whose thumb controlled the profits of the Proprietors and Companies whose lands became “Colonial States” and the revenues of the Royal Colonies in North America. The oppression that resulted in blood spilling on that day was not a result of draconian acts, torture, villainy, or the result of secret police or state sponsored terrorism, the oppression was a result of opposition to tariffs and taxes enacted to pay for a King’s War and a King’s Folly.

And isn’t this what we in America face today? Are we not the victim’s of one President’s Wars and another President’s Folly? And who has been complicit in this gluttony of xenophobic spending? None other than the Congress of the United States, acting and spending as wantonly and foolishly as King George’s Parliament, sheepishly denying our last two Presidents nothing, and failing to stand, as those Minute Men did, and call for an end to economic oppression, misanthropic taxes and unnecessary burdensome spending.

Where were you Senator Chambliss, in this past Presidential campaign? I did not hear your voice calling for support in Georgia for a Conservative candidate in the Republican Primary and I did not see you in one advertisement supporting for your Party’s Nominee for President, Mitt Romney. Was your campaign war chest too empty to share, or too rich to “waste”?

Where would you have been standing on that cold evening in Boston on King Street? Which side would you have taken in 1770, which side will you take now?

Where were you Senator Isakson, in this past Presidential campaign? I did not hear your voice calling for support in Georgia for a Conservative candidate in the Republican Primary. How did you spend your treasure supporting for your Party’s Nominee for President, Mitt Romney? We read what you say you believe in, but we don’t hear your voice. You vote as a conservative, yet you fail to offer alternatives to a bankrupt fiscal policy, and fail to campaign against the seditionists who control the Senate. Not one of you high and mighty Republican Senators campaigned in Nevada against Harry Reid, or against Murray, or Boxer or any of the Fifty plus other spendthrifts who daily plunge ourselves, our children and our grandchildren into unrecoverable debt. I did not hear you in 2012; will you find your voice in 2014?

Where would you have been standing on that cold evening in Boston on King Street? Surely you would have been on the Patriot’s side in 1770, but isn’t it time to step to the front of the milling crowd now? Let us hear your voice!

And what may we expect from the peripatetic campaigning Members of the House of Representatives? You were meant by the Framing Father’s to be our direct voice, the people’s voice, in Congress. The senator’s were meant to express the voice of the State, of State Government, but you are meant to hear the voice of each constituent, to listen to and act upon their needs. There are nine Republicans in the US House from Georgia, all claim to be conservative, but we, the People, hear no voices, see no one in the well, condemning those who are destroying the United States from within. Really, none of you have an opinion of President Obama? None of you can find fault with his nominees? All of you are satisfied with his policies? No, then let us hear it! Buy air time; take a minute to tell us what you really think. Go to your donors and tell them you need a voice, they need a voice; we all need a voice in the great liberal wilderness, Mass Media. Get social Media savvy, recruit youthful experts, form a Georgia Media PAC, start spending, start influencing public opinion. It can be done, Ford, Chrysler, Microsoft, Dell, even Kroger and Ingles do it every day!

So many conservatives claim business backgrounds, claim to be entrepreneurs, and yet fail to realize this is the Sale of your life. What would Dale Carnegie do? Zig Ziglar? Tony Robbins? Surely some of you have read their books, heard their tapes, and viewed their videos!

Where would you have been standing on that cold evening in Boston on King Street?

It that you, ready to bleed for your beliefs, or are you just a bystander, waiting for someone else to bleed for you?

Speak up, Kingston, Westmorland, Price! Call out Woodall, Scott and Collins! Let us hear you Broun, Gingrey, and Graves!

For that matter, Bishop, Johnson, Lewis, Barrow and Scott try thinking for yourself, consider your constituents in 10 or 20 years when there is no more entitlement funds to be had from the National Government, what will your legacy be? One of you stood before the mob, faced down demons, and was a disciple of the bravest Georgian I’ve ever known. That one of you would be first, standing proudly and defiantly before the Tyrant’s men. Where would we find the rest of you?

This year, let us celebrate and commemorate that date, March 5th 1770, the date the Tyrant turned on his people. Let us remember that day’s sacrifice, and pledge our blood to restore freedom, to insure justice, and to preserve our culture. We must restore the first American Revolution; we must be guided by the Founding Father’s courage, wisdom and belief. Let us live our lives as our founding patriots hoped and envisioned we would live.

On March 5th 2013, we must dedicate ourselves to winning the hearts and minds of American’s in November, 2014. There is no other choice, if we can not find compassion in the telling of truth, hope in curbing of spending and equality in the burden of taxation, the conservative cause will be lost.

In a time of turmoil and great strife, in a time of war and extreme partisanship, the first Republican President said well what is so necessary today, “…that the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.”






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Commentary 2013: Week One: Rage…Gun Violence in American Culture.

What follows below is a transcript of a dialectic which appeared as a Facebook Group page entry after the December 15, 2012 murder of 26 innocents by a deranged gunman in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. For me, it is the beginning of an analysis that will lead to proposals that are intended to reduce gun violence, not only in schools and public places, but in our American Culture as a whole, especially in urban environments, in what we euphemistically call “street crime.”

The purpose of this commentary, and others to follow, is to begin a dialog, your comments are welcome.

The names of all posters have been removed, only my posts are credited.

Original Post: Male (OPM)

Will some politician be brave enough to address the issue of guns in this country? Or do we wait until another nut kills some more elementary school kids? Mr. President, you’re not running for election and the gun nuts already hate you. Please do something.


Amen. Even ________, a staunch Republican, believed the lack of gun control in this country was insanity. What is the need for assault rifles outside of soldiers? Bring back the ban!

2nd Male:

There are miles between the position of outlawing gun ownership and the free for all we currently have in the U.S. This is American – the land of the free? We spend trillions to make our country “safe from terrorists” and billions to stop people from driving too fast, but how much is spent to be sure that guns are only owned by responsible people? An how about licensing, education, testing, re-licensing etc as is done with anyone who wants to drive a car, work in a profession, or manage other peoples’ money? Why are Americans afraid to have this discussion? Does the right to kill (or practice killing) trump all other liberties and responsibilities? Only in America…. and the rest of the world must think we’re absolutely nuts.

2nd Male:

Chris Matthews said it well: “it’s not a slippery slope to say that crazy people shouldn’t have weapons”

Bull Sullivan:

While I have never run for public office, I have spent years helping others do so, including serving a then sitting US Senator. I can raise no reasonable argument against the objections that many Americans, including you, have to the possession and criminal misuse of hand guns and assault weapons. Your position is rational and logical; however Federal courts have repeatedly blocked the implementation of “gun control” regulations and likely will continue to do so.

But I would assert to you and others of like mind, that gun control is not the answer to violence, such as we saw today. Senseless unfocused antisocial behavior is a result of mental illness, and I put it to you, that no critical contemporary issue is more ignored and marginalized than mental health. In 1970, Jimmy Carter was elected Governor of Georgia. His wife Rosalynn was the standard bearer for several executive initiatives that were meant to change the policies, procedures and methods of diagnosis and treatment of persons manifesting symptoms indicative of mental instability and illness. I worked at that time as an overnight Psychiatric Evaluation Officer on the 8th Floor Psychiatric Ward of Grady Memorial Hospital. The actions, and resulting legislation championed by Mrs. Carter, and many other Georgians served to energize a generation of mental health professionals, and offered hope that the bleak outcomes of that present time would be improved through expanded screening, improved procedures, decentralized facilities, readily accessible regional care hospitals, neighborhood half-way houses and treatment centers.

The young man who today murdered those children and educators should have been identified as ill and treated as a child and adolescent by similar programs in Connecticut, but sadly, those programs, such as Rosalynn Carter proposed for Georgia, do not exist. What is even sadder is that after 46 years they still do not exist in Georgia!

You see, OPM, society prioritizes its concerns, and Mental Health, as an issue, just doesn’t make the cut. Every incidence extant of recent mass violence against our fellow citizens can be traced to an individual who has presented, prior to the act, a diagnosable and treatable mental illness. (Even 9/11/01 was the result of a delusional hysterical “Conversion Reaction.”)

The laws passed by the Georgia General Assembly to address the horrors of Central State Hospital in Milledgeville, the lack of mental health screening in public schools, the failure to teach and train adequate numbers of mental health professionals, the reticence of teaching facilities, such as Emory and MCG, to revise treatment paradigms and adopt modern non Freudian methodology, all these needed improvements and proposed facilities went essentially unfunded and un-built, because the General Assembly, reflecting the will of the people, did not feel they were a “high” priority.

OPM, even Governor Zell Miller had to propose compromise and finally pass, in 1992, a lottery to fund basic care and education for preschoolers, one of the few successful programs that attempts to intervene in the childhood conditions that often result in adolescent and adult mental illness.

I respect your comment and your opinion, the measured intellect and quiet nature that you demonstrated so many years ago at Marist are evident in your concern, but I would urge you to be more pragmatic, and understand that these are not “evil” people who do these evils acts, but mentally ill persons who could have been diagnosed and treated and healed, if only the will to screen and care for them existed in the public and in their legislators. And understand this, our Culture, our burgeoning population, our fracturing identity will lead to further horrors of Malthusian proportion if we don’t act to care for those in need and educate those in want.

Original Post: Male:

Bull, I am a strong advocate for the mentally ill, but there is no interest in our government to adequately fund what is necessary. Don’t write. Write your legislator. I was board chair of the Helen Ross McNabb center in Knoxville, the finest community mental health center in this country. All I ask for with gun issues is a ban on assault and semi-automatic weapons. Not needed to hunt deer.

Bull Sullivan:

OPM, we share the same passion regarding mental health funding, and I share your sense of outrage and frustration regarding gun control. What is at stake here is political capital. Many Progressives and Conservatives who advocate re-passage of the so called “Federal Assault Weapons Ban” legislation have today called for re-passage, or new legislation achieving the same effect. The previous legislation failed to protect anyone from wounds caused by such weapons. There are literally millions of citizens possessing such guns, I included, and it would be politically and pragmatically impossible to enforce surrender of such weapons. Millions of weapons!

When I see someone of measured voice such as you propose the expenditure of will and effort in a cause doomed to failure, I naturally urge that the same effort be expended to change the minds and hearts of those who can reduce violence, and whose actions could begin to do so immediately. Culture is veering toward chaos, children go begging for care and nurture, and the only answer is “It costs too much”?

If only this outrage, this anger, this pain over the result of failure to properly care for our children’s mental health could be turned to action to properly research, develop and implement solutions that treat the cause of such cruel acts. Would we not all be better off, safer, and less likely to ever again feel such pain on such a scale?

Original Post: Male:

Bull, your response of doing nothing about guns because there are already too many is ludicrous. How about giving up your assault weapons and semi-automatics? Got to start somewhere!

Bull Sullivan:

OPM, I am willing to listen to any proposal that would result in a reduction in the number of privately owned assault weapons. Not only would I listen but I would offer you or any person or group promoting such a proposal my time and talent to effect such a change.

How would such a reduction be accomplished? Would legislation allowing confiscation of privately owned, legally acquired assault weapons pass both Houses of Congress? And if it passed, was signed by the President, and enacted, would the Judiciary rule it constitutional? Perhaps a bill to allow purchase of weapons by the Federal Government from private citizens at market price, a “cash for combat arms” program would be effective. What do you think are the odds of that legislation passing? Some have suggested Federal Legislation requiring registering and licensing all privately owned assault arms, and I have no objection to that, in fact I would support such legislation. However, it is extremely unlikely that Congress would pass such a bill, and again, I fail to see how such legislation would remove even one assault weapon from the body politic.

My opinion is that no legislative remedy is available, that the Second and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution prohibit almost all restrictions on “gun ownership” ex post facto.

Now, consider the private remedy. Are there groups, committees, activists who personally would undertake the purchase of assault weapons? Are there such bodies of citizens who would work, expend energy and effort, and treasure to convince a majority of Americans to support the passage of restrictive legislation? None of note can be found. The groups who claim to be most concerned about violence, most concerned about private ownership of assault weapons spend almost all of their time lobbying Congressmen and almost no time, effort or treasure influencing public opinion. On those rare occasions when the do reach out for public support, their critical and often inflammatory rhetoric “preaches to the choir,” that is, they do so only to raise funds to spend lobbying Congress against the lobbyists for the NRA and other gun groups.

I agree with you that we have “to start somewhere.” Apparently, we believe we should start in different places. I believe if we work to remove the threat, the fear, of criminal behavior by mentally unbalanced, sociopathic and psychopathic and psychotic persons, such as was seen in a small town in Connecticut yesterday, and in Colorado, Arizona and Virginia recently, and in Chicago, Illinois every night, we can persuade our citizens that owning such weapons as assault guns is unnecessary.

As when Congress required registration and licensing of automatic weapons and their owners, so very many years ago, public opinion, not special interests, changed the position of gun advocates in Congress and the Judiciary, so now the opportunity exists to alter public opinion and create a mandate for change.

OPM, I have sold to other private individuals assault weapons that I thought were at best were murderous novelties, and would have willingly sold them to competent legal authority for cash or tax credit, if such existed. I remain armed only because I believe it is the duty of all Americans to be prepared to protect their rights and property from those who would use force to seize them. That duty may extend to privately owning arms, or serving as a member of police or military services, or participating freely in the public discourse over creating a safer America. And that conversation must include not only assault weapons, but physical and mental diseases, impaired driving, high performance automobiles, alcohol and tobacco abuse, domestic violence, physical, emotional and sexual abuse of minors, work place violence, urban crime and the mother lode of all ills, parental incompetence and neglect. But here, having digressed, I am pained to state the obvious, the trite and glib but truthful aphorism: guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Let’s fix the people first, and then guns won’t even be a concern.



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Re-segregation of Georgia’s Public Schools

Re-segregation of Georgia’s Public Schools

Republican Lawmakers outdo Liberal Democrats!

Georgia Voters of every political, economic and educational persuasion, as well as those of varied racial identity are finding themselves united in opposition to Amendment One, the proposed Georgia Charter School Amendment, placed on the November 6, 2012 General Election Ballot, by vote of both chambers of the Georgia General Assembly. I am no stranger to this Constitutional Amendment, having reported on its impending legislative passage in a commentary posted March 15, 2012:


In that commentary I criticized Georgia Republicans for their ham handed abandonment of the conservative principles of the Founders and the espoused, touted statements of the Tea Party regarding the proper role of a conservative government. I wrote then, and still believe today, the following excerpted summation of the Republican dominated  Georgia General Assembly’s philosophic cant toward progressive liberality and cultural socialism: “Here is evidence of the arrogance and hubris of the Republican management of Georgia State Government, here is “Central Planning,” here is the certainty that such politicians “know what’s best for you.”

My comment in this article criticizes a different, more sinister and certain result of the possible passage, on November 6, 2012, of Amendment 1, the inevitable Re-segregation of many of Georgia’s Local Public School Systems. Last Monday, I listened again to Georgia’s Mr. Republican, Erick Erickson, proselytize the benefits of passage of this extraordinarily intrusive (on local elected school boards) amendment. On his new prime drive time soap box, WSB 750AM and 95.5 FM radio’s program, “Evening News from 5 to 7” Mr. Erickson used the entire two hours to bloviate vitriol against those who oppose the Constitutional Amendment’s passage, specifically, the State Superintendent of Schools John Barge, and the many local School Superintendents who have risen, almost unanimously, to voice opposition to the passage of Amendment One.

Here I must inject, parenthetically, my utter disbelief that the News Voice of the South, the venerable Atlanta radio station WSB, home of the most listened to morning news program in the South, winner of numerous journalism awards, home of the trusted and beloved host Scott Slade,  a welcome companion to tens of thousands of morning drive time motorists, would dare call Erick Erickson a newsman, or would insult my intelligence by even inferring he is a journalist, by naming this two hour talking head rant the “Evening News.”  Note to Cox and Company: Opinion is not News!

The crux of most proponents’ arguments, including Mr. Erickson, have been that opposition, by superintendents and locally elected school boards is entirely pecuniary in nature, that is, the opponents are worried about losing per pupil state funding, which as they assert, rightfully follows the student. The State’s funding derives from two primary sources, the (4%) four per cent state sales tax, paid by almost all Georgians on almost all retail purchases, and funding from the National Government, derived primarily from Federal income tax revenue.  As a result of deteriorating economic conditions, decreased local sales tax revenue and Federal income tax revenue and the malaise of stimulation of and growth in the National GDP ( Gross Domestic Product), fewer dollars follow each student, while both regulatory requirements, compliance costs and student populations continue to grow at a rate exceeding the growth of revenue. In fact, In Georgia, as in most other states, revenue growth has been negative, reflecting severe decreases in total available revenue. Overall per student funding has dropped dramatically in Georgia, both as a factor of decreased retail sales, and decreased property tax revenue as a result of substantial devaluation of property values. This situation is not unique to Georgia, but is pandemic through-out the Nation, and certainly, every superintendent, every school administrator, every school board would be derelict if they were not concerned with a pending further reduction of revenue, as surely would be the result of passage of Amendment 1.

Many of our Republican lawmakers, and certainly the majority of their strategists, including talking heads, such as Erick Erickson, correctly cite the Superintendent’s financial concern, but completely mis-characterize their opposition to Amendment 1. Any Superintendent who failed to be concerned with funding for all the students in the district would be grossly negligent, and any Superintendent who failed to be concerned about the academic environment and opportunity of each and every student would and should be charged with malfeasance. Georgia’s local school systems have cut their budgets in almost every possible way. Hiring freezes, reductions in force through attrition, deferred maintenance of facilities, restrictions in purchasing instruction materials, professional and hourly wage reductions, all have failed to fill gapping holes in annual budgets. Many school systems have seen their State funding slashed over twenty percent (20%) in just the past several years. The is little budgetary  “fat” left, and the sole alternatives remaining are increasing already high teacher pupil ratios, reducing the number of teaching aides, and raising the millage rate to increase property taxes on already over burdened property owners. Superintendents correctly see passage of Amendment 1, the Georgia Charter School Amendment, as an untoward usurpation of their Constitutional responsibilities and rights, and as a politically motivated “power grab” on the part of the General Assembly and Governor Deal, whose power of patronage, already abused by his cronyism, would be significantly increased.

Leaving those not inconsiderable concerns behind, the actions of both Governor Deal and a majority of the members of the Georgia General Assembly reek of the seemingly immutable intransigence of the “Separate but Equal” proponents who populated the General Assembly throughout the twentieth century. Even “Forced Integration” did little to stop the overt educational discrimination which existed then, and continues to exist today. The notion of racial superiority as a state promulgated practice may be dead, but the notion of educational segregation, first seen in the flight by whites to “Private Academies” and later “Private Christian Schools” remains a legacy of and remnant of the discriminatory practices of “Jim Crow Legislation.” I want to make clear my purpose in asserting this fact. In no way do I oppose the notion or realization of “private schools, or religious academies.” I am not so naïve as to think that racial biases and private, personal discrimination has ceased to exist, nor do I maintain that it should. But when the actions of a predominately “white” middle class “good ole boy” institution and an aging “white” ethically challenged Governor seek to reapply the notion that their should exist a “Separate but Equal” school system, removed from local voter control, subject to no checks and balances other than those deemed by them appropriate, then it is time to admit that “Jim Crow” lives in the form of a State administered “Charter School System.”

Consider for a moment, briefly, the current system of educating students in Georgia. We as a citizenry have spent more money annually per student than roughly half the other states, yet we consistently rank among the very lowest in student academic achievement, as measured by testing systems for which we have paid tens of millions of dollars. Any student in a public school system in Georgia may state factually to the General Assembly and Governor that “You could have done better.”  Any student in Public Schools in Georgia can reasonably assert we have spent quite a lot of money to no good effect. I posit that if our students could “leave” to attend better schools, they would.

Now, let us turn to the Professional Educators, the Administrators, the Superintendents, the Teachers, those who have the power to “vote with their feet.” Few leave. They are paid at or above the National median wage for the work they do. In fact, many from surrounding states seek employment opportunities in Georgia. They have a good thing going, and they are educated enough to recognize it. A disparity certainly exists between urban and rural public school systems, primarily in facilities and wages; best explained as a function of two factors, a much lower and financially capable property tax base, and the existence of numerous “Private Academies” and “Church Schools” primarily attended by the children of more “affluent” parents. In other words, by children who are “mostly” white and “mostly” financially capable. I note there are exceptions to this assertion as well.

The point I am making is this: Allowing The State of Georgia to create Charter Schools without the consent and support of local duly elected school board members is to willingly consent to the further re-segregation of public schools, and the re-institution of de facto “Jim Crow” “Separate but Equal” dual school systems. It ought to be illegal, it is most certainly immoral! It can not be argued that this is not the closely held belief of a majority of school system superintendents, and that they don’t realize the socioeconomic impact that passage of this Constitutional Amendment would have on hundreds of systems. It can be argued that they are educated enough to realize that calling a majority of our graying white good ole boy legislators “closet racists” would do their career no good.

Here is proof that what I assure will happen will lead to why I assert will surely occur. For an example, consider an idealized school district of 1000 students attending a “traditional” school system. Assume a normal distribution of intellect, family wealth, culture and parental involvement.  Assume a normal distribution of grades, test scores, and graduation rates. Now assume that the parents most interested in their children’s scholastic achievement and educational advancement are denied, for good cause, their request for a Charter School. They then petition the State of Georgia Department of Education for a “State Originated” Charter, and are granted their request. The parent’s who are most involved in their children’s educational needs, most active in the PTA, most interested in academic achievement and opportunity are the parents of the children who will no doubt attend that Charter School, and in fact, it may be a better choice for their children than the traditional school they would have attended (however, some current research posits that there may be no measurable increase in academic achievement in a majority of sampled charter schools).

I would ask the reader of this commentary to imagine that grades, test scores and graduation rate distribution chart of the remaining children, those attending the district’s traditional schools. What differences do you imagine you would see? Now again, imagine the distribution chart for those same students of intellect, family wealth, culture and parental involvement. How radically would it have changed?  Investigate the effects of Charter Schools as a whole on entire population of any district. Is it not a fact that there exists a demonstrable “Re-segregation” of student population based on cultural values which reflects, even mirrors, race and parental education and economic status?

Every value that American Public Schools have promulgated, to the enormous benefit of the Nation and the world, is under assault. America’s educational dilemma is not that the resources are unavailable, but that they have been directed to benefit every group who is a stakeholder in this vast economic engine but the one group that can effect change and that must be included and involved, by law if necessary, in any viable and sustainable solution. And that group, and it truly is a “group,” is each child and his or her family.

It ain’t a conundrum, people, it is so simple! If mom or mom and dad (even mom-mom or dad-dad) don’t care about “it”, it, what ever “it” is, won’t succeed.


Votes of Georgia General Assembly Senators, March 19th 2012:

General Assembly; state-wide education policy; clarify authority – CA

2011-2012 Regular Session
Yea (Y): 40Nay (N): 16Not Voting (-): 0Excused (E): 0
  1. Y :ALBERS, 56TH
    Y :BETHEL, 54TH
    Y :BULLOCH, 11TH
    N :BUTLER, 55TH
    Y :CARTER, 1ST
    N :CARTER, 42ND
    Y :CHANCE, 16TH
    Y :COWSERT, 46TH
    Y :CRANE, 28TH
    Y :CROSBY, 13TH
    Y :DAVIS, 22ND
    N :FORT, 39TH
    Y :GINN, 47TH
    Y :GOLDEN, 8TH
    Y :GOOCH, 51ST
    Y :GRANT, 25TH
  2. Y :HAMRICK, 30TH
    Y :HEATH, 31ST
    N :HENSON, 41ST
    Y :HILL, 32ND
    Y :HILL, 4TH
    Y :HOOKS, 14TH
    Y :JACKSON, 24TH
    N :JAMES, 35TH
    N :JONES, 10TH
    Y :LIGON, JR., 3RD
    Y :MCKOON, 29TH
    Y :MILLAR, 40TH
    Y :MILLER, 49TH
    Y :MULLIS, 53RD
    Y :MURPHY, 27TH
  3. N :ORROCK, 36TH
    N :PARIS, 26TH
    N :RAMSEY, SR., 43RD
    Y :ROGERS, 21ST
    N :SEAY, 34TH
    Y :SHAFER, 48TH
    N :SIMS, 12TH
    Y :STATON, 18TH
    Y :STONE, 23RD
    N :STONER, 6TH
    N :TATE, 38TH
    Y :TIPPINS, 37TH


Votes of Georgia General Assembly Representatives, February 22, 2012

General Assembly; state-wide education policy; clarify authority – CA:  Amendment 1

2011-2012 Regular Session
House Vote #518 (ADOPT)
Yea (Y): 123Nay (N): 48Not Voting (-): 8Excused (E): 1
    N :ABRAMS, 84TH
    Y :ANDERSON, 117TH
    Y :ASHE, 56TH
    Y :ATWOOD, 179TH
    N :BAKER, 78TH
    Y :BATTLES, 15TH
    N :BELL, 58TH
    Y :BENTON, 31ST
    N :BEVERLY, 139TH
    Y :BLACK, 174TH
    Y :BROCKWAY, 101ST
    N :BROOKS, 63RD
    – :BRUCE, 64TH
    Y :BRYANT, 160TH
    N :BUCKNER, 130TH
    Y :BURNS, 157TH
    Y :BYRD, 20TH
    Y :CARSON, 43RD
    Y :CARTER, 175TH
    Y :CASAS, 103RD
    Y :CHANNELL, 116TH
    Y :CHEOKAS, 134TH
    Y :CLARK, 104TH
    Y :CLARK, 98TH
    Y :COLEMAN, 97TH
    Y :COLLINS, 27TH
    Y :COOKE, 18TH
    Y :COOMER, 14TH
    Y :COOPER, 41ST
    Y :DAVIS, 109TH
    Y :DEMPSEY, 13TH
    Y :DICKEY, 136TH
    Y :DOBBS, 53RD
    Y :DOLLAR, 45TH
    Y :DRENNER, 86TH
    Y :DUDGEON, 24TH
    N :DUKES, 150TH
    Y :DUNAHOO, 25TH
    Y :DUTTON, 166TH
    Y :EHRHART, 36TH
    Y :ENGLAND, 108TH
    N :EPPS, 128TH
    Y :EPPS, 140TH
    Y :EVANS, 40TH
    N :FLOYD, 99TH
    – :FLUDD, 66TH
    N :FRAZIER, 123RD
    N :GARDNER, 57TH
  2. Y :GOLICK, 34TH
    N :GORDON, 162ND
    Y :GREENE, 149TH
    Y :HANNER, 148TH
    N :HARBIN, 118TH
    Y :HARDEN, 147TH
    Y :HARDEN, 28TH
    Y :HARRELL, 106TH
    Y :HATCHETT, 143RD
    N :HATFIELD, 177TH
    N :HEARD, 114TH
    Y :HEMBREE, 67TH
    N :HENSON, 87TH
    Y :HILL, 21ST
    Y :HOLCOMB, 82ND
    N :HOLMES, 125TH
    Y :HOLT, 112TH
    Y :HORNE, 71ST
    Y :HOUSTON, 170TH
    N :HOWARD, 121ST
    Y :HUDSON, 124TH
    N :HUGLEY, 133RD
    N :JACKSON, 142ND
    Y :JACOBS, 80TH
    N :JAMES, 135TH
    N :JOHNSON, 37TH
    Y :JONES, 44TH
    Y :JONES, 46TH
    N :JORDAN, 77TH
    Y :KAISER, 59TH
    Y :KIDD, 141ST
    Y :KNIGHT, 126TH
    Y :LANE, 167TH
    Y :LINDSEY, 54TH
    Y :LONG, 61ST
    Y :MADDOX, 127TH
    Y :MADDOX, 172ND
    Y :MANNING, 32ND
    N :MARIN, 96TH
    Y :MARTIN, 47TH
    Y :MAXWELL, 17TH
    Y :MAYO, 91ST
    Y :MCBRAYER, 153RD
    Y :MCCALL, 30TH
    Y :MCKILLIP, 115TH
    Y :MORGAN, 39TH
    Y :MORRIS, 155TH
    N :MOSBY, 90TH
    N :MURPHY, 120TH
    Y :NEAL, 1ST
    N :NEAL, 75TH
    N :NIMMER, 178TH
  3. Y :NIX, 69TH
    Y :O`NEAL, 146TH
    Y :OLIVER, 83RD
    Y :PAK, 102ND
    Y :PARENT, 81ST
    Y :PARRISH, 156TH
    Y :PARSONS, 42ND
    Y :PEAKE, 137TH
    Y :POWELL, 171ST
    Y :POWELL, 29TH
    Y :PRUETT, 144TH
    Y :PURCELL, 159TH
    – :RALSTON, 7TH
    Y :RAMSEY, 72ND
    N :RANDALL, 138TH
    N :REECE, 11TH
    Y :RICE, 51ST
    Y :RILEY, 50TH
    Y :ROBERTS, 154TH
    Y :ROGERS, 10TH
    Y :ROGERS, 26TH
    Y :RYNDERS, 152ND
    Y :SCOTT, 2ND
    N :SCOTT, 76TH
    Y :SETZLER, 35TH
    N :SHAW, 176TH
    Y :SHELDON, 105TH
    Y :SIMS, 119TH
    Y :SIMS, 169TH
    N :SMITH, 122ND
    N :SMITH, 129TH
    Y :SMITH, 131ST
    Y :SMITH, 168TH
    Y :SMITH, 70TH
    N :SMYRE, 132ND
    N :SPENCER, 180TH
    N :STEPHENS, 161ST
    – :STEPHENS, 164TH
    Y :TALTON, 145TH
    Y :TAYLOR, 173RD
    N :TAYLOR, 55TH
    Y :TAYLOR, 79TH
    Y :TEASLEY, 38TH
    Y :THOMAS, 100TH
    – :VACANT, 107TH
    – :WAITES, 60TH
    Y :WATSON, 163RD
    – :WELCH, 110TH
    Y :WELDON, 3RD
    Y :WILLARD, 49TH
    Y :WILLIAMS, 113TH
    N :WILLIAMS, 165TH
    Y :YATES, 73RD
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Georgia Republican’s just don’t get it. Or so it would seem, based on WSB Radio Commentator Erick Erickson’s comments Monday night. The issue was the blockage, in the Georgia State Senate, of a bill to allow a plebiscite on a constitutional amendment that would empower the State Department of Education to force the creation of local state sponsored charter schools. The blockage was motivated not by any concern for local or home rule principles, and was effected by the Senate  Democratic Caucus, who desire to use the issue as a bargaining chip to allow consideration and passage of some other unrelated bill.

What is surprising is that Republicans seemed to be overwhelmingly in favor of the act, behavior which both confounds and informs us of the real nature of these legislators. We have now, for some ten years,  heard nothing but repeated claims and polemic assertions that these Republican legislators are conservative. Since achieving a legislative majority, we have no evidence that Republicans are in fact and deed conservative, and Mr. Erickson’s rant on the subject further confuses any suspicion that they are conservatives. The popular editor of the net magazine “RED STATE” and a frequent CNN contributor, Mr .Erickson could also be called Mr Georgia Republican, and yet here he proposes and supports the notion that local ELECTED school boards should be forced to channel resources to satisfy a state mandate, regardless of the will of the local electorate as expressed in their election of the school board members. Here is evidence of the arrogance and hubris of the Republican management of Georgia State Government, here is “Central Planning,” here is the certainty that such politicians “know what’s best for you.”

And what of the size of our State Government, what has the Republican majority had to say about the size or organization of our state government? Nothing! Not one major department has been eliminated, and the constitutional constraint requiring a balanced budget has led to constraints on spending through downsizing of Departments, reorganization, RIF’s (Reduction In Force,) reduced employee hours and furloughs. No department’s responsibilities and work product that existed in 2002 has been eliminated,  if altered, they have been reorganized or renamed. I would argue that Georgia’s government has increased its responsibilities, its footprint, and its influence and control over its citizens since Republicans were voted control by an uninformed and ill-educated electorate.

Republicans constantly espouse the notion (it would have to have substance to be an idea) that Government should be run like a business, or as we say, a “biddness.”  That folly ignores the fact that Governments are not operated as for profit enterprises, and more importantly, it has no customers and no product to sell. As regarding the services it perform, it does so at the behest of its citizens.

Most importantly,  no company organized as the State of Georgia is organized would survive even a year in a “free-market” environment, another Republican buzzword of great import.  As the evidence below clearly illustrates, the notion that Republicans actually believe that State Government can be organized and managed as efficiently as a major corporation, say IBM or Lockheed Martin, is easily disproven. In fact, the Organization Charts linked to below are proof that they have made no substantial attempt to reorganize State Government, and a review of all  legislation enacted since January 10, 2005, the date Republicans first controlled, in modern times, both houses of the General Assembly,  will further serve to demonstrate that  no legislation providing for systemic reform of Georgia Government has ever been seriously proposed, let alone put to vote.  In point of fact, no systemic reform has ever been attempted by either party.  Absent a constitutional convention, none can be proposed.

Consider the Organizational Chart of the State of Georgia:      

Anyone reading this an MBA? Not your normal form for a successful business.

Or, even better, consider a more detailed  Organizational Chart of the State of Georgia:

Now it may appear that I am off topic, but consider that these charts present the barest actual outline of State Government organization, and Republicans, and Mr. Republican Erick Erickson, think we need one more agency, in an already bloated State Department of Education. An agency that would have the authority to impose its will on a duly elected Local School Board.  Grass roots support and local control of K-12 school systems is admittedly a cornerstone of education in Georgia. That control, that local citizen influence, that neighborhood involvement, was seriously dampened when, in 1990, voters approved an amendment to the State Constitution eliminating the direct election of local school superintendents, and “professionalizing”  the administration of school districts. Since school district  superintendents have had no need to be accountable to the local electorate, billions of tax dollars have been spent to “improve” education in Georgia, as measured by national metrics, but to no avail, with only minimal improvement, if any at all. Since 1991, the income and benefits of a dramatically larger pool of “professional administrators” has, however, dramatically increased, particularly in urban districts.

What we are left with, at this time, is yet another “special interest” legislative proposal to amend the State Constitution to further weaken local control of K-12 education, and further reward the disastrously unsuccessful “professional educators” at the State Department of Education by extending their hegemony over  local school boards, regardless of the fact that those local boards are composed of local citizens who stand for election every four years.  A final note of the imbecility of this proposal, and ignorance of those who champion it, just as the Head Start Entitlement Program has been empirically demonstrated to have no measurable effect on positive individual educational outcomes after third grade, so current and topical educational literature is filling with anecdotal and empirical evidence that Charter Schools offer no statistically significant improvement in favorable educational  outcomes, despite the assertions of their proponents.

Research has demonstrated that several innovations associated with charter schools might well improve outcomes in public schools: gender separation, uniforms, longer school days, intensive instruction formats, personalized instruction, and greatly increased discipline and student personal accountability all have improved student outcomes, and teacher classroom innovation, curriculum supplements, reduced class sizes and more teaching aids have also been viewed as contributors to successful educational outcomes. Most importantly, parental involvement and influence has been the truest predictor of student achievement.

The Republican Party of Georgia, and Mr. Republican, Erick Erickson, are in error to support the proposed amendment, and further, by their failure to inform themselves, to review demonstrated outcomes, and to seek a more appropriate solution, and by their support of this proposal to seek to remove hegemony from duly elected school board members, and increase the size, scope and influence of the state government, they demonstrate they are in no way conservative.  They are simply politicians, catering to the lobbyists, without care or concern for the consequences of their actions.  In so many ways they are the “democrats” of this “democracy.”  There are none heard in either Georgia political party that understand the notion of a “republic” nor the responsibilities of a “republican.”

Here’s a thought for Erick Erickson and his right wing democrats:  Start with the parents, what do they want as an outcome for the child? Next, study the child, what does that child need to achieve the parent’s desired outcome? Evaluate the resources of the State; how can the State create an environment that educates and nurtures the child so that the desires of the parents are fulfilled? That, Mr. Erickson, is what a conservative State Government would be about;  every child given an equal opportunity to achieve, to succeed, to fulfill the parent’s desires and the child’s ambitions.





Posted in Georgia Education, Georgia Politics, Southiron Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment


In a stunning revelation, this columnist has  found that a new military related disability may be under study.  While not certain of the source of the reported study, it is possible that today’s children may one day pay hundred’s of millions of dollars for treatment for a debilitating illness that may strike UCAV (Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles) pilots without warning. These military pilots, most often Commissioned Warrant Officers or Commissioned Officers, are forced to pilot UCAV missions lasting multiple hours, in cramped high-tech “cockpits” located in buildings at Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, NV, and at air bases through the free world. While volunteers, few of these pilots could have imagined the potential illness unique to their missions: PTCTS ( Post Traumatic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.)  Subjected to the constant stress of combat operations, always with keyboard, monitor and joystick at the ready, these well-trained and highly disciplined warriors face a potential future of unimaginable stress. Unable to shake hands, salute, or even grasp a pen without a need of surgery, they are likely to be medically discharged from service. As a civilian, their odd, left-handed grasp of the proffered right hand of an acquaintance will seem awkward and confusing, and may lead to depression and sequestration and concomitant treatment and hospitalization. The problem that must be studied is where will such treatment occur. Many combat veterans of late twentieth and early twenty-first century police actions and undeclared wars will require prolonged treatment and life-long follow-up for conditions as disparate as missing or truncated limbs, wound management, organ transplants, brain tissue trauma, and neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression, cyclothymia, suicidal ideation, mood disorders, domestic violence and PTSD  (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Veterans suffering from PTCTS may find it difficult to avoid guilt and recrimination from associating with fellow service members who actually fought “in” theater, in country, in a combat zone, in a hot war. The problem that must be studied by the CDC,  it is believed, is how to create a warm and pleasant therapeutic environment, one with high-backed heated leather seats and video displays, that will facilitate the treatment of these valiant “remote killers from the sky”  without giving the appearance of trivializing other combat related illnesses.  In a separate study, programs will be evaluated for treatment of pilots of domestic UALERSV’s (Unmanned Aerial Law Enforcement Reconnaissance and Support Vehicles ) whose misdirected fire has claimed CCLOL’s (Collateral Civilian Loss of Life.)  It is thought that such pilots may suffer long term psychological debilitation if Congress approves passage of Obama-care III, RTL (Right to Life) Legislation, which, along with Federal payments to the Decedent’s family, would require such UALERSV pilots to undergo strenuous marksmanship retraining after a mandatory sixty day paid suspension.


29 Feb 2020


Posted in Human Interest, National Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

A Comment on Richard et al: Richard Eib, This has got to be stopped…

This Article is a comment on a thread posted in facebook by my friend Richard Eib. His thread begins with a news feed from the NY Times, that venerable, liberal Old Lady of Newsprint, and a newspaper to which I subscribe. The Thread, like many of Richard’s, reflects the growing frustration of the influence of fundraising on the nature and outcome of political campaigns.  I recommend Richard Eib to my readers as a clear distinct voice which should be heard in our internet agora.

The original New York Times blog:

My Comment on Richard Eib’s Thread, posted below:

Richard et al, I am very sympathetic to your point of view, but please note that Congress can only pass legislation relating to the qualifications for election to each Chamber, and can not pass legislation relating to limits on campaign spending, or anything to do with qualifications or spending limits on Presidential campaigns, not if it is working within its Constitutional limits. Nor can Congress pass legislation relating to election qualifications or campaign spending in any of the 50 sovereign states, except as provided for under the 13th and 14th Amendments. It requires an Amendment to the Constitution to limit, or redefine, in any manner, the political free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment. The Congress of the United States can not “override” any decision of the SCOTUS, it can merely clarify “legislative” intent, and submit and pass a new bill, which when signed by the President  may be legally challenged and submitted, through proper adjudication, for Judicial review and which may be heard, at the discretion of The Supreme Court. The framing fathers intended that all proposed Amendments to the US Constitution be initiated by the people’s representatives, and be submitted to the sovereign states for approval, I might add, in a manner determined by the states through actions of each state’s legislative body.
Let me note that in the opinion of many legal constitutional scholars, Title II of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is unconstitutional under any but the broadest interpretation of Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, commonly referred to as The Interstate Commerce Clause (TICC). TICC has been used by Congress literally free of constitutional restraint since enactment of The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887. Interestingly, PAC’s and Political Campaigns engage in interstate commerce, primarily in the purchase of media time or space, and could properly be regulated under the incredibly broad interpretation Court’s have allowed Congress. After all, if I, a private citizen, who built a business from ground up without a Federal cent given me, can be told to whom I may or may not serve or sell, or with whom I may or may not choose to associate, then surely, Congress may tell PACS and Political Campaigns with whom they may do business, and on what terms, so long as those terms apply equally to all interested parties. However, SCOTUS could well find this an unconstitutional attempt to skirt precedent, again referring to the broad interpretation given the means and nature of political speech as guaranteed under the First Amendment. It is clear Congress simply lacks the ability to regulate campaign spending in Federal Elections, or the will to regulate qualifications of voters in Federal Elections, a task it finds easy to do in State Elections.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not prohibit literacy tests, poll taxes, or any other restrictions of qualifications to vote in Federal and State elections, it simply required that they be applied equally to all citizens.  The Voting Right Act of 1965 did not require that all citizens be allowed to vote, it required that the (already constitutionally limited) right to vote not be denied by States enacting…   “Voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard, practice, or procedure … to deny or abridge the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color.”  So States could enact legislation that would restrict voting rights to all qualified citizens, and could make a simple qualification rule determined by all citizens passing a test, administered in the same fashion as a driver’s license test, determining the familiarity of the citizen with the Founding Documents, Framing Fathers, US History, and Federal Law. A passing result would allow participation in perhaps three four year electoral cycles. The test could be retaken by any citizen until passed, and a federally approved curriculum could offer a selection of 100 questions from perhaps 10,000 possible questions.

Now Richard, et al, would you pass such a test, would I? Would it be worth becoming acquainted with The Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers, The Works of Thomas Paine, The Articles of Confederation, The Constitution of the United States as passed, The Bill of Rights? And of Course my favorites, the Decisions of The Supreme Court of the United States and the complex constitutionally mandated relationship between the three, not at all co-equal, branches of the Federal Government.

Anyone wishing for the privilege, there is no constitutionally provided right, to vote in federal Elections would simply have to read and study for an amount equal to their one month’s dose of Reality TV to become enfranchised for 12 years!

This, Richard et al, is what you should be working to accomplish. Not a restriction of Constitutional Rights, but a refinement of electoral duty, a solemnization of electoral obligation, and the honor of well deserved participation in the body politic.

The thread as it appears:

This has got to be stopped.

We need to know who is funding super PACs before we cast our votes, not after.


· · Share · 5 hours ago ·
  • 5 people like this.
    • It is terrible that our politics have degenerated to a point where we can never really escape from campaign mode. As soon as someone is elected they are consumed with their re-election whether it’s soliciting donations or making a difficult policy decision that may make them unpopular or unelectable. Things need to change, we need both real campaign finance reform and we must revise the election process in a way that allows for actually governing the country. I have never been one for term limits since I actually think that some of the elected officials are good at their job but unless we can get control of the election process including all this PAC spending term limits may be the only reasonable alternative. We have term limits for President maybe it’s time for the rest.

      2 hours ago · · 1
    • This article only mentions Republican candidates. Is the implication that this is solely a Republican problem?

      2 hours ago ·
    • I assisted a candidate for office once and that is all the candidate did, make calls and beg for money…
      The money .. has gotten way-way-way out of kilter and absolutly must be reformed. The US Supreme (arguable ruled wrong) but it is what it is and now it is up the Congress to rewrite the legislation for campaign financing.

      2 hours ago · · 1
    •  This will also apply to Obama during the General Election (very soon)… but right now, the spending is from the PAC’s supporting the GOP candidates …hence the article used the currently available information… we all know it applies across the board.

      2 hours ago · · 1
    •  From what I understand… there are several well funded PAC’s that will roll out positive Obama ads & Negative ads aimed at the GOP candidate… on top of that Obama will have almost a billion in campaign money to wage his re-election campaign…
      the word ridiculous is insufficient to describe how incomprehensible and destructive to everything America is… it is unamerican!

      2 hours ago ·
    • The financial reform is essential, Senator Sanders has introduced a bill that would over ride the Supreme Court opinion in Citizens United that has let to this. But that only solves part of the problem. We need to reform of the actual election process itself. It is too dependent on a candidate having a huge bankroll in order to compete.




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On my Profound Sadness on Dean Candler’s Homily at Christmas Eve Communion.

I wrote the article below, with revisions, first immediately after the telecast of the Christmas Eve Service at St Phillip Cathedral, 2011. The telecast has been a Christmas Eve  Tradition for some 40 years, I first attended the service in 1970.  I had not attended or seen the broadcast since 2002, and I confess that after seeing the service, I was angry. I can not abide in the Diocesan  Bishop, I can not believe the Episcopal Church in America is governed by Godly people, but rather I believe it is governed by secularists, humanists and heretics. As I watched the television, I could not believe how inattentive the congregants appeared; how few appeared to be dressed to present themselves before the altar of God, how casual and uninspired was the recitation of prayers. How lacking of reverence, of ritual, of pomp and circumstance was the service itself.  The procession seemed jaded and uneasy, hurried as if to show fear that others would notice the lack of warmth. The lecturers were wooden and seemed without inspiration, the choir subdued and without festive joy.  I would argue, against the sentiments of modern theologians, that this day, Christmas Day, is without a doubt the most festive, joyful and sacred day of the year. Where is the Joy, the celebration today? What imposters gather around the parish seat, what humorless cadaver holds the crozier? This is the Church that shaped the Colonies, the Bible of which, The King James Version, educated, enlightened, and inspired the majority of the framing fathers,  who were not deists, as modern agnostics hold, but Anglicans, and then, proudly, Protestant Episcopalians. This Cathedral of Saint Phillip now, this Clergy, appear to be most comfortable apologizing for the many blessings of God, the gifts of God given to an affluent congregation; rather, they should be apologists proclaiming the blessings of wealth and the good use of it in doing God’s work.  Instead,  I find an unsettling blend of the guilt ridden “noblesse oblige” compulsory good works of Northeastern Puritans blending with elements of the Roman Church’s Liberation Theology. Another American Institution seems fallen to the blight of Europeanization. No longer named The Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, the Episcopal Church (USA) should now best be styled “The Euro-American Episcopal Church” Go ahead, the name is free to use, I will not copyright it.

The Dean’s Homily:

I just heard the Very Reverend Samuel Candler deliver his homily at the Christmas Eve Communion Service at St. Phillip Cathedral in Atlanta, Georgia.  He spoke from the heart, with little scriptural citation, and wove a narrative that led us from the often un-rehearsed chaos and joy of a children’s Christmas Eve pageant to an understanding of the beauty of imperfections in structures and events that govern our life. He quoted the Canadian Zen Buddhist Leonard Cohen’s observation or prosy that “crack’s in a structure were good, they let the light in,” he did not cite the source material (it is cited in the link to his homily below). Repeatedly, Dean Candler spoke of God’s Love, as if to imply that “God is Love,” the polemic mantra embraced by so many who must surely feel certain they have yet to receive their share of God’s love.  “God is Love” was the “war” cry of my generation, and even older deadbeats, at every demonstration, every rally, every love-in and every “peace march” that I attended, led, supported or planned during the period of  1965 through 1972:  “The Period of the Great Unwashed, Stoned, Blatantly Over-Sexed, and in retrospect, Useless Vietnam Peace Movement.”  Here and now, however, the Dean spoke far more like  a teary-eyed Liberal than a bleary-eyed Leary; he sincerely believes his heresy, as do, unfortunately, most in my church.  His measured speech, drawn cadence, and adolescent vocabulary reflects either an intensely superficial understanding of The Word, or an intensely profound misunderstanding of The Word. To the Dean, there are not just four Gospels, there are millions of gospels; God speaks through the kind acts of all mankind, even, or perhaps especially, through the recent denizens of the “Occupy (Blank) Movement.” Those unkempt, vacuous, illicit thrill seekers who appear in public parks and private property all over America in protest that no one has hired them, no one has educated them, no one cares about their acne or old car or the lack of bike paths in urban areas.  The Dean apparently has great affinity for these social misfits, who blame an economic system(one that I personally think could stand a true “reformation”) for their lack of education, lack of opportunity, lack of material goods, lack of wealth.

You see, Dear Dean Candler, they will tell you, as they told an earlier generation’s soft-hearted compassionate clerics of our church, and indeed the World Council of Churches, that they protest poverty, not a lack of “fairness” in wealth distribution; injustice, not a lack of getting their “fair” share;  and a lack of compassion, not a childish need of attention. I can not find the word “fair” anywhere in the Four Gospels.  Just as the “Anti-War” radicals of the 1960’s, those who claimed to be demonstrating for peace, actually were demonstrating to avoid their or other’s death and dismemberment in the jungles and rice paddies of Viet Nam, these “Occupy Wall Street” radicals of 2011-2012 are actually demonstrating to avoid hard work, commitment, responsibility and success.  About my assertions concerning the anti-war protestors of the Viet Nam War, what have those “pacifist” activists had to say since then about:  Granada, Panama, Kuwait, the Baltic States, Iraq, Afghanistan…?  As to your heartfelt plea that we let Jesus “occupy” ourselves, I assure you that “Jesus,” or any Christian belief,  is not occupying or informing these weak kneed, spineless derelicts and hopelessly romantic adolescents.

If a child in America is hungry tonight , it is not because of Wall Street. If someone in America lies sick and untreated, unmedicated in bed tonight, it is not because of Wall Street. If any man or woman claims they can’t go to college because they can’t afford it, it’s not because of Wall Street.

The child will be hungry tonight because the parents were unwilling to work hard enough to provide food, or were unwilling to ask for help to meet their and their children’s needs. The child will be hungry tonight because its single mom never considered the consequences  of the act that led to her pregnancy or  gave a thought as to how to she would provide for her child, and the child’s selfish irresponsible father cares less about the child than the mother. If you are sick and lie in pain, your illness untreated, it is because you are unwilling to walk, drive, take a bus to the nearest ER and seek care, and because you reap in your health what you have sown in your diet and lifestyle. If you can’t afford college, it is because you have not prepared yourself, have not demonstrated scholarship, of have not applied at a college you can afford and for which you are willing to work forty hours a week to pay to go to school. Wall Street nabob’s, their greed, their groping avarice, have nothing to do with 99% of the failures and disappointments in anyone’s life.

In point of fact, I would submit that reckless,  secular  homilies, filled with condescendingly sympathetic  and collectively heretical pronouncements, so often heard from the pulpit, as in Dean Candler’s homily, do more to discourage discipline and determination than all the subversive actions of our perverted capitalists, many of whom attend our denominations churches and cathedrals. There is no message of hope, no call for faith in a sermon that shrilly criticizes the sins of man without an exhortation to earnestly repent, be heartily sorry, seek God’s mercy and serve and please God in newness of life. There are infinite ways of saying this, infinite paths to understanding our obligation, certainly for the Dean as many ways as days spent praying and writing the next day’s  homily, but I heard no message of penance or remorse, no message of Joy that God became Incarnate, that God became man. Where are the  exhortations of thanks that God is in the world, the well versed entreaty to believe upon The Word, to have faith in Jesus Christ and through the Grace of God, to act to as His disciple, changing the world to please God and serve His people.  I might as well have heard a Christmas homily from the lips of a Unitarian Universalist.

When, my dear Dean, did you last tell your congregants  what a sinner you are? When did you last exhort them to read The Word, The Bible,  and take it to heart as, at the least, a primer for God’s work in this world. When did you last speak of sin, the corrupting nature of materialism, consumerism, narcissism? I remember the Reverend Charlie Winter giving a sermon at St. Luke’s, Sewanee,  paraphrasing Finley Dunn, that the Church’s mission was to “Afflict the Comfortable.”  I remember my Bishop, The Right Reverend James A. Pike, seeking Jesus far away from the demands of time and treasure of his Cathedral, one from which he was driven, in part, by the actions of the Georgia Clergy, actions for which I am sure he is now eternally grateful.

It can only be that you consider the Four Gospels something less than the perfect Word of God, something other than a perfect vessel to carry us to Him. When you spoke,  it seemed to me that you held the Four Gospels, our Canon, our Magisterium, as no more perfect, and thus no less venal than you or I. That to me is heresy, either arrogant or ignorant.  I implore you to consider this: Where are you leading your sheep? The great proof of God’s love is our free will, yet that free will leads inevitably to sin, and to the need of our Redeemer, and the gift of God of Incarnation, the birth of Jesus Christ, which we celebrate today. God did not come “down” to our station, God came to show us what He meant us to be, so very long ago, in the Garden of Eden. He became human to complete the lessons started with Abraham and Issac,  to teach us how to live as He would have us live. When we do good, it is not God speaking through us, or to us,  a “Gospel;”  it is us speaking to God, a “Prayer” of Praise and Worship.

Please know one other thing about the writer of this article, were it not for the Grace of God,  the Birth of my Redeemer, and His death on the Cross, I would have no hope of salvation. I would be as savage as any Roman, as cynical as any Sadducee, I would await a messiah to conquer my enemies with sword.  Praise God, we now live with hope, have faith in Jesus Christ,  and offer charity toward all of the Father’s children.  Still,  I am a sinner to the core, that is why I know the sound of temptation so well.  If you can not hear temptation in your words, forgive me my words. I am a sheep, not a Shepherd; a prodigal, not a prophet. May the Blessing of the Creator,  Redeemer and Sustainer suffuse you with grace and light, and guide you safely through the darkness.


Dean Candler’s Homily:

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Questionable Practices by Georgia Natural Gas – Poor Customer Service or Blantant Scam?

Having called, like thousands of other Georgians, Georgia Natural Gas, for residential service, I have found practices which seem questionable as to their benefit to Georgia customers of GNG. While the delivery of Natural Gas to residential customers was deregulated a decade ago, it may be time to review a policy that has failed to benefit Georgia consumers of Natural Gas, and may indeed penalize consumers with additional “service” and “marketing” charges. Before anyone thinks that re-regulation of the provision of natural gas to residential customers is an unwarranted intrusion on private enterprise, consider that the electrical utility service providers were not deregulated and deliver energy to homes at a lower cost per therm than natural gas, even though the cost to produce and deliver a therm of natural gas is significantly less than the same BTU value of  electricity.

My inquiry to the Georgia Public Service Commission is as follows:

I have requested service from GNG, today,  12-23-2011. My service confirmation number is 347501. A pre-pay amount of $41.02 was requested. When I attempted to pay this amount due today, I was referred to a phone number for Western Union. When I called the number, It was answered by  an associate in an offshore location, not by an American, who informed me of a charge of $3.95. When I declined to pay over the phone, I was referred to a location, a mini market, where I would be charged from $.60 to S1.50 for the privilege of paying in person. Arriving at the location I discerned it was owned by a non-American, a Pakistani national. I do no do business with non-citizens, legal or otherwise, and will not do so until all unemployed American Citizens have been offered employment. Off shore calling centers and foreigner owned companies which employ  unpaid family members and extended family members, skirting employment requirements and minimum pay requirements, are companies with whom I do not do business. The sole remaining option is to mail my pre-payment to GNG, which I certainly will do, but I must first wait 48 hours for my account number to be issued, and then, according to the GNG website, wait up to 7 days until it is posted, before I can schedule service turn-on. My complaint is simply this: why does the GA PSC allow GNG to use “pay to play” third-party companies, regardless of national origin, to collect deposits and payments? Should the fees charged by these companies not be refunded by GNG? After all, those fees are being charged and collected by these third parties, in this case Western Union, at the behest of GNG, and should be credited to the account of the customer, or at the least calculated as income in PSC  rate computations. As such fees are apparently not regulated by the GA PSC, they should not be allowed, or if allowed, they should be refunded to consumers. GNG has devised a pay by mail program that  forces most applicants to choose to pay Western Union these “service” fees, or wait up to nine days to schedule turning on gas service.  Another question, does GNG receive any financial benefit for contracting these services out to Western Union; or any consideration that is not reported to the PSC?  Should not the policy of the PSC be to encourage employment of Georgia Citizens, after all, are they not the State of Georgia taxpayers that support both the GA PSC and the revenue stream of GNG? Lastly, should not utility companies doing business in Georgia be required to maintain at least one store front in Georgia wherein business may be conducted in person by the consumers and citizens of Georgia?  Thank you for your concern.

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Troy Davis: Being Black is a “Death Sentence”

Not just in Georgia, but throughout the United States. Some 149 years ago, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which stated “…all persons  held as slaves…shall be then, henceforward and forever free….”  But the freedom purchased in blood for slaves has yet to be fully realized, and even the best intentions of all citizens of the United States regarding the equality of slaves and their descendants has been without success. Black American males are still unable to secure equal protection under the law because of racial discrimination.

It is my opinion that were Troy Davis white, the evidence which led to his conviction as a black male for murdering Officer Mark Allen MacPhail also would have convicted him for that crime. The question as to whether the People would have pursued the Death Penalty is where ambiguity arises, and the possibility of “racial profiling” and latent discrimination becomes apparent. While a guilty verdict at trial may have been obtained, had an appeal laden with the litany of recanted testimony and the absence of compelling demonstrable evidence directly placing Troy Davis’ finger on the trigger been presented, a white Troy Davis certainly would not face imminent execution by lethal injection.

It is entirely possible that Troy Davis did murder Officer Mark Allen MacPhail, however, the possibility, a reasonable doubt, exists that he did not, and for this reason, and this reason alone, the State of Georgia will not execute a convicted felon, but will, once again, condone the murder a black male.

I am a white, conservative, southern male, 63 years old, and I am ashamed for the zeal with which the People, our Judicial Branch , the Prosecutors and Courts of Georgia, pursue the arrest, conviction and execution of black  males at a rate which far exceeds the arrest, conviction and execution of white males. The fact that white men still fear the loss of control over black males, indeed over blacks of any gender,  is the sole obvious explanation of this cowardly and venal behavior.

It is even more appalling that this same bigotry is seen in all the States which comprise the Union, and that little discussion of this virulent discrimination is ever heard in the public forum. Isn’t it time, finally, to accept the proposition that all humans are created equal, and that those who can not accept that fact need to seriously question their courage, motivation and intention.

As the following two articles I have earlier written attest, I proclaim the Sanctity of Life, and urge those who uphold Capital Punishment as legally or morally justified to consider the arguments against State Sponsored Murder I present.

(alternatives to) CRIME and (capital) PUNISHMENT

The Right “Right to Life”


Posted in Georgia Politics, Human Interest, National Politics, World Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Barry Obama, a White, Progressive Northeastern Liberal in “Black” Face

Wake up, Black America! You have been had once again. You thought you elected a brother, what you elected President is far more “white” than any Harvard educated “high yellow” Oreo. And what he is doing is poisoning the waters for any well qualified, competent, compassionate, African American who might someday seek the office of President of the United States.

Y’all been sucker-punched by an cabal of powerful white bag men who used your vote, yes, your racially driven 98% for Obama 2008  vote, to put a white man…remember his mommy was 100% white…dressed up as a brother in the White House.

Barry Obama may have had a black Daddy, but that man, his father, never, never marched in any Civil Rights demonstration, never experienced the humiliation of “Colored Water Fountains,” “Colored Restrooms,” or had to ride in the back of the bus.  Obama’s daddy came to America to acquire an education, but not anywhere near the South, unless it was South Maui. He never stared down a Klansman, or a racist or even cared much about the bigots he did meet; he was from Kenya, and he was always going to go back home. He came here to learn the ways of corporate America, so he could return home to Africa and make money. And to insure that he could stay longer than his student visa would allow, he picked out a liberal  “white chick” girl from Seattle, bedded her and wed her, and her gift to him was a free pass to the US, an American son, a guarantee of US entry anytime through-out his life.  Little Barack so “admired” his father that he chose to be called “BARRY” not Barack, through-out his life, at least until he learned of “minority scholarships” to increase “diversity” offered by Northeastern Universities, among them Columbia. Does he sound like a brother yet? He became an African-American only when it was convenient, only when being “black” paid off!

Now I am not saying he didn’t get with the program, but brothers, he didn’t pay his dues, and if you think about it, you’ll understand why 35% of all Black males are unemployed in this recession: he thinks like a white Northeastern bleeding heart liberal, he gets all teary eyed, talks a lot, and then does nothing.

Frederick Douglas wasn’t about talk.  W.E.B. Du Bois wasn’t about talk, Rosa Parks wasn’t about talk, Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn’t about talk…

White Northeastern liberals have been talking to Colored people, Negros, African-Americans for the better part of three centuries. Ask yourself, since emancipation, what have they done for you? Nothing that you couldn’t have done yourself, and probably have done better.

Now they have their ultimate joke, they convinced you that this half-white, half-African man was one of you!  He has never worked a day in his life. He has never poured concrete, operated a machine, dug a trench, worked a cash register, preached a sermon; he has never been arrested, marched in danger’s way, picketed a factory or broke a sweat, except while studying at Columbia for a political science final or sweating out a grade at Harvard on some brief he submitted. Even then he didn’t have to worry, because often his grade was based on his race, not his work, some whiny bleeding heart liberal professor doing his part to help the poor helpless negro…

… he worked at being “Black,” he worked as a “community organizer,” a job that in Chicago  is more involved with delivering a “Black” block vote than delivering an opportunity for a  Black middle class lifestyle.  But his work has been to talk and ingratiate himself with white progressive intellectuals, white political bosses and white “money men” like George Soros, who finally found a closet “Black” man they could like. Barry Obama is really intelligent, he’s figured out whose really got the power in America, the  “political system, and the wealthy donors who financed a “Black” man they could control. The Federal Government is broken, and The President can’t fix it because his campaign was financed by the very people who could care less about equal opportunity, about creating fair housing and employment programs, about solving social problems and improving education for all American’s. They care about only one thing, political power, and having that power means keeping the poor needy, the middle class contented, and rich getting richer. That’s the “change” you can count on, those are the people pouring millions into his re-election campaign. Big Government means Big Contracts , Big Profits, more unearned wealth and power for those few holding a big leash on working class American’s.

Barry Obama, the candidate promised he’d end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:

Who is dying in Iraq, and in Afghanistan?  It easy for him to say our brave and valiant soldiers, that’s the white man’s answer…but what about all the “collateral damage” the innocent women and children, the men who work the fields and factories, all those  common people who, like in Viet Nam, don’t care who rules them, and yet who die because we remain certain that ours is the “only” way of life, and it is worth killing others to assure that our way, unrestrained capitalism and a controlled “market driven” populist democracy, remains  the dominate world political force.

Barry Obama promised change:

What has changed? Are you safer, happier, wealthier? Are there fewer blacks in prison? Has the penal system been reformed? Are more black youths staying in school, is the drop-out rate lower? Are black teenage pregnancies down?  Are there more jobs for all Americans, for Black males?

You may say “He can’t look like he helping his own”…didn’t Bush help the wealthy? The oil companies? The bankers and stock traders? What’s the point of being elected a “Black” President if he can’t or won’t help Black Americans share in the American Dream? Where’s his program for equal opportunity in education, health care, employment?

Time heals all wounds…when will the wounds of slavery and discrimination ever be healed, if not by a “Black President”  And Barry Obama ain’t black, he ain’t an Oreo; and at best he’s poor imitation of a whigger…What he is, is an imposter, a member of the chosen eastern intellectual establishment that has been making fools of Black Americans for years.

A rising tide lifts all boats?  Yes, that’s true, and that’s been the constant refrain of reformers and liberal apologists for years. But consider this, when the tide goes out, think about it, which boats are stranded first? Those in the shallow water, bottom out first! Those who have been tied up near shore, black, red, white: “Nigger,”  “Injun,”  “Cracker,” they are beached first, they are left to dry out and wither away, while the yachts and big boats float free in the bay.

Obama isn’t about race, he is about class, he’s about rich supporters, most of whom happen to be white, and vacations at “Martha’s Vineyard” and “golfing” to relax, and most of all, he’s an intellectual who has never busted a blister on his nearly white hands.

He could have initiated a serious discussion about inner city black employment, but what you got was the same old bureaucracy moving at glacial speed.

He could have reached out to black parents (and white ones as well) to seek their advice on how to improve our schools, but what you got was a white intellectual Secretary of Education offering up more theory dressed as yet another program to spend money to “improve” education and enrich consultants and so-called “professional” educators.

He could have supported the growth of black businesses and inner city minority owned businesses to ensure stimulating urban economies and employment, but he didn’t even bother to stop in black communities on his “jobs bus tour”

He passed a health program that further divided America along racial lines, and will be repealed by the next President, because it’s just more of the same lousy treatment: rude doctors, uppity hospitals, hospital bosses making a half-million a year, and higher taxes on everyone, without anything resembling better care.   Poor people have been taking a number and waiting for 50 years, so what’s new?

He bailed out big bankers and hasn’t punished the stock brokers who destroyed your wealth. Have you seen any bank executive whose house is in foreclosure? Aren’t they still driving their BMW’s and 6 Series Mercedes?  And this after their behavior has ruined the value of most minority owned 401 K’s and other retirement funds, and erased forty years of economic progress.

He’s let pundits and talking heads blame minorities for buying into the American Dream, and for buying a home “they weren’t qualified for,” and blame democratic politicians for writing legislation that required banks to open their doors to minorities, without ever defending those who dared dream of owning a home. He’s gone nearly three years without castigating the large “to big to fail banks” for their greed, the mortgage brokers whose lies allowed people to buy far larger homes than they could afford, while they pocketed record profits, the real estate agents who earned huge fees of the sale of homes, the contractors who inefficiency and extravagance drove home prices up to levels unheard of while making huge profits. Yet according to popular opinion, the minorities who were led to slaughter are the one’s responsible for their own economic destruction.  How many White American’s have gone to jail in this the most massive fraud ever perpetrated in American History?  Why fewer than number of street level black dealers arrested in one night in any American City, or fewer than the number of Black males stopped any night in America for having a busted tail light. Dreaming, striving, hoping is American to the core, this rash greed by bankers, loan officers, real estate agents and contractors is shameful and criminal, yet Barry Obama’s Eastern educated liberal “Black” Attorney General has yet to send the first swindler down the river.

And you call him a “BLACK” President??? What has he done for you?  Barry Obama is just another pointy headed white intellectual who cares more about how it sounds than whether or not it works.

Barry Obama has talked the talk but he has never walked the walk, and brothers and sisters, he never will. His two little girls will grow up the children of wealth and privilege, the President’s income is  over a million dollars a year,  and he’ll retire, unre-elected, to an estate in Chicago, playing king-maker with the other Chicago pols who have run that urban  metropolis into the ground while lining their pockets with government contracts and cash hand-outs.

Yes, I’m a white southern boy, born privileged, but I’ve shoveled manure, worked in sewers, stood side by side looking for work with Blacks, Chicanos and Crackers. I am telling y’all, you have been had by the same people who promised you 40 acres and a mule, allowed Jim Crow to become the law of the land, cheapened your education and devalued your achievement, all the while patting you gratuitously on the back and promising to make your life better. They have mollified you with “Voting Rights Legislation, ” while denying  African-Americans the one real true Constitutional “American” Right ever citizen is entitled to and should demand…EQUAL OPPORTUNITY…not just under the law, but as a birthright, as an inviolate promise of our heritage and our history.

And Now President Barry has moved to put that “equal opportunity “and the political interest of Latinos ahead of Black Americans. Amnesty for illegal aliens, taking jobs, education and resources away from existing minority communities, and playing on the generous nature of an impoverished and continually repressed African-American community to support his efforts, pleading comparisons to the civil rights struggle to assure your support.

Latino’s have seldom been denied civil rights, and when “legal citizens” they have always had voting rights, and brothers and sisters, they are purposely growing in numbers, both legal and illegal, and will soon eclipse the African-American community as the largest minority in America, and you think they are going to care about your needs as you have cared for and defended theirs?

Wake up, Black America. If you don’t act, your time will soon pass. National media doesn’t cover The Black Congressional Caucus, because all those congressmen do is parrot what Northeastern Harvard influenced white intellectuals tell them to do. Those white intellectuals have been preaching the same weakening, let us help you, condescending message for a century and a half. How has that worked out for you? Those Harvard and Yale educated Ivy League snoots didn’t march in Jackson, Mississippi or Selma, Alabama or Columbia, South Carolina or Greensboro, North Carolina, and they were no where to be seen in Boston. or L.A. or Detroit; they didn’t even show up to march the “last southern civil rights march” with Hosea Williams in Forsyth County, Georgia . Brave, Black American males did all that work. And those elite intellectuals didn’t lay dying for your rights on a motel walkway in Memphis, in fact, none were to be seen anywhere near that garbage strike. But they sure turned out at the funeral. And you would compare those Black Men of courage and character, who overcame fear of death and endured those long years of struggle to…

…A Hawaiian bred, Indonesian schooled Barry Obama? He ain’t Black, he’s just another Al Jolson, another Kingfisher, another WHITE MAN ACTING BLACK.

Do you really believe you are treated equal, given equal opportunity, have an equal chance?

The Emancipation Proclamation remains a promise unrealized, and Martin Luther King, Jr. who I saw, heard and admired,  remains a Prophet without Honor in a Nation that gave him a stone monument when I am sure he would rather have had, as an enduring monument, a nation of better schools, better homes, better opportunities, and the certainty that all children of color, in fact all children, would be as loved and happy as those two girls of President Barry Obama.

And so I leave it to you to hear the call of History. In my lifetime I want to see a woman elected President, but before that, I want to see a  Black Man, a Real African American, maybe a veteran, maybe a mayor or governor, or a Congressman or a Senator. Maybe a preacher, or a Doctor, or a self made man, but I want to see one, a Negro, a Herman Cain, a Harold Ford, a Kasim Reed, an Al Sharpton, A Jesse Jackson, a real Black Man elected President!

We don’t need another term for Barry Obama; he could ruin it for African-American’s for the next fifty years.  Wake up, rise up and send a real Black American to Washington. I am a Democrat, I have never voted for a Republican, I feel pinned to the mat. But I will do what I think is best for Black Americans, Native Americans and Crackers and Rednecks, and my children, and their children; I’ll vote against the Imposter, the Trickster, the”white” thinking man who claimed his East African father’s color to impersonate a Black American  but who is really a White Kenyan Hawaiian who went to Harvard and got rich.








Posted in Georgia Politics, Human Interest, National Politics, World Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia: Old, White, Spendthrifts.


I have written criticisms of The  Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, and feel compelled to continue, especially in the face of continued increases in tuition and fees, and their collusion with The Georgia Lottery Corporation and the antics of the Governor and Legislature of the State of Georgia. I might also direct well deserved criticism at the Chancellor, Errol Davis, and the President of the University of Georgia, Michael Adams.

When I review the biographies of these 20 distinguished individuals, I am immediately struck by two distinguishing characteristics, first, the absolute”whiteness and maleness” of the group, and second, the financial accomplishment, the wealth, of them all. Oh yes, there is a token white woman, Doreen Stiles Poitevint, and a token black woman, Wanda Yancey Rodwell, and let’s not ignore the two black men, one the Chancellor himself, Errol B. Davis Jr., and Larry R. Ellis.

That’s 16 white males, 1 white female and 2 black males. All but the Chancellor,  Mr. Davis, and Dr. Adams, The President of the University of Georgia, appointed through a system politely termed political patronage; none elected nor consented to by the voters of the State of Georgia.

It is a known fact that I like statistics, especially when they are derived from reliable data, such as is collected by the US Census Bureau. I refer specifically to the “raw” data collected by this venerable institution, which has existed since 1790. The use and manipulation of the “raw’ data to support desired conclusions by the political interests within the Federal Government is not at issue here; I will use the simple compilation of race, and gender information as reported in the 2010 Census data.

The Board of Regents has 18 members, 16 are white males…    88.89% of the appointed members are white males.

In the 2010 Census, the white male and female subset comprised 58.7% of Georgia’s estimated population of 9,687,653 people; white men were 49.2% of that subset or 28.89% of all of Georgia’s population.

Let’s compare these numbers:  Percent of White Males on the Board of Regents…  88.89%

Percent of White Males in Georgia…                                                                                 28.89%

It would appear that by percentage, there are roughly three times more White Males on the Board of Regents than there are in Georgia’ s Population. In other words, on a representative Board of Regents, white males would comprise no more than 5 members, not 16!

Next, let’s review the data for gender. The Board of Regents has 18 members, 2 of which are women.

In the 2010 Census, 50.8% of all respondents were female.

Lets compare these numbers: Percent of Females on the Board of Regents…. 11.11%

Percent of Female Citizens in Georgia’s Population…                                             50.8%

It would appear that by percentage, Women Citizens are under-represented by a factor roughly of 5 to 1. In other words, in a representative Board of Regents women citizens would comprise 10 members of the Board of Regents, not 2!

Next, and finally last, as nothing is as boring as statistics, lets review the data for race. The Board of Regents has 18 members, two of which are Black.

In the 2010 Census, 30.5% of all respondents were Black

Let’s compare these numbers: Percent of Blacks on the Board of Regents…    11.11%

Percent of Black Citizens in Georgia’s Population:                                                  30.5%

It would appear that by percentage, Black Citizens are under-represented by a factor roughly of 3 to 1. In other words, in a representative Board of Regents Black Citizens would comprise 5 members of the Board of Regents, not 2!

Note: It should be noted that I am not presenting data for Hispanics, as 2010 Census data does not differentiate between American Citizens of Hispanic Descent, and illegal immigrants. When such data becomes available, Americans of Hispanic Descent should be included in any representative government review. Further, please note that all percentages may not add up to 1, as some persons would be members of multiple subgroups, Black Females, Black Males, White Females, etc.

The Commentary

The following data I find most interesting. It reflects a prevailing belief among Georgia’s political leadership that financial success is the sole metric that has value when choosing or nominating members of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. In a very real sense, it accurately portrays a perverted view of “the protestant ethic,” a founding principle of America’s framers, that those who are just and work hard will be rewarded with material benefit.

None of the 20 individuals discussed above appears, and I am careful to say appears, to have a family income below the 2010 Census data median income for family’s in Georgia, of $58,842.00 Median income reflects the income amount that is squarely in the middle, with half of Georgia’s family’s earning less income, and half earning more income. Described another way, for every 100 families, 50 would earn more income and 50 would earn less income.

Importantly, this figure is not the average income of Georgia’s families, that is significantly lower. Per capita income for all Georgia’s Citizens is just over $25,000 a year, which includes those with no income, such as children, and those with limited income, such as retirees on Social Security, or the unemployed.

This article is not about class warfare, or wealth envy, but this data is important to frame the argument that the Board of Regents, Chancellor Davis, and President Adams are spendthrifts, persons so totally disconnected from any understanding of the value of a dollar to the average middle class Georgia Citizen; that they have embarked on wasteful capital programs and extravagant faculty recruitment programs that have in no way increased the excellence of instruction or the value of a Georgia University or College degree.

To quote from President Adam’s page:

“The UGA campus has been transformed since he took office, with more than $1 billion in new construction, renovation and infrastructure and 6.2 million square feet of new space completed.  The East Campus Village, served by the Harris Dining Commons, added space for more than 1,200 students to help meet demand for on-campus living, and another 500- bed residence hall opened for the fall 2010 term.  The new home of the Lamar Dodd School of Art, also on East Campus, opened in 2008, and an expansion of the Georgia Museum of Art is under construction.  A number of historic structures on North Campus have been restored and renovated.  A new Special Collections Library began construction in January 2010, and a range of student-serving facilities, including an expansion of the Tate Student Center, have opened recently.”

That’s One Billion Dollars to build facilities for students and faculty that are most often more plush, more fancy, richer that those of the student’s parents, and certainly superior to those offered employees of most Georgia Corporations.

Who paid for the opulence, this extravagance? Why, you and I, the taxpayers of Georgia; the parents who supported their college bound students; the self-sustaining students who support themselves, often by working two or more jobs; and the students receiving and relying on their well deserved HOPE Scholarship funding; as well as the Board of Regents, who received nearly $500,000,000.00, that’s a half billion dollars, from lottery funds.

When I was a freshman at the University of Georgia, I attended classes in buildings that were not air-conditioned! As an aside, that may have led to behavior that prompted Dean Tate to ask me to leave, but that is not germane to this paper. What is clear is that the Board of Regents has allowed Dr. Adams to spend our money in a wonton and wishful way, as if by ranking UGA in the top twenty research universities could erase the sigma of ranking 48th in K-12 education. Moreover, the gambit has failed. Other than providing world class research facilities for extremely well paid “imported” professors to do research for primarily out of state corporations,  our Land Grant State University is not at the center or at the end of a research “triangle” or “corridor” and our best and brightest students go elsewhere to work. We have not competed successfully for hundreds of multi-million dollar factories which have been built in adjoining states; we lead no one in manufacturing or high tech industries, and we aren’t creating enough jobs to keep up with population growth, let alone achieve the 5% employment growth needed to absorb the vast numbers of unemployed Georgia Citizens.

Those beautiful buildings seen at Georgia’s college campuses are a monument to nothing more that the “nouveau riche,” new money “boomer” middle class Regents who built their wealth on the sweat and achievements of the “Greatest American Generation,” their parents and grandparents who would be, who are appalled, at the excesses of their children.

This is my generation of which I am speaking, men of the same age and southern culture. I grew up in a Southern state paralyzed by the fear of change, a Southern state which institutionalized “civility” toward race and gender and economic achievement, but which sought to deny equality of opportunity to non-white, non-male through the perpetuation of social and economic segregation. Can any one seriously suggest that “only” two Georgia women are competent to sit on this Board? When one out of two graduates of the University of Georgia is a woman, did they skip class, drag down the GPA, fail to learn the same lessons as the male graduates?  Are the one in three Georgians whose heritage is African so inferior that only one of nine are fit to sit on the Board of Regents? Of those who sit on the Board today, do any of them speak about the disparity of funding between rural and urban school districts, or about the lack of demanding instruction in urban school districts, or about the disproportionate number of poor white and black Georgians in our state’s prison? Have any publicly voiced an opinion concerning the inept failure of the State Board of Education to raise the level of learning and achievement in our states primary and secondary schools?

Of course not! They would be risking shunning by their friends, golfing buddies, fellow bankers, attorneys, insurance brokers, their private club associates and regrettably, their church fellows.

How sad! How pathetic! How weak these Regents are, how little concern they have about two-thirds of Georgia’s Citizens! Are Dr. Adams and Mr. Davis to be commended for working so diligently to create a two-tier University System, carefully avoiding the stigma of re-segregation by race by segregating by class…high SAT scores, and income: children of the less fortunate, children of color, children attending rural school systems all do more poorly on the SAT than suburban, white, middle and upper middle class children do, and thus are far less likely to attend UGA than those suburban public and private school preppies.

Yes, Dr. Adams, and Chancellor Davis, you’ve done it, you raised yourself up on the backs of your parents effort’s and you’ve out done them! Look at the house you were raised in, and where you live now! Your desire and ambition has separated you from your boyhood friends, your family’s modest lifestyles. Your success reeks of material wealth, and as nabobs of the academic world, at least in Georgia, you and the unelected Board of Regents, have looted the taxpayers to the tune of Billions, and the HOPE Scholarship to the tune of Billions, all so that many of our Georgia Students can not afford to live in those beautiful dorms and finely built edifices without incurring tens of thousands of dollars in unforgivable debt, and/or saddling loving, concerned parents with a new type of tax, college tuition!

Those high rankings? Those honors capped students who walk through the Arch, where do they go to seek work? Not here. No one is hiring here. The best and brightest, the souls of the future south, black or white, man or woman; they are leaving Georgia for greener pastures.

The Conclusion

The Board should cut all tuition and fees 15%, instruct all colleges to cut their budgets 15%, including salaries of all academicians; encourage hiring more Georgia schooled “instructors” rather than hire high priced out of state Ph.D.’s;  build smaller buildings that are energy efficient, incorporate “green building” design and passive and active solar system installations, create a statewide Education REA and purchase an interest in a nuclear or coal fired generating plant. Speaking of planting, how about installing one gallon shrubs and grass seed in lieu of fancy landscaping, even water the lush grass less often. You could try skipping the brick facades, the wood paneling, the built in custom cabinetry. You might think of new ways to educate all our citizens, and integrate your efforts with all levels of state supported education.

Most of all, you on the Board of Regents should demand the right to stand for election, to be voted for by and accountable to your neighbors. Stop the “Pork Barrel”, “Good Ole Boy” politics, the “quid pro quo” back scratchings; you could give up your “special” privileges and admit the people know best, the citizens of Georgia; they are the power, you are just the tool of their intentions.

We need a complete reorganization of all instances of State supported education in Georgia. The august white male businessmen who populate all the State Boards would never work for, invest in or as a manager tolerate a company who organization was so fractious, whose mission was so splintered, who governance was so incompetent.

Democrat or Republican, in my opinion, we have been poorly served by your patronage and entitlement. We need new, fresh ideas. It’s time for a revolution in age, gender and race, and most importantly in ideas and solutions; and as usual, the best ideas have already been spoken, and spoken loudly by better men who have come before us:

“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”  A. Lincoln

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” T. Jefferson

“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” John F Kennedy


What follows is a list of contact information for the members of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, The Chancellor, and The President of the University of Georgia. Please note that other than for Chancellor Davis, no modern means of communication such as email addresses are included for the Board Members.

Previous Chancellor: Erroll B. Davis

Biography of Erroll B. Davis Jr.

As chancellor of the University System of Georgia, Erroll B. Davis Jr. is responsible for the state’s 35 public colleges and universities, approximately 302,000 students, 40,200 faculty and staff, and an annual budget of approximately $6.3 billion. The University System also has administrative responsibility for the Georgia Public Library Service, which manages the state’s 58 public library systems.

Davis took office in early 2006. Previously, he had served as chairman of the board of Alliant Energy Corporation – an energy holding company with $8.3 billion in total assets and annual operating revenues of $3 billion at that time – since 2000. Davis joined Alliant in 1998 as president and chief executive officer. He retired from his dual roles as president and CEO in July 2005, and retained the chairman’s post until his move to the University System.

Prior to the creation of Alliant Energy, Davis served as president and CEO of WPL Holdings, from 1990 to 1998. From 1978 to 1990, he rose through the senior management ranks at Wisconsin Power and Light Company, starting as vice president of finance and ending as CEO and president.

Davis’ higher-education experience includes serving as a member of the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents from 1987 to 1994, and as a former chairman of the board of trustees of Carnegie Mellon University, of which he is a life member. He presently serves as a member of the Southern Regional Education Board and the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago. A native of Pittsburgh, Pa., Davis earned a bachelor of science in electrical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 1965, and a M.B.A. in finance from the University of Chicago in 1967. He is a member of the board of directors of General Motors and Union Pacific Corp., and serves on the National Commission on Energy Policy along with numerous professional associations and civic organizations. He is a former member of the U.S. Olympic Committee Board (2004-2008).

Davis and his wife, Elaine, established the Davis Family Foundation, which makes annual grants to numerous students in need. He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including recognition as one of Georgia Trend magazine’s “100 Most Influential Georgians” in 2008, the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s “100 Most Influential Atlantans” in 2006 and 2007, one of the “75 Most Powerful Blacks in Corporate America” in 2005 by Black Enterprise magazine, one of the “Top 50 Blacks in Technology” at the Black Engineer of the Year 2005 Awards Conference and the Carnegie-Mellon Alumni Distinguished Service Award in 2004. Davis also was named one of the “50 Most Powerful Black Executives in America” by Fortune magazine in 2002 and received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business in 1993, the same year he received a Bronze Medal in Financial World’s “CEO of the Year” competition. In addition, Davis was honored by the magazine U.S. Black Engineer as the “Black Engineer of the Year” in 1988.

Correspondence Address

Office of the Chancellor 

Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
Suite 7025
270 Washington Street, SW

Atlanta, GA 30334

office: 404-656-2202
fax: 404-657-6979


Current Chancellor: Hank M Huckaby

Chancellor Huckaby was not involved in USG BOD decisions as described in this article. 

Chancellor Hank M. Huckaby

The mission of the Chancellor’s Office is to serve the University System of Georgia, its Board of Regents and thirty-five institutions, the State of Georgia, and other constituencies by providing leadership in higher education and stewardship of state and University System resources.

  • The Chancellor’s Office will promote a statewide perspective on higher education that attends to the current and developing needs of the State, its citizens and students, and relates them effectively to the University System and its institutions.
  • The Chancellor’s Office will support the Board of Regents in furthering and achieving its vision for the University System by providing leadership in analyzing, monitoring, and anticipating higher education trends and developments, and by planning strategically for the future of the University System.

Contact Information

Office of the Chancellor 

Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
Suite 7025
270 Washington Street, SW

Atlanta, GA 30334

office: 404-656-2202
fax: 404-657-6979

Henry “Hank” M. Huckaby was born in Spalding County, Georgia and grew
up in Hapeville. His career has focused on a long record of public service to
the state of Georgia in many areas of government.
Huckaby’s involvement with the University System of Georgia began when he
was a student. After earning an associate’s degree in Liberal Arts from Young
Harris College, he pursued his education at Georgia State University earning
both a bachelor’s degree in political science and an MBA in International
Business. He continued his education through additional graduate studies at the
University of Georgia. During the 1960’s and 70’s, Huckaby taught at the
college level, including DeKalb College (now Georgia Perimeter College) and Emory University. He
also has lectured at UGA and Young Harris College.
His career in higher education and his involvement with the University System continued with service in
a number of key administrative positions. Early in his career, Huckaby worked in the area of admissions
at Georgia State University (1967-71) and Gordon College (1972-73). Later, he served as director of the
Fiscal Research Program at Georgia State University (1995-97), director of the Carl Vinson Institute of
Government at UGA (1997-2000), senior vice president of Finance and Administration at UGA (2000-
06), and a special assistant to the president at UGA on a part-time basis (2006-09).
In a career that goes beyond his long association with the University System, Hank Huckaby has a long
history of public service to the citizens of Georgia. His service in the Governor’s Office of Planning and
Budget, first as a senior policy coordinator from 1973-75, and then as its director, from 1991-95 has
provided extensive experience in state finance. During that time, Huckaby was responsible for
overseeing the state budget on behalf of the governor. He also served as the interim chief financial
officer for then Gov. Sonny Perdue during Perdue’s transition period.
His commitment to public service during his career led to Huckaby being tapped on two occasions to
head other key state agencies. From 1977 to 1980, he was commissioner of the Georgia Department of
Community Affairs, and from 1980 to 1991, he was the executive director of the Georgia Residential
Finance Authority. During his tenure at both agencies, Huckaby was elected by his peers to serve as
president of their respective national organizations.
Huckaby was sworn in this past January to represent Georgia House District 113 as a Republican. His
legislative experience also includes a stint as the director of the Georgia State Senate Research Office
from 1975-77.
He has written articles related to state and national finance and budgeting and has held membership in a
number of higher education and government-related business, housing, health care and financial
As an involved resident of Oconee County, Huckaby has been active in a large number of civic
organizations in the community. He is currently a member of the Oconee County Rotary Club, the
Oconee County Chamber of Commerce and the Management Committee of the Hard Labor Creek
Reservoir and serves as a Trustee of the Ty Cobb Educational Foundation.
As a former resident of Douglasville, Huckaby also was active in the local community and was named
the 1995 Douglas County “Man of the Year.”
He also is active in the United Methodist Church and has held numerous positions at both the
conference and national level.
He maintains ties to Young Harris College, where he serves as a trustee.
Huckaby and his wife, Amy, have two grown children and six grandchildren.

Members of the Board:

Kenneth R. Bernard, Jr.

Kenneth R. Bernard, Jr., represents the 13th Congressional District on the Board of Regents, the governing body for the University System of Georgia. He was appointed to the board by Gov. Sonny Perdue in 2007 for a seven-year term as a regent. Bernard is the former chairman of the regents’ Organization and Law Committee, which oversees the legal affairs of the 35 public universities and colleges in Georgia. He was recently elected chairman of the University System of Georgia Foundation, Inc., which, among other activities, raises private funds for student scholarships and faculty recognition awards. Bernard is a partner with Sherrod & Bernard and serves as the county attorney for Douglas County. His litigation experience includes handling matters from trial through appeal before the Supreme Court of Georgia. Bernard has represented individuals in a variety of wrongful death, serious injuries, employment, and product liability cases, including, automobile, truck and motorcycle accidents. He formerly served as a Special Assistant Attorney General, Vice-Chairman of the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA), and served on the Governor’s Development Council (GDC). Bernard, a former Captain in the United States Marine Corps, graduated from the University of Georgia and the University of Georgia School of Law. After completing Officer Candidate School (OCS), The Basic School (TBS), and Naval Justice School, he distinguished himself as a Marine Corps Judge Advocate General (JAG). Bernard’s military and life experience served him well as he transitioned to his current trial and general counsel practice. Bernard is a member of the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, the American Bar Association, Georgia Bar Association, Douglas County Bar Association and National Association of College and University Attorneys. He has served in a variety of state and local civic, charitable, and social organizations, where he has received recognition for his efforts on behalf of the community, region and state. Bernard enjoys an active life as a father, husband and youth baseball coach with two Georgia Pony Baseball State titles (Mustang 2008 and Bronco 2009) and a USSSA Georgia Travel Baseball 12U (AA) State Championship (2010).

Correspondence Address
Sherrod & Bernard
P.O. Box 1154
Douglasville, GA 30133

District: Thirteenth
Term: 01/01/07 – 01/01/14
Phone: (770) 920-8350
Fax: (770) 920-8970

Larry R. Ellis

Regent Larry Ellis is the chief executive officer of ESSE. He joined the Board of Directors of Point Blank Solutions in 2004 and served as president and chief executive officer through April 2009. He serves as a director on the boards of SRA International, the Armed Forces Benefit Association and the National Security Studies. Regent Ellis served in the United States Army for more than 35 years before retiring as a Four-Star General. He commanded units at every echelon of the Army, including the First Armored Division while deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As the U.S. Army’s Chief Operations Officer, he oversaw multi-year, multi-billion dollar budget programs supporting national strategic objectives. His military awards include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, the Army Distinguished Service Medal, the Combat Infantryman Badge and the Bronze Star Medal. Appointed by Gov. Sonny Perdue, Regent Ellis holds a bachelors degree from Morgan State University and a master’s degree from Indiana University. His honors include an Honorary Doctor of Laws, Honorary Master of Strategic Studies, the Distinguished Alumni Service Award, the NAACP National Service Award and the ROCK of the year award.

Correspondence Address
Ellis Services & Solutions Enterprises, LLC.
3835 Presidential Parkway, Suite 118
Atlanta, GA 30340

District: At-Large
Term: 08/01/09 – 01/01/16
Phone: (770) 458-3773

Rutledge A. (Rusty) Griffin Jr.

Appointed by Governor Sonny Perdue in January 2011, Rutledge A. Griffin, Jr., is the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Griffin L.L.C. of Valdosta, GA., a manufacturer of crop protection & specialty chemicals founded in 1935. After the death of his father, Griffin became President and CEO (at age 26) of the family owned business. Griffin Corporation partnered in joint venture with Dupont in 1998 eventually selling its interest in the joint venture to Dupont in 2003. Griffin serves as a co-chair on the capital campaign for the Boys and Girls Club of Valdosta and has served on the Georgia Ports Authority, Emeritus Trustee of the University of Georgia, and is past chairman of the South Georgia Fellowship of Christian Athletics. Born and raised in Valdosta, Griffin attended Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton, Georgia, and received a B.S. degree from the University of Georgia with a major in Agriculture and a minor in Business in 1966. He and his wife, Barbara, have three children and eight grandchildren.

Correspondence Address
Griffin Corporation
3821 Skipper Bridge Road
Valdosta, GA 31605

District: First
Term: 01/01/11 – 01/01/18
Phone: (229) 245-1558
Fax: (229) 242-6612

Robert “Bob” F. Hatcher

Bob Hatcher is President and CEO of MidCountry Financial Corporation. He was the President and CEO of First Liberty Bank from 1988 until its merger with BB&T in 2000. Prior to First Liberty, he was with Trust Company Bank (SunTrust) for 27 years. Regent Hatcher is Co-Chairman of the Commission for a New Georgia. He serves on the boards of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, the Georgia Public Policy Foundation and NewTown Macon. In 2007, Regent Hatcher was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Team Foundation. He received the 2005 Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business. Regent Hatcher is an honorary Lifetime Member of the Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce, which named him its 2005 Citizen of the Year. Appointed by Gov. Sonny Perdue to as an at large member of the Board of Regents, Regent Hatcher resides in Macon.

Correspondence Address
MidCountry Financial Corp.
201 Second St., Ste. 950
Macon, GA 31201

District: At-Large
Term: 01/06/06 – 01/01/13
Phone: (478) 746-8222
Fax: (478) 746-8005

C. Thomas Hopkins, Jr., MD

Dr. Hopkins is board certified in orthopaedic surgery and orthpaedic sports medicine, engaged in private practice in Griffin. He served in the Air Force as a flight surgeon and orthopaedic surgeon. He is past president of the Griffin Rotary Club, Georgia Orthopaedic Society, medical staff of Spalding Regional Hospital and serves on the board of United Bank. He has served on the Georgia Health Strategies Council, Governor’s Physician Partnership, and is a member of the Gridiron Secret Society. Hopkins earned a bachelor’s degree from Valdosta State University, attended the University of Georgia, and completed his medical degree and residency at Emory University. He and his wife, Sara, have two children.

Correspondence Address
The Orthopaedic Sports and Injury Center of Griffin
717 South 8th St.
Griffin, GA 30224

District: Third
Term: 04/16/10 – 01/01/17
Phone: (770) 227-4600
Fax: (770) 227-9055

W. Mansfield Jennings, Jr.

W. Mansfield Jennings, Jr., a native of Hawkinsville, was appointed by Gov. Sonny Perdue to represent the Eighth Congressional District on the Board of Regents. He is Chairman of ComSouth Corporation, a full-service telecommunications company. Regent Jennings served as ComSouth’s CEO for several decades until 2003. Regent Jennings also is Chairman of SunMark Community Bank and SunMark Bankshares, Inc., a bank holding company. In addition, he is the former Chairman of Taylor Regional Hospital, a past President and Director of the Georgia Telephone Association and a former member of the United States Telephone Association. Regent Jennings also is a long-time member of the Board of Trustees of the Middle Georgia College Foundation and is very active in his community, having served as President and Charter Director of the Hawkinsville-Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce, President of the Hawkinsville Rotary Club and District Governor of Rotary International. Regent Jennings earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Management from Georgia Tech and a Master of Business Administration from Emory University. He resides in Hawkinsville with his wife, Genelle.

Correspondence Address
ComSouth Corporation
250 Broad St.
Hawkinsville, GA 31036

District: Eighth
Term: 01/06/06 – 01/01/13
Phone: (478) 783-4001
Fax: (478) 783-4620

James R. Jolly

Appointed by Governor Sonny Perdue in November 2003, to represent Georgia’s Ninth Congressional District, Jim Jolly is Chairman of the Board of J&J Industries, Inc., a carpet-manufacturing firm he joined in 1967 and retired from in 2007. Regent Jolly, a native of Dalton, is extensively involved in the community, serving as a charter member of the board of directors of the Dalton-Whitfield Boys and Girls Club and of Leadership Dalton. Jolly is a past Chairman of the local Governmental Study Task Force Committee, the local United Way campaign, the Dalton Junior College Foundation and the Carpet and Rug Institute. He is a former member of the executive board of the Dalton-Whitfield Chamber of Commerce, the Georgia Tech Alumni Trustees, the Northwest Georgia Regional Advisory council, the Georgia Cities Foundation Board, and the Hamilton Medical Center Board. Regent Jolly currently chairs the Covenant College Foundation Board of Trustees and serves on the Dalton State College Foundation Executive Committee. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in textiles from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Regent Jolly resides in Dalton with his wife, Judy. They are active members of Grace Presbyterian Church.

Correspondence Address
347 Ivey Gate Ridge #2
Dalton, GA 30720

District: Ninth
Term: 01/01/08 – 01/01/15
Phone: (706) 226-2317
Fax: (706) 275-4433

Donald M. Leebern, Jr.

Don Leebern is Chairman of Georgia Crown, Alabama Crown, and Tennessee Crown Distributing Companies. Regent Leebern spends most of his time at the Atlanta office. Georgia Crown Distributing Company, Inc., is a wholesaler, bottler and importer of liquor, wine, beer, and water products. Regent Leebern was Chair of the Board of Directors of MCG Health Inc., the non-profit corporation that operates the Medical College of Georgia Hospital and Clinics, now named MCG Health System. He also is a member of numerous industry and social organizations. First appointed to the Board of Regents in 1991 and re-appointed in 1998 by Governor Zell Miller and again in 2005 by Gov. Sonny Perdue, Regent Leebern serves as a member At-Large. Regent Leebern served as Board Chair from 1994 to 1995. He studied Business Administration at the University of Georgia and played varsity football in 1957, 1958, and 1959. He was honored with the Georgia Athletic Association’s 2002 “Circle of Distinction Award.”

Correspondence Address
Georgia Crown Distributing Co.
P.O. Box 308
McDonough, GA 30253-0308

District: At-Large
Term: 01/01/05 – 01/01/12
Phone: (770) 302-3000
Fax: (770) 302-3109

William “Dink” H. NeSmith, Jr.

Appointed by Governor Sonny Perdue in March 2008 to represent the Tenth Congressional District, Dink NeSmith is co-owner and president of Athens-based Community Newspapers, Inc., publisher of several dozen newspapers in Georgia, Florida and the Carolinas. A 1970 graduate of The University of Georgia (UGA), Regent NeSmith is chairman of the university’s Fanning Institute for Leadership, which promotes public service and outreach, and recently co-authored a biography of the institute’s founder, Dr. J.W. Fanning. He is past president of UGA’s National Alumni Association and a director of the Richard B. Russell Foundation. Gov. Perdue recently appointed Regent NeSmith to the 20-member Commission for a New Georgia. He also serves on the board of directors of Athens First Bank and Trust, Southern Mutual Insurance Company and Pattillo Construction Company. Regent NeSmith is past president of the Georgia Press Association and former chairman of Leadership Georgia (1986). He is an emeritus member of the UGA Athletic Association’s board of directors and the UGA Foundation’s Board of Trustees. As chairman of Athens 96 for the four years leading up to the 1996 Summer Olympic Games, Regent NeSmith led Athens’ involvement in the games’ soccer, volleyball and rhythmic gymnastics events. He and his wife, Pam, have three children and live in Athens.

Correspondence Address
Community Newspapers, Inc.
P.O. Box 792
Athens, GA 30603

District: Tenth
Term: 03/13/08 – 01/01/15
Phone: (706) 548-0010
Fax: (706) 548-0808

Doreen Stiles Poitevint

Appointed by Governor Sonny Perdue in January 2004, Doreen Poitevint is a partner in Stiles Apartments and A.B. Stiles Enterprises in Athens, Ga. She currently serves on the Board of the Decatur County Library Foundation and is a past member of the Executive Committee of the Bainbridge College Foundation and the executive boards of the Decatur County Library and the Southwest Georgia Regional Library. A former teacher in DeKalb County and Decatur County, Regent Poitevint previously served as Public Education Chairman for the American Cancer Society, President of the Bainbridge Book Club and President of the Decatur County Friends of the Library. She also is a past Director and member of the Executive Committee of the Friends of the Library USA and served as a member of the Department of Technical and Adult Education Commissioner’s External Advisory Committee for Statewide Public Libraries. Regent Poitevint earned her undergraduate degree, a master’s degree in education and an education specialist degree from the University of Georgia. Regent Poitevint resides in Bainbridge, where she is a member of First Presbyterian Church. She represents the Second Congressional District on the Board of Regents.

Correspondence Address
2001 Twin Lakes Dr.
Bainbridge, GA 39819

District: Second
Term: 01/01/11 – 01/01/18
Phone: (229) 246-8577
Fax: (229) 248-1922

Willis J. Potts, Jr. (Chair)

Gov. Sonny Perdue appointed Willis J. Potts of Rome to represent the Eleventh Congressional District on the Board of Regents. Potts retired in June 2004 as the Vice President and General Manager of Temple-Inland Corporation, based in Rome, following a 35-year career in the international pulp and paper industry. He began his career as an engineer at the Union Camp Corporation’s Savannah pulp and paper mill in 1969. He held a series of operational and management positions, including Resident Manager of Union Camp’s mill in Prattville, Ala., before being named General Manager and Senior Vice President of Union Camp in 1992. In 1999, following a 30-year career with Union Camp, Potts moved to the position he retired from at Temple-Inland. Potts served as President of the Paper Industry Management Association in 1995, and in 1999, the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) recognized his outstanding service to the industry by naming him a Fellow. In 2002, the Pulp and Paper Safety Association presented him with the Executive Eagle Award, conferred on outstanding paper industry executives who have made major contributions to the cause of accident prevention in his/her company and beyond. In 2010, TAPPI chose Potts to receive the Herman L. Joachim Distinguished Service Award which recognizes an individual for voluntary leadership and service that has significantly and demonstrably contributed to the advancement of the organization. Potts also is active with the United Way, the Boy Scouts of America, Boys and Girls Clubs and Chamber of Commerce. He is Chairman of the mentoring program “Communities in Schools.” Potts earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering with highest honors from the Georgia Institute of Technology and completed the University of Virginia’s Executive Program.

Correspondence Address
2614 Horseleg Creek Rd., SW
Rome, GA 30165

District: Eleventh
Term: 03/07/06 – 01/01/13
Phone: (706) 802-1313
Fax: (706) 802-1313

Neil L. Pruitt, Jr.

Neil L. Pruitt, Jr. is Chairman and Chief Executive officer of UHS-Pruitt Corporation, an integrated health care company offering independent and assisted living, skilled nursing services, rehabilitation services, home health and hospice care as well as pharmacy services, community-based services, medical supplies and care management. Regent Pruitt also serves as the Vice Chair of the Board of Governors of the American Health Care Association. He is a recognized leader in the health care profession and is a member of The Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care, a board member of the United Hospice Foundation and past Chairman of the Georgia Health Care Association.

Regent Pruitt graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of the South. He was awarded a Master’s of Business Administration and a Master’s of Health Administration from Georgia State University in 2000. He and his wife, Mebane, have three children.

Correspondence Address
UHS- Pruitt Corp.
1626 Jergens Court
Norcross, GA 30093

District: Fifth
Term: 04/19/11 – 01/01/17
Phone: (770) 806-6893
Fax: (770) 925-4619

Wanda Yancey Rodwell

Wanda Yancey Rodwell serves as Director of Communication for Coca-Cola, an appointment to which she was named in 2005. For five years, she was General Manager of corporate communications at Delta Air Lines, directing internal and external communications for the marketing division. Before joining Delta, she was Vice President of Public Affairs/Executive Director of the Henry W. Grady Foundation for the Grady Health System, the Southeast’s largest public hospital system. During this time, Rodwell was named one of “Georgia’s Most Powerful Women in Health Care Industry/Medicine” by Women Looking Ahead News Magazine. Rodwell began her career as a journalist, writing award-winning news reports for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, before transitioning into corporate communications at Cox Enterprises, the newspaper’s parent company. She serves as Chair of the Calvin A. Rodwell Foundation and DBR Enterprises, Inc., and is a member of numerous civic organizations, including the Economic Development Authority of DeKalb County, as well as numerous professional organizations. Rodwell was awarded the nation’s first full four-year Cox Enterprises Minority Journalism Scholarship, along with an Honors Program Scholarship from Spelman College, where she ultimately earned a bachelor’s degree in English with a minor in journalism. Regent Rodwell resides in Stone Mountain. She represents the Fourth Congressional District on the Board of Regents.

Correspondence Address
5628 Silver Ridge Dr.
Stone Mountain, GA 30087

District: Fourth
Term: 01/1/05 – 01/01/12
Phone: (770) 879-5700
Fax: (404) 598-1068

Kessel Stelling, Jr.

Appointed by Governor Sonny Perdue in February 2008 to represent Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District, Kessel D. Stelling, Jr. is the President and CEO of Synovus Financial Corp., a financial services company with $31 billion in assets based in Columbus, Georgia. Synovus Financial Corp.’s bank divisions provide commercial and retail banking, investment and mortgage services to customers in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Florida and Tennessee. Stelling, a Georgia native, is an accomplished business and community leader whose leadership abilities and dedication to service have benefited many civic organizations. He is currently a member of the board of directors of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, where he served as Chairman in 2008. He is also a member of the Cobb Chamber of Commerce, where he served as the Interim President from 1994-1995 and Chairman in 1998 and 2006. He is a member of the Dean’s Advisory Council of the University of Georgia Terry College of Business and a Trustee of Kennesaw State University. Regent Stelling earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Banking and Finance from the University of Georgia and attended the Graduate School of Banking of the South at Louisiana State University. He and his wife, Carol, have two sons.

Correspondence Address
Synovus Financial Corp.
1111 Bay Avenue
Columbus, GA 31902

District: Sixth
Term: 01/01/08 – 01/01/15
Phone: (706) 649-2924
Fax: (706) 649-5297

Benjamin “Ben” J. Tarbutton, III

Ben Tarbutton is Assistant Vice President of the Sandersville Railroad Company, where he oversees daily operations, including maintaining the infrastructure, train transportation and customer service. He serves on the boards of directors for Sandersville Technical College, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and on the Board of Trustees for Leadership Georgia. Regent Tarbutton is a past chairman of the Washington County Chamber of Commerce, past president of the Sandersville Rotary Club and a past member of the Georgia Rural Development Council. He is a 2004 graduate of Leadership Georgia and a graduate of Leadership Washington County. He earned a bachelor’s degree in management from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Appointed by Gov. Sonny Perdue as the Twelfth Congressional District representative to the Board of Regents, Regent Tarbutton resides in Sandersville, where he and his family are active members of the Sandersville United Methodist Church.

Correspondence Address
Sandersville Railroad
206 North Smith St.
Sandersville, GA 31082

District: Twelfth
Term: 01/06/06 – 01/01/13
Phone: (478) 552-5151 x208
Fax: (478) 552-1118

Richard L. Tucker

Richard L. Tucker was appointed by Gov. Sonny Perdue to represent the 7th District on the Board of Regents. He is the principal and managing partner of Arlington Capital LLC, a mezzanine lending fund. He is also principal in other business ventures involving investments, real estate development, and retail. Regent Tucker served as President and CEO of the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce from 1996-2003 and as its Chairman in 2005. He currently serves as Chairman of the Gwinnett Convention & Visitors Bureau, Chairman of the University System of Georgia Foundation and President of The 1818 Club. He is also a charter member of the Georgia Gwinnett College Board of Trustees. In addition, Regent Tucker serves on the Board of Directors of the Brand Banking Company, Medical College of Georgia Health, Inc., Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful and Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce. Regent Tucker has been recognized four times by Georgia Trend magazine as one of Georgia’s 100 Most Influential Leaders and was selected as one of Gwinnett’s most influential leaders by the Atlanta Journal Constitution. In 2003, Tucker was honored by the Council for Quality Growth as its “Button Gwinnett Award” winner, Gwinnett’s most prestigious award. Regent Tucker is a former member of the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) and the Governors Development Council. He received his undergraduate degree in business administration from the University of Georgia. His principal residence is in Suwanee.

Correspondence Address
Arlington Capital LLC
One Sugarloaf Centre, 1960 Satellite Blvd, Suite 3500
Duluth, GA 30097

District: Seventh
Term: 01/28/05 – 01/01/12
Phone: (404) 463-0592
Fax: (404) 657-7913

Larry Walker

Walker is an attorney with Walker, Hulbert, Gray & Byrd. He served in the Georgia General Assembly for more than 30 years, where he served as Administration Floor Leader for Governor Joe Frank Harris and as Majority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives from 1986-2002. Walker also served as Chairman of the State Legislative Leaders Foundation for four years and was named one of “The 100 Most Powerful and Influential People in Georgia” by Georgia Trend for twelve straight years. Most recently, he served on the Georgia Department of Transportation Board, representing the Eighth Congressional District. Walker earned a bachelor’s degree and a law degree from the University of Georgia. He and his wife, Janice, have four children and eight grandchildren.

Correspondence Address
P.O. Box 1234
Perry, GA 31069

District: At-Large
Term: 08/01/09 – 01/01/16
Phone: (478) 987-1415

Philip A. Wilheit, Sr.

Appointed by Governor Nathan Deal in January 2011, Philip A. Wilheit, Sr., is the president of Wilheit Packaging and Marketing Images. Regent Wilheit serves on the Georgia Department of Economic Development Commission and the Commission for a New Georgia. He is a member of Georgia. Chamber Transportation Commission and the Georgia Chamber Advisory Committee on School Board Governance. In addition to his service on the State Board of Education from 1996-1999, Wilheit served for more than 40 years on the board of the Greater Hall County Chamber of Commerce with one year as chairman and more than 20 years on the Georgia Chamber of Commerce with one year as chairman. He also served as treasurer for Congressman Nathan Deal for 28 years and served as the Statewide Chairman of the Deal for Governor campaign. Regent Wilheit received a B.A. in English from the University of the South-“Sewanee” in 1966. He and his wife Mary Hart have two adult children and three grandchildren.

Correspondence Address
Wilheit Packaging
P.O. Box 111
Gainesville, GA 30503

District: At-Large
Term: 01/18/11 – 01/01/13
Phone: (770) 532-4421
Fax: (770) 532-8956


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2011 Georgia Legislature passes HUGE new TAX on Georgia’s Middle Class!

Was that you going, huh?  Did you ask what does he mean, what tax? Didn’t the Republicans say no new taxes, cut spending, no tax hikes! Even the Atlanta papers didn’t ever report anything about the 2011 Georgia Legislature passing a massive tax hike on Georgia’s Middle Class.

I, Bull Sullivan, am here to tell you that the 2011 Georgia Legislature accomplished just such an act, and further, that they relied on your disinterest and ignorance to do so.

What is a tax? A tax is any means by which a governmental authority levies against your income, property or charges fees for services to provide revenue to that governmental authority. Tuition for public education is a “tax.”

To demonstrate how this new Middle Class Tax is applied, I will cite the “tax” that a parent or parents with one child attending any of the three cited University System of Georgia(USG) institutions will soon pay. The three campuses are Georgia Southern University, Kennesaw State University, and The University of Georgia. These schools are representative of the impact that families all over the state will feel if their child attends any State supported college or university.

Of course, not ever student is “child.” Many students are self-supporting, fully emancipated from their parents, and rely on full or multiple part-time employment to pay for their education. Other students may rely on the help of their parents to partially pay college tuition and fees. A majority of students are funded, at least partially, through loans, taken out either in the name of their parents or in their own name.

1. Our first example cites the tuition, fees and book costs for attending Georgia Southern University in Statesboro.

COST Of Attending GSU for the 2011-2012 School Year:

Tuition per semester, in state:                                                           $2367

HOPE Scholarship previously paid 100%                     $2367

Tuition balance previously due out-of-pocket:          $0__

HOPE Scholarship now will pay:                                       $2130.30

(TAX) Tuition Balance now due out of pocket:                                            $236.70

Estimated Fees, per semester $936

HOPE Scholarship previously paid 0%

Estimated Fees previously due out-of-pocket:          $936.00

HOPE Scholarship will now pay:                                          $ 0

Estimated Fees now due out-of-pocket                        $936.00

Estimated Books per semester: $600

HOPE Scholarship previously paid flat fee:                    $150.00

Estimated Fees previously due out-of-pocket:              $450.00

Hope Scholarship will now pay:                                            $0

(TAX) Tuition Balance now due out-of-pocket:                                            $150.00

Total Cost of Attending, per semester: $3903

(TAX) What you now must pay out of pocket: $386.70

TAX RATE: 9.9%


The Georgia Legislature and Governor Deal have imposed a 9.9% tax of the cost of a HOPE Scholarship, costing a family with one child attending this UGS institution almost Eight Hundred Dollars a year.


2. Our second example cites the tuition, fees and book costs for attending the University of Georgia in Athens.

COST Of Attending UGA for the 2011-2012 School Year:

Tuition per semester, in state:                                                           $3641

HOPE Scholarship previously paid 100%                     $3641.00

Tuition balance previously due out-of-pocket:           $ 0__

HOPE Scholarship now will pay:                                       $3276.90

(TAX) Tuition Balance now due out-of-pocket:                                            $364.10

Estimated Fees, per semester $1095

HOPE Scholarship previously paid 0%

Estimated Fees previously due out-of-pocket:    $1095.00

HOPE Scholarship will now pay:                                       0

Estimated Fees now due out-of-pocket                    $1095.00

Estimated Books per semester: $600

HOPE Scholarship previously paid flat fee:                    $150.00

Estimated Fees previously due out-of-pocket:              $450.00

Hope Scholarship will now pay:                                            $ 0

(TAX) Tuition Balance now due out-of-pocket:                                            $150.00

Total Cost of Attending, per semester: $5536

(TAX) What you now must pay out-of-pocket: $514.00

TAX RATE: 9.2%


The Georgia Legislature and Governor Deal have imposed a 9.2% tax on the cost of a HOPE Scholarship, costing a family with one child attending this UGS institution over One Thousand Dollars a year.


3. Our third example cites the tuition, fees and book costs for attending Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw.

COST Of Attending KSU for the 2011-2012 School Year:

Tuition per semester, in state:                                 $2367

HOPE Scholarship previously paid 100%                     $2367

Tuition balance previously due out-of-pocket:           $ 0__

HOPE Scholarship now will pay:                                       $2130.30

(TAX) Tuition Balance now due out-of-pocket:                                            $236.70

Estimated Fees, per semester $774.00

HOPE Scholarship previously paid 0%

Estimated Fees previously due out-of-pocket:    $774.00

HOPE Scholarship will now pay:                                       0

Estimated Fees now due out-of-pocket                    $774.00

Estimated Books per semester: $600

HOPE Scholarship previously paid flat fee:                    $150.00

Estimated Fees previously due out-of-pocket:              $450.00

Hope Scholarship will now pay:                                            $ 0

(TAX) Tuition Balance now due out-of-pocket:                                            $150.00

Total Cost of Attending, per semester: $3741

(TAX) What you now must pay out-of-pocket: $386.70

TAX RATE: 10.3%


The Georgia Legislature and Governor Deal have imposed a 10.3% tax on the cost of a HOPE Scholarship, costing a family with one child attending this UGS institution almost $800.00

A family with two children would be taxed, annually, twice as much, from Fifteen Hundred to Two Thousand Dollars, depending on institutions attended.


What must be clearly understood is that The HOPE Scholarship is not an entitlement.  No tax revenues have previously ever been used to pay the first dime of any student receiving HOPE Funds. It is a scholarship based not on needs, but achievement.

Every dollar of HOPE Scholarship funds comes from the sale, the voluntary purchase, of lottery tickets. No one must participate, no one is made to pay anything to support the HOPE Scholarship program.

The Georgia Legislature arrogantly claims that the newly legislated (HB326AP) HOPE Scholarship program is “generous.” How clever of them to try to take credit for a program which was implemented because as a legislative body they were to gutless to pass educational tax reform in 1992, and remain to gutless to reform education in Georgia today. They pay a private company,  the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, to “review and accredit” our K-12 schools. They follow whatever hair brained scheme the US Congress proposes to improve education and mortgage our children’s future of “pennies on the dollar” Federal Aid, most of which is designed and implemented by euroamericans and progressives, or conservatives who would never qualify for a HOPE Scholarship.

Our State remains nearly last among all states because our Legislators are gifted in only one way, they are successful in making money and running businesses, neither of which has a damn thing to do with educating children.

How many of those grey haired, balding white conservative Legislators could actually qualify for a HOPE Scholarship, and how many of the younger members did qualify and maintain a HOPE Scholarship through their graduation ?

In point of fact, the revenue from the Georgia Lottery has been hijacked by the Georgia Legislature, Governor Deal, and The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. In 1992 the people of Georgia voted to reward our best and brightest students with a scholarship program that would insure that their deserving children would be able to attend college, and be free of the financial worries that limit academic achievement and diminish the zeal for excellence. The HOPE Scholarship was that program, and now these old grey haired white men have reduced this splendid program from a “scholarship” to a grant. Shame on them, and shame on their “generous” hyperbole. Demand that these men return to full payment of Tuition, and Fees and required Books.

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The H.O.P.E. Scholarship: Meritocracy or Mediocrity?

Helping Outstanding Students Educationally. The first letter of each word of the preceding phrase forms the acronym, H.O.P.E., which when simplified results in the noun “Hope,” as commonly used in the phrase “The Hope Scholarship.”

In this essay, I will assume that it should be clear to any reader that the acronym H.O.P.E. when simplified “Hope” is a homonym of the noun “hope,” and if you don’t know the meaning of homonym, I will further assume you are a graduate of, or a student attending a public high school in Georgia.

It is unfortunate that Governor Miller allowed the abuse of a perfectly fine word, hope, meaning, as defined at to cherish a desire with anticipation. I have great respect for Zell Miller, but in his zeal to sell a pre-k program, in his desire to fund college scholarships, and in his campaign to have Georgia voters approve a lottery to fund educational improvements, he had created a catchy but imperfect acronym to sell the program.

Good students don’t hope for academic success, they work for it. Saying, “I hope I make an “A” on an exam” really means, to an outstanding student, “I prepared well, I studied the material diligently, both in the textbook and in my class notes,  I should definitely earn a “A” on this exam!”   The use of the phrase, “I hope,” by a good student, implies either a genuine humility or, as often, a false modesty. Well prepared students achieve, average students do not.

Outstanding academic students will be well prepared to continue academic achievement after graduation from high school; however, academic achievement should never be used to predict post-graduate outcomes in any area other than continued academic advancement. Personal and financial success is not predicated on academic achievement, nor is satisfaction or happiness. The ability to test well, score well on academic subjects and tests and measurements of academic aptitude should never be seen as an indicator of superior life achievement or even as an indication of higher value to society at large, and government in particular.

The failure of our current state-wide educational system is a system failure, it does not reflect on the intelligence of Georgia students; rather, it reflects poorly on the systems we use to educate our students, on the methods we use to train our teachers, and on the failed policies of our Governor, the members of our General Assembly, and the archaic and intransigent administrators, superintendents and principals we employ.

These foolish men and women would have us believe that education is a business, our schools are factories, and our teachers are monitors of testing paradigms designed to measure performance. They would incentify performance outcomes by measuring not what is learned by students, but by how well students do on standardized tests. Teachers and administrators income growth would solely depend on their student’s meeting testing criteria, and on metrics designed only to compare performance against hallmarks which will often not have any predictive value in the real world.

In other words, it’s all smoke and mirrors. Today’s children in Georgia will be no more prepared to meet their future, to achieve happiness and success, than the children of the last 40 years. The Governor and the esteemed and often earnest members of the Georgia General Assembly will at some not to distant time in the future declare victory, and discuss a new way to improve “test scores” without the least concern for the quality of life and happiness of our citizens.

And the Hope Scholarship will continue to be the costly, often ineffective farce it now is, existing to buy off middle-class voters and provide a year or two’s tuition, through eligibility by grade inflation, for under-educated, poorly prepared sustenance class students.

I don’t offer my opinion to chastise or denigrate either a struggling middle class or those sustenance class parents who want their children to have an equal opportunity for achievement. That desire, equality of opportunity does not exist today, frankly for members of either the middle or sustenance class. No one can refute my assertion that none of our state colleges and universities offer the opportunities of Harvard, Duke, Vanderbilt, Yale or Stanford, to name just a few universities whose cost of attendance precludes all but the wealthiest or highest achieving student.

Consider that while scholarships are available, most applicants accepted by these universities have attended superior public or in many cases well-heeled private schools, and almost always come from families where education is valued and achievement expected.

What should the Hope Scholarship accomplish? Should it reward supporters of the elected officials? Should it allow ill-prepared students to attend, fail and lose the scholarship? Or should it truly become the engine of academic renewal in Georgia?

There can be no question that the HOPE Scholarship should be awarded purely on the basis of merit. If the voters of Georgia had wanted an entitlement program, they would have rejected the constitutional amendment as written, and awaited an amendment that provided grants on the basis of need, perhaps using an income and asset based “sliding scale” metric to determine eligibility. No, the HOPE was specifically  intended to help outstanding students educationally, not helping financially disadvantaged students educationally. If the people of Georgia want an entitlement program, they should petition their lawmakers to pass legislation creating, and paying, for such a program.

The pressing question of the viability of the HOPE Scholarship program has been answered by the 2011 General Assembly, and signed into law by Governor Deal. Many citizens, including dependent students, self-supporting students, and parents are questioning the remedy as designed by the General Assembly. It ignores three major areas of concern, increased eligibility as a function of grade inflation, the determination of metrics to initially qualify for specific amounts, and the irresponsible actions of the Board of Regents regarding continual increases in tuition and fees. In the first case, the present legislation, HB326/AP, attempts to answer the problem of ever-increasing eligibility, that is, more eligible students applying for HOPE Scholarships, by crafting new “classes” of  scholarship as determined by grade point and SAT/ACT scores. In doing so, the Legislature has deferred its decision to two other authorities, one constitutional, The State Board of Education, and one not constitutional, the two “college board” testing agencies.  In the case of relying on grade point averages to determine eligibility for different classes of financial scholarship aid, the General Assembly completely ignores the lack of parity and comparability among Georgia’s many school districts. Does a student at McEachern High School in Cobb County with a 3.1 GPA know less than a student from Chandler County High School with a 3.5 GPA?  Does a student from Mays High School in the City of Atlanta with a 3.9 GPA know less than a student with a 3.9  GPA at North Atlanta High School or a student with a 3.9 GPA at The Marist School,  a private school in DeKalb County?

Should a student who scores an 80 on an exam be weighed equal to a student who scores an 89 on the same exam, a 9 percentage point difference, as  each score receives the same quality point value, 3.0? And in the same vein, a student who scores a 91 on the same exam, a 2 percentage point difference, will receive a quality point value of 4.0, drastically superior in quality point value, but only marginally better in demonstrable scholarship.

What is the purpose of letter grades? In almost every other critical measure of value, we use percentages to measure accomplishment. We elect our Governor and our Legislators by percentages, our US Senators and Representatives by percentages, we pay income and property taxes by percentages, we apportion legal responsibility and liability in civil law by percentages, we even measure audience share on cable TV by percentages, and of course all the public opinion polls that we so closely follow, and by which we are seemingly so greatly influenced, give results in percentages.

Letter grades are a convenience and contrivance, supported by educators and teaching unions as a means of making grading “easier, ” more egalitarian, and allowing teachers to inject their personal opinion, their like or dislike, of a student into the grading equation. After all, what is the quantifiable difference between a B+  and an A grade on a paper?  Teacher’s pet or teacher’s peeve? Anecdotal evidence would suggest that union teachers, those whose union leaders preach “fairness and equality” are most often the most likely to discriminate against those who hold contrasting views or values. Requiring all grades to be given as a percentage score, 0 to 100 percent; requiring all essays to have measurable value points, both in content and grammar; and requiring teachers to grade objectively will provide a reasonably accurate measurement of scholastic achievement within each school’s  grade levels.

In order to compare all schools within Georgia, scores from each school should be weighed according to state-wide standardized test results, with scores of 100 weighed equally, and corresponding percentile deviations from normal distributions determined by the test results of all students within a school, and school system. In this manner, the highest achieving students at each school through-out the state would be weighed equally, while a student with an 80 percentile score at an under performing school would possibly have a score of a lower percentile for HOPE Scholarship eligibility purposes.

Creating and implementing this system of eligibility would eliminate both the concern for “grade Inflation” and the reliance on culturally and economically biased so-called “standardized test” scores from the SAT/ACT! This system would assure economic and racial equality and opportunity, as the highest performing students in each school peer grouping would achieve eligibility regardless of that school’s overall performance, which is most often based on racial enrollment and economic conditions. Students who then failed to achieve at the level of the most gifted and determined students would find themselves grouped within appropriate achievement percentiles state-wide.

To accomplish satisfactory resolution of the second major area of concern, a simple solution is required,  one which keeps faith with the spirit and the letter of the Constitution, the provision of full tuition, fees and books to all eligible students. This is possible through the use of a “floating” eligibility standard or weighted percentage point value, determined one academic year in advance of award. Rising seniors who have maintained a percentile ranking equal to the current year award requirement would, as seniors have to meet a percentile standard, statistically determined and posted before the start of school of their senior year.  This percentile would have to be met for the senior year only, and would be based on the projection of available revenue to fund full scholarships for all eligible students expected to be enrolled and receiving the HOPE Scholarship in the following year. Depending on economic conditions, anticipated lottery revenue, and tuition increases, the percentile requirement could increase or decrease.  One year a senior’s 85 percentile may allow an award of scholarship; another year severe economic conditions may require an 88 percentile, and in better days, an award might be made with an 81 percentile. All HOPE Scholarship students would be fully funded for the duration of their degree studies, provided they maintained eligibility.

The General Assembly must move to limit the ability of the State Board of Regent’s to incur debt, and to increase tuition and fees. A four-year moratorium must be enforced preventing any increase in tuition and fees. Students and parents have a right to have a say in these policies, after all, tuition is a tax, a use fee, charged by a state authority for a service provided. The Board of Regents is a perfect example of “taxation without representation” and these wanton spending profligates must be curbed. The Board of Regents is accountable to no one, even the Governors of Georgia have failed to curb their spendthrift policies, all promulgated in the name of “improving education” and making the University System “World Class.”  Wouldn’t “Georgia Class” be just as impressive? WE need the best system we can afford, and students and parents need to be able to afford the education without being left in debt by some apologizing scalawag who thinks our best isn’t good enough. Write Governor Deal, write your Legislator, and take back education from the pretentious elitists who populate the State Board of Regents. After all,  it’s called “Public Education”






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Wisconsin Public Service Unions: Right or Wrong?

Wisconsin v. Wisconsin?

This article is not about Republicans or Democrats or Unions or Open Shops. It’s about the implications of a seldom heard phrase, perhaps now antiquarian, that seemed so important to the Founding Framers, “Social Contract.”

We have all read and heard multiple stories about the controversy in Wisconsin, about what is good, fair, necessary or evil. About who is right or wrong, moral or amoral, legal or criminal, the adverbs and adjectives fly of the page and out of the mouths of talking heads and commentators.

What I have not heard is a examination of the nature and condition of employment in the public sector in comparison to employment in the private sector.  While both sectors have employee benevolent organizations called unions, might there be significant structural differences in the nature of the employee relationship to management that differentiates the conditions of employment?

I would posit that there are, and further that the difference between the public and private unions is as great as that between unions and guilds, and presents a significant difference in the nature of and condition of employment. The difference in nature is as different as that of our notion of the “social contract” and a legal contract, and the difference is well worth exploring.

Why a reference to the “Social Contract?” Because it is relevant to the nature and conditions by which we Americans govern ourselves. Unions do not ultimately seek benefits, they seek governance; they wish to decide the conditions of their employment.

At its most basic, the “social contract” is the statement that the people have a natural right to select how they are governed. At its most basic, a legal contract is an agreement between parties to allow their mutual behavior to be governed by law.



The private sector is composed of businesses, primarily corporations, which accomplish the work necessary to sustain and grow the economy of our society. Corporations are legal entities which offer legal protection in return for equity investment. They provide a “corporate veil” or shield protecting investors from the negligent acts of a company’s employees, management and labor. That protection induces investment and creates the initial equity, or capital, of a business, allowing it to hire employees, managers and laborers, and create products that are offered for sale. Experience has shown that managers and laborers, while sharing a common employer, may have different expectations and goals, and may often sharply disagree. Employees may express their grievances individually to their manager, and the manager may or may not respond. Since the late 19th century, employees and managers have been involved in negotiating the conditions of employment.


A union representing employees in the private sector, employees of a corporation, has won the right to represent employee members, through a statutory vote of employees, in negotiations with the company’s management.  These negotiations are commonly called “collective bargaining” and the result, the agreement or contract, is a legally enforceable document. Collective bargaining agreements, as with most contracts, have conditions and a term. These conditions are not normally imposed on either party by the other, but are the result of a compromise between the parties on matters relating to wages, benefits, and working conditions. Unions’ state they are necessary because many corporations act solely in their economic self interest, that is, they seek at all times and in all situations to maximize profit

Profit is the excess capital a company generates beyond its cost of doing business, or overhead. Companies may invest this excess capital in themselves, in other companies or distribute it to management and shareholders. We call this process Capitalism

We see that the relationship between employees and management is an economic transaction, a contract, regulated by law.

At its simplest, a private sector union exists because employees have no voice in management, do not normally invest their excess capital (buy or own stock) in the business, and have no control of the decisions or intent of management. Employees band together to have greater leverage in attaining the greatest compensation from their work, that is the best wages, benefits and working conditions. In a practical way, individuals have much less ability to maximize their economic return for the work they accomplish; together, in a union, they increase their ability through negotiations.

When an individual stops working because of wages, benefits or working conditions, we say they have quit, or been fired.

When a union stops working because of wages, benefits or working conditions, we say they are on strike.

In the private sector, the primary leverage that a union exerts is the threat of a strike, a work stoppage that also results in a revenue stoppage for the company, that is, a potential loss of profit.

In the private sector, the primary leverage that a company exerts is the threat of closure, the shutting down of a facility, and the transfer of some or all tasks to another facility or even to an off-shore facility.  That means employees are laid off, or terminated.

In this simple description of labor relations in the private sector, it seems clear that employees have no recourse other than collective bargaining to see redress of grievances or to seek an increase in compensation for their labor.  There are other alternatives, such as ESOP’s or employee stock ownership programs, but as a general rule, employees have no other means of altering the conditions of their employment other than collective bargaining. This activity is most certainly an expression of a desire to govern themselves, a least in part. The resulting agreements are legally binding contracts governed by law.



Public sector employment is the necessary labor to accomplish the desire of the people to govern themselves.  In America, it is a necessary outcome of the implementation of the Founding Framer’s notion of a “Social Contract.” When a people decide to govern themselves, as the colonists did in 1776, they assume the obligations to govern, and must decide on the means of governance.  In our representative democracy, we decided upon a Federal system, which created multiple layers of government. Our national government is composed of elected representatives and an elected executive. Our state governments are also composed of elected representatives and an elected executive. The governance of states is further subdivided into units composed of elected representatives.  These governmental structures do the work of the people, and the people who work for the government work for the people.

This is a very different structure from the private sector. Here employees are the agents of the governed, managed by elected officials, or their appointees. Here there exists no capital, no investment, no equity or stockholders. There is no profit, and no motive for profit.  Government is tasked with carrying out the will of the people, and taxes all citizens in various ways, to do so.

All the money spent by government is collected through taxation, even fees and fines are a form of taxation, and all debt owed by government, whether due now or deferred, will be paid through taxation.

It should be clear that government employees work for the people, and are paid by the people. The term most often used for them in the past was “Civil Servants” or as we now describe them collectively, the “Civil Service”

That begs the question, “Why are their government employee unions at all?”

In the past, even the present, corruption exists in government. The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act  began a long process of eliminating patronage, establishing qualifications for public sector employees and preventing the termination of public sector employees with just cause. This Federal law, enacted in 1883, forms the foundation for current civil service protections, none of which exist statutorily in the private sector. The civil service acts subsequent to the Pendleton Act at first expanded the protections afforded government employees, but, for purely political reasons, Congress began restricting those protections beginning with the Hatch Act of 1938, and the politically motivated Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, which reorganized the United States Civil Service Commission into the Office of Personnel Management, and all but promulgated the notion of Public Sector Unions. Of course, this Act was signed into law by who else, the great moralist and reorganizer, Georgia’s own populist President, Jimmy Carter.

In this act, and subsequent amendments and bureaucratic interpretations, called Federal Regulations, Congress returned to patronage in a grand form, payola by “negotiation,” and public sector unions became an entrenched institutions.

“Oh, they can’t strike.” The law does not allow work stoppages, and there is no patronage or nepotism allowed.  In fact all of the above has occurred, repeatedly, and the “sick –outs” of the current Wisconsin controversy attest to that.

Congress, to protect the re-election of its members, through laws allowing union contributions, has limited the constitutional rights of individual Federal employees, restricting their participation in political free speech, limiting their right to campaign to change their bosses through political activities while at work, and even limiting the right of some public sector employees to actively campaign when not at work!

It should be clear that the rise of Public Sector Unions is a direct result of the corrupt actions of elected officials, beginning with those in the Congress of the United States, who have used Public Service Unions as an unrestricted source of campaign funding and as a payoff to those special interest groups who “represent” the political will of union members.

Incredibly, these Public Service Unions, with their inflated wages and benefits, are stealing from themselves, as we the people of the United States are their actual employers.

We need to create an atmosphere of responsibility on the part of Public Service Unions to we, The People.  And we must make certain that those we employ are held in the highest regard and are the most competent, efficient and responsible employees in America.



We must begin the process of restoring public service to its inestimable place of honor in the workplace.  We must create policies that lead to procedures which allow government to recruit the best and brightest Americans to help build a better America,

Their will be great debate about the ways and means Congress can achieve this, but it is clear that a system meant to protect the integrity of public service has become the system that allows the greatest abuse.

First, we must insist Congress repeal the Hatch Act, and all acts that impinge of the rights of all citizens to fully express their political views and participate in political activities outside the workplace. Americans, all Americans, must be free to be fully engaged in our vibrant political process, with the understanding that such speech may not interrupt the process of governing the country, and may not be disruptive to the conduct of government business. Congress should repeal significant portions of the 1978 CSRA and re-establish a Civil Service Commission whose purpose must be to assure that Federal employees are paid compensation, wages and benefits, equivalent to the private sector employee in the geographic region in which they live.

Second, we must insist Congress pass legislation that provides for mandatory criminal penalties for employees who are corrupt or coercive in their political activities. The public service employee must never be threatened with repercussion or rewarded with patronage. No American should ever be complicit in forcing their political views on any other American, and the re-established Civil Service Commission must be tasked with the obligation to see that any Federal employee found guilty of such action be immediately terminated.

Third, Congress must act to decertify all Federal unions, and deny federal funding to any State or local program that is subject to the rules of any public service union. States may continue to allow the participation of public service unions in their own affairs, but such unelected officials should not participate in the work of elected Federal representatives governing the United States America.

Fourth, Congress must pass legislation allowing the free employment of any citizen in any state for an open position for which they meet all qualifications, and must prevent the compulsory enrollment of any employee in an organized labor union. This is an appropriate and apt application of the Interstate Commerce Clause, and legislation should be carefully crafted to protect the rights of those who choose to be enrolled and those who choose not to be enrolled. Congress should insure private sector labor union members should have the right to vote on any policy which supports or expends funds on any hard or soft political activity; as union members, however, they must accede to the majority rule, or be allowed to resign from the union. Finally, Congress should insure private sector unions may negotiate for non union members only with their permission, and insure businesses may offer separate employment packages to union and non-union employees.

With comparable wages and benefits, fair and merit based employment practices, employment with 229 year old “Institution,” and the opportunity to serve our nation, there should be no reason why the Federal government, or any State or Local government should not attract and retain the best and brightest employees, dedicated to doing the people’s work, and doing it well



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The Great Hope Scholarship Controversy of 2011…

…and 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015…

I have prepared this article for the benefit of so many who seem so uninformed regarding the constitutional and legislative requirements which regulate the eligibility and funding of the Hope Scholarship Program. It is not my intention to review the history of the enabling constitutional amendment, nor the history or particulars of the program.  What I am attempting to present is an overview of the revenue and funding requirements, as they exist today.

I am prompted by the facebook comments I have recently read, written by students of Kennesaw State University. I quote one without citation to preserve privacy, but I am prepared to cite if such is demanded.  I might add, I have seen similar comments in blogs written by students attending other University System schools.

“I can’t believe that the first thing Nathan Deal did as Governor was cut the HOPE scholarship by billions of dollars… Disgusting”

Governor Deal does not have the authority under the state Constitution to “cut” any funds from the Hope Scholarship budget.  See below, 1, 2, VIII, c.  The HS is not funded by general revenues or “taxed” revenues of the State, but by funds solely derived from the sale of lottery and gaming tickets, which funds can only be used as proved for in 1, 2, VIII, c, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.   The legislature created enabling legislation which provided for and required the expenditure of all lottery funds fulfill all constitutional requirements as are set forth in 1, 2, VIII below.

The revenue or net sales proceeds of each and every lottery ticket sold, along with that of any “game” ticket must be spent as required by the Constitution. Governor Deal can not cut any lottery funding, nor direct any lottery revenue to any other purpose. The Governor may, with legislative consent, direct the appropriation of funds in any ratio to any of the five specified funding requirements created by the State Constitution, and in fact the controlling legislation has been altered numerous times by Acts of the Georgia Legislature, and enacted by the signing of such legislation by several Governors.

The intent of the original legislation, an egalitarian entitlement for superior high school students, has been maintained in all successive enactments, and remains a viable and compelling motivation for academic achievement.

As in many states,  secondary education  has suffered from uncontrolled grade inflation, and each successive year has seen increased percentages of students who qualified under the legislative mandated academic requirements. The intent of the original sponsors was not to provide a tuition grant to all college or technical school bound students who were residents of Georgia and who graduated from a Georgia high school, but rather to incentivize or motivate superior students to apply themselves, and to attend Georgia public universities. However, with the collusion of educators, teachers and principals, representing “special interest” groups, student grades no longer reflect “superior” effort or intellect, but rather an ongoing attempt by educators to corrupt a “merit” based scholarship program into an “entitlement” program to provide funding for “average” students so they might also attend institutions of higher learning, regardless of their qualifications or achievement.

However “noble” the intentions of such educators, their subversive acts have had the effect of threatening the purpose, the merit based notion, of rewarding students whose achievement reflects a zeal to master secondary school academic topics and prepare themselves for further academic achievement. Simply put, as grade inflation has expanded so has the pool of “eligible” students, and yet funding has not increased sufficiently to allow full funding for all qualifying students.

The current funding requirements has drained the reserves provided for by the Constitution, and if left unaltered, the Hope Scholarship would have had no choice but to deny funding to many eligible students in the 2012 school year. That action, in and of itself, would be an infringement of the Georgia Constitution rights of those denied “eligible” students, and could precipitate a much more drastic, perhaps in some eyes, even draconian, revision of the enabling legislation. Such an action could open the door to a review of 1, 2, VIII and possibly allow the legislative introduction and ultimate passage of a constitutional amendment removing the existing lottery revenues from a dedicated fund into the general revenue fund of the State, as has often been proposed.

This occurrence, the constitutional amendment of the lottery program, has long been the desire of a disparate group of lobbyists and politicians who would use lottery revenues both to supplement the general fund and allow the defacto introduction of tuition entitlements, thus destroying a merit based scholarship program and replacing it with income based grants and loans available to any college bound student.

In the first case, supplements to the general fund would continue to allow legislators to expand state government, funding pet programs that mollify constituents, and benefit special interest groups; and in the second case, allowing funding of programs that provide direct state grants to all college bound students, without regard for academic achievement would serve to disincentivize academic scholarship and the enrollment of academically gifted students in state colleges and universities.

The Legislature and the Governor are to be commended for “saving” the Hope Scholarship program as was originally proposed, to reward motivated students, and for upholding and continuing this most successful program through legislation. After all, the Hope Scholarship is named for the acronym H.O.P.E, that is, Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally. Under the 2011 changes, high achievers, the superior students with  measurable achievement as  demonstrated by GPA and SAT scores, will continue to receive full tuition grant funding, with other qualifiers receiving 90 percent of full tuition. Please note that in lieu of the recent tuition increases the Board of Regents have approved, the actual dollar amount granted each student for tuition will remain the same or slightly increase for most students. Hope Scholarship grants for books and other fees will not be available.  This unfortunate result is not the work of the Governor and General Assembly; rather it remains attributable to the primary cause of increased financial pressure which has created this difficulty, grade inflation, which allows academically unqualified students access to Hope scholarship funds, and which rightly remains a subject of concern and controversy.

Only when Georgia’s elementary and secondary teachers and administrators begin to earn the wages we as citizens pay them, will we see an end to social promotion, nonexistent homework, chronic underachievement, deficient language and math skills, and the apathy that so consumes exhausted parents and over stimulated children today

A second and perhaps equally unjustifiable cause of the increase in the cost of tuition, fees and books is the aforementioned tuition increases approved by the Board of Regents.  Under the influence of administrators from the Chancellor and Institutional Presidents down to a well defined and politically influential “Band of Boosters” at each institution of higher learning, the Board has authorized the expenditure of funds far in excess of our state’s capacity to pay for them.

The Board of Regents remains unable to fathom the purpose of higher education, which is to educate our state’s citizens. They remain unconcerned that the effect of trying to create “perfect” higher learning environments: campus parks, buildings, research programs, student facilities and housing, can lead only to the economic exclusion of many qualified citizens and a burden of debt which attending students are made to pay. The goal of the Board of Regents should be to assure that every qualified student in Georgia will have access to education and training which will allow them to become productive citizens, and not be burdened with “educational “ loans made to pay for ever increasing tuition, book, fee and housing charges.

The fact is that an educated, productive work force would buy many more lottery tickets, remit greater sales and use tax revenues, and create a healthier and wealthier citizenry. Frankly, such a work force would solve many of the financial difficulties we face today. The Hope Scholarship is a highly visible lightening rod of education health in Georgia, and it is crucial to the future economic growth of the state.

Were students to be as concerned about the actions of their secondary educators, or the imperial behavior of the unelected Board of Regents, they might well have factual and important comments to make about those programs that so impact them.

Students, do you want more aid and assistance for your education?  Inform yourselves, educate your friends and vote!

Below is the text of the pertinent amendment to the State Constitution that contains the controlling language which enables the Governor and General Assembly to alter the conditions of the Hope Scholarship.


The Constitution of the State of Georgia

Article I. Section II. Paragraph VIII.


Paragraph VIII. Lotteries and nonprofit bingo games

(a) Except as herein specifically provided in this Paragraph VIII, all lotteries, and the sale of lottery tickets, and all forms of pari-mutuel betting and casino gambling are hereby prohibited; and this prohibition shall be enforced by penal laws.

(b) The General Assembly may by law provide that the operation of a nonprofit bingo game shall not be a lottery and shall be legal in this state. The General Assembly may by law define a nonprofit bingo game and provide for the regulation of nonprofit bingo games.

(c ) The General Assembly may by law provide for the operation and regulation of a lottery or lotteries by or on behalf of the state and for any matters relating to the purposes or provisions of this subparagraph. Proceeds derived from the lottery or lotteries operated by or on behalf of the state shall be used to pay the operating expenses of the lottery or lotteries, including all prizes, without any appropriation required by law , and for educational programs and purposes as hereinafter provided . Lottery proceeds shall not be subject to Article VII, Section III, Paragraph II; Article III, Section IX , Paragraph VI(a); or Article III, Section IX , Paragraph IV (c), except that the net proceeds after payment of such operating expenses shall be subject to Article VII, Section III, Paragraph II. Net proceeds after payment of such operating expenses shall be separately accounted for and shall be specifically identified by the Governor in his annual budget presented to the General Assembly as a separate budget category entitled “Lottery Proceeds” and the Governor shall make specific recommendations as to educational programs and educational purposes to which said net proceeds shall be appropriated. In the General Appropriations Act adopted by the General Assembly, the General Assembly shall appropriate all net proceeds of the lottery or lotteries by such separate budget category to educational programs and educational purposes. Such net proceeds shall be used to support improvements and enhancements for educational programs and purposes and such net proceeds shall be used to supplement, not supplant, non-lottery educational resources for educational programs and purposes. The educational programs and educational purposes for which proceeds may be so appropriated shall include only the following:

(1) Tuition grants, scholarships, or loans to citizens of this state to enable such citizens to attend colleges and universities located within this state , regardless of whether such colleges or universities are operated by the board of regents, or to attend institutions operated under the authority of the Department of Technical and Adult Education;

(2) Voluntary pre-kindergarten;

(3) One or more educational shortfall reserves in a total amount of not less than 10 percent of the net proceeds of the lottery for the preceding fiscal year;

(4) Costs of providing to teachers at accredited public institutions who teach levels K -12, personnel at public postsecondary technical institutes under the authority of the Department of Technical and Adult Education, and professors and instructors within the University System of Georgia the necessary training in the use and application of computers and advanced electronic instructional technology to implement interactive learning environments in the classroom and to access the state -wide distance learning network; and

(5) Capital outlay projects for educational facilities; provided, however, that no funds shall be appropriated for the items listed in paragraphs (4) and (5) of this subsection until all persons eligible for and applying for assistance as provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection have received such assistance, all approved pre-kindergarten programs provided for in paragraph (2) of this subsection have been fully funded, and the education shortfall reserve or reserves provided for in paragraph (3) of this subsection have been fully funded.

(d) On and after January 1, 1995 , the holding of raffles by nonprofit organizations shall be lawful and shall not be prohibited by any law enacted prior to January 1, 1994. Laws enacted on or after January 1, 1994, however, may restrict, regulate, or prohibit the operation of such raffles.


Links to the complete text of the Constitution of the State of Georgia:


Links to enabling legislation enacted by the Georgia General Assembly:


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One Nation under God…

What we do not want is a theocracy; what we want is a democracy influenced by theology.

I find enormous controversy in the current press and in public opinion over the relationship between God and country. Even this sentence may be a source of contentious debate, should “God” be capitalized, or appear as “god?”  Similarly, should country be lower case, “country” or should it be capitalized “Country?”  In this series of essays, I intend to examine the nature and history of this tortuous relationship, with the counsel of your opinions, and a very specific and admittedly biased point of view which I hold dear and assert is true.

This issue is both current and incendiary because of the appearance of struggle between two of the world’s  major religious systems, or faiths, Christianity and Islam. Most reference sources posit that these two “faiths” are followed by over 50% of the world’s population.  As both faiths share a common Semitic text as a foundation, the Hebrew Torah, or Christian named Pentateuch or Islamic named Tawrat, it would seem that conflict between these faiths could be resolved with acceptance of divergent yet related points of view.

We must accept that such a reasonable resolution has not yet been reached, in fact, if anything we seem headed toward an inevitable, escalating feud between radicals of both religious persuasions. Our experience is that we are attacked by Islamic radicals seeking to impose their faith on our system of governance; their experience is that we seek to impose our system of governance on their faith.

In America, we are further assailed by a third petard, those who assert their is no place for any theology in governance. They allude to a “wall of separation” in America between church and State, most often in benign ignorance of our history.

Now we find ourselves at a point in our history where these three concepts of governance are fully met on the field of public opinion: Representative Democracy and the God of our Fathers; Theocracy and the God of Islam; and Participatory Democracy without god.

At this point I would like to stimulate discussion by flatly rejecting as absurd the notion that colonial America, the experiment of self-governance that flourished from Jamestown to Yorktown, was the product of an intellectual elite who were surely Deists, and whose quest for liberty was apart from any notion of an established religion and any belief in God.

Further, as a descendant of colonists, let me assert that the very notion of a cadre of “Founding Fathers,” wise and all knowing, who “brought forth liberty” in this land is an  offense to the memory of true patriots whose spurting blood and dismembered limbs is the only reason for our liberty, such as we know it today.  The myth of the “Founding Fathers” perpetuated by an elitist European educated and euro-adulating northeastern intelligentsia is at the heart of the decay of our experiment in democracy we so clearly observe today.

While it is true that many famous men wrote stirring words about liberty and freedom, only one man led the farmers, the millwrights, the coopers, the store clerks, the hunters and trappers, the gentry and mercantilists; only one man inspired the ill trained militias, the humble, the quiet, the poor, the common folk from the Eastern Shore, the men from the hard scrabble spines of the Allegheny and Appalachian, the men come down from the rock-rich moraines of New England settlements and up from the Piney Woods of the South’s alluvial plains; only one man was Father to a Revolution and to a Country.

There were no “Founding Fathers;” not even the most prosaic immigrant or child thereof enraptured by the potentious sound of words struck in liberty’s cause can place Jefferson or Adams or Madison on the battlefield;  none of these enlightened and eloquent wordsmiths ever knew the numbing cold of Valley Forge, none in their absence lost a crop or a wife or a child.  Yet every day these men’s friends and neighbors, gathering at shops and public houses and in magistrates courts would  poignantly speak aloud of such horrific sacrifices of their fellow countrymen as to stir the hearts and pens of these gifted men.  And as for claims, so often repeated today, that one or another was a “Deist,” not at all religious;  that they framed the most inspiring political words in human history without regard for such common christian beliefs as had been taught from colonial pulpits for a century and a half; such modern “sentiments” are found to be absurd by every measure of recorded American history.

These men, the greatest political theorists of western history, the very framers of our Constitution, repeatedly gave voice to the most commonly held expressions of influence Christianity offered, the fact that man was created by a supreme being, that societal law derived is derived natural law, and that all men are informed and inspired by the judeo-christian texts which form the canon of christian belief. To ignore the faith of a colonial people whose very education most often began by learning to read from the KJV Bible is to ignore the nascent influence which gave rise to the revolutionary spirit of those people. These were no longer Europeans, and they early on became English “colonists” in name only. I would assert that such a people as settled the Atlantic coast of the new world were by their adventurous nature and independent spirit inclined to disregard the customs and laws of their mother country, and were most willing to accept “Divine” guidance and assistance in the settling of a vast and often impenetrable wilderness. That guidance came from the reading of the “Holy Scriptures” and their belief in those teaching and the faith in God that His divine hand would protect and guide them.

Without the constraints, the propaganda, the tenets of a State established church whose teachings were promulgated to protect an established political order, and yet with the very best understanding of freedom free from the heel of tyrants, these colonists developed a sense of liberty directly synthesized from two sources, the Bible, and Nature, as expressed in the overwhelming panoply of landscapes, textures, and limitless opportunity the new world offered. For many,  for my ancestors, this world was the “promised land” and free of landlords and overlords, my people began to govern their own conduct and to establish a system of governance that was rooted in the needs and desires of the common people; not in the wants of the nobility as was seen in the Magna Carta.  The sense of owning property, the sense of possession of rights to define ownership, the very notion of a land free of tyrants and kings came from their reading of the Pentateuch, and belief in God; and their sense of the dignity and value of even the most common man came from the New Testament, from words quoted to come from the mouth of Jesus, the son of man, and son of God.

The American Republic is that institution that results not from the enlightened words of philosophers, nor from theories of political scientists, but from the mouth of the baptized, the never ending procession of individuals seeking to interpret God’s will for mankind in their own words, seeking to create a new Jerusalem, a new promised land.

Were there other secular, worldly  influences? Without doubt!  Those who wrote the founding documents were well educated in European thought, and well read in European literature, and well able to compose inspiring documents in prose which lifted the spirits of all men, even to this day. But never doubt that for the most part they were expressing the desires and hopes of common working men, and women,  friends and neighbors, whose  actions were not inspired by the framer’s words, but rather whose actions inspired the framers to find those words.

Those simple men and women, often the least among all in material wealth, brought forth both the wrath of God on the oppressor and the blessing of God on his chosen. Their deep and abiding love of God and belief in His new covenant sent them into battle with the British, and made way for the great Christian country which we are yet become, but must seek to become.

Our inspired framers were rallied to the cause of liberty not by European thinkers who conceived of liberty, but failed to give birth to it; nor by a rational ego that denied the existence of God, and asserted the rights of might and privilege, but by the zeal and sacrifice of christian believers through-out the colonies. They were Deists?  They did not believe in the God of Israel, nor in the divinity of the son of man? They saw no need to inform their beliefs, and conceive of liberty as a gift of God?

Could they have held such assertions when all those around them were praying for both life and liberty; when prayer to the divine opened every colony’s assembly; when one of the most radical patriots of the day proposed it was perfectly proper to allow all Virginians to choose the Christian church they would officially support, in lieu of the Church of England.

This is not to denigrate or minimize the contributions of those the academic elitists call “Founding Fathers,” for none of them ever claimed to be the equal of the one man the sobriquet fit. Each in his own way gave sustenance to the new nation, none gave birth. No, they are blameless in that generations of euroamerican intellects and academics and politicians have played to the crowd, banged the drum more loudly, paraded their need of a king, or superman, or hero before the huddled masses; none of whom rose up against their European masters, all of whom sought refuge in a flight across the Atlantic to Lady Liberty.

There is a point to what now may seem a digression, and that point is that we had only one “Founding Father” and by now you must know his name. What did George Washington write about God and Country? Read from his Farewell Address to his “Friends and Fellow Citizens:”

“And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

Listen America to your Father.



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