Albany Bishop rejects General Convention compromise

Albany bishop rejects General Convention compromise on gay marriage, refuses to allow rites

David Paulsen

Editor, Episcopal News Service


Your article on the Bishop of Albany’s actions regarding implementation of Resolution B012 is a thoughtful and just portrayal of the Bishop Love’s position, and the Presiding Bishop’s initial response. Well written, well-conceived, beautifully expressed, fine journalism,  I commend you for your presentation of the comments of those in agreement with the intent of Resolution B012, and the Bishop Love’s heartfelt disagreement with it.  My ordinate was also in disagreement with many of the precepts of the Episcopal Church in his time, and can be said to have been the first American Episcopal Bishop to have departed from the normal denominational practices regarding sexuality and gender. Bishop Pike stoked the fire and was, at his end, consumed by the flames of his apostasy. I realize that the concerns of those whose sexual orientation or gender identity differs from the statistical normalcy of the majority of humans are valid and obvious, and that they have experienced discrimination and even ridicule in pursuit of their happiness.

I only wish to posit one point: that the pursuit of happiness and indeed any state of human fulfillment and satisfaction is not the point of the Gospel, and is not the purview of the Christian Church. Because we failed, institutionally and individually, to share the love of Christ with those whose physical and personality traits diverged, quite naturally, from the majority, should not imply that the contemporary acceptance and even institutional legislation of means and methods to allow these congregants to express their sexual diversity canonically is a righteous act.

In my view the institutional Episcopal Church has merely joined them on an eternal merry-go-round, which will not lead either those desiring acceptance or those offering it, to Eternal Joy.  We should have changed, conformed to the Gospel, and accepted these children of God into our hearts and appropriately into our rites with the same zeal and joy as the Prodigal Father felt for his son. For those who say the Church has changed, has accepted them, I would only ask at what cost?  Bishop Love presents the “traditional” view of marriage, the General Convention, a progressive view. One view must be in error, and the result is the possible condemnation of the souls following one point of view and the potential salvation of the souls following the other.

Faithfully, I believe that Bishop Pike, suffering, lying broken and bloody, dying in the Negev, repented  his apostasy, his alcoholism and his marital indiscretions, and is redeemed. What Wadi’s do the apostates of the present Episcopal Church offer their congregants: where will each of these souls suffer enough pain to purge themselves of the human delusion that man, not God, rules every life?

Human happiness is not the purpose of the Gospel, righteous obedience by the children of creation to the Will and Laws of God is.

God Bless you,

Bull Sullivan


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